Littering by CAR_MAKE=Chrysler

Plastic Bag9/9/2009 3:36:29 PM9/9/2009
6:32:19 PM
United StatesMichiganRoyal OakWoodward Ave.ChryslerJeep2000Dark ColorALLYCAT
empty cigarette box out car window4/13/2010 11:19:35 AM4/13/2010
8:33:00 AM
United StatesMichiganTroyNorthbound I-75 off ramp onto Big Beaver48084ChryslerPT Cruiser?maroonBLJ7756
littered at least 10 white papers4/18/2010 8:34:05 PM4/18/2010
1:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniastinson beachHwy 1ChryslerWhite6BRY775
Dumped lunch containers and sack of lunch garbage4/21/2010 3:36:22 PM4/21/2010
1:00 PM
United StatesNew JerseyAberdeenGarden State Parkway entrance MM 118.207747ChryslerPT Cruiserlatewhite/ivoryNJ: WXP-85N
trash from car4/22/2010 8:32:09 AM4/20/2010
10:00:00 AM
United StatesOhioPoland TownshipE Western Reserve Rd / South Ave (Route 164)ChryslerCrossfire200?BlackEDB-2281
Cig butt out the window - Lic Plate BMU 41605/19/2010 5:55:40 AM5/19/2010
8:50 AM
United StatesMichiganAuburn HillsWalton48326ChryslerSebringRedBMU 4160
trash was being tossed out back drivers side passengers window while going thru construction zone on 196 south bound to 94 intersection6/3/2010 12:08:47 PM5-31-10
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
United StatesMichiganBentonTownshipSouth Hwy 196 bound 94 Intersection twin bridges construction site49022Chrysler 300Black397SQ
littered cigarette butt6/4/2010 2:45:17 PM5-24-2010
United StatesPennsylvaniaPerkasieRidge Rd and Catch Basin Rd18944ChryslerAspenBlackHLF9879
Threw trash out window6/15/2010 5:03:13 AM6/15/2010
7:30:04 AM
United StatesMichiganBLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIPMaple Rd.48301ChryslerIntrepidPale blue3HG P29
throwing can out window7/28/2010 4:53:20 AM7/27/2010
4:30:04 pM
United StatesOregonGastonScoggins Valley Road97119ChryslerPacificaWhite627 BTZ
Through garbage out of car window7/28/2010 4:03:37 PM7/28/2010
7:00 pm
United StatesMichiganMadison heightsOakland mall-jcpenny parking lot ChryslerGrayBjs 1016
7:45 AM
Throwing trash out window9/4/2010 4:38:50 PM9/4/2010
4:32:24 PM
United StatesIndianaTerre hauteWalbash St47802ChryslerConcordeYW8962
20oz Mountain Dew bottle thrown out of pass window.9/17/2010 4:06:05 AM9/17/2010
5:50 AM
United StatesOhioWest ChesterCincinnati-Dayton Rd.45241ChryslerPT CrusierSilverEQC 9250
Juice Bottle with Blue Drink9/23/2010 1:10:49 PM9/23/2010
1:05:08 PM
United StatesTXAustinAirport Blvd & Bolm Rd78702chrysler3002009silverBX7 B141
throwing trash out of window9/24/2010 4:38:22 PM9/24/2010
United StatesTexassan antonioprue road and cedar parkChrysler300SilverSRT 457
Blatantly three out a bag of trash right on my street10/15/2010 11:40:58 AM10/15/2010
11:32:03 AM
United StatesCoLakewoodS Lamar st80226ChryslerOlder sedan1980sNavy blue345 CWX
trash out window of car10/18/2010 11:15:58 AM10/17/10
6:50 :00p.m.
United StatesMIdetroitgrand river & lodge freeway48201chryslergrand cheroke2003blackccc0044
Threw trash out window10/28/2010 5:45:07 AM10/28/2010
8:41:55 AM
United StatesMISaginawI-75 exit 16048706ChryslerPT CruisersilverBQG1838
Fast Food papers10/29/2010 1:30:44 PM10/29/2010
3:30 - 3:45
United StatesMichiganBATTLE CREEKDickman Rd & 20th St and Dickman Rd and Skyline Dr49015ChryslerSebringDark Green?BSN 0541
Fast Food papers10/29/2010 1:30:54 PM10/29/2010
3:30 - 3:45
United StatesMichiganBATTLE CREEKDickman Rd & 20th St and Dickman Rd and Skyline Dr49015ChryslerSebringDark Green?BSN 0541
Driver Rolled down the Window and threw out cigarette pack10/29/2010 4:56:48 PM10/27/2010
11:00:00 AM
United StatesTexasHumbleFM 1960 east and Wilson Road77346Chrysler300 C2008Silver9ZVLY (Disable)
Emptied ashtray out window11/29/2010 11:03:05 AM11/29/2010
United StatesOKOklahoma City1501 SE 15th73129Chrysler300Red974DRA
Littering on Johnston Street12/22/2010 4:08:44 PM12/22/2010
4:50:22 PM
United StatesLALAFAYETTEJohnston Street70506ChryslerSebringBeigeSEV648
dumping of cigerette butts (entire ashtray)1/11/2011 10:35:04 AM1/11/2011
7:25:39 AM
United StatesNew HampshireEppingMill St & Rte 2703042ChryslerSebringBlackKJ&S
Throwing cigarette butt out window by school2/16/2011 1:54:45 PM2/17/11
2:50 pm
United StatesTexasKilgoreAmanda lane 75662Chrysler300BlackN208574
cig butts out window3/3/2011 5:22:42 PM3/2/2011
12 PM
United StatesColoradodenvercherry st80246chryslerpt cruiserdark380 OBH
Trash were thrown out of the vehicle3/7/2011 6:27:01 PM3/7/2011
6:15:06 PM
Polk CountyIowaDes MoinesEast Army Post Rd50320Chrysler@2000 857 tzh
Threw out restraurant to go plate3/10/2011 7:31:48 AM3/09/2011
4:15 PM
United StatesMSJacksonI-55 North (South frontage road) by home depot39213chryslerpt2010 or 11blackRCS891
Litter thrown from auto3/13/2011 2:53:03 PM3/13/2011
5:45 PM
United StatesFloridaClearwaterClearwater memorial causewayChryslerPacificaChampaigne236 yym
throwing wrapper out drivers window4/3/2011 5:51:35 PM4/3/2011
8:40:42 PM
United Statesmichigandavisonintersection of m-15 and davison road (northbound)48423Chryslerdark blueCBJ 9968
Trash5/10/2011 7:38:31 AM5/10/2011
7:50:42 AM
United StatesOklahomaTulsaBA Expressway Eastbound, going towards 169 hwy on-rampChryslerPacificaRed676EVL
Threw cups all over the highway5/26/2011 4:02:04 PM5/26/2011
3:56:39 PM
United StatesTxHoustonI4577038ChryslerRedTn31639
Lit Cigarette Out Window6/2/2011 4:46:26 AM6/2/2011
07:15:37 AM
United StatesTennesseeRockfordMartin Mill Pike37853ChryslerPT Cruiserapprox 2008Blue179-WBG
Plastic wrapper6/11/2011 12:54:11 PM6/11/2011
12:50:50 PM
United StatesVirginiaNorfolk Wayne Cir23513-3466ChryslerPT Cruiser2007-2008BlackDC23119
Cigarette Butt6/21/2011 1:46:28 PM6/21/2011
4:30 PM
United StatesPAOxfordJackson School Road19363ChryslerMaroonHJJ 4356
threw a ton of garbage out the window6/29/2011 8:30:59 PM6/29/2011
United StatesMichiganmacomb21 mile and hayeschryslerpacifica2005bluishcookiew
Driver threw a cup of pop out of car window7/3/2011 7:19:45 PM7/2/2011
11:10:40 PM
United StatesIowaDavenportN Marquette St52806ChryslerPacifica2006Silver918 MHF
litter thrown from car by passenger in back seat of car7/9/2011 8:41:51 AM7/9/2011
8:37:30 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaThompsontownRoute 322 driving eastChryslerblueEMR7886
car littering7/14/2011 12:05:18 PM7/14/2011
canadaOntariobrampton410Nchryslerintrepid2005dark greenBAJD 261
Throwing lit cigarette out window7/20/2011 11:30:24 AM7/20/2011
United StatesCaliforniaVista South Melrose92081ChryslerSebringdark gray5AEJ602
Red Chrysler Crossover Plates: 125 RB87/22/2011 11:14:38 AM7/22/2011
11:05:49 AM
United StatesMARocklandSummer02370ChryslerRED125 RB8
Passenger in back throwing gum wrappers out back window8/12/2011 12:21:03 PM8/12/2011
12:17:14 PM
United StatesMassachusettsMelroseMA02176ChryslerPT CruiserDark Grey63T Z92
car with kids tossed large paper cup onto side of road9/2/2011 10:07:18 AM9/2/2011
10:01:57 AM
United Statespastroudsburgneyhart hill rd and twin pine rd18360ChryslerSebring?SilverHNH8420
illegal dumping/littering9/23/2011 11:07:39 AM9/10/2011
10:22:35 AM
United StatesLos angelesEast Los Angeles914 S. Leonard Ave.90022ChryslerDodge caravan1990burgundy6PL6354
Cigarette Butt Littering9/27/2011 7:20:55 PM9/27/2011
5:30:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseHighway 87ChryslerTown & CountryGreen6LCR839
cigarette butt10/5/2011 7:29:58 AM10/4/2011
513 pm
United Statesnccaryus1chryslertown and countrynavyjules-71
Burning cigarette thrown from car window10/13/2011 8:57:52 PM10/13/2011
8:15:06 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan DiegoHome Ave before Euclid92105Chrysler300Silver6SVU591
Cigarette from car window10/19/2011 11:06:02 AM10/19/2011
United StatesIowaCedar RapidsHwy 10052405Chrysler300Zgray146 EHA
Threw a soda can and pepsi cup out window10/21/2011 3:28:51 PM10/21/2011
United StatesAzTucsonHoughton85747ChryslerLebaronRedAmt7746
LITTERING WHILE DRIVING10/31/2011 7:05:35 AM10/31/2011
10:00 AM
Dropping trash out car window11/19/2011 12:10:32 PM11/19/2011
1:40:08 PM
United StatesPAPhiladelphia4700 Woodland Ave19143ChryslerSebringDark RedHST-6545
Threw used napkins onto road.12/6/2011 8:07:36 PM12/6/2011
4:13:55 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOaklandMandela ParkwayCHRYSLERPACIFICASilver Blue6RAM272
Car throwing wrappers out window12/15/2011 9:45:50 AM12/14, 2011
United StatesFloridaPlantationintersection of 595 and Universitychrysler300blacku39 dkg
Man littering at intersection12/17/2011 6:41:48 PM12/17/2011
4:11:49 PM
United StatesOregonSalemMission st and Turner rd97301ChryslerGray411 aks
Cigarette Butt discarded out window1/7/2012 12:39:18 PM1/7/2012
2:25:55 PM
United StatesFloridaValricoNatures Way33596ChryslerPT Cruiser convertable2011Cream black tp183 LZK
Threw out a water bottle out of the window1/25/2012 3:52:43 PM1/25/2012
11:35:00 AM
United StatesFLWinter HavenHavendale Blvd33881ChryslerPT CruiserJ59 3RF
Teal Chrysler - WA Lic # 179WDA2/21/2012 12:13:40 PM2/21/2012
12:02:30 PM
United StatesWaBremertonWheaton98310ChryslerTeal179WDA
trash flying out of truck bed2/22/2012 8:49:31 PM2/21/2012
5:49 PM
United StatesLouisianaNew OrleansI-10 WestChryslerDodge Ram 1500red(plate)W847407
Nappkins thrown out of window on three occasions2/28/2012 12:30:07 PM2/28/2012
12:54 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleMartin Road35802ChryslerMaroonAlabama 47J68T2
Throwing trash out of windows in car3/19/2012 10:09:18 AM3/19/2012
CanadaOntarioSouth Frontenac4684 Opinicon RdChryslerNeonSilverBJRV 616
Kleenex, cigarette butts, papers, plastic bag, pop bottle3/23/2012 6:26:17 AM3/19/2012
6:05 PM
United StatesMichiganMonroeWest Front48161ChryslerPT Cruiser2008GrayCES 0124
through out cigarette butt3/30/2012 5:21:49 PM3/26/2012
7:50 am
United StatesncpittsboroHwy 6427312ChryslerLebaronblackAHY 8066
threw water bottle from window3/31/2012 1:50:57 PM3/31/2012
1:47:16 PM
United StatesAlabamaautaga countyI65 N of MontgomeryChrysler 300silverbb37455
Driver tossed beverage glass4/3/2012 8:50:22 AM3/31/2012
11:00 AM
United StatesMichiganCantonFord RoadChrysler2002011?GrayCJB5991
woman dumps sitting at a traffic light4/7/2012 2:07:04 PM4/7/2012
2:00:54 PM
United StatesRIOlneyvillewestminster02909chrysler300Dark Blue622-491
Littering the streets multiple times4/25/2012 3:01:50 PM4/25/2012
2:56:41 PM
United StatesIllinoisChicagoSouthport Ave60613Chrysler300MLooks like 2009TaupeN95 3753
Threw trash out of moving vehicle.5/1/2012 10:14:27 AM5/1/2012
08:08 a.m.
