Mcdonalds thrown out window2/22/2011 10:30:25 AM2/21/2011
7:45:00 AM
United StatesFloridaPENSACOLAI-110 southbound torwards pensacola beach32506ChevyZ71dark silverVBL63
stopped at red light and sunkist can and food was thrown out the passenger side window5/10/2012 11:36:35 AM5/10/2012
11:33:55 AM
United StatesFLORIDApensacolapalafox at burgess rd32503mazdatributegold132NER
tossing lit cigarette out window7/11/2012 5:46:06 AM7/10/2012
2:10 PM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacolaScenic Highway32504Mercedes E3502011 ?Black007 3IM
Dropping trash out of car window5/31/2013 3:42:08 PM5/31/2013
5:38:25 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBayou blvd32503Blue536PFJ
Front passenger throwing soda can out window6/22/2013 11:08:42 AM6/22/2013
11:02:53 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaPensacola Bay Bridge32501CHrysler300Grey525 PUY
Throwing cigarettes out the window7/17/2013 6:38:13 AM7/17/2013
8:25 AM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacola17th avenue at Cervantes 32503FordExpeditionAprox 1998WhiteDv4789c
Driver littering7/28/2013 10:33:20 AM7/25/2013
1:30 p.m.
United StatesFloridaPensacolaBrent at I-11032504Nissan ???whiteAHQ N84
Dropped trash out the window two times.8/30/2013 2:50:41 PM8/30/2013
2:47:43 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBayfront32562Chevrolet Impala LSTan360NIL
McDonalds trash10/14/2013 1:58:28 PM10/14/2013
3:20 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacoladetroit blvd32534Buick gmmaroonBQHC56
Full fast food bag11/2/2013 2:58:48 PM11/2/2013
2:54:19 PM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacolaSorrentoSilver902 HBC
Littering out car window2/1/2014 11:37:29 AM2/1/2014
11:35:10 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaGulfbeach Hwy32507Black591pqp
Threw cigarette butt out the car window.5/20/2014 6:21:40 AM5/20/2014
8:06 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaBlue Angel Pkwy32534JeepWranglerNewer?BlackBUG Y86
Throwing multiple pieces of trash out the window6/25/2014 1:03:20 PM6/25/2014
12:58:41 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaSorrento ChevyPickup truck????WhiteF10DDY
several napkins out window7/4/2014 10:53:33 AM7/2/2014
approx 3:30 Pm
United StatesFLPensacolaBeverly ParkwaySaturnsilverJ121XQ
Trash thrown from car into bay8/14/2014 2:08:40 PM8/14/2014
3:55 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaUS 90 bridge into Pace32514Dodge Red truckRedN12 7LJ
threw out energy drink can8/15/2014 1:22:44 PM8/15/2014
1:21:12 PM
United StatesFLpensacolafairfield32506chevroletmalibu2011whiteLZK 120
Fed Up With It1/29/2015 6:59:44 AM1/29/2015
6:56:34 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaWildflower Lane32514
The person threw several small items out his left car window3/25/2015 6:37:09 AM3/25/2015
7:30 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaPerdido key drive32507Jeep Patriot 2010Rusty red5AD1063
Through cigarette rappers out window.5/5/2015 5:39:33 AM5/5/2015
7:26:31 AM
United StatesFLPensacola32507FordExplorerBlack5AP4642
Through cigarette rappers out window.5/5/2015 5:39:45 AM5/5/2015
7:26:31 AM
United StatesFLPensacola32507FordExplorerBlack5AP4642
Cigarettes5/13/2015 5:42:06 AM5/13/2015
5:39:06 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaDavis hwy32514Ford F1502012GrayAYQK21
Grass clippings being thrown into my property5/24/2015 4:51:03 PM5/24/2015
4:35:14 PM
United StatesFLPensacola2100 Whaley Ave.39203
Threw trash out of drivers side window8/20/2015 6:26:46 AM8/20/2015
7:45 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaI110 S close to Cervantes St Exit32502FordEdgeUnknownBlack or Dark Gray or Dark BlueM71 3JE
Threw trash out of drivers side window8/20/2015 6:26:57 AM8/20/2015
7:45 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaI110 S close to Cervantes St Exit32502FordEdgeUnknownBlack or Dark Gray or Dark BlueM71 3JE
I was coming out of my neighborhood and i saw someone throw trash out of their vehicle.1/21/2016 6:41:19 PM1/21/2016
6:28:21 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacola7912 Jambalaya Trail32526ford?Red0853PU
Soda out Window3/15/2016 6:48:08 PM3/15/2016
6:42:27 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacola Pensacola Beach Rd32561Chevrolet BlazerWhiteJ109K0
Trash thrown out the window3/29/2016 6:55:15 AM3/29/2016
8:15:00 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaPace Blvd32501Chebroletsuburbandark green1033pq
Litter tossed from vehicle4/3/2016 9:36:41 AM4/3/2016
10:28 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaapprox 3500 block Bayou Blvd32503NissanAltima2015GreyFL 654-RSB
cigarette butt out the windown.7/11/2016 4:04:54 PM7/11/2016
4:35 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaI-110 32502
cigarette butt out the windown.7/11/2016 4:06:13 PM7/11/2016
