DETAIL DESCRIPTION Every Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sunday nights somebody is throwing their Mikes Harder Strawberry cans onto the berms at the above locations. Unfortunately, I have no info as to who could be doing this. They might even be a walker who takes evening walks and drinks. I have collected several cans, but this is too small an issue for the police. Should have fingerprints for what thats worth. |
Posting Date: 2/25/2019 10:17:53 AM Activity Date: varies Activity Time: late night
Country: United States State or Province: idaho City: Boise Street: Intercon, and E.Lake Forest View Map
Google Map Address: 116.114276, 116.119478, 116.117114
Person Description: unk
Car Make: unk Car Model: unk Car Year: unk Car Color: unk Car Tag: unk Car Color: unk