United StatesPennsylvaniaBathRoute 51218014ChryslerPT Cruiser2010Dark BlueFROGGEE
Threw wrapper out of car5/15/2012 10:52:42 AM5/13/2012
4:25 pm
United StatesRhode IslandCumberlandMendon Road02864ChryslerSebringGreenRI 668015
Throwing out Mcdonalds Trash and Large Drink5/16/2012 5:31:09 PM5/16/2012
5:21:43 PM
United StatesTexasEnnisHyw 287 S Exit to Ennis Anenue 75119ChryslerTown and CountryGold115YZM
Driver threw cigarette box and plastic wrapper out of his window while driving.5/23/2012 8:52:37 AM5/23/2012
8:50:20 AM
United StatesMIMadison HeightsI-696ChryslerSebring2005BrownCHA 1325
Cigarette Butt Thrown Out Car Window5/24/2012 4:57:16 AM5/24/2012
7:47:14 AM
United StatesPAMountoursvilleMain St17754ChryslerSebringWhiteEML 5439
Throwing trash out car window5/25/2012 12:53:32 PM5/25/2012
United StatesMIClinton TownshipGroesbeck Hwy. M-9748035ChryslerSebringGreenCGN 9503
Driver threw cigarette butt out window6/1/2012 5:32:26 AM6/1/2012
7:45 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaCharlotteChryslerLight Blue8TV 604
1;45:57:42 PM
throwing trash out of car6/15/2012 12:29:34 PM6/15/2012
United StateswyomingCasperPlaza Drive82604ChryslerGreen6-1727
young male open pack of cigs, threw all the plastic wrapping on parking lot6/26/2012 11:03:14 AM6/26/2012
United StatesPAAllentownLehigh St18103 chrysler minivan1998? bluishFHF 6498
young male open pack of cigs, threw all the plastic wrapping on parking lot6/26/2012 11:03:30 AM6/26/2012
United StatesPAAllentownLehigh St18103 chrysler minivan1998? bluishFHF 6498
threw plastic from cigarette pkg on ground6/26/2012 11:08:46 AM6/26/2012
11:05:49 AM
United StatespaallentownLehigh St @ Downeyflake (WAWA) 18103 chrysler minivan1998 ishwoodpaneledFHF 6498
threw plastic from cigarette pkg on ground6/26/2012 11:08:58 AM6/26/2012
11:08:49 AM
United StatespaallentownLehigh St @ Downeyflake (WAWA) 18103 chrysler minivan1998 ishwoodpaneledFHF 6498
Threw trash from car6/27/2012 6:22:54 AM6/27/2012
9:00 am
United StatesMichiganGrand rapids28th49509Chrysler3002010RedBye 6494
Threw a cigarette butt out of her window.7/2/2012 6:52:44 AM7/2/2012
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahInterstate 16 East31408ChryslerPacificaBlueX SAPP
Left McDonalds litter on side of road7/8/2012 11:06:55 AM7/8/2012
1:51 pm
United StatesVirginiaNorgolkExit 276C exit ramp from I-64W23505ChryslerSebringBlue-greyXAG-9867
McDonald french fry bag & fries7/22/2012 6:48:02 PM7/22/2012
United StatesGeorgiasavannahabercorn & ramp to i95chrysler300whitePJB7598
Egg McMuffin wrap out the window7/23/2012 8:30:43 AM7/23/2012
approx 10:30 am
United StatesmichiganUticaM53 FreewayChryslerDodge MiniVanBlueCKQ 4716
garbage out of car8/2/2012 5:56:24 AM8/2/2012
8:40:02 AM
United StatesFloridaOCHOPEEI 75 S on alligator alley CHRYSLER200MAROONY6AEH
Threw papers from driver side window while stopped on Arsenol Road8/7/2012 4:13:25 PM8/7/2012
3:57:58 PM
United StatesMichiganBrownstown charter twpArsenalChryslerCoop2009ishSilverCAM 0071
Cigarette Butt8/21/2012 6:37:01 AM8/21/2012
7:00 am
United StatesMNFaribault35WChryslerSebringwhiteUMX 958
Punk kid threw9/2/2012 9:50:57 AM9/2/2012
11:48:25 AM
United StatesMISSOURISt. LouisLindell/Forsyth Intersection63130ChryslerSeibringWhiteWC8 N2U
Driver of red PT Cruiser throws out plastic rings of 6-pack drinks.9/24/2012 3:05:37 PM9/24/2012
2:54:25 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaPowdersvilleChryslerPT CruiserRedAVA879
threw paper and chip bag out the window9/28/2012 6:09:44 PM9/28/2012
3:25 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaVenangoRt. 1916440ChryslerPacificadark-navy or blackGDB 4033
Threw plastic water bottle out of the window10/3/2012 7:23:01 AM10/3/2012
10 AM
United StatesVirginiaNorfolkEntrance ramp to 64 westChryslerPT CruiserSilverXAK 6022
cigarette10/5/2012 4:57:21 PM10/4/2012
United Statespennsylvaniaerieeast 12th and bayfront16503chryslertown and country lx2005?blue/greendwa7154
Cigarette butts on freeway high fire danger10/6/2012 12:03:49 PM10/6/2012
12:01:04 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVistaHighway 78ChryslerSebtingSilver4SZV832
cigarette10/10/2012 3:45:21 PM10/10/2012
6:33:08 PM
United StatesOhioPiquaI75 northboundChryslerBlackCLL 7147
Threw liquid and food off of the window10/13/2012 11:59:53 AM10/13/2012
11:50:24 AM
United StatesNevadaRenoCrossing of Sierra & W 9th street89503ChryslerPt cruiserdark gray/silver13305
Driver threw lit cigarette out the window10/22/2012 10:58:29 AM10/22/2012
11:30 AM
United StatesIowaCouncil Bluffs16th and Broadway51503ChryslerTown & Country vanWhite460 ZFF
Threw plastic drink cup11/17/2012 6:10:35 PM11/17/2012
4:52:59 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLos AngelesNormandie Blvd90004ChryslerTown & CountrywhiteAHR6177
threw out a cup12/3/2012 7:15:09 AM12/2/2012
6:00 p.m.
United StatesOklahomaEdmondBryant Avenue73034ChryslerPT CruiserWhite499GKK
through out a cigarette or cellophane wrapper12/8/2012 11:15:36 AM12/8/2012
11:12:57 AM
United StatesnebraskaOmaha I 680 and Pacific street Chrysler Sebring white swe220
Trash thrown out drivers window12/11/2012 1:09:08 PM12/11/2012
11:30 am
United StatesCASanta RosaSteele Lane & Hwy 101 Left Turn Lane95404Chrysler300silverCA 6SLL961
Cleaned trash out of car12/13/2012 1:08:51 PM12/12/2012
3:50 p.m.
United StatesNevadaLas VegasNorth Airport Con 89123ChryslerPT CruiserNot surelight cream colorTARUS
White plastic bag12/18/2012 1:22:09 PM12/18/2012
1:50 PM
United StatesPAPittsburghHahn Rd.15209chryslersebringchampagnednk-4102
Threw trash out the window1/3/2013 9:26:38 AM1/3/2013
9:21:53 AM
United StatesGeorgiaNewnanNewnan Crossing Blvd and Hwy 3430265ChryslerPacificaWhiteAQL-7233
Saw this person throw cigarette box out the window of his car.1/15/2013 2:19:58 PM1/15/2013
2:14:36 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaSidney Marcus Blvd. 30319ChryslerSebringWhiteDP9NE5
Throwing fast food2/3/2013 11:10:33 AM2/3/2013
11:07:09 AM
United StatesOhioCincinnatiMontana Ave45211ChryslerAspenBlackMRZ SS
Driver threw trash out of the window while driving.2/12/2013 6:53:52 AM2/11/2013
8:20:38 AM
United StatesMichiganAllen ParkI-94 East48101Chrysler300Late modelBlueKINGJAE
Through a super sized Mc D cup out window2/13/2013 2:16:09 PM2/13/2013
4:15 PM
United StatesNCCharlotteSouth tryon28273Chrysler 300NewerWhiteAky 7526
Threw entire contents of fast food out window onto highway2/21/2013 9:05:42 AM2/21/2013
6:38:23 AM
United StatesMinnesotaBrooklyn CenterHighway 100 & John Martin Drive55430ChryslerPT CruiserBpv731
neighbor trash in yard2/23/2013 12:04:45 PM2/19/2013
11:50:03 AM
United Statesnew Jerseycape may court housedias creek rd08210Chrysler200m2010white
neighbor trash in yard2/23/2013 12:04:52 PM2/19/2013
11:50:03 AM
United Statesnew Jerseycape may court housedias creek rd08210Chrysler200m2010white
neighbor trash in yard2/23/2013 12:05:04 PM2/19/2013
11:50:03 AM
United Statesnew Jerseycape may court housedias creek rd08210Chrysler200m2010white
cigarette3/2/2013 3:34:10 PM3/2/2013
2:28pm pst
United StatesWashingtonlynnwoodhwy 99Chryslerpt cruiserplum purpleagk9755
Guy throwing white napkins out of window3/8/2013 5:56:35 PM3/8/2013
United StatesCaliforniaPittsburgWest Leland94565ChryslerTown & Country2000ishsilver6MUD699
Burning cigarette3/11/2013 5:35:30 PM3/11/2013
5:30:26 PM
United StatesCANovatoHwy 101 north at narrows ChryslerSebring lxi90s?Red6vye281
LITTERING AT STOP SIGN4/13/2013 9:12:10 AM4/12/2013
5:35:19 PM
United StatesTexassan antonios. ellison dr. and marbach rd. by the gas station78245CHRYSLERWHITEDF4C432
Blatant disregard4/16/2013 6:41:25 AM4/15/2013
approx 5:40 pm
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeI-110N between Evangeline and HollywoodChryslerwhiteWSS450
cigarette4/18/2013 4:32:19 AM4/17/2013
5:00 pm
United Statesncraleighcreedmoor rdchryslertown and countryblueTWR-4698
cigarette4/18/2013 8:39:26 AM4/17/2013
5:00 pm
United Statesncraleighcreedmoor rdchryslertown and countryblueTWR-4698
Threw a clear plastic container out of passenger window4/24/2013 10:11:17 AM4/24/2013
12:10:17 PM
United StatesNhConcordI393 West in right turn lane at Intersection with Bouton St.03301Chrysler SebringBlue329 7728
Threw out pop can4/28/2013 10:12:55 AM4/28/2013
10:09:22 AM
United StatesWisconsinNewtonI-43ChryslerCirrusSilverJ6217m
piece of paper5/5/2013 4:53:48 PM5/4/2013
10:00 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaHollidaysburgOld Route 2216648ChryslerCrossfireWhiteGZC-6020
6:00 PM
Driver threw trash out driver window5/22/2013 12:30:43 PM5/22/2013
10:30 am
United StatesCaliforniaCarmichaelFair Oaks Blvd (between Hollister Ave and Dell Rd.)95608Chrysler 300m2001dark green?6HJG502
Throwing cups out window5/28/2013 6:14:31 PM5/28/2013
10:45 AM
United StatesOhioColumbusI-71 at Polaris exit43240Chrysler300Mid 2000Slate blueGeorgia PQG8889
Threw out water bottle in Taco Bell Drive-thru5/30/2013 5:13:37 PM5/30/2013
7:40:06 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaBeaufort15 Robert Smalls Parkway29906Chrysler200?2012?SilverEGS936
Driver and passenger thrown cigarettes out window5/31/2013 12:23:44 PM5/31/2013
12:15:52 PM
United StatesWashington StateTacoma6454 Mckinley ave e tacoma, wa98404ChryslerLebaron or similar1989BrownAeh5117
Threw chip bag out the window6/5/2013 9:55:01 AM6/5/2013
12:30:18 PM
United StatesOhioSpringfieldBelmont, near Lexington45505Chrysler3002009-ishBlueEAL-8439
Driver threw bottle out window6/7/2013 9:14:38 AM6/7/2013
11:03:49 AM
United StatesTexasMarshallInterstate 20 east75672ChryslerWhiteBMX 5681
Threw cigarette out window6/7/2013 11:02:30 AM6/7/2013
United StatesMissouriJefferson City, MORoute C65109ChryslerSUV Purple-ishDA5 D1T
Threw plastic cup onto open road6/13/2013 2:14:00 PM6/13/2013
2:11:22 PM
United StatesMichiganMadison Heights11 mile48067Chrysler Sebring convertibleNot sureBlueCFA8097
Batteries6/15/2013 11:58:48 AM6/15/2013
11:54:13 AM
United StatesGaAtlantaPeachtree battle avenue cross street30309Chrysler 300BlackFWQ 7921
Front passenger throwing soda can out window6/22/2013 11:08:42 AM6/22/2013
11:02:53 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaPensacola Bay Bridge32501CHrysler300Grey525 PUY
droped cigarette on ground6/28/2013 4:17:56 AM6/28/2013
6:56 AM
United Statesncraleighcapital blvdchryslermini cooperwhiteywy-2070
droped cigarette on ground6/28/2013 9:37:45 AM6/28/2013
6:56 AM
United Statesncraleighcapital blvdchryslermini cooperwhiteywy-2070
Bag of trash thrown out window6/30/2013 2:59:09 PM6/30/2013
5:20 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaKings MountainBethlehem Rd28086ChryslerPT CruiserCream/light tanBKE-3649
A Caucasian male threw a lighten cigarette out the window7/1/2013 5:59:53 PM7/1/2013
5:48:38 PM
United StatesvirginiawoodbridgeMinneville Rd22193Chrysler3002011silverTRE00
Garbage7/2/2013 12:11:01 PM6/29/2013
12:08:32 PM
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukee27th street and center street53210Chrysler300light bluej20087
Driver dropped Popeyes box and bag out of window7/3/2013 2:39:41 PM7/3/2013
3:40 PM
United StatesLouisianaNew OrleansEsplanade at Dauphine70130ChryslerSebringSilverWXX842
Threw a coffee cup outside her car a few napkins while on a red light.7/20/2013 1:29:42 PM7/19/2013
1:21:55 PM
United StatesFloridaMiami163rd ChryslerRedw634ss
throwing paper on highway7/21/2013 4:46:25 PM7/21/2013
2:34:07 PM
United StatesTXHoustonI 45 South77598Chrysler200 or 3002013blackBLS-9052
Tossing fast food trash out of convertible8/3/2013 1:54:28 PM8/3/2013
2:45:00 PM
United StatesMichiganBattle CreekB-Drive North49014ChryslerSebringBlackCPH 3483
Illegal dumping8/5/2013 7:26:17 PM08/03/2013
5:46 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado Springs4720 Barnes Road80917ChryslerPacificaGold/Tan428 SSI
Throwing trash out the window of car8/8/2013 4:15:28 PM8/8/2013
4:09:03 PM
United StatesMichiganHarvey49855ChryslerCAU1242
Threw cigarette box out window at stoplight8/9/2013 12:07:49 PM8/9/2013
3:00:52 PM
United Stateskentuckyburlingtonnorth bend road41048chryslerPT Cruiserblue125 MCB
Car litter.8/19/2013 4:49:14 PM8/19/2013
4:46:43 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles110 freeway90015Chrysler200 sedan WhiteTHU 973
littering8/20/2013 6:03:19 AM8/20/2013
7:40 AM
United StatesIowasioux cityHamilton Blvd51104Chryslersebringwhite862SWT
Tossing butt out window9/1/2013 2:48:24 PM9/1/2013
2:46:14 PM
United StatesCaliforniaChino HillsWalnut and EuclidChrysler Grey7bze611
Plastic bottle thrown out window9/8/2013 12:48:23 PM9/8/2013
12:42:23 PM
United StatesgaMaconBass RoadChrysler VoyagerGreyBWV 8376
Tossed burning cigarette out while at stop light9/10/2013 9:38:48 AM9/10/2013
8:00:00 AM
United StatesWA StateKirklandForbes Creek Dr.98033ChryslerPacificaBlue147VKZ
Throwing trash out of car9/14/2013 3:01:58 PM9/14/2013
2:54:43 PM
United StatesTexasMesquite Service road of 635 northbound at town centre 75150Chrysler C300N/ABlackBmd6081
Blue PT Cruiser, plates: 137FRW9/15/2013 8:17:25 AM9/15/2013
10:12:46 AM
United StatesOklahomaNormanHighway 9 and Chatauqua73072ChryslerPT CruiserLight blue137FRW
Threw a pair of sunglasses out drivers window9/16/2013 3:58:59 PM9/16/2013
5:00:43 PM
United StatesMichiganWarren696 west of HooverChrysler200White7333F1
tossed fastfood bag!9/20/2013 1:41:48 PM9/20/2013
2:50 pm
United StatesOhiohowlandRoute 82 east44483chryslerpt cruiser ?purple ishFBA9769
White car Chrysler tag number BVA 478810/1/2013 11:28:02 AM10/1/2013
2:06:00 PM
United StatesGeorgiaDekalbWesley Chapel Exit off of I20 East30035Chrysler Sebring WhiteBVA 4788
Driver discareded a red solo cup10/15/2013 8:19:15 AM10/15/2013
6:30 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaDurhamRoute 70 27703Chrysler300ADX9418
Cleaning out car while in traffic10/18/2013 10:27:24 AM10/18/2013
1:24 pm
United StatesGeorgiaMariettaEast piedmont and post oak trott30062ChryslerSebringPqv4710
throwing trash out the window10/19/2013 9:26:27 AM10/19/2013
9:21:17 AM
United StatesMichiganMt Pleasantmission48858ChryslerSebring 2010whiteCMR 3288
Burning cigarette butt was thrown10/21/2013 1:38:41 PM10/16/2013
5:12:01 PM
United StatesKSOverland ParkMetcalf & 105th streetChryslerPacificaSilver723-FJN
Burning cigarette butt was thrown out of the car10/21/2013 1:47:03 PM10/16/2013
5:12:57 PM
United StatesKansasOverland ParkMetcalf & 105th streetchryslerpacificasilver723-FJN
Someone throwing trash out the window10/27/2013 1:25:35 PM10/27/2013
1:05:07 PM
United StatesNJ - New JerseyMantua ChryslerPacificaNavy blue N89clg
trash thrown out of car11/6/2013 11:08:47 AM11/6/2013
11:05:50 AM
United StatesMassachusettsMiddleboroRte 44ChryslerSebringwhite649 JK3
Driver tossed cigarette butt out window11/6/2013 11:21:40 AM11/6/2013
10:00 a.m.