4:35 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaI-110 32502SaturnVueRedY71 EWK
Driver opened his car door and threw what looked like cup liners onto the road7/19/2016 5:39:07 AM7/19/2016
5:33:07 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola Pace Boulevard 32502VolkswagenBettle2004-2006Black 193RSA
Threw a cup and fast food trash8/28/2016 9:48:00 AM8/28/2016
9:40:19 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola 9th Ave 32503ToyotaWhite Maw498
White Dodge sedan throwing their trash9/24/2016 7:08:02 PM9/24/2016
8:30:25 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaBayou blvdDodgeSedanLateWhite
Throwing out cigarette butt1/20/2017 3:54:46 PM1/20/2017
3:47:17 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaHwy 98 and 17th32505ChevCorvette2015Burnt OrangeLESS GOD
A whole truck load of trash dumped in the Northeast corner of the park3/22/2017 9:05:19 AM3/22/2017
8:56:37 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaAshton Brosnaham Dr. 32514NaNaNaNaNa
Fast Food Trash Thrown out of car window3/24/2017 9:27:56 PM3/23/2017
5:40:27 PM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacolaCervantes StPontiac ?G6 ?WhiteFL. T791776
Trash out the drivers side window3/29/2017 7:14:57 PM3/22/2017
5:30 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaDavis HWY32514ChevroletC/K1998Bright Red
Trash out the drivers side window3/29/2017 7:15:05 PM3/22/2017
5:30 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaDavis HWY32514ChevroletC/K1998Bright Red
Full Trash Bags and Fast Food Bags4/15/2017 8:54:22 AM4/15/2017
8:52:14 AM
United StatesFloridapensacolagovernors drive32514
Plastic water bottles used to spit tobacco in.4/17/2017 12:24:32 PM4/17/2017
12:18:38 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaTeleran32534
Reckless teen4/30/2017 9:55:43 PM4/30/2017
9:52:01 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaGregory St32501NissanAltimaWhiteHKPN42
Person in car throwing out trash on bridge5/6/2017 4:16:53 PM5/6/2017
4:12:32 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacola3 mile bridgeNissanMurano SV2015SilverEVVS03
Person in Suv threw out fast food garbage three times while driving behind him/her5/7/2017 6:03:15 PM5/7/2017
5:50:25 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBrent lane32526UnknownUnknownUnknownGold or tan229 1IC
Illegal dumping of trash from Home5/30/2017 8:43:55 AM5/30/2017
10:39:41 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola935 N. New Warrington32506FordFusion2016Black166-EWM
Plastic or Cardboard ice-cream cone thrown out.6/2/2017 3:45:19 PM6/2/2017
5:10:00 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaSchwab Dr. right before the Intersection with Creighton.32504ChryslerSebring2008-2010SilverHUB E69
Regular Vagrants: scattered garbage8/4/2017 6:14:33 PM8/4/2017
6:02:57 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBlackwell Ln32514
Threw out 2 pieces of trash out driver window8/23/2017 7:12:25 AM8/23/2017
6:58:52 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaPine Forest Road32526ChevyMalibuSilver Yoivt1
Steadily throwing napkins out the window9/1/2017 5:10:36 AM9/1/2017
7:00 am
United StatesFlorida (FL)PensacolaPalafox st32503HyundaiSonataBlueEEYZ32
Trash pile in parking lot11/3/2017 6:57:36 AM11/3/2017
United StatesFLPENSACOLA100-198 W. Belmont St.32501
Littering from car12/14/2017 1:59:39 PM12/14/2017
1:30 p.m.
United StatesFloridaPensacolaSaufley Fld Rd32506BuickLucerneLight blue933 NIK
Littering 3/16/2018 8:29:13 AM3/16/2018
8:26:37 AM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacolaI10 mile marker 5CheveroletSilverado truckGreyB845717
Couple from Alabama dumped trash, lots of it, out of car then drove off. 3/31/2018 12:09:42 PM3/31/2018
11:53:59 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola10 Mile Road and Hey 2932514FordFusionSilver/light blue2BW9950
Orange h2 dumped their trash in parking lot from their vehicle4/3/2018 11:14:52 AM4/3/2018
11:12:42 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaZaxbys32526HummerH2OrangeDvs517
Threw cigarette butts out the window4/11/2018 11:59:20 AM4/11/2018
11:45:41 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaDavis HWYChevyAveoRedIPW591
Driver threw cup out of window 5/27/2018 12:07:21 PM5/26/2018
2:00:28 AM
United StatesFLPensacola Clearview Avenue 32505Dodge Avenger 2015~Black EZLL16
Watched someone throw a cup out of thr window at stop light. In front of many people. Obviously doesnt care6/3/2018 8:42:44 AM5/29/2018
8:30:38 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaInterstate 110 Davis Highway Exit32514FordFocus2006Silver1981XV
Eratic driving then tossed can off of bridge into the bay6/15/2018 11:37:07 AM6/13/2018
5:45 pm
United StatesFLPensacola3 Mile BridgeDk RexHYF091 ?
