Littering by CITY=Port Charlotte

Throwing multiple bottles and fast food bags12/17/2012 8:37:50 AM12/5/2012
8:30: AM
United StatesFLPort CharlotteEl Jobean Rd/SR 776 near intersection of Biscayne Dr33ChevyS10 pickup maybeolderwhiteGDIRTY5
Cant wait until you stop to put it in a trash can?9/18/2013 1:45:29 PM9/17/2013
5.00: PM
United StatesFloridaPort CharlotteFlamingo Blvd33948MiniCooperRed576 VGC
Lady picks up dog feces, places them in plastic bags and throws the bags into the wooded lots6/1/2016 5:10:47 PM6/1/2016
5:01:06 PM
United StatesFloridaPORT CHARLOTTEAmstead and Judge Ave33980
green kia7/3/2018 1:48:33 PM7/3/2018
1:45:24 PM
United StatesFloridaport Charlotteveterans blvdKIASOULGREENJVI H86
Throw cigerate out window 3/6/2019 7:39:10 PM3/6/2019
5:16 pm
United StatesFloridaPort CharlotteHighway 4133950KiaForteBlackCom501