United StatesCaliforniaSan DiegoFront and B92101Chrysler? (Sedan)?Black7CIF423
Cigarette butt our windos11/11/2013 8:34:38 AM11/1/2013
4:55:08 PM
United StatesMichiganBrightonUS 23 NorthChrysler300Newer modelCreamCCH 8454
Burning cigarette out the driver window11/13/2013 9:54:05 PM11/13/2013
United StatesWashington StatePoulsboBond road98370ChryslerVanGold-tan024 YLW
Lit cigarette out car window1/3/2014 5:19:08 PM1/3/2014
4:10:33 PM
United StatesWashingtonTumwaterLittlerock rd SW 98512Chrysler BlueAel5447
Trash thrown out of vehicle1/22/2014 4:35:46 PM1/22/2014
5:15:29 PM
United StatesLouisianaWalkerHwy 44970785ChryslerVTK795
Woman dropping fake money in Walgreens parking lot1/27/2014 7:46:09 AM1/25/2014
12:30 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeFlannery and Greenwell Springs RdChryslerPT CruiserBlue
Dumped bag of trash out of car2/14/2014 9:48:51 AM2/14/2014
8:25 AM
United StatesWashington StateVancouverIntersection of Hwy 99 and NE Ross St98663ChryslerSUV (Pacifica?)newer modeltan or light goldATW1789
Gold Chrysler new yorker2/22/2014 2:41:26 PM2/22/2014
4:30 PM
CanadaOntarioWindsorLauzon parkwayChrysler New yorkerGoldBSZZ 111
White Chrysler 300 throwing trash3/1/2014 10:02:34 AM3/1/2014
10:25:00 AM
United StatesTennesseeClarksvilleI 24 E37040Chrysler 3002008WhiteKY-879 NGL
Burning Cigarette Butt3/26/2014 5:59:06 AM3/26/2014
United StatesNebraskaValley/WaterlooHighway 27568069ChryslerSebring2000Maroon5-C6166
man opens car door and throws 2 lighters and a napkin on the ground3/28/2014 5:06:58 PM3/28/2014
4:45 PM
United StatesWisconsinwauwatosahwy 100 at capital drive light53213chryslerconcordolderDark gray918-VTL2
littering4/2/2014 8:15:21 AM4/2/2014
8:10:47 AM
United StatesGeorgiaSandy springspeachtree road30328chryslerpt cruiser2000sblueprm3275
Threw water bottle out the window4/16/2014 3:25:57 PM4/16/2014
3:20:13 PM
United StatesGeorgiaMaconMercer university driveChrysler Town car2011 Grey BXU1496
Lit cigarette out window and under my car and others4/19/2014 2:06:18 PM4/19/2014
1:59:18 PM
United StatesohioAkronHome Ave44310ChryslerPT Cruiser2011MaroonDCI1935
Dumped out ashtray full of cigarette butts onto street4/30/2014 10:19:42 AM4/30/2014
10:15:23 AM
United StatesNew YorkBowmansvilleMartha Dr14026ChryslerTown & Country SilverEFS9178
Cigarette out window5/8/2014 5:27:11 PM5/8/2014
4:14 PM
United StatesWashington StateBellevue112th Ave SE98004ChryslerPacifica2010Blue/GrayAAE2264
Driver tossed garbage out window multiple times5/15/2014 1:57:38 PM5/15/2014
3:50:34 PM CST
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeI-1070767ChryslerTown and Countrylight greenXIM519
lit cigarette butt out the drivers side window5/20/2014 8:22:25 AM5/20/2014
7:25 a.m.
United StatesCaliforniaYucaipaOak Glen Road92399ChryslerSilver7CBK782
Throwing cup from window5/30/2014 4:34:04 AM5/30/2014
5:50 AM
United StatesLouisianaDenham SpringsInterstate 1270726ChryslerSebring Sedan2006WhiteVTG448
thrown cigarette butt6/3/2014 4:14:20 AM6/3/2014
6 30
United StatesMichigandetroitsouthfield rdchrysler jeep laredoblack5jm t11
Throwing garbage out the window while driving on the freeway6/12/2014 4:31:43 PM6/12/2014
4:28:09 PM
United StatesWA - WashingtonKirkland405 Northbound Exit 20AChryslerSebring?2000SilverAAN4560
Garbage out the car window6/27/2014 5:29:36 PM6/27/2014
5:25:50 PM
United StatesWATacomaI-5ChryslerSebringsilverA0R4601
cigarette littering7/1/2014 7:59:51 AM7/1/2014
7:22:46 AM
United StatesAlabamamadisonwall triana highway and hwy 72 intersection357chryslerconcordewhite44D47C2
Throwing multiple pieces of trash7/9/2014 3:44:20 AM7/8/2014
11:29:42 PM
United StatesOhioPowell75043065ChryslerTown and CountryDark BlueDHB6677
CIGARETTE ASH7/17/2014 1:04:54 PM7/16/2014
3:43:44 PM
Liter7/17/2014 5:14:44 PM7/17/2014
7:20:33 PM
United StatesmichiganMt. Clemens19 Rosebud Lane48043Chrysler200Black or dark navyBVE 7174
Throwing cup and plastic bottle out of car window7/19/2014 4:14:15 PM7/19/2014
6:48:00 PM
United StatesMichiganWest Bloomfield TownshipHillers Road48324Chrysler300whiteDDC 0158
Threw bottle and paper trash out of window7/26/2014 1:08:04 PM7/26/2014
4:05:37 PM
United StatesFloridaHighway 75 SouthMile marker 362ChryslerGreen980 4BL
Man threw a plastic bottle of water out of the window of his car.7/28/2014 5:45:39 AM7/27/2014
United StatesFLTampa2200 E Fowler Ave. 33612ChryslerPT Cruiser 2008Navy Blue 49648W
Through fast food bag and trash out the window8/11/2014 3:30:17 PM8/11/2014
6:10:00 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaCharlotteSouth blvd28203Chrysler3002012Silver Ccc7240
Littering8/17/2014 10:39:33 AM8/17/2014
1:35 pm
United StatesMarylandEdge water Route 2 south Chrysler 200Gray1BC6764
Newer model burgundy Chrysler van license number DCS 00258/19/2014 4:32:29 PM8/19/2014
United StatesMichiganCantonExit ramp ford road48187ChryslerMaroon van Chrysler2013 or 14BurgundyDcs0025
Handful of garbage out the window in traffic8/20/2014 1:44:13 PM8/15/2014
17:00:00 PM
CanadaQuébecLongueilAutoroute 20Chrysler3002013darkM91 GYV
Throwing garbage out car window8/22/2014 1:27:21 PM8/22/2014
1:24:48 PM
United StatesMichiganFarmington/Southfield 696 west Chrysler300UnknownSilver1cww84
Small wendys worker throws frosty at man through drive through.9/9/2014 5:59:44 AM9/9/2014
5:56:35 AM
United StatesMississippiCrystal Lake45 west franklin666chryslertan
Small wendys worker throws frosty at man through drive through.9/9/2014 5:59:54 AM9/9/2014
5:56:35 AM
United StatesMississippiCrystal Lake45 west franklin666chryslertan
bag out door as see was stopped9/10/2014 1:26:39 PM9/10/2014
3:23:40 PM
United StatesALHuntsvilleuniversity dr by chilis and papa gyros35805Chrysler300m2009blueb5644h
Food Wrappers9/11/2014 6:09:30 AM9/11/2014
8:55:17 AM
United StatesMIYpsilantiWillow Run Service Drive48197ChryslerUnknownUnknownSilverCND 8356
Food Wrappers9/11/2014 6:09:35 AM9/11/2014
8:55:17 AM
United StatesMIYpsilantiWillow Run Service Drive48197ChryslerUnknownUnknownSilverCND 8356
cigarette butt9/12/2014 5:53:06 AM9/12/2014
8:40 AM
United StatesFloridaBoca Raton441 and Kimberly33434ChryslerBlack204 XUF
One can and one plastic bottle of root beer9/14/2014 7:01:37 PM9/14/2014
6:52:57 PM
United StatesLafayetteLafayetteChryslerWhiteWnk762
Driver threw cigarette wrapping out of car window9/17/2014 9:17:20 AM9/17/2014
8:30 AM
United StatesFloridaPalmetto Bay184th Street (Eureka Drive) and Old Cutler Road33157ChryslerPT Cruiserdark blue236WNP
Popeyes Drink Cup9/24/2014 6:05:39 AM9/24/2014
08:20 AM
United StatesFloridaMiaminw 32nd ave33166ChryslerPT cruisermaroonczp c33
Threw cigarette butt out window10/3/2014 2:47:20 PM10/3/2014
2:43:32 PM
United StatesUtahOremUniversity Ave and University Parkway Intersection84097ChryslerThunderbird80s/90sEmerald Green4forty4
Throwing banana peel out of minivan10/7/2014 1:17:32 PM10/7/2014
3:40 PM
United StatesMichiganBIG RAPIDSAt the intersection of Steward and Oak street49307ChryslerPlymouth minivanBCS 3441
threw trash out window10/7/2014 4:55:32 PM10/7/2014
4:25 PM
United StatesNevadaLas VegasDurango and Blue Diamond89178ChryslerDeville2003-2005silver964 XAF
Empty liquor bottle placed on street in traffic when car slowed.10/11/2014 6:27:07 AM10/5/2014
2:52 PM
United StatesMassachusettsBostonBeacon Street near Capital building adjacent to Boston Common02116Chrysler200Silver279CSV
lit cigarette thrown from car10/15/2014 8:56:24 AM10/15/2014
8:53:43 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSan DiegoFriars Road92108ChryslerCirrusgold4LKG290
Littering out car window10/30/2014 5:01:52 PM10/30/2014
4:56:56 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCerritosOfframp of 605 North at South Street ExitChrysler3002013Silver7CYZ040
Threw bottle out of window11/6/2014 5:59:27 AM11/6/2014
7:20:25 AM
United StatesD.C.Washington400 Michigan Ave NE, 20017Chrysler Chrysler 300White9BE0798
UNKNOWN OBJECT11/9/2014 2:09:52 PM11/9/2014
11:42:46 AM
Throwing cigarette butt out car window11/21/2014 12:10:47 PM11/21/2014
12:08:10 PM
United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerque 2nd Street 87107Chrysler SilverMLN673
Threw cigarette butts out the window11/21/2014 12:14:58 PM11/21/2014
12:12:45 PM
United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerque2nd street87107Chryslersilvermln673
Seen the driver throw a bag of fast food garbage out the driver window11/24/2014 9:15:45 AM11/24/2014
9:10:23 AM
United StatesMichiganRoseville I-9448066ChryslerTown and country 2007GreyJboyd
Litterbug on Eubank Off-Ramp11/24/2014 5:15:53 PM11/24/2014
4:58:18 PM
United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerque I-40 Eubank On RampChrysler300UnsureWhite394SGL
Placed trashed in front of driveway12/4/2014 2:24:00 PM12/4/2014
2:45:09 PM
United StatesMassachusettsFall River Corner of Locust & Johnson St.02723ChryslerSebringBlack733TP2
Threw glass bottle out window12/6/2014 4:22:14 PM12/6/2014
3:19:45 PM
United StatesWashington StateMilk creekSeattle hill road98012Chrysler SilverArd3161
Cigarette butts12/29/2014 11:40:15 AM12/29/2014
11:35:13 AM
United StatesNCUSA South boulevard 28209ChryslerSebringNewerBlackCLL2662
Juice pouch1/4/2015 1:40:26 PM12/30/2014
11 AM
United StatesFloridaMiramar1998 Hiatus Rd33025Chrysler300SBlackL129W
cigarette butt out window1/10/2015 11:47:12 AM1/10/2015
11:44:03 AM
United Stateseast baton rougebaton rougesherwood forestChrysler3002010blue/greywhm370
threw trash out car window1/16/2015 3:49:52 PM1/16/2015
5:30 p.m.
