Littering by ZIP_CODE=93536

grass trimings and animal waste3/27/2014 11:40:29 AM3/27/2014
11:37:49 AM
United StatesCaliforniaAntelope Acres9202 West Avenue E893536
was in drive-thru trash can was 5 feet away1/16/2015 2:51:03 AM1/16/2015
1:30:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLancasterJack In The Box 2030 West Avenue K Lancaster, CA 9353693536CHEVYHHR Le2005 - 2007Tan6LGN782
Littering11/17/2015 2:30:31 PM11/17/2015
1:24:46 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLancasterAve I, between 40th-30th street west93536lincolnnavigatordark blue6PCF570
GIANT pile of trash1/19/2016 3:59:41 PM1/16/2016
United StatesCaliforniaLancasterCorner of 47th West & Avenue J693536
Was in my front yard, when I saw my own neighbor stick her arm out of the vehicle and just drop a plastic bottle and just looked at me as she drove by9/15/2017 10:17:00 AM9/15/2017
10:12:47 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLancaster42854 Fairlee Drive 93536scionXb2015Purple
Black Male driver threw a full Bug Gulp out passenger y7/21/2019 10:05:15 AM7/21/2019
9:59:40 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Lancaster Ave L93536HyundaiSonata2017BlackKimmieJ