Littering by CAR_MAKE=Chevrolet

Threw 1/2 full beer or pop can out of window8/13/2009 5:53:43 AM8/13/2009
7:35 AM
United StatesMichiganDeWitt15006 S. DeWitt Rd48820ChevroletSilverado2008TanBSM 0998
dropping litter on street8/16/2009 4:53:34 PM8/16/2009
4:51:57 PM
United Statescaliforniasan josenormington way95136chevrolettahoeblack4xmf461
paper & cigarette butts8/24/2009 6:53:42 PM8/23/2009
2:49:30 PM
United Statescaliforniasan joseterrell95136ChevroletBlazerblueWQH772
Fast food wrapper9/17/2009 11:46:22 AM9/17/2009
1230 pm
United StatesMichiganSaginawState St.48603ChevroletCavalierunknownredBSX 0423
Man threw aluminum beer bottle from truck10/19/2009 4:12:43 PM10/19/2009
6:30 PM (approx)
United StatesNew JerseySewellGolf Club Road08080Chevrolet(pickup)whiteXZ36YT
Beer bottle from passenger side door.1/18/2010 1:31:46 PM1/16/2010
10:00:00 AM
United StatesLouisianaGonzalesHwy 4470737ChevroletS-10?unknownBlackX440635
teenage male threw a fast food brown bag of litter out of driver side window at stop light1/23/2010 10:06:01 AM1/22/2010
United Statesnew jerseyfreeholdrte. 537 west07728chevroletsilverwz571t
mcdonalds bag2/3/2010 9:39:54 AM2/3/2010
9:36:35 AM
United StatesMississippiHattiesburgTimothy Lanechevrolettahoe2002silverfsa 241
Emptying trash in parking lot2/7/2010 2:59:59 PM2/7/2010
12:15 Pm
United StatesCaliforniaMerced1300 W Olive Drive95340ChevroletSuburbanDark maroonCA 5WCY809
Threw trash out window2/20/2010 5:44:37 PM2/20/2010
United StatesMichiganAthens M-66ChevroletPickupBET 2862
Trash blowing out from back of truck3/29/2010 5:36:36 AM3/29/2010
7:30: AM
United StatesMichiganSouth LyonKent Lake Road48178ChevroletGrayBJV 0560
Driver threw cigarette butt out the window3/31/2010 9:52:39 AM3/11/2010
9:18:48 AM
United StatesCaliforniaWalnutValley Blvd91789ChevroletSuburban2009White6BLF118
Slip of paper thrown out of driver side window4/16/2010 1:36:04 PM4/16/2010
2:08 pm
United StatesMichiganWestlandPalmer48186Chevrolet SilveradoSilver/GrayCCQ 4218
Trash thrown from car4/21/2010 7:17:28 PM4/17/2010
United StatesncFayettevilleHwy 210 South28301CHEVROLETIMPALADark BlueZND-7002
Interstate 79 north bound5/4/2010 8:11:01 AM5/3/2010
6:23:11 pm
United StatesPANeville IslandI79 northboundChevroletAvalancheBlackYTL8389
Litter Bug through out cig butt out window5/6/2010 5:08:10 PM5/6/2010
United StatesOhioGrove CityStringtown Rd and I 7143123ChevroletImpala200SilverEBL 6893
throwing of cig out window5/12/2010 8:29:06 AM5/12/2010
United StatesmichiganbellevilleI94 west bound exit at haggerty rd.48111chevroletmalibu2009 or 10silver4RF 642
White Monte Carlo SS license Zeu 475/20/2010 7:04:06 AM5/20/2010
7:50 AM
United StatesMITroyI-7548098ChevroletMonte Carlo SSWhiteZeu 47
Papers and butts tossed out window5/23/2010 10:49:58 AM5/23/2010
10:47:04 AM
United StatesMichiganGrand BlancGrand Blanc Rd.48439ChevroletVanWhiteBPM 8356
Cigarettes5/29/2010 9:24:23 AM5/29/2010
10:10:43 AM
United StatesMarylandAbingdonEmmorton road and Singer rd21009Chevrolet Malibu SS2008/2009Burnt orange4gb x54 Maryland
Threw cup6/6/2010 4:19:07 PM6/5/2010
3:58:38 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPort VueCorner of Monroe and Upston15133ChevroletMonte Carlo SSBlackDYW 7558