United Statesmichiganauburn hillsi7548326chryslergrey or silvercpr 2991
Cigarette garbage.1/30/2015 2:43:27 PM1/30/2015
4:15:39 PM
United StatesMichiganFarmington HillsOrchard Lake Road48336ChryslerJeep Grand Cherokee Laredo2005-2010 modelDark, possibly blueBTP 0668
Threw fast food bag of trash out at light2/17/2015 8:53:14 PM2/17/2015
8:15:45 PM
United StatesNevadaLas VegasOn south bound Spencer at Silverado Ranch BLVD89183Chrysler PT Cruiser2000-2010White840 ASU
several pieces of paper and plastic strewn out of vehicle2/19/2015 1:56:42 PM2/19/2015
3:30 PM
United StatesFloridaPalm beach gardensNorthlake exit onto I -9533418ChryslerSebring convertibletanSAT29
Cigarettes2/19/2015 3:47:36 PM2/19/2015
2:20:54 PM
United StatesCASan Diego Balboa ave92111Chrysler PT cruiser2008RedXaf-6291
Driver litters everyday3/4/2015 10:00:48 PM3/3/2015
United StatesCAUnion cityHorner st.94587Chrysler300White6RRA970
dropped garbage out car door3/9/2015 12:59:16 PM3/9/2015
12:15 pm
United Statesmichiganauburn hills lapeer rd. and brown rd 48326Chryslernot sure newer carsilver/greyDFD4261
Tossed plastic trash and a beer bottle out if window3/13/2015 9:23:47 AM3/12/2015
5:30 pm
United StatesINNew AlbanySilver Street near Daisy Lane47150Chrysler Dark green WBE 496
Soda bottles being thrown out daily3/14/2015 6:14:59 PM3/14/2015
6:04:27 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaOsterburgBobs creek road16667ChryslerPt cruiser2006Off white
Trash out window3/23/2015 1:45:55 PM3/23/2015
1:43:42 PM
United StatesOhioParma State Rd44134Chrysler 3002013MaroonGks7446
Trash thrown from car3/30/2015 4:29:27 PM3/30/2015
8:15 a.m.
United StatesMichiganDetroitVernorChrysler2013-15Silvery BlueGG17Y
Partially bald man in very nice black 4 door sedan threw a crumpled up piece of paper out of his window.4/1/2015 6:24:09 AM4/1/2015
United StatesKentuckyLouisvilleGene Snyder freeway 40291Chrysler 300Looked newer; maybe 2014Black749-RVE
dumped food wrappers and napkins at stop light4/2/2015 2:53:04 PM4/2/2015
2:00 PM
United StatescoDenverYale & Sheridan80219Chrysler Town and County 2008Red993 RQU
Dumped trash out the window4/3/2015 8:48:03 AM4/3/2015
11:40:20 AM
United StatesMarylandBaltimoreWashington Blvd21230ChryslerPacificaBlueMd temporary 347388T
On W Orange, driver tossed pack of cigs into the street.4/5/2015 3:30:44 PM4/5/2015
3:20:27 PM
United StatesPaLancaster 200 Block W. Orange St17603Chrysler300unknownWhite (off white?)JMT0689
Person littering from the car window while driving4/9/2015 5:27:03 PM4/7/2015
4:15 PM
United StatesNew JerseyNorth CaldwellW. Greenbrook Rd.07006ChryslerPT-Cruiser2008-2009GoldB38-CWE
Car littering in the middle of the street4/13/2015 6:08:35 PM4/13/2015
5:03:25 PM
United StatesCaBakersfieldWible road93309Chrysler PT Cruiser2008?Silver/gray5SHH590
Driver threw bottle out window4/18/2015 2:15:51 PM4/18/2015
United StatesKentuckyFrankfortI64 west ramp40601ChryslerPacificaLate model Silver397 RHZ
Cup dropped out of minivan by passenger4/23/2015 5:22:17 PM4/23/2015
4:55:00 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaAlgon Ave and Levick Street19111ChryslerMini vangreyJVP 7156
throwing trash out of the window5/7/2015 1:12:55 PM5/7/2015
1:05:25 PM
United Statescaliforniachula vistahilltop91910Chryslersebringsilver4GPV708
Dumped trash out of car5/10/2015 1:32:14 PM5/10/2015
1:27:14 PM
United StatesVirginiaWytheville77 southChryslerAspen2013Slate blueGOARD1
Lit cigarette5/12/2015 7:08:13 PM5/12/2015
5:30:36 PM
United StatesCaliforniaWhittierColima aveChryslerLight blue5UIY244
Threw a cigarette butt out the passenger side window5/26/2015 7:34:50 AM5/26/2015
7:32:22 AM
United StatesWashington StateSilverdaleSilverdale Way98383ChryslerPacificaGreyish Blue548-TLM
Plastic or styrofoam cup thrown out window5/31/2015 11:25:21 AM5/31/2015
2:15 PM
United StatesMarylandBaltimoreMLK21230ChryslerDark blue2BY0677
Cancer Sticks...6/3/2015 1:27:44 PM6/3/2015
4:15 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaColumbiaAssembly St.29201Chrysler 3002013-2015GrayJDP 644
Food wrapper6/15/2015 3:33:52 PM6/14/2015
5:30:00 PM
United StatesWisconsinMadisonBeltline - 18/1253713Chrysler200SBlue710 VMF
Litter of full cup6/20/2015 9:55:46 AM6/20/2015
6:17:31 AM
United StatesmichiganClinton twpHayes rd near Utica rdChryslerMini vanWhiteBla1321
Threw empty soda cans out the window6/20/2015 10:31:01 AM6/19/2015
5:35 pm
United StatesCAOceansideIntersection of Melrose Dr. And Oceanside Blvd.92056Chrysler300Silver5uuj532
Food scraps thrown out of car window6/23/2015 9:02:28 AM6/21/2015
United StatesPaPittsburghPenn Ave15235ChryslerJeepGrayJNT3643
threw paper out the window during congestion of traffic backup in construction6/26/2015 5:55:20 PM6/25/2015
United StatesMichiganTroyBig Beaver RdChrysler Pt cruiser deep purpleDBY 4815
Tossed plastic bottle out car window6/30/2015 8:29:32 AM6/28/15
United StatesMarylandClarksburgFrederick Road20871ChryslerTown and CountryGoldV KARMA
Throwing trash out window6/30/2015 1:35:00 PM6/30/2015
2:29:52 PM
United StatesTexasNear AlvinHWY 288 SChrysler300Dark BlueFHJ2819
Trash cups and cans dumped at red light7/1/2015 5:07:44 AM6/30/2015
5:45 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAugustaLaney Walker Blvd30901ChryslerPT CruiserYellow327RTW
Dunking Donuts in the Parking Lot7/1/2015 2:11:54 PM7/1/2015
2:05:38 PM
United StatesMassachussetsShrewsbury97 Boston Turnpike01545Chrysler Silver549 VAB
Woman dumped out trash7/4/2015 9:16:15 PM7/4/2015
9:13:40 PM
United StatesArkansasJonesboroCaraway. Southside ball fields72404Chrysler 200Blue601 sjf
Threw empty drink can out of van window7/10/2015 5:01:17 AM7/9/2015
5:10 PM
United StatesLouisianaLafayetteArnold Blvd70506ChryslerTown and CountryEarly 2000GreenLA MZR 207
Left soda can on ground outside door of car7/12/2015 1:03:03 PM7/12/2015
12:56:26 PM
United StatesOhioCincinnatiJunietta Ave45211ChryslerPT CruiserSilver
She tidied up her car as she drove down the street.7/14/2015 3:51:16 PM7/14/2015
5:10 PM
United StatesIowaDavenportHayse st. & Sheridan st.52803chryslerseabring or 300late. 90ssilver503 XPI
Passenger dumping trash out the window into the sidewalk7/17/2015 4:12:32 PM7/17/2015
2:10:45 PM
United StatesWABellevueNE 8th Street98004ChryslerBeigeAKU8232
Saw trash thrown out of the passenger window..7/19/2015 11:29:11 AM7/19/2015
12:30 PM
United StatesIowaMarion52302ChryslerTown and Country vannot sureNavy blueDOP 597
window flick7/22/2015 4:27:50 AM7/21/2015
5:18:08 AM
United StatesMichiganMadison HeightsI-7548071Chrysler2002011BlackCJF7495
Throwing Cigarette Butts out of vehicle7/23/2015 3:55:12 PM7/23/2015
3:52:06 PM
United StatesNevadaLas VegasRainbow Blvd & Charleston89107ChryslerPT Cruiser2000 +GreyNV 350 WYU
passenger threw trash out of the window on I957/28/2015 3:47:16 PM7/28/2015
6:14:16 PM
United StatesFloridaboca ratoni9533431Chrysler 3002010gray210 YIK
Dumped to-go food container8/7/2015 11:59:18 AM8/7/2015
2:00 PM
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINAgreerpelham29650Chrysler200not sure but a newer modelblack112 1GV
Driver threw cig butt out window8/7/2015 8:12:34 PM8/7/2015
11:48 pm
United StatesPaBlairsvilleMarket street15717ChryslerPT cruiser JTT4462
Littering Snack Wrappers Out Minivan Window8/9/2015 2:45:58 PM8/9/2015
2:15:00 PM
United StatesNew YorkTuxedo LakeInterstate 87 Northbound10987ChryslerTown & CountryNot SureBlack LookingNY Plate - GSG 8666
Trash thrown from auto on Houston Leveee8/12/2015 8:19:46 PM8/12/2015
8:11:12 PM
United StatesTennesseeCOLLIERVILLE1591 Huntley Cove38017ChryslerPT CruiserUO1 36P
witnessed driver throwing litt cigarette out of window.8/17/2015 9:43:16 PM8/17/2015
5:26:55 PM
United StatesWashington Statespokanecountry homes and cedar99208chryslerpacificachampagneavr2899
Cigarette tossed out driver side door9/10/2015 2:48:26 PM9/10/2015
2:30:22 PM
United StatesCApowaypoway road92064chrysler3002010silver6vbg562
cigarette tossed out driver side door9/10/2015 2:52:59 PM9/10/2015
2:30:22 PM
United StatesCApowaypoway rd92064chrysler3002010?silver6vbg592
Threw a bottle from the driver window to the grass9/10/2015 4:09:22 PM9/10/2015
4:06:17 PM
United StatesGeorgiaConyers Sigman road30012ChryslerSilverPxb7623
Grocery bag full of trash9/16/2015 7:00:03 AM9/16/2015
7:25 AM
United StatesVirginiaNorfolk1-264 prior to Brambleton exit heading to downtown NorfolkChryslerMinivanBurgundyVHN-3666
Guy throwing lit cigarette out window9/16/2015 10:21:58 AM9/16/2015
6:10:10 AM
United StatesCaliforniaBerkeleyChrysler 2002013White7ALF158
Threw Trash Out Moving Vehicle9/18/2015 5:26:20 PM9/18/2015
5:20:16 PM
United StatesColoradoBroomfield CO 80023Chrysler PT Cruiser Dark Gray 874-QZA
male threw cigarette out of vehicle9/23/2015 5:05:57 AM9/22/2015
8:15:40 AM
CanadaON - OntarioWindsorCounty Rd 42chrysler200redR BALZY
Dirty son of a bitch threw his cigarette wrapper right out the window9/23/2015 5:58:46 AM9/23/2015
United StatesGeorgiaRoswellHolcomb bridge30076Chrysler3002010Black
FLUNG CAGARETTE BUTT OUT WINDOW9/30/2015 5:20:31 PM8/02/2015
11:28 AM
cigarette butt out window10/7/2015 4:23:39 PM09/01/15
4:52 PM
United StatesWashingtonKentWashington98032ChryslerSebringBlackARB4715
Dumping trash out drivers window10/9/2015 9:23:43 AM10/9/2015
9:18:32 AM
United StatesMichiganLansingWaverly Rd at St Joe48917Chryslerlate modelsilverDCB 4800
plastic cup top and straw disposed of over bridge into the TN river10/14/2015 2:56:28 PM10/14/2015
2:50:08 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleTN River BridgeChryslerPT CruiserSilver52DB703
Littering throwing debris into the elevated plants at High St and I-58010/31/2015 6:11:34 PM10/31/2015
United StatesCAOaklandHigh Street94612Chrysler380Black7HQF681
Lady who live in complex throwing grabage bags of litter on side of 9511/5/2015 6:58:55 PM11/5/2015
6:54:55 PM
United StatesFloridaCoral Springs11453 me 39th court33065Chrysler Town & Country2010GoldH01 103
Piece of crap passenger dumped a bag of trash out at rest light11/6/2015 1:03:26 PM11/6/2015