Beer can and soda cup6/15/2018 5:25:11 PM6/15/2018
5:19:26 PM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacola Highway 9832507ChryslerPacifica2005-2007Teal/turquoise IYXI56
Dumping building materials7/19/2018 12:56:33 PM7/19/2018
12:51:42 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaHerman32505black
Littering on Ramp to I-10 from US 907/22/2018 1:50:32 PM7/22/2018
3:43 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaRamp onto I-10 West from Scenic Highway (US 90)32504JeepCherokee LimitedNewerDark GreyCHE2374
Xterra suv throwing out windows8/22/2018 8:05:09 PM8/22/2018
8:00:18 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaDavis highway32526NissanXterraGreyiC66MK
Someone in car threw trash on road8/24/2018 12:58:49 PM8/24/2018
12:45:27 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaCreighton road32504DodgeSLT 4x4Dark blue03N297
Man threw a plastic water bottle of of window of car10/1/2018 5:00:57 AM9/30/2018
United States FloridaPensacolaN Davis and OliveFL 247NTR
Opens door and drops entire McDonalds combo meal trash1/18/2019 6:57:55 AM1/18/2019
6:51:06 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaDavis hwy and airport blvd intersectionChevyChampaign2956T0
Throwing trash from the passenger side2/26/2019 4:03:12 PM2/26/2019
3:59:48 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaOld Gulf Beach Hwy32507BlueFL Y25 LNN
Throwing a bag of trash out of car window3/2/2019 9:43:12 AM3/2/2019
9:39:29 AM
United StatesFLPensacola Bellview 32526FordFusionWhite189BFQ
Throwing trash out of front passenger window while vehicle is moving 3/2/2019 3:48:24 PM3/2/2019
3:46:00 PM
United StatesFLPensacola Mobile hwy 32526FordGray5802984
driver throwing styrofoam cups out of window4/1/2019 9:34:08 AM4/1/2019
1117 a.m.
United StatesFloridaPensacolaNine Mile Road32514Kiasoulblacky26 edh
Throwing trash out window4/8/2019 6:59:08 AM4/8/2019
8:55 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola5046 Bayou Blvd32504ChryslerCaravan2009GoldI98 BNF
Candy Bar5/1/2019 4:01:14 PM5/1/2019
3:57:05 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaOlive Rd32514NissanAltima2016?SilverGHQJ53
Young female driver throwing fast food garbage out her vehicle onto Blue Angel Parkway 5/23/2019 7:35:44 AM5/22/2019
5:30 pm
United StatesFlorida Pensacola Blue Angel Parkway 32526Chevrolet Malibu 2012-2017White LGC Y55
Cigarette butt7/3/2019 10:21:33 AM7/3/2019
12:16:22 AM
United StatesFLPensacolaBayou and 9th32504Ford ExpeditionWhiteY51HFH
Cigarette Butts7/11/2019 5:37:27 AM7/11/2019
7:35 AM
United StatesFloridaPENSACOLAScenic Hwy turns into Cervantes32501Toyota VanWhiteZ194GC
Fast food trash thrown out the window7/18/2019 7:48:11 AM7/17/2019
4:00:25 PM
United StatesFLPensacola12th ave32503HyundaiElanBurgundyGVHX40
Cig Butt 9/2/2019 8:19:56 AM9/1/2019
5:30:32 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaN Davis Highway32514Toyota Corolla UnknownGreyY10HLC
White crumpled up paper tossed out a window9/12/2019 7:21:54 PM9/12/2019
7:21:05 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaCamberwell Dr32514
Car dumping bag of trash9/19/2019 1:42:43 PM9/18/2019
4:15 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaParazine32514KiaOptimaWhiteZ35BWK
Entire plate of chicken wing bones9/29/2019 2:45:59 PM9/29/2019
1:40:03 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBarrancas32507KIASOULGrayKWA E90
Tossed trash out of car10/19/2019 11:26:48 AM10/15/2019
5:32 PM
United StatesFLPensacola17th Ave at CervantesBlack5812TW (Florida)
Commercial biowaste flying out of untarped dumpster3/6/2020 2:13:32 PM3/6/2020
United StatesFLPensacolaInterstate 10 Westbound32514ClassB straight truckDriver side cab #411853unknownWhite cab21N65X Broward Co.
cup with slushy stuff6/8/2020 12:38:18 PM6/8/2020
United StatesFLpensacolabloodworth ln and n davis hwy32504CSE4635
Threw cigarette box7/4/2020 2:22:11 PM7/4/2020
2:14:55 PM
United StatesFlPensacolaFl32501GMCSierraWhiteY247bb
Saw someone throw a bunch of litter out of their car driving off the Pensacola Beach bridge 7/11/2020 7:16:57 PM7/11/2020
7:13:20 PM
United StatesFlorida Pensacola Pensacola Beach Blvd 32561JeepGrand Cherokee 2017White Z433
Man throws wrapper out of car window 8/17/2020 8:07:22 AM8/17/2020
9:10:05 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaGulf Beach Hwy32507Cadillac SRXSilver/cream/beige KWAE94