Littering by ZIP_CODE=33063

Throwing Bottles4/25/2013 1:01:59 PM4/25/2013
United StatesFloridaMargate3201 n st rd 733063Ford Mini VanBeige960 wvg
The driver threw an empty soda bottle on he side of the road6/6/2014 2:50:02 PM6/6/2014
12:10 PM
United StatesFloridaCoconut Creek4811 Coconut Creek Pkwy 33063N/AN/AN/ADark Blue or BlackR64OLK
orange juice bottle9/5/2014 11:20:45 AM9/5/2014
13:17:24 AM
United StatesFLPompano BeachCopanS Rd33063Hondaaccord / civic2010 looks newsilverCEBA09
there are plastic bags and papers all over the street where the lake is and birds can suffercate1/30/2015 6:27:17 AM1/30/2015
6:23:26 AM
United Statesflmargatewhinfield blvd NW 63rd Ave 33063
Snack envelope9/1/2018 9:06:27 AM9/1/2018
12:00 PM
United StatesFLORIDAMargate441 & royal palm33063Toyota TundraSilverHWXR18
Person thew out large plastic WaWa cup out the window.12/14/2018 8:07:27 AM12/14/2018
9:15 AM
United States FloridaCoral Springs Rock Island Road and Sample Road33063navy blueHQE J10
Littering4/22/2020 7:12:21 AM4/22/2020
7:09:14 AM
United StatesFLORIDACoconut creekFlorida’s turnpike north 33063ChevySuv2015WhiteIFEM30