Littering by ZIP_CODE=33147

Dumping trash, clothes & shoes in street7/2/2013 4:41:50 PM7/2/2013
7:25:13 PM
United StatesFloridaMiami NW 17 Ave & 68 street33147NissanMaximaWhite974YNJ
I will send the other reports by fax and not e-mails so that I do not compromise my security.3/19/2014 8:13:31 PM3/01/2014
7:53:18 PM
United StatesFloridaMiamiNW 96th Terrace and 21 Avenue33147Large US Van Lines TruckPERPETRATORS & suspects and Company responsible - tag#: 108LSQ US VAN LINES TRUCK – DRIVEN BY Christopher Love and friends whitetruck 108LSQ
dumping branches and others4/19/2015 6:29:37 PM4/19/2015
9:10 PM
United StatesFloridamiami 82 st and 21 ave nw 33147
dumping branches and others4/19/2015 6:29:54 PM4/19/2015
9:10 PM
United StatesFloridamiami 82 st and 21 ave nw 33147
Saw someone littering dirty white napkins to the street.2/6/2016 5:11:38 PM2/6/2016
11 am
United StatesFloridaMiami33147FordWhite537ypx
UPS package11/26/2018 1:33:56 PM11/26/2018
1:26:18 PM
United StatesFLMiami2497 NW 88th ST33147
Throw papers on the street from the car 7/30/2019 4:59:30 AM7/25/2019
United StatesFLMiamiNW 22 Ave33147ChevroletCruzeBlackCME4507
Throw papers on the street from the car 7/30/2019 9:12:28 AM7/25/2019
United StatesFLMiamiNW 22 Ave33147ChevroletCruzeBlackCME4507