1:00:50 PM
United StatesMarylandAbingdon US 24Chrysler PT CruiserBlack1BX8569
Multiple trash items out thw window12/30/2015 1:34:16 PM12/30/2015
1:30:47 PM
United StatesMassachusettsBoston4Th st02119ChryslerMinivanBlue or black183XP1
Driver dropped bag of trash1/12/2016 9:04:07 AM1/12/2016
8:58:41 AM
United StatesTEXASHuffmanFM196077336ChryslerSebring2010GoldDM1 Y707
Threw trash out of the window1/30/2016 2:01:42 PM1/30/2016
1:58:27 PM
United StatesFloridaOrlandoI-4Chrysler 200WhiteJosiah-1
Littered from car2/3/2016 2:17:39 PM2/3/2016
3:45 pm
United StatespennsylvaniaAllentownCedar Crest BlvdChrysler300BlackJGY 2168
Littering from car2/7/2016 2:38:59 PM2/7/2016
2:33:18 PM
United StatesColoradoArvadaSheridanChryslerSRTBlackQKV 580
Driver tossed aluminium can2/19/2016 12:22:34 PM2/19/2016
01:00 PM
United StatestennesseeChattanooga23rd StreetChryslerPacificaLight BlueM8874G
Littered while driving. I honked. Then they littered again at the stop sign2/23/2016 3:10:50 PM2/23/2016
3:06:20 PM
United StatesFloridaTampaN 12th street33610Chrysler Maroon/red932 7TC
Threw soda can out the window of the car and almost hit my car3/8/2016 3:33:35 PM3/8/2016
3:29:58 PM
United StatesNew YorkClifton ParkI-87 SChryslerMinivanBlueRF4874
Yard is covered in cigarette butts and auto parts3/10/2016 8:32:17 AM3/10/2016
8:25:48 AM
United StatesColorado SpringsColorado SpringlsSuperior80904Chryslergrey
Brown bag3/13/2016 2:03:17 PM3/13/2016
United StatesOhioHamilton75 north ChryslerSebringRedGTA3038
Throwing trash out of the car multiple times in the DQ drive thru3/15/2016 3:42:16 PM3/15/2016
3:39:50 PM
United StatesindianaElkhart2nd street46516ChryslerPacifica Light blue
Throwing trash out the window.3/17/2016 2:41:59 PM3/17/2016
4:42 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaSpartanburgJohn B White Blvd29301ChryslerPacifica2010Blue or BlackN.C. DCK-7845
Car sitting at light on corner of saratoga and bennington threw out a handful of wrappers3/19/2016 8:36:23 AM3/19/2016
11:30 am
United StatesmassachusettsEast BostonSaratoga street02128ChryslerRed3BF266
I witnessed the young boy throw a full bag out of his car door.3/21/2016 8:04:02 PM3/21/2016
11:05:00 AM
United StatesoklahomaSand Springs99 S State Hwy 9774063ChryslerPT CruiserCream514GET
Threw whole fast food bags full of trash. As well as magazines and newspaper3/22/2016 7:18:39 PM3/22/2016
10:13:30 PM
United StatesMichiganGrand RapidsBristol49544ChryslerSebring or 200 he was speeding2000Cnd2776
20-30 yr old African American man driving a silver minivan3/25/2016 6:34:18 PM3/25/2016
6:22:53 PM
United StatesCA Sacramento Intersection of Del Paso Blvd & Natomas Blvd95835ChryslerTown & Country1990Silver5UPA555
black Chrysler3/31/2016 8:52:20 AM3/31/2016
United StatesWashington Statetacomas.9th & pacific ave. 705 onramp98405chryslerblackaqm5228
Threw Wrapper from Convertible3/31/2016 3:43:26 PM3/31/2016
3:41:21 PM
United StatesWARenton HWY 167 Northbound, near SW 180th ST Exit98057ChryslerSebring2008Black or Blue957YUE
Throwing paper trash out window of minivan4/4/2016 8:11:40 AM4/4/2016
8:06:27 AM
United StatesindianaPrincetonHighway 41 North47670ChryslerMinivanOlderGoldD345EN
threw plastic lighter out of the window4/8/2016 9:44:03 AM4/8/2016
9:41:00 AM
United StatesgeorgiaAtlantanorth 285 mile marker 7.6Chrysler300whiteNC Handicap 1173c
Threw trash out car door4/14/2016 9:15:02 AM4/9/16
1:25 pm
United StatesFloridaFt myersLight at Colonial and ortiz33916Chrysler SebringGrayish Apeh89
Threw cigarette butt out the window4/18/2016 3:12:35 PM4/18/2016
6:00 PM
United StatesPACoopersburgRt 309 and Main St18036ChryslerPT CruiserBlueHJE1168
Litter out of car4/19/2016 12:49:06 PM4/19/2016
3:20:58 PM
United StatesMarylandBaltimoreEastern Ave21231ChryslerGold60989B
Light blue Chrysler 300 4 door sedan license plate number BNK 399 dumping trash on the north side small parking lot.4/22/2016 4:25:50 PM4/22/2016
7:05 pm EST
United StatesGeorgiaColumbus3201 1ST AVE.31904Chrysler3002009-2010BlueBNK 399
Threw Gatorade bottles out in front of high school5/2/2016 1:57:24 PM5/2/2016
3:51:36 PM
United StatesKentuckyHenderson Stadium drive 42420Chrysler G809Red579 bjy
Threw paper cup out of window5/2/2016 6:12:47 PM5/2/2016
5:20:00 PM
United StatesGASavannahChatham ParkwayChryslerGray or SilverRBZ3087
Donor for Life Tag: 0421 Trash thrown from passenger-side vehicle5/17/2016 7:51:01 AM5/17/2016
United StatesMarylandCrownsvilleGenerals Hwy. 21033Chrysler Town & CountryNot sureTan/GoldDonor for Life ORG 0421
Threw litter out of window multiple times5/17/2016 8:54:11 AM5/17/2016
8:47:35 AM
United StatesGeorgiaHall CountyPrice RoadChryslerPT Cruiser2009/10GrayAP 2601
Throwing trash at someone on motorcycle.5/25/2016 11:28:21 AM5/25/2016
2:25 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaStatesvilleHighway28625ChryslerBurgundyRAJ0027
Threw out fast food trash 2 times6/1/2016 8:05:30 PM6/1/2016
6:30:25 PM
United StatesCALIFORNIARio VistaHwy 12 west bound 1 mi E of Jackson Slough Rd94571Chrysler200Silver6SAZ190
Trash out Window6/2/2016 3:27:41 PM6/2/2016
6:15 PM
United StatesMichiganWest BloomfieldMaple roadChrysler Town and Country BlackCKT 3610
Trash out Window6/2/2016 3:28:35 PM6/2/2016
6:15 PM
United StatesMichiganWest BloomfieldMaple roadChrysler Town and Country BlackCKT 3610
Trash out driver window6/2/2016 3:36:48 PM6/2/2016
3:29:10 PM
United StatesWashingtonKENTCentral Ave and Kent Kangely98031Chrysler200Silver574-ARP
Cigarette butt thrown out from driver side front window6/2/2016 9:05:10 PM6/2/2016
3:47:36 PM
United StatesWashington StateWoodinville140th Ave Ne (202) & Ne 168th St98072ChryslerPT Cruiser GT2010?OrangeAPD8452
Littering out car window6/11/2016 11:11:18 AM6/11/2016
11:07:06 AM
United StatesMISSOURISaint louisSouth Geand Blvd63110ChryslerSebringBlue silver63O 6796
Littering out car window6/11/2016 12:00:04 PM6/11/2016
11:07:06 AM
United StatesMISSOURISaint louisSouth Geand Blvd63110ChryslerSebringBlue silverQ3O 6796
Can6/20/2016 6:06:57 AM6/20/2016
900 am
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINALaurensEast Hampton st29360Chrysler3002014BurgundyIQX717
Flicked cigarette butt out the window6/23/2016 1:59:24 PM6/23/2016
12:45 PM
United StatesNebraskaOmahaBob Boozer just south of PacificChryslerPT CruiserUNknownRedCRUZNDJ
Girl tossed out empty plastic bottle onto the street6/24/2016 6:27:43 PM6/24/2016
6:02:31 PM
United StatesFLORIDAFort LauderdaleN Federal Highway 33306Chrysler200BlackGXP 1795 (New York)
Trash out the car window drinks food6/30/2016 4:39:21 PM6/30/2016
10:23 am
United StatestennesseeMemphis 24038119Chrysler 2002015Dark blue/ grayU62 67J
Throwing trash out all windows7/3/2016 4:51:20 PM7/3/2016
4:46:59 PM
United StatescaliforniaDel marCamino Del mar and 10th92014ChryslerPT Cruiser2010?Maroon4VQG382
Watched car litter multiple times7/4/2016 4:28:00 PM7/4/2016
2:53:43 PM
United StatesFloridaWinter ParkHoratio and Orlando avechryslersebringBlack471RZR
Threw out a soda can and McDonalds bag from her drivers side window.7/5/2016 10:31:32 AM7/5/2016
10:15:16 AM
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukee 54th Street and W. Washington Blvd.53213Chrysler Town and CountryRed721-XGJ
Young woman threw large drink cup, lid and straw out drivers window7/7/2016 11:44:12 AM7/7/2016
1:25 PM
United StatesIllinoisDanvilleGilbert St at I-74 ChryslerPT CruiserMaroon787 7566
Threw red bull can out of passenger car window at Zaxbys7/8/2016 4:14:31 PM7/7/2016
1:09:52 PM
United StatesGeorgiaCummingKeith Bridge Rd30041ChryslerSebringSilverPJT2348
briwn bag with white paper7/8/2016 8:54:06 PM7/8/2016
United StatesMichiganhamtramcktrowbridge48212ChryslerblackLIMIT3D
Females littering from car onto interstate 947/12/2016 12:14:57 PM7/12/2016
United StatesWisconsinWisconsin DellsBunker road?53965Chrysler ?300BlackY946487
Man opened vehicle door and placed trash on ground7/14/2016 5:26:03 AM7/14/2016
7:52:50 AM
United StatesSouth CarolinaGastonState Road S 32-6529053Chrysler Sebring? 2011SilverMgw 462
Threw trash out of window7/19/2016 1:45:00 PM7/19/2016
1:41:37 PM
United StatesmdBlandensburgUS 29520710Chrysler 300Black863543T
throwing trash out all over rd8/2/2016 4:53:17 AM8/2/2016
7:47:32 AM
United StatesGeorgiahephzibahWillis foreman rd30815Chrysler or cruisersilver BUC-4715
Throwing food wrappers8/15/2016 7:07:10 PM8/15/2016
4:42:47 PM
United StatesTennesseeMemphisI-240 N38106Chrysler300RoseU97 31J
2 BLACK LITTER BUGS8/17/2016 4:12:57 PM8/17/2016
4:09:28 PM
United StatesgeorgiaSavannahI-16CHRYSLER SEBRINGGOLDBII9589
cigarette8/28/2016 2:01:54 PM8/28/2016
4:58:17 PM
CanadaON - OntarioWindsorCorner of Howard amd Cabanan9gChryslerBlackBVBH 654
Car at stoplight throws bottle and cup out window8/29/2016 3:22:04 PM8/29/2016
3:15:33 PM
United StatesMDColumbiaBroken Land Parkway2104?Chrysler2002017Royal Blue2A19513
Cigarette butt8/31/2016 7:43:30 AM8/29/2016
6:10 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan Marcos78 East at Twin Oaks Valley92078Chrysler30020096ZKV641
Tossing Fast Food Bags Out Window9/2/2016 11:33:42 AM9/2/2016
1:55 PM
United StatesMichiganYpsilanti I-94Chrysler 3002012Grey DL1 5117
Littering9/6/2016 2:27:17 PM9/6/2016
5:13:05 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia22nd St & Federal StChrysler 300Late modelSlateJxb-9831
Threw all kinds of trash out their car window while I was behind them.9/8/2016 11:05:12 AM9/8/2016
11:02:53 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburghCarson Street15203Chryslersilverkbl4364
Passenger threw glass bottle out window9/21/2016 12:27:54 PM9/21/2016
12:23:33 PM
United StatesMichiganWarren Mound on ramp to 696eChrysler Sebring 2009-2012RedCGI1886
driver threw trash bag out drivers window9/24/2016 12:15:27 PM9/24/2016
12:06:49 PM
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINALymanholly springs road29365ChryslerMagnumunsurelight blueJJH558
driver of the car in front of me threw a cigarette out his/her window9/26/2016 11:09:52 AM9/24/2016
15:00 hrs.