Threw Plastic Water bottle into traffic6/9/2010 8:13:21 AM6/8/2010
4:30:00 PM
United StatesNJHopewell TownshipHarbourton Rocktown Rd08534ChevroletColorado2002?BlackPA YTX-3198
cigarette butt thrown from car6/12/2010 12:58:08 PM6/10/2010
5:21 PM
Fast Food Sack6/15/2010 6:04:11 PM6/15/2010
7:47 PM
United StatesTennesseeMemphisSycamore View38134ChevroletCameroblack642SXB
papers, fast food cup, and something that was smoking7/4/2010 1:57:18 PM7/4/2010
1:53:31 PM
United StatesMichiganAttica/LapeerI-6948446ChevroletCobalt2004-2010GreyBFE 7130
throwing coffee cups with coffee from car in the street.7/5/2010 6:41:08 PM6/5/2010
8:55 PM
United StatesMAworcesterpark ave (south direction,50 yards before crossing sailsbury st0160chevroletpick-up truckblue/black965EC6
cigarette out window7/27/2010 3:02:57 PM7/27/2010
5:25:19 PM
United StatesMIWarrenVan Dyke48093ChevroletCavalierBlackBFA 7341
Teens throw fast food trash out window8/4/2010 8:40:00 AM8/1/2010
3:33:02 PM
United StatesMassachusettsLeicesterRiver St.ChevroletCavalier200Xsilver839-BA2
Car Littering8/11/2010 10:38:02 AM8/11/2010
1:00:08 pm
United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaKrewstown rdChevroletBlazerredHNH 4772
Cigarette Butt8/29/2010 7:22:00 PM8/28/2010
7:43:40 PM
United StatesIowaEsterville 2nd Ave North51334ChevroletJimmy1997White058 WLZ
Littering8/30/2010 9:00:40 AM8/30/2010
7:30:12 AM
United StatesOklahomaTulsaI-44 East Bound by Hwy 7574107ChevroletImpalaGold669GET
Driver throws picnic waste out of car window9/7/2010 3:00:54 PM9/7/2010
4:45 PM
Threw out (2) LARGE filled drinks9/20/2010 8:40:08 AM9/19/2010
3:35 PM
United StatesTexasHudson OaksI-20 Westbound76087ChevroletP/U2003-2008Gold MistAE3 9550
Dropped large Mcdonalds bag out of car9/21/2010 8:37:26 AM9/21/2010
7:35 AM
United StatesCAEncinoVentura Blvd near sherman oaks ave91316ChevroletZ28Red1RXN555
Littered white paper from passenger side9/22/2010 5:32:18 AM9/20/2010
6:07: PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaN E PhiladelphiaKnights and Frankford19114ChevroletSilverado Pick up truckBlackYVG 5174
Deliberately threw litter from a car.9/25/2010 10:55:23 AM9/24/2010
3:25 AM
United StatesSouth CarolinaMount PleasantPherigo St29464ChevroletTrailblazer maybe Equinox2005 to 2010Dark RedDKT 392
Tossed out a cigarette butt10/1/2010 7:49:57 PM9/29/2010
8:45:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaFresnoBullardChevroletTahoeGold4YFP769
White female10/18/2010 6:06:38 PM10/18/2010
7:14:05 PM
United StatesTexasHoustonSate Highway 249 and Cypresswood Dr.ChevroletSilveradoWhite078-4SS
Dirty diaper was thrown under the car10/19/2010 10:53:25 AM10/19/2010
12:00 pm
United StatesTXHoustonBreen Dr77088ChevroletMontecarlo2001Silver175WPM
Littering10/26/2010 9:16:18 AM10/22/2010
2:10:43 PM
United StatesCaliforniaPasadenaFoothill Blvd.91107ChevroletSilverado2009Black8R92149
Tossed out a cigarette butt10/27/2010 4:52:46 PM10/27/2010
08:45 AM
United StatesCaliforniaFresnoW Bullard Ave at N Blackstone AveChevroletTahoeDark Gray5KXT274
empty cigarette pack & wrapping11/3/2010 7:19:54 PM11/3/2010
United StatesMIJenisonChicago Dr. & