Littering by ZIP_CODE=29455

Construction and so much more6/11/2013 11:50:47 AMFor the past two years
11:48:20 AM
United StatesscJohns Island3257 Humbert Road 29455
This person is a repeat litterer of Icehouse beer cans. This male subject has been drinking and driving on Chisolm Rd. for many months. He l2/7/2015 6:28:13 AM2/7/2015
6:25:25 AM
United Statessouth carolinaJohns IslandFrisco Lane and Chisolm Road29455
This person is a repeat litterer. White male subject has been drinking and driving on Chisolm Rd. for many months. He has been throwing beer cans out on sides of road when done. This person has been filmed with dash cam in the act as well!2/7/2015 6:58:44 AM2/6/2015
12:48 p.m.
United StatesSouth CarolinaJohns IslandFrisco Lane and Chisolm Road29455DODGEn/alate modelREDKMW-184
Throwing beer cans out of truck2/7/2015 7:24:21 AMweekly-specifically 2/6/2015
filmed at 12:48 on 2/6/2015
United StatesSouth CarolinaJohns IslandFrisco Lane and Chisolm Road29455DodgeRAM2000sREDKMW-184
Two clumps of balled up trash10/25/2015 5:24:36 PM10/25/2015
About 8:00 pm
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINAJohns islandBohicket road29455Burgundy/redIVE569
Threw out a ciggarete butt after already littering trash10/25/2015 5:28:29 PM10/25/2015
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINAJohns land Bohicket road29455Burgundy/ redIVE569