United StatesCaliforniaDiamond Bar57 fwy northboundChryslerunknownunknowngray7JHA022
Cigarette butts thrown in street10/1/2016 2:27:31 PM10/1/2016
2:22:39 PM
United StatesOhioMiamisburg Burnside45342Chrysler 4 door truckBlackgpz9360
Driver throwing lit cigarettes10/1/2016 2:33:49 PM10/1/2016
2:31:20 PM
United StatesOhioMiamisburgBurnside45342Chrysler 4 door truckgpz9360
Cigarette butt out the window10/9/2016 1:39:28 PM09/22/2016
6:36:58 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaErieI-90 and Peach16504Chrysler 200HYD-8789
They were throwing beer bottles, mcdonalds wrappers and straws out their window10/18/2016 4:45:15 PM10/16/2016
11:55 AM
United StatesNew YorkWoodsideNorthern Boulevard 11372Chrysler3002005BlackGZE-1597
They were throwing beer bottles, mcdonalds wrappers and straws out their window10/18/2016 4:46:00 PM10/16/2016
11:55 AM
United StatesNew YorkWoodsideNorthern Boulevard 11372Chrysler3002005BlackGZE-1597
N10/19/2016 10:22:14 AM10/19/2016
10:00 am
United StatesIllChicago I94, exit 52ChryslerChargerRedP23 5251
Threw slushie cups in Taco Bell parking lot11/3/2016 5:20:54 PM11/3/2016
8:10:05 PM
United StatesMichiganLake OrionS Lapeer Rd48362ChryslerPT CruiserRedAYB 615
Litter tossed in front of me as driving11/4/2016 12:08:59 PM11/4/2016
United StatesCTWaterburyEast mainChryslerTuring EditionBlueAF 67757
Trash11/7/2016 2:33:28 PM11/7/2016
2:28:42 PM
United StatesARLittle Rock72211ChryslerWhited251 ORE
Sliver mini van, throwing out trash11/10/2016 3:12:57 PM11/10/2016
3:08:12 PM
United StatesVirginiaMathews CountyRt 1423025Chrysler Town & country2007-2009SliverMCM51
Paper napkins cups while driving11/12/2016 2:45:52 PM11/12/2016
2:36:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaTemple city Las tunas91776Chrysler 300 sedan2010 ?Black6apx113
Threw full foam cup out of wndow at light.11/19/2016 12:01:03 PM11/19/2016
11:56:59 AM
United StatesOhioHudsonRt. 9144236Chrysler200WhiteGOW 2177
Chrysler 300 black littered11/27/2016 1:21:05 PM11/27/2016
1:14:09 PM
United Statesmississippi15 miles south of issaquennaHey 61Chrysler30010-11BlackG690 NE
Woman brown hair12/3/2016 3:16:56 PM12/3/2016
3:09:22 PM
United StatesWAVancouver4th Plain98682Chrysler Dark blue BAM4505
Cigarette bud12/9/2016 7:20:56 AM12/9/2016
5:50:53 AM
United StatesTenneseeeGallatin I-4037087Chrysler300WhiteE36 54M
White Chrysler 300, CO plates 691-QFF12/27/2016 6:55:12 AM12/27/2016
7:30:45 AM
United StatesMOSpringfieldNE corner Bennett and Glenstone65807Chrysler300WhiteColorado 691 QFF
Dumped out window 44oz cup12/28/2016 11:24:59 AM12/27/2016
4:45 pm
United StatesOREGONPortland I 205 N97220ChryslerMini Van2012?Dark RedWA AZR1290
2 cups thrown out the window12/29/2016 9:06:17 AM12/27/2016
7:30 pm
United StatesIndianaEvansville Kratzville47720ChryslerPacificawhiteXKV53
Food paper out the window1/12/2017 6:07:06 PM1/12/2017
6:01:56 PM
United StatestennesseeMemphis2994 Poplar Ave38111Chrysler GoldN80-92N
Throwing garbage out in plastic bags1/12/2017 8:38:02 PM1/12/2017
8:31:21 PM
United StatesIllinoisLudlowOrange Street and other roads driving out of Ludlow60949chryslerRed
Littering1/17/2017 4:09:04 AM1/16/2017
4:33 pm
United StatesPAAllentiwnPa18104ChryslerWhiteGGD 1193
flicked a cigarette out the drivers window1/19/2017 6:56:31 AM1/19/2017
8:50 AM
United Statespaduncansvilleroute 2216635Chryslersebringdark blueKGG 5425
Threw Red Bull can out right-hand passenger window1/21/2017 4:20:00 PM1/21/2017
3:42:23 PM
United StatesArkansasFayettevilleNorth72701Chrysler200Blue 5OFC459 or 50FC459
2 fast food cups with lids and straws1/31/2017 1:29:44 PM1/31/2017
10:52 AM
United StatesWA - WashingtonTacoma 2945 so 38th st98409ChryslerSilverAZM1780
Lit cigarette2/19/2017 3:18:30 PM2/19/2017
1:45:02 PM
United StatesOREGONAstoria Marine Drive 97103ChryslerTown and Country Minivan516DDH
Threw container out of window2/25/2017 6:35:14 AM2/25/2017
6:28:31 AM
United StatesVirginiaArlington1400-1548 Arlington Boulevard22209Chrysler200N/ABlue/GrayVTR-2676
litter out car window2/28/2017 9:04:47 AM2/28/2017
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaN. Druid Hills and I 8530329Chrysler300blackREA47GI
Throwing trash out of drivers side window3/6/2017 3:23:46 PM3/6/2017
United StatesPennslyvaniaErie12th and bay front connecter16511ChryslerPacificaBlackKJL3439
Plastic bags thrown along Summit Dr.3/7/2017 8:32:20 AM3/6/2017
United StatesPennsylvaniaSwiftwaterSummit Drive18370ChryslerPT CruiserBlueGFT8129
Threw a cup out of the window (looked like a frozen yogurt cup)3/8/2017 3:42:49 PM3/8/2017
12:23 PM
United StateswashingtonFederal Way336th and Pacific Hwy98003Chrysler Town and Country TouringSilver53684
Banan peel3/10/2017 6:46:46 PM3/10/2017
United StatesWAKent26230 123rd pl se98030Chrysler Silver 424LCM
Throwing Trash on street from drivers side car window3/15/2017 5:21:22 PM3/15/2017
3:21 PM
United StatesFloridaOrlandoKaley Ext off Interstate 432806Chrysler 300c?Black HCF K47
Vehicle Litter out window3/17/2017 4:31:57 PM3/17/2017
3:15 pm
United StatespennsylvaniaPleasant GapI-80 East Bound Bellfonte Exit 158Chrysler300BlueEJZ4829
Threw cup out window3/21/2017 3:04:42 PM3/21/2017
12:15 PM
United StatesMichiganNepoleanM-5049203ChryslerSebring?GoldDBI 0001
Throwing trash out of window onto I-65 south4/2/2017 1:31:53 PM4/2/2017
1:24:13 PM
United StatesAlGeorgianaI-65 36033Chrysler Town and Country GoldDke0704
Throwing trash out of window onto I-65 south4/2/2017 1:32:18 PM4/2/2017
1:24:13 PM
United StatesAlGeorgianaI-65 36033Chrysler Town and Country GoldDke0704
Driver threw cigarette butt out window4/11/2017 4:06:21 PM4/11/2017
3:45:29 PM
United StatesOklahomaNormanSooner Road at Indian Hills Road IntersectionChrysler200Silver789MVF
Driver threw trash out of his window, saw me, then sped away as fast as he could4/12/2017 8:09:14 AM4/10/2017
United StatesPAVillanovaLancaster19085Chrysler??BlueJYX5645
Cigarette into the street4/12/2017 3:27:59 PM4/12/2017
3:22:13 PM
United StatesWashington stateSeattlerAlaskan way @ yessler98134ChryslerSebringGoldBak2862
Man dumping bags of trash in business dumpster4/28/2017 4:22:28 AM4/28/2017
6:20 AM
United StatesVirginiaFredericksburg 406 Lafayette Boulevard22401ChryslerMinivanSilverVZP3038
Man dumping bags of trash in business dumpster4/28/2017 4:22:47 AM4/28/2017
6:20 AM
United StatesVirginiaFredericksburg 406 Lafayette Boulevard22401ChryslerMinivanSilverVZP3038
Man repeatedly throwing things out his window while driving4/28/2017 11:02:00 AM4/28/2017
1:40 pm
United StatesFloridaTampaMM 367 on I 75Chrysler200RedDTW L60
Food littering5/12/2017 7:43:38 AM5/12/2017
7:15:37 AM
United StatesOREGONHillsboroNW Cornell Road97124Chrysler Silver554DFY
Threw trash out the window several times going down highways5/13/2017 8:55:25 AM5/13/2017
11:51:50 AM
United StatesMichiganBelleville27548111Chrysler300BlackDLA0495
Threw Wendys cup5/19/2017 10:07:13 AM5/19/2017
10:04:59 AM
United StatesGA - GeorgiaLawrenceville Sweetwater rd30044Chrysler300 cLight grayish blueBpl 1157
Threw food wrappers out of the passenger window5/20/2017 12:55:07 PM5/20/2017
02:45 PM
United StatesFloridaJacksonville32218Chrysler200BlackHLXJ94
Threw water bottle out the window5/22/2017 11:48:56 AM5/22/2017
1:30:55 PM
United StatesMissouriNew LondonHighway N63459Chrysler300 Limited/Signature/TouringGrey BlueYH6S1U
Dangerous Driving AND Littering5/23/2017 5:47:49 AM5/23/2017
5:45:39 AM
United StatesNew JerseyManalapanRt 3307726ChryslerTown and CountryTanWAK 88R
Plastic or Cardboard ice-cream cone thrown out.6/2/2017 3:45:19 PM6/2/2017
5:10:00 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaSchwab Dr. right before the Intersection with Creighton.32504ChryslerSebring2008-2010SilverHUB E69
Bag of trash6/5/2017 5:49:31 PM6/5/2017
5:46:16 PM
United StatesMARYLANDMarlboro Suitland parkway Chrysler Car Blueb3CR7349
2 people threw trash out window several times6/11/2017 3:44:21 PM6/11/2017
3:05:31 PM
United StatesMichiganZeelandByron Rd49464Chrysler Pacifica2004Burgundy DLB424D
Littering in their own Yard frt & bck ... Blowing into the development6/12/2017 6:20:51 PM6/12/2017
6:09:32 PM
United StatesOhioParmaAbraham Ave.44130ChryslerMinivanBlkFYL3017
Driver side litter6/13/2017 12:49:07 PM6/13/2017
12:05:53 PM
United StatesiowaWest Des Moines50th & Ashworth Road, West bound at stoplight50266ChryslerPacificaBlackEOA 467
Food containers thrown out of window onto street6/14/2017 2:26:09 PM6/14/2017
2:23:48 PM
United StatesWIMadisonSycamore Ave53714ChryslerPT CruiserGold329-VJL
Littering out of car6/18/2017 11:39:50 AM6/18/2017
11:35:57 AM
United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerqueMountain Rd87102ChryslerPT CruiserNPW 214
Threw garbage out car window and children not in carseats6/21/2017 4:44:51 PM6/21/2017
4:38:21 PM
United StatesWA - WashingtonClayton4448-4452 Railroad Ave99110ChryslerPT CruiserApx 2000-2004WhiteAyd2669
Dumping trash out of her car6/24/2017 12:37:53 PM6/24/2017
United StatesMichiganTaylorAllen Rd48180Chrysler SebringBlackCLK-3261
Threw garbage out of car window6/25/2017 4:56:52 PM6/25/2017
4:52:09 PM
United StatesWashington stateKentHighway 167Chrysler300GoldBDN4322
Person threw plastic soda cup out window7/1/2017 8:25:45 AM7/1/2017
11:17 AM
United Statesnew yorkPhelpsNY State Thruway14532ChryslerPacifica Navy BlueHMT 9880
Threw bottle out window.7/5/2017 11:42:10 AM7/5/2017
11:37:34 AM
United StatesMDAnnapolisChryslerBlack1CE9338
Throwing empty water bottle out window7/6/2017 1:00:37 PM7/6/2017
12:58:51 PM
United StatesMichiganCantonFord Road48187Chrysler300MBlackDRT 1679
Styrofoam cup with straw & lid7/8/2017 12:15:52 PM7/8/2017
3:10:06 PM
United StatesFloridaDaytona BeachChrysler 200SilverDZRA31
Fast Food Cup7/15/2017 10:27:51 AM7/15/2017
11:30 AM
United StatesTexasDentonSouthbound Frontage Road Intersection of 380 and I3576205ChryslerTown and CountrySilver/GreyQ804789
Trash from car7/26/2017 5:35:05 AM7/26/2017
5:27:20 AM
United StatesMissouriSaint louisMcree63110Chrysler Gray MP7 W0A
Threw trash out window7/28/2017 4:06:25 AM7/28/2017
United StatesIndianaEvansville47711ChryslerWhite967lan
Throwing napkins out of the window8/4/2017 4:55:15 PM8/4/2017
1952. (752 pm)
United StatesVirginiaAquia I 95sChrysler300Blue silverIPBU60 Florida
Passenger through a full blue trash bag out the window while on I978/6/2017 2:49:40 PM8/6/2017
2:44:39 PM
United StatesmdCrownsvilleI97 northbound before Rt 32Chrysler 200WhiteGPB6429
Silver Chrysler 300 beer cans8/18/2017 12:05:21 PM8/18/2017
1:55 PM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma City NW 10th and Meridian73107Chrysler300?SilverBTJ 889
Car threw trash blatantly out on the road while driving8/21/2017 2:11:23 PM8/21/2017
2:09:26 PM
United StatesFLOrlandoOrange blossom trail32804Chrysler Not shown UnknownBlackDMT-Q15
Threw lit cigarette out of car window8/22/2017 10:36:25 AM8/21/2017
08:15:33 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaMonroeOld Charlotte Hwy28110Chrysler 2002015-16Black or dark in colorAJH3977
Black 4 door Chrysler9/4/2017 1:20:23 PM9/4/2017
400 pm
United StatesMIThomas twpGratiot48609Chrysler Black
Threw trash out car window9/4/2017 6:53:37 PM9/4/2017
6:49:15 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRancho Santa FeCalzada Del Bosque92067Chrysler 3002016Black7PZN165
Male flickering cigarette butt out window whileit9/5/2017 5:36:32 PM9/5/2017
5:31:18 PM
United StatesWaSpokaneTrent/Greene makeChryslerTwo doorSilverK591813- idqho
Trash thrown out car window9/7/2017 10:39:56 AM9/7/2017
07:45 AM
United StatesCaliforniaElk GroveInterstate 5Chryslerunknownunknowndark redAYA4417 - Washington State
Dumping Trash Outside Apartment Complex9/7/2017 2:12:13 PM9/7/2017
2:01:57 PM
United StatesIndianaMuncieBethel47303ChryslerTown and Countrynavy blueGIJ 6439
Trash set on hwy while at light.9/8/2017 1:13:47 PM9/8/2017
1:09:05 PM
United StatesALPhenix City 280 west 36869ChryslerSebring WhiteFTG940
driver tossed cigarettes out car window9/14/2017 1:17:32 PM9/14/2017
7:43 AM
United StatesWashington stateMercer Island1-90 WestboundChryslerJeep SUV 2008silverAEV1401
2 lit cigarettes thrown from moving vehicle9/16/2017 9:21:35 AM9/16/2017
9:19:03 AM
United StatesWashingtonTacomaExit 127Chrysler300Silver/greyAWD9239
Man dropped 2 bottles of empty motor oil bottles on ground9/24/2017 12:48:14 PM9/24/2017
12:36:57 PM
United StatesMarylandTowsonTaylor Avenue21234Chrysler 2002015-16White5CG1611
Littering10/4/2017 7:22:07 AM10/4/2017
7:17:12 AM
United StatesMiDetroitI-94 ChryslerMinions vanLt. blueDSK 5555
Threw out two full cups of Soda10/6/2017 1:00:52 PM10/6/2017
12:54:02 PM
United StatesWisconsinKenosha74th PLChrysler Grand Caravan2000’sDark BlueWI 812 ZWS
Trash threw trash10/10/2017 1:57:46 PM10/10/2017
1:55:22 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougePerkins rd70806Chrysler Charger 200Black592 ARO
Cups, straws, asks trash thrown out10/18/2017 2:51:53 PM10/18/2017
2:47:01 PM
United StatesVACharlottesville Hwy 29 NorthChrysler 200SBlackXCX 4810
Cups, straws, asks trash thrown out10/18/2017 2:52:17 PM10/18/2017
2:47:01 PM
United StatesVACharlottesville Hwy 29 NorthChrysler 200SBlackXCX 4810
Driver dumped ashtray10/18/2017 7:37:30 PM10/18/2017
5:38 PM
United StatesMichiganDetroitI7548212ChryslerJeepSilverCHQ2288
Cigarette butt out the window10/19/2017 3:26:55 PM10/19/2017
5:00 PM
United StatesILMile marker 226I 57Chrysler200BlackZ47 6624
Flicked lit cigarette out window10/25/2017 11:01:38 AM10/24/2017
7:00 PM
United StatesORPortlandI-205 near Washington StreetChrysler200 Limited2013Black544JDS
Littering11/1/2017 11:18:05 AM11/1/2017
11:12:28 AM
United StatesCaliforniaTracy11th street95330Chrysler Town country 2000sWhite 4SJC685
Passanger litter bug11/3/2017 6:12:13 PM11/3/2017
United StatesMiBuena VistaHolland rd. M-46CHRYSLERDLD 0179
THREW LARGE BAG LITTER OUT OF WINDOW11/17/2017 6:52:35 PM11/17/2017
Car was littering 3 times while I was behind it11/21/2017 12:47:56 PM11/21/2017
12:39:42 PM
United StatesFLORIDA (FL)Lehigh Acres Bell Blvd33974Chrysler 300GrayL85-1KZ
Tossed his food wrappers out the window11/24/2017 1:35:47 PM11/24/2017
1:31:29 PM
United StatesFloridaFort Walton BeachHwy 98 on Okaloosa island32548ChryslerTown and countrySilver009QEG
elderly man opened car door and put aluminum can on the road12/10/2017 7:08:40 AM10/15/2017
11:48 am
United StatesGAJohns Creek14130024Chrysler PT Cruisersky bluepct1399
Littering on the road 12/15/2017 2:10:50 PM12/15/2017
12:58:24 PM
United StatesnevadaLas VegasTropicana Ave.89121ChryslerPacificaNot available.Dark Blue72D635
Person threw cup of white substance (paint, ice cream) out window on highway1/2/2018 8:54:31 PM1/2/2018
United StatesOregonPortlandI-84 EastChryslerSebring2004PurpleOregon 615 BFU
Man driving threw 3 empty water bottles from his window1/9/2018 10:03:52 PM1/9/2018
5:00 pm
United StatesnevadaLas VegasCheyenne approaching Michael Way89108Chrysler 300Silver46C126
Throwing trash out the window1/12/2018 9:18:21 AM1/11/2018
7:33 AM
United StatesFloridaGainesvilleFlorida32606Chrysler PT Cruiser2010GoldY55 GWG
Passenger threw McDonalds cup out window 1/18/2018 1:35:22 PM1/18/2018
1:32:55 PM
United StatesIllinois Bourbonnais Stadium Drive 60914Chrysler Blue BRZA 97
Lady opens door drops garbage2/8/2018 12:49:40 PM2/8/2018
12:45:08 PM
United Statesoregonontario430 sw 7th97914ChryslerTown Country Van2004?light green969FNZ
In traffic, passenger threw coke can from window2/8/2018 4:08:05 PM2/8/2018
United StatesFloridaOrange ParkBlanding Blvd32073Chrysler2002015Black7221TV
Cleaned out car, weeks worth of trash onto the street2/17/2018 12:42:40 PM2/17/2018
12:34:59 PM
United StatesNevadaN Las Vegas1507 W Craig Rd. 89032CHRYSLER200GreyNV322157
Litter out passenger side window2/19/2018 2:12:48 PM2/19/2018
2:07:10 PM
United StatesALABAMABirminghamHighway 65 NChryslerLCY6591
garbage out the door3/2/2018 12:35:54 PM3/2/2018
12:29:09 PM
United StatesUtahSouth jordan12600 s and redwood rd84096Chrysler PT cruiserSilver
Dropped napkins on street3/9/2018 4:41:26 PM3/9/2018
2:47:28 PM
United StatesSan BernardinoColtonS my. Vernon aveChrysler300Gray blue7YIY418
Grey blue 300 Chrysler 3/15/2018 2:17:09 PM3/15/2018
2:12:56 PM
United StatesNevadaLas vegas Las vegas Blvd and cheyenne89115Chrysler 300Grey blue37g703
Litter thrown from car 4/4/2018 5:30:29 PM4/4/2018
7:20:36 PM
United StatesAlabamaFairhopeState Highway 18136532ChryslerCrossfire2015?Black5BB5870
Passenger threw bottle out of window4/5/2018 1:09:55 PM4/5/2018
United StateswisconsinVeronaHwy PB53593Chrysler Sebring2015?Black139NDJ
Littering from moving vehicle4/10/2018 11:32:59 AM4/10/2018
1:30 pm
United StatesGeorgiaLawrencevilleGA 120/Lawrenceville-Suwanee intersection30043Chrysler300SilverRFZ0549
Driver throwing trash ouy window4/14/2018 8:25:50 AM4/14/2018
8:21:41 AM
United StatesIllinoisMarionN Railroad street 62959Chrysler200WhiteZ565949
cigarette package4/21/2018 4:09:54 PM4/21/2018
3:56 PM
CanadaontarioWindsorOuellette at EugenieChrysler300blue/blackDPP-7461
Threw paper like object out window 4/21/2018 4:57:54 PM4/21/2018
4:52:42 PM
United StatesWA StateRenton167 freeway98055Chrysler Pacifica Charcoal grey BJK617K
Pa plate jtk 4524 blue mini van4/25/2018 6:52:24 PM4/25/2018
6:45:00 PM
United StatesPaSandy ridgeRt 322 between the state police station and port matildaChryslerTown and countryGrey/blueJtk 4524
Threw Fast Food Bag Out The Window4/26/2018 10:42:53 AM4/26/2018
1:15 PM
United StatesPASewickleyRt. 65 Near 79 Overpass15143ChryslerSilverKMF 3556
Threw trash out of window while sitting in traffic5/2/2018 2:53:17 PM5/2/2018
3:15 pm
United StatesColorado centennialArapahoe Rd80016chryslerPt cruisersilverTOW 615
Littering in the City of Miami Gardens 5/2/2018 9:10:56 PM5/2/2018
10:06:37 PM
United StatesFloridaMiami Gardens27th Ave - 207th St33054Chrysler PT Cruiser2009BlueIEHL65
Dumping5/9/2018 7:53:27 AM5/9/2018
8:02 AM
United StatesColoradoCommerce CitySandcreek Dr S80022ChryslerTown & Country 2010White878FPQ
Throw banana out of the vehicle 5/16/2018 2:38:45 PM5/16/2018
4 pm
United StateswisconsinSun PrairieGrand Ave53590Chrysler Silver965 UKJ
Driver throwing burger foil and other trash onto street5/18/2018 6:06:30 PM5/18/2018
United StatesALABAMAHuntsville Oster Drive 35816Chrysler 200Navy Blue47WG441
Tossed trash out of window 5/19/2018 9:48:35 PM5/18/2018
12:50 PM
United StatesOREGONPortland SW 45th Avenue97219Chrysler 300MSilver017HNY
Cigarette thrown out window5/22/2018 1:49:27 PM5/22/2018
6:50 am
United StatesVirginiaRoanokeGrandin Road24014Chrysler Town and country GrayJNJ-9589
Littering food and trash from moving vehicle5/25/2018 1:15:37 PM5/25/2018
7:05 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLos AngelesStocker St90008Chryslergrey-blue7Y0Z145
Tossed fast food bag out car window6/1/2018 6:34:27 PM6/1/2018
4:26:32 PM
United StateswashingtonFederal WayI-5ChryslerPT CruiserBlackBJF1581
Driver threw soda, cap and straw out passenger window. 6/12/2018 3:57:42 PM6/12/2018
5:00:00 PM
United StatesMNMoundDorchester Rd and Tuxedo Ave. 55364Chrysler3001990-2000Tan737 MYU
Littering from a car6/14/2018 2:33:20 PM6/14/2018
United StatesMichiganClinton Township Canal and Garfield 48038Chrysler 300BlackDVE7568
Beer can and soda cup6/15/2018 5:25:11 PM6/15/2018
5:19:26 PM
United StatesFLORIDAPensacola Highway 9832507ChryslerPacifica2005-2007Teal/turquoise IYXI56
Littering at drive through6/15/2018 11:53:31 PM6/15/2018
11:46:06 PM
United StatesCATracyWest 11th street95377Chrysler3002012Grey7yhf430
Threw litter out behind me in van 6/16/2018 12:17:01 PM6/16/2018
12:13:57 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaSimpsonvilleSouth street 29681Chrysler VanDark blueNHT 169
Woman —Threw litter out behind me ! :( corrected posting 6/16/2018 12:19:23 PM6/16/2018
12:13:57 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaSimpsonvilleSouth street 29681Chrysler VanGrey NHT 961
Passenger in car threw a fast food cup out the window6/16/2018 2:05:26 PM6/16/2018
4:30 PM
United StatesPAWarfordsburgI-70 West bound ?????Chrysler M2002017GrayKSB-2463
Littering outside window of vehicle 6/18/2018 1:28:47 PM6/18/2018
1:24:16 PM
United StatesminnesotaMinneapolis 15th Se and 8th Se 55414Chrysler PacificaUnknown Black150 WLR
Speedin ans littering6/30/2018 8:45:51 AM6/30/2028
11:40 am
United StatesRhode IslandNorth kingstownRoute 4Chrysler 300RedLk359
Fast food trash out the window piece by piece. 7/1/2018 4:14:19 PM7/1/2018
6:30 pm
United StatesGeorgiaEatontonGreensboro rd 31024Chrysler300UnknownEgg shell/whiteRCJ3120
bag of trash thrown from car window7/6/2018 5:43:01 AM7/6/2018
8:05 am
United Statespennsylvaniapittsburghmckeesrocks bridge15147Chrysler2002013GrayKGH1242
Threw plastic bottle out window7/14/2018 11:57:49 AM7/14/2018
12:43:43 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverI-76E at Tennyson80223Chrysler200GrayQAN-404
Littered7/16/2018 11:35:42 AM7/16/2018
2:32:56 PM
United StatesmichiganClinton twpHall road48038ChryslerSebring2000GreyDns 6796
White object out of window of car7/22/2018 1:06:20 PM7/22/2018
1:04:30 PM
United StatesWisconsin North of Green Bay41 southChrysler
Cigarette Butt thrown out of window. 7/23/2018 5:46:49 PM7/23/2018
4:45:32 PM
United StatesWA StateSeaTac 200th98188Chrysler SebringUnkWhiteB6H1688
Plastic bottle littering 7/26/2018 12:19:36 AM7/26/2018
12:47:35 AM
United StatesSDSioux falls3200 S Minnesota Ave57105Chrysler Black1H2630
Lady throwing fast food out her window7/27/2018 7:23:31 AM7/26/2018
United StatesillinoisBarringtonRoute 59Chrysler Town & CountryWhiteHCS 9835
Throwing trash out the window 7/28/2018 2:12:28 PM7/28/2018
2:08:33 PM
United StatesCalifornia Sacramento Watt Ave 95821Chrysler Pacifica Light blue 7ZHA606
Flicking cigarette butt out the window8/7/2018 1:04:00 PM8/7/2018
United StatesARSherwoodHWY 10772120CHRYSLERSOLARA2015RED034UHY
Bags of garbage by cemetery 8/15/2018 10:35:21 AM8/15/2018
United StatesNew yorkNedrow Valley drive 13207Chrysler PT Cruser GIN-3137
Silver 4 door Chrysler dumps plastic bottles off 8th st and Beltline8/16/2018 2:23:00 PM8/16/2018
2:17:39 PM
United StatesALDecatur8th st sw35601ChryslerSilverOBates
Threw cigarette out window8/16/2018 4:58:41 PM8/16/2018
4:54:37 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Mission hills 405n freeway at junction 591409ChryslerCream23ph69
Bags of fast few cups and wrappers thrown out the vehicle window 8/20/2018 3:09:00 PM8/20/2018
United StatesMichiganFlintI6948507Chrysler Town and country 2000Green0479G6
Threw Cigarette out of window8/22/2018 8:19:11 AM8/22/2018
7:40:50 AM
United StatesWashington stateRentonRainier Ave S and SWGrady way98057ChryslerPT Cruiser2012Blue729-7FI
Threw Cigarette out of window8/22/2018 8:19:25 AM8/22/2018
7:40:50 AM
United StatesWashington stateRentonRainier Ave S and SWGrady way98057ChryslerPT Cruiser2012Blue729-7FI
Threw Gatorade bottle out of car window8/22/2018 3:01:54 PM8/22/2018
2:57:51 PM
United StatesVirginiaStaffordRoute 122407ChryslerSebringSilverVyy4873
Silver seabring tossed plastic trash into street at red light8/24/2018 2:24:50 PM8/24/2018
2:19:38 PM
United StatesmarylandWoodmoreSt Josephs dr20706ChryslerSeabring2010SilverVYK-1901
bananna peel8/29/2018 8:46:32 AM8/29/2018
8:30:20 AM
United StatesMichiganLivoniaI696 exit at Newburgh RDChryslerPacifica2017BlueBXH3476
thru trash out window9/2/2018 12:50:55 PM9/2/2018
12:45:17 PM
United StatesMissouriSpringfieldFremont & Republic Rd65810Chrysler3002008?dark grayHN7-V2P
Blonde white woman throwing candy wrapper out window9/8/2018 2:51:05 PM8/31/2018
2:41:40 PM
United StatesminnesotaEvansvilleInterstate 9456326Chryslersomething sportynot too oldSilverABU####
Trash thrown out window9/11/2018 2:58:15 PM9/11/2018
2:55:20 PM
CanadaOntarioWINDSORLabelleChrysler Jeep Red169 SDA
Threw pack of cigarettes out the window onto grass/sidewalk9/21/2018 9:20:51 AM9/21/2018
7:22:29 AM
United StatesCALos AngelesBeverly & La CienegaChrysler300BlackCBY894
Plastic tray9/23/2018 3:23:26 PM9/23/2018
5:20:50 PM
United StatesMissouriCalifornia50 HWYChrysler Town and CountryFR0P6M
We should take care of our planet10/4/2018 5:13:40 AM10/4/2018
4:50:43 AM
United StatesIllinoisHainesville Hainesville 60030ChryslerGray302707
Threw trash out window of car10/7/2018 9:31:43 PM10/6/2018
United StatesMarylandBaltimore Fleet Street 21202ChryslerSebring?Silver8DE6143
I saw the three out a can from passengers side window10/20/2018 8:36:44 AM10/20/2018
8:30:51 AM
United StatesMISSOURIKansas City Highway 7164053Chrysler 300NA WhiteKROTF5
banana peel thrown from driver window10/25/2018 6:36:44 AM10/25/2018
United StatesPENNSYLVANIADuncannonRoute 11/15 State Road 17020ChryslerTown and CountryNavy BlueHRM 6560
Throwing fast food trash out of car 11/4/2018 3:09:15 PM11/4/2018
3:03:40 PM
United StatesAlabamaCullmanInterstate 35055Chrysler200sDark blue 4VP857
Glass bottle thrown out of car window11/15/2018 9:51:55 AM11/13/2018
8:55 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLong Beach6th Street90814Chrysler200Black7CNS342
Threw fast food containers out of the car window11/19/2018 2:41:07 PM11/19/2018
2:37:50 PM
United StatesmichiganDetroit 8 MileChrysler 300SilverDWD 0507
Blatant littering11/21/2018 7:04:05 AM11/20/2018
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeOld Bridge Rd22192Chrysler3002009Light blueVZN-7005
Walking dog and saw littering in action11/27/2018 5:06:58 PM11/27/2018
3:38 PM
United StatesWashintonWenatchee3 N Worthen St98801ChryslerWhite/silverBFK7362
Another man dedicated to keeping the west side trashy.12/19/2018 7:54:55 AM09/11/2018
8:44:16 AM
United StatesillinoisChicagoMaplewood Avenue and Jackson Blvd60612ChryslerTown and CountryBlackZ774490
Litterbug tossed cup, straw, lid and some other wrapeer out driver side window1/16/2019 4:47:53 PM1/16/2019
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesLake Street near intersection of Giovanni70601Chrysler300silver578ADT
Litter from moving vehicle 1/27/2019 5:15:51 PM1/27/2019
4:05:15 PM
United StatesWASeattle N 50th St ramp to I5 SouthChrysler300Black AMS3151
Dropped drink cup out of driver window while at stop light2/7/2019 6:02:21 PM2/7/2019
1:59 PM
United StatesColorado (CO)Lafayette650-590 W South Boulder Rd80026ChryslerGrayYOW-437
Cigarette thrown from passenger window3/4/2019 5:55:10 PM3/4/2019
4:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRancho Cucamonga Milliken Ave. 91730Chrysler Sebring Black
Person throwing trash out window several times wihile driving3/22/2019 2:37:28 PM3/22/2019
United StatesSouth CorolinaGreer10129651Chrysler300BlackNTH377
Plastic Gatorade bottle thrown out of passenger window 3/22/2019 10:44:49 PM3/19/2019
1:45:30 PM
United StatesSan FranciscoSan FranciscoBryant Street crossing Alameda street 94110 Chrysler 6TFY232
Passenger threw out water bottles at stop sign 4/4/2019 2:19:52 PM4/4/2019
United StatesNorth CarolinaAyden Jolly road 28513Chrysler200Dark blueM Tyson
Lit cigarette4/5/2019 7:31:31 PM4/5/2019
2:15 pm
United StatesWillitsCaSpruce st95490Chrysler White7zax476
Lit cigarette4/5/2019 7:32:08 PM4/5/2019
2:15 pm
United StatesWillitsCaSpruce st95490Chrysler White7zax476
Throwing trash out window4/8/2019 6:59:08 AM4/8/2019
8:55 AM
United StatesFloridaPensacola5046 Bayou Blvd32504ChryslerCaravan2009GoldI98 BNF
Half a cigarette, still burning, tossed out window 4/17/2019 6:04:10 AM4/17/2019
8:40:00 AM
United StatesKentuckyLexingtonHarrodsburg Road Ramp from New Circle Inner Loop40513ChryslerBlack482 NNA
Illegal dumping onto land that leads down to flood zone4/17/2019 9:05:30 AM4/16/2019
United StatesDELAWAREStanton DeStanton Rd19804Chrysler town and country2015+Blue/BlackPC20329
Driver throwing out trash!4/18/2019 2:35:08 PM4/18/2019
7:10 am PST
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseWinchester Avenue95050ChryslerSebringSilver5DXM632
Kids throwing straws out window4/26/2019 12:30:56 PM4/26/2019
12:28:23 PM
United StatesindianaAndersonScatterfield roadChryslerPacificaNavy BlueYLS311
Opened door and put bag of trash in the road while at redlight5/1/2019 6:30:48 PM5/1/2019
2:29:48 PM
United StatesAlabamaMontgomery 85 N Ramp and Taylor Rd36117Chrysler SebringBlueTGY456
Throwing cigarette butts out of the window 5/3/2019 4:29:25 PM5/3/2019
4:26:30 PM
United StatesOregonBeavertonCorner of 92nd and Garden home on the curves97223Chrysler Black618 GNT
Dump and run5/6/2019 12:16:41 PM5/6/2019
12:12:20 PM
United StatesNYWilliamsvilleTransit14221Chrysler200BlackHhj6760
Threw styrofoam Chic- fil-a cup onto lawn5/10/2019 12:53:27 PM5/10/2019
1:40 PM
United StatesFloridaPanama City Beach300 Cabana blvd32407Chrysler200NewBlackCLC4874
There paper out the window5/10/2019 1:38:21 PM5/10/2019
1:18:12 PM
United StatesillinoisOglesby251 into Oglesby61348ChryslerTown and Countrynavy blue
Guy threw out big cup of coffee and banana5/17/2019 9:45:09 AM5/17/2019
9:40:06 AM
United StatesCaliforniaVacavilleI-80 before pitt school rd exit95620ChryslerWhite8HUJ641
Threw cup out window5/20/2019 5:56:02 PM5/20/2019
8:45:40 PM
United StatesOhioCincinnati 275 south 45255Chrysler RedMZ LADY T
Threw plastic bottle out of the window 5/24/2019 7:18:23 PM5/24/2019
7:14:07 PM
United StatesCASacramento65th95826Chrysler White 6xqw509
Rolled down window and threw what appeared to be a napkin/tissue out with no regard for the environment.5/27/2019 12:44:30 PM5/27/2019
9:50 AM
United StatesNew Jersey Bergenfield New Bridge Road 07621Chrysler PacificaBlackU44 HPC
man threw cigarette out window6/5/2019 7:45:27 PM6/5/2019
7:42:15 PM
CanadaONWINDSORHoward Chrysler 200blackBNAC 984
man threw cigarette out window6/5/2019 7:45:34 PM6/5/2019
7:42:15 PM
CanadaONWINDSORHoward Chrysler 200blackBNAC 984
breakfast food container and coffee cup thrown out of vehicle6/6/2019 5:40:36 AM6/6/2019
5:36:56 AM
United StatesVIRGINIATysons Corneron ramp to 495 S from Route 7Chrysler300burgandyXCT 4011
driver littered a cup and trash out window onto highway 127/8/2019 8:20:30 PM7/5/2019
4:49:29 PM
United StatesCALodihighway 12CHRYSLER200 LX20136YSJ952
Tossed McDonalds Cup out of Window at Red Light7/9/2019 1:36:37 PM7/9/2019
2:28:23 PM MDT
United StatesColorado (CO)AuroraJewell and Sable Intersection80012Chrysler3002016SilverishCNU-858
Threw paper coffee cup 7/10/2019 9:26:49 AM7/10/2019
12:20 PM
United StatesCTStamford Spring St06902Chrysler White KZR5648
Powerade bottle thrown under car in traffic 7/10/2019 5:56:52 PM7/10/2019
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Corona91 freeway 92879Chrysler Baby blue / blue 7CUV048
Littering out car window7/11/2019 6:44:25 PM7/11/2019
8:40 PM
United StatesMNMinneapolisBloomington Ave and 39th Street55407ChryslerGold861XNX
Used the side of the road as their trash can 7/17/2019 6:24:43 AM7/17/2019
8:24 a.m.
United StatesMarylandBaltimoreExit between 895 and Moravia Rd21206ChryslerPacificaBlack1DPDB47
Coffee cup thrown out passenger window8/14/2019 3:51:30 PM8/14/2019
6:32:33 PM
United StatesVTSouth HeroRt 205486ChryslerTown and countrySilverHFC326
Woman threw coffee cup out passenger window8/14/2019 4:19:06 PM8/14/2019
6:32:33 PM
United StatesVTSouth HeroRt 205486ChryslerTown and countrySilverHFC328
Cigarette butt8/17/2019 8:48:36 AM8/16/2019
12:28 pm
United StatesFLORIDAFort Lauderdale 4666 sw 45th Terrace33314Chrysler GreyFL - IBV Q18
Cigarette butt on the window8/19/2019 8:17:23 AM8/19/2019
8:12:35 AM
United Statesrhode islandWesterlyRI-7802891ChryslerPT CruiserBlack658XDF
Cigarette butt on the window8/19/2019 8:17:30 AM8/19/2019
8:12:35 AM
United Statesrhode islandWesterlyRI-7802891ChryslerPT CruiserBlack658XDF
Littering spotted9/27/2019 12:47:32 PM9/27/2019
12:42:15 PM
United StatesMichiganDetroitMack Ave48201Chrysler300EBQ9911
Littering9/28/2019 12:52:16 PM9/28/2019
12:47:04 PM
United StatesMichiganRichmondDivision st48063ChryslerMinivanBlue/grey5j5143
Man threw a plastic bottle10/2/2019 6:59:45 AM10/2/2019
United StatesFlorida (FL)Tampa30TH St33612Chrysler200WhiteLGIF99
Litter from car window 10/7/2019 1:35:26 PM10/7/2019
1:30:39 PM
United StatesillinoisCongervilleI 74 east bound61729Chrysler SilverBm 79367
Elderly man in blue PT cruiser dumping waste in parking lot10/8/2019 10:54:30 AM10/8/2019
United StatesWashingtonSumnerParker Road east98390ChryslerPT Cruiser2005Dark blue
Cigarette butt thrown or window 10/19/2019 5:34:25 PM10/19/2019
5:15 PM
United StatesWashingtonSeaTacI-5 Northbound between 200th & 188th St exitsChrysler Charcoal gray AWG4107
Littering our of window10/20/2019 8:31:27 PM10/20/2019
United StatesHAWAIIPrincevilleKuhio hwy 41359Chrysler Town and country Light brown/beigeKbj 305
Dumping Trash from car11/8/2019 4:46:29 PM11/8/2019
1:55:58 PM
United StatesNYRidgewoodCypress Ave11385Chrysler300GoldEDH7496
Tossed trash out window. 11/25/2019 7:40:11 PM11/25/2019
5:35:13 PM
United StatesAlaskaPalmerOld Glenn Hwy99645Chrysler 300DarkKDY 878
Littered in drive thru11/29/2019 11:40:59 AM11/29/2019
11:37:18 AM
United StatesCaFresnoShawChrysler200White7yzt507
Dumping trash out of the window12/10/2019 12:24:31 PM12/10/2019
United StatesNVLas VegasChevron gas station , Southern highlands89141ChryslerSilver931 j17
Threw Cigarette out the window1/7/2020 9:42:19 AM1/6/2020
United StatescoloradoAurora Mississippi80012Chrysler Pacifica?2019SilverYFD374
Dumped a bag of fast food and drink outside car door 1/9/2020 4:09:10 PM1/9/2020
4:53:00 PM
United StatesillinoisChicago South Hamlet Chrysler 200Grey/Black BT 88780
LITTLE LITTER LEAVER2/27/2020 3:36:06 PM2/27/2020
3:25:02 PM
United StatesOhioReadingWest Vine Street45215ChryslerPacificaunsureSilverEXP 1894
Dumped 2 bags looked like food bags 2/29/2020 2:35:39 PM2/29/2020
2:28:54 PM
United StatesFLORIDAHaynes CityI-4 Highway 33844Chrysler Town & country 2016?Champagne IH0-S29
Threw out cigarette out of driver window3/3/2020 9:36:12 PM3/3/2020
12:50:03 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado SpringsS Nevada80906Chrysler 300WhiteTexas BHD7720
Two drink containers out window on highway3/4/2020 12:10:56 PM3/4/2020
7:15:55 AM
United StatesIllinoisChicagoDan Ryan ExpresswayChrysler200DarkBD25607
Tossed an extra large bottle out of the passenger window. 3/10/2020 1:32:26 PM3/10/2020
12:51:07 PM
United StatesIdahoMoscow Troy road 83843ChryslerAspen 2008Silver
Littering on neighborhood street Del Paso Nuevo 4/21/2020 4:09:00 PM4/21/2020
4:03:05 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSacramentoLouis Williams St95838CHRYSLER300BLACK7PUK652
Littering on neighborhood street Del Paso Nuevo 4/21/2020 4:09:10 PM4/21/2020
4:03:05 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSacramentoLouis Williams St95838CHRYSLER300BLACK7PUK652
Dumping while driving5/2/2020 11:54:57 AM5/2/2020
11:47:06 AM
United StatesCaliforniaPortervilleHighway 65, intersection, lights strathmore93257Chrysler3002015White5ytt518
Full Wendys soda thrown out window5/4/2020 10:53:35 AM5/4/2020
United StatesNew JerseyLaceyNJ Parkway near exit 77Chrysler 300ChampagneE12LTR
Chrysler Concorde LX6/7/2020 6:19:37 PM6/7/2020
6:14:53 PM
United StatesPAYoungwood119 N15697ChryslerConcorde LXSilver
Littered by throwing glass bottle out of window before turn.6/21/2020 1:48:03 PM6/21/2020
1:42:17 PM
United StatesColorado (CO)AuroraColfax and Fitzsimons 80010Chrysler PT CruiserMaroonZKO969
They threw a whole bag of fast food trash out of the window of their car while driving.6/29/2020 11:18:11 AM6/29/2020
11:15:40 AM
United StatesMOColumbiaParis RdChryslerSilverNB1N4K
Throwing trash out of the passenger window6/30/2020 1:12:46 PM6/30/2020
1:07:21 PM
United StatesOhioSouth Lebanon W. Main St.45065Chrysler Voyager200MaroonGSK2789
Garbage out of window while driving7/2/2020 2:13:49 PM7/2/2020
5:04 PM
United StatesMichiganMemphis M1948041Chrysler Town and country2014BlackDmd8485
Trash thrown on sidewalk7/3/2020 1:32:16 PM7/3/2020
1:23:45 PM
United StatesWashingtonIssaquah 10th Ave NE98029Chrysler 300Light blueTemp plate couldnt read
Open car door and dump trash7/15/2020 12:00:18 PM7/15/2020
02:55 pm
United StatesVirginiaVirginia BeachWalmart Colonial Drive Chrysler 300RedUTD 8669
Littering 7/21/2020 12:32:33 PM7/20/2020
07:14:35 PM
United StatesSan Mateo CountySan MateoTerminal Place 94401Chrysler PT Cruiser Blue4SXW022
Threw trash out car Window 7/28/2020 4:41:33 PM7/28/2020
6:41:16 PM
United StatesVirginiaStuarts DraftWhite Hill Rd24477Chrysler300N/ARedMRNBRT
Tossed large aluminum can out passenger window8/8/2020 7:52:17 PM8/8/2020
7:43:01 PM
United StatesCaLebecRalphs Ranch Road93243ChryslerJeepWhite8RBX893
large white bags filled with plastic9/12/2020 2:13:10 PM9/12/2020
2:09:56 PM
United StatesMISSOURIColumbiaSouth Bethel Church Rd65203Chrysler200SsilverIllinois, CHATTY G
Carton9/17/2020 8:14:57 PM9/17/2020
8:05:00 PM
United StatesOregonPortlandSE Division & SE 60th Ave97215Chrysler3002008silver
Carton9/17/2020 8:19:43 PM9/17/2020
8:05:00 PM
United StatesOregonPortlandSE Division & SE 60th Ave97215Chrysler3002008silver
Threw water bottle out car window 9/18/2020 12:09:26 PM9/18/2020
1:51:55 pm
United StatesTexasGarland11749 plano rd75243Chrysler 3002013Black83417N2
Garbage thrown out side of vehicle 10/24/2020 6:39:07 AM10/24/2020
9:26:50 AM
United StatesFloridaSaint Cloud192 Orlando Bronson memorial highway 34744Chrysler Voyager2016Gray/SilverJkiv39
Fast food trash10/24/2020 3:28:23 PM10/24/2020
United StatesWest VirginiaWheelingEoff St. 26003Chrysler 300NewerMetallic orangeCouldnt see
Parked illegally in red while picking up order and emptied trash into street10/31/2020 6:47:06 PM10/31/2020
2:17:00 pm
United StatesCaliforniaChula Vista567 Telegraph Canyon Rd.91910ChryslerPT CruiserBurgundy721JH
County 1 Wyoming plate car threw out a cigarette package at the light just before entering the Flying J truckstop11/13/2020 4:22:06 PM11/13/2020
4:04:00 PM
United StatesWyomingROCK SPRINGSElk Street at stop light at Flying J and McDonalds82901Chrysler3002015 or aroundPearl white58836