DETAIL DESCRIPTION A couple driving in a red Honda Civic North on CO Hwy 93 in front of me this morning threw trash out of the passenger window while I was driving behind them (heading north from Golden toward Boulder). When I caught up to them, I flashed my lights and pulled up alongside of them at a red light (intersection of 64th & Hwy 93) the female passenger rolled down her window to ask what was wrong... I told her littering in Colorado was just as illegal as it is in California, and that they needed to turn around, and go back to pick up their trash. She told me it didnt matter rolled up her window and they continued north. |
Posting Date: 5/27/2011 8:45:46 AM Activity Date: 5/27/2011 Activity Time: 8:30 AM
Country: United States State or Province: CO City: Golden Street: CO Hwy 93 View Map
Google Map Address:,+co&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=28.611123,40.957031&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Golden,+Jefferson,+Colorado&ll=39.783823,-105.230935&spn=0.00338,0.005&z=17
Person Description: Caucasian, Light Brown/Blond Female w/ shoulder length hair, Caucasian Male driver w/ short brown hair, booth appeared to be mid to late 20’s
Car Make: Honda Car Model: Civic Car Year: Late model 2008 to 20010 Car Color: Red Car Tag: CA: 6EHJZ97 Car Description: Red Honda Civic w/ CA tags 6EHJZ97