Littering by ZIP_CODE=92082

Litter was flying out of the bed of the truck6/10/2012 11:51:06 AM6/10/2012
11:00 AM
United StatesCAValley CenterValley Center Rd92082Nissansmall truck?Olive Green7c35855
Lit cigarette thrown out of window1/17/2014 11:27:45 AM1/17/2014
06:35 AM
United StatesCAValley CenterOld Castle Road92082ChevroletSilverado LT Charcoal Gray06604J1
Man throwing multiple pieces of trash out of the window9/18/2016 10:51:49 AM9/18/2016
10:42:19 AM
United StatesCaliforniaValley CenterOld Castle92082Box truckBox truckUnknown White68437A2
Cigarette thrown from vehicle10/4/2016 5:09:51 PM10/1/2016
9:40 PM
United StatesSan DiegoValley CenterValley Center Grade92082ChevySedanDark Blue7DOM418
Throwing coffee cup4/17/2019 7:58:28 AM4/17/2019
7:30.36 AM
United StatesCaliforniaValley centerValley center rd92082ToyotaSilver4sje956
Throwing coffee cup4/17/2019 12:15:09 PM4/17/2019
7:30.36 AM
United StatesCaliforniaValley centerValley center rd92082ToyotaSilver4sje956
Throwing coffee cup4/17/2019 12:15:13 PM4/17/2019
7:30.36 AM
United StatesCaliforniaValley centerValley center rd92082ToyotaSilver4sje956