Welcome to Litter-Bug.org
Are you tired of people littering and dumping in your city or neighborhood?
Here at Litter-Bug.org, YOU can post your witness account, description, evidence of Littering and Dumping!
Neighbors, communities, and law enforcement can use Litter-Bug.org data to help prevent and deter future littering and possibly catch perpetrators of illegal dumping activity. |
California | Colorado | Florida | Indiana | Nevada | New York | North Carolina | VA | 21 | 46 | AB | AK | AL | Alabam | Alabama | Alaska | ALBERMALE | Alberta | All | america | AR | Arizona | Arkansas | As | Atlanta | Augusta | AZ | Baton Rouge | BAY | BC | Bethany | Bolivia | Bradenton Florida | Bradley Stoke | British Columbia | Bronx | Brooklyn | Bucks | CA | CA - California | Ca. | Cabin. Creek WV | CA-California | Calfornia | CALIF | CALIF. | Califofnia | Califonia | Califorinia | Californa | Californi | California | California (CA) | Calliforna | Cambodia | CENTRE | Charles Town | Cherokee | Chesapeake | City of Yonkers, NY | co | Colorad | Colorado | Colorado (CO) | Colorado Springs | Conn | Connecticut | Cornelius | CT | CT - Connecticut | cumbria | d | D.C. | Dane | Dankvile | DC | DE | Delaware | Deleware | Denver | Devon | Ðîññèÿ | District of Columbia | Dupage county | east baton rouge | Erie | fa | FALLING WATERS | FL | FL - Florida | fla | Flin | Flor | Florida | FLORIDA (FL) | florids | Florinda | Floruda | Franklin | Freeport | GA | GA - Georgia | Gelderland | Geogia | Georga | Georgi | Georgia | Georgia (GA) | Gerogia | Goergia | Greater Manchester | Guam | harden county | Harnett County, NC | Harvest | Hawaiʻi | Hawaii | HAWAII Oahu | Hertfordshire | HI | Highway 80 east bound freeway just passed norwood | Hillsborough | Honday | IA | ID | Idaho | Idaho (ID) | Iillinois | IL | IL - Illinois | Ill | Illinois | IN | Indian | Indiana | Indians | Inglewood | Iowa | Iran | Israel | Just south of beaver utah | K | Kansaa | Kansas | KENTUCKEY | Kentucky | Kentucky (KY) | KS | kwazulu-Natal | KY | LA | LA - Louisiana | La. | Lafayette | Lancaster | laurens sc | Litter | long island | Long Island New York | Long Island, New York | Los angeles | Los angeles, CA | Loudoun County, Virginia | Louisiana | Louisiana Caddo | Louisiana(LA) | MA | ma. | Maine | Maine (ME) | Marland | Maryand | Maryland | Maryland(MD) | Marysville wa | mass | Massachusets | Massachusettes | Massachusetts | Massachusetts’s | Massachussets | MD | MD - Maryland | ME | ME - Maine | MI | MI - Michigan | MI. | Miami Fk | mich | mich. | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | MN | mn. | MO | Mont | Montana | Monterey | MS | MT | Murfreesboro | Muskegon mi. | N,C. | Namibia | nb | NC | NC - North Carolina | ND | NE | Nebraska | Netherlands | Nevada | Nevada / Texas | Nevadas | Nevaxa | Neveda | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Jersey (NJ) | New Mexico | NEW México | New Mexico, Dona Ana | New York | New York (NY) | New York State | New York, Nassau County | New York, Queens | Newport County | newyork | Nh | Nh03028 | Nissan | nj | NJ - New Jersey | NM | NM - New Mexico | Nolensville Tn | Nordrhein Westfalen | North Carolina | North CArolina - Wake County | North Carolina (NC) | North Dakota | Northern California | Nova Scotia | NS | Nsw | Nueva York | NV | NY | NY - New York | ny/nj | O | Oahu | Oahu, HAWAII | Oakland | Oakland California | OH | OH - Ohio | Ohio | ok | Oklahoma | Oklahoma [OK] | oklahoma city | Oklahomr | ON | ON - Ontario | Ontario | OR | Orange County | orangevale | Oregon | Oregon hwy i-84 | Oreong | PA | PA - Pennsylvania | PA Pennsylvania | Pa. | Pacific Beach | Pacific Ocean | Palm beach | Palm beach, Florida | Papanui | PBC | Penang | Penn. | Penns | Pennslyvania | Pennsylania | Pennsylavania | Pennsylvaina | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvannia | Pennsysvania | PENNSYVANIA | Pennsyvlania | Pensylvania | pg | Pierce | Pittsburgh | Please Select... | Plymouth Meeting | Portland | Prince William | ps | q;d | qld | Quebec | Québec | Rhode Island | rhore island | RI | Riverdale | Roseburg | Ross Township | Rusia | Russia | S.C. | Sacramento | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Luis Obispo | San Mateo | San Mateo County | Santa Clara | Santa cruz | sc | SC: | SC: SOUTH CAROLINA | Scarborough | Scotland | SD | seattle | Select State | snohomish | snohomish county | South Carolina | South Carolina (SC) | South Carolina, Berkeley County | South Corolina | South Dakota | South Kingstown | South Yorkshire | spring Lake | St. Louis | State | Stockton | string:63 | Surrey | Teesside | Teneesseee | Tenn | Tenneseee | tennesse | Tennessee | Tennessee (TN) | texad | Texas | Thurston county | tn | TN. | Toledo | TX | TX - Texas | TX-Texas | UK | United States | uprrptuo | Uruguay | US | US 421 on ramp at Cape fear Memorial Bridge | Usa | UT | Utah | Utah/AZ. boarder | VA | VA - Virginia | VA tag, litter in MD | Venezuela | Vermont | Virgina | Virginia | Virgnina | Vriginia | VT | W. Virginia | WA | WA - Washington | WA State | WA Washington | Wa. | waahington | Wagsington | Wales | Wasgington | Washigton | washingtion | Washingtom | Washington | WASHINGTON (WA) | Washington County, Oregon | Washington D.C. | Washington DC | washington st | Washington State | Washington United States | Washington, DC | washingtpm | Washinton | weakly tenn | West midlands | West Virginia | West Virginia WV | West Yorks | West Yorkshire | Wheathamstead | WI | Will | Willits | Wilmington | Wisconsin | wisconsn | Wisonsin | Wosconsin | Wusconsin | WV | WV , Kanawha | wv. | wva | WY | Wyoming | Yexas | yonkers |
Home > CA > Torrance
| Serial litterer of empty vodka bottles | DETAIL DESCRIPTION Its not from a car, it is a pedestrian who drinks mini-bottles of Smirnoff vodka (the type one would get on an airplane) and throws his empties onto the street and/or gutter in one of three locations every time. About 45 times over the course of 4 months. Its no coincidence; its deliberate, repetitive behavior and the locations too precise and obscured to be perpetrated from a moving vehicle. I thought it was a homeless person drinking late at night (several situated in the area), or a young person (underage drinker) but now I think it might be a nearby resident who habitually traverses this street. My immediate neighbors are unlikely candidates for this behavior and are upset about the littering, too. So the perp is a chronic alcoholic litterbug with OCD-type behaviors. Police said they would increase patrols but nothing we can really do and this is understandable. My primary concern is that alcohol consumption is also linked to criminality as well as other chemical substance abuse (hard drugs). If he were littering coke cans or cigarette buds I wouldnt care. The fact that he drinks and litters as well as the consistent placement of his empties is contemptuous on his part and troubling on mine. |
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