Littering by ZIP_CODE=80220

the car was a 4 door green type and small.10/3/2010 11:09:37 AM10/3/2010
8:41:22 AM
United StatesColoradoDenver14th and Quebec intersection at the west bound side of the light.80220??navy/ dark green
Stopped at red light, opened door and threw out dunkin donuts container12/4/2011 6:47:13 PM12/4/2011
United StatesColoradoDenverIntersection of Colfax and Quebec (northwest corner)80220light brown/greyishCO 523 WWH
Neighbor at 1695 Xenia St3/4/2012 8:16:53 AM3/3/2012
8:06:10 AM
United Statescoloradoaurora17th Yosemite Alley area80220
Lady dumped candy wrappers9/4/2012 6:15:17 PM9/4/2012
3:20:28 PM
United StatesDenverColoradoColfax and Monaco80220VolkswagonJetta 2.0 TSICream or white336-YBX
3 large beer or soda cans tossed from car8/1/2013 3:28:37 PM8/1/2013
4 10 -4:15 pm approximately
United StatesColoradoDenverCorner of 3rd Avenue and Colorado Blvd.80220DodgeStratusorange or gold I think 501 YZW
Dropped coke can out passenger window11/28/2013 2:22:35 PM11/28/2013
2:18:23 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverColorado blvd80220MercedesS 420GkldTEMP 2030351
Denver post littered on my lawn every sunday1/18/2015 2:08:05 PM1/18/2015
703:35 am
United StatescoDenverForest street80220
Cup of coffee and plate of food11/10/2015 8:47:25 AM11/10/2015
8:22:59 AM
United StatesColoradoDenver6th Ave at Albion - going west in l. turn lane80220White408VQN
They dump oil trash garbage into alley into yard2/13/2016 8:14:42 AM12/15/15 to current
8:09:07 AM
United StatescoDenverTamarac 80220
Man dumping fast food bag out of car near park3/24/2016 10:23:34 PM3/24/2016
United StatesColoradoDenverRosemary St.80220blue or grey?DQI472
Man dumping fast food bag out of car near park3/24/2016 10:29:07 PM3/24/2016
United StatesColoradoDenverRosemary St.80220blue or grey?DQI472
EVERY SUNDAY THIS HAPPENS4/11/2016 8:14:52 AM4/11/2016
United StatescoDenverSouthmoor Drive80220
Dumb lady in a red Jeep Grand Cherokee threw a drive through cup out the window5/20/2016 3:40:22 PM5/20/2016
4: 25:31 PM
United StatescoloradoDenver6th aveenue80220JeepGrand cherojeeNot sureRed395 qma
passenger of Suburban threw a cup out the window6/30/2016 8:41:08 AM6/29/2016
United StatescoloradoDenverMontview80220ChevySurburban2000-2001?gold maybeRBC 709
Vehicle dumped old couch in alley.7/5/2016 2:33:17 PM7/5/2016
United StatesDenverDenver1351 Xenia Street (in alley behind)80220Toyota ?Highlander ?2014?Charcoal greyQLV-806
Threw trash out window2/23/2018 6:21:18 PM2/23/2018
6:16:22 PM
United StatesColoradoDenver1800 N Monaco Pkwy80220HondaCRVWhiteVOS-078
passenger threw a trash bag full of macdonald left overs2/1/2019 2:04:30 PM2/1/2019
1:59:37 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverColfax80220Honda or HyundaiSedanwhitewok 993
Trash Thrown from Lyft Drivers car5/27/2019 1:41:12 PM5/27/2019
2:20 PM
United StatesDenverDenverQuebec80220VolkswagonJettawhiteOEU 495
Tossed cigarette out window5/31/2019 12:24:32 PM5/31/2019
12:22:28 PM
United StatesCODenverUniversity 80220Jeep LibertyGrayRBB 630
CUU 404 Black Toyota 4 Runner Litering 8/27/2019 5:06:52 PM8/27/2019
4:59:02 PM
United StatescoDenver6th ave & colorado blvd 80220Toyota 4Runner2012BlackCUU404