Littering by CITY=Tupelo

Throwing trash out window while driving5/24/2012 2:34:34 PM5/24/2012
2:32:21 PM
United StatesMississippiTupeloForrest38801LexusGreyLHC 520
Gray van throwing fast food bags out of vehicle9/15/2012 2:30:16 PM9/15/2012
2:28:42 PM
United StatesMsTupeloW main38801GrayLfl563
Threw a cigarette and trash out of there window12/27/2012 4:37:26 PM12/27/2012
3:30:45 PM
United StatesMississippiTupeloHwy 45 north between 78 and Barnes Crossing 38804WhiteMJA 627
littering6/20/2013 7:52:25 PM6/20/2013
8:50:03 PM
United StatesMSTupeloGloster38804redITH 331
McDonalds bag in the middle of the street1/12/2014 8:31:10 AM1/12/2014
8:22:25 AM
United StatesMSTupeloCla-Wood38801
Passenger discarded plastic bottle into the grass2/19/2015 7:40:31 PM2/19/2015
8:31:40 PM
United StatesMississippiTupelo2433 W Main St. 38801Nissan Sentra Unknown BlackLEJ 691
Jerk dumps trash out of his window while in fast food line10/30/2016 4:48:31 PM10/30/2016
4:43:14 PM
United StatesMississippiTupelo South Gloster38804ToyotaTacomaSilverUp4 755
Black truck tossed 2 coke cans out his window2/25/2017 12:09:50 PM2/25/2017
12:04:57 PM
United StatesMississippiTupeloHwy 78 - 22ChevySilveraldo2008ishBlackIW1 987
Large brown bag with red writing9/5/2018 8:45:57 AM9/5/2018
10:30:59 AM
United StatesMississippiTupelo1500 Lawndale Dr38801ChevroletMalibusilverACL471
Throwing paper out of car5/10/2019 10:57:13 AM5/10/2019
12 :17 PM
United StatesMississippiTupeloGreen38804Just got tag numberBeigeUNA 7327
Car dropped fast food trash and Walmart bags of trash on NatchezTrace7/11/2020 11:35:29 AM7/11/2020
11:28:33 AM
United StatesMississippiTupeloNatchez Trace between mile markers 262-26438803ToyotaCamryDark grey/silverLEH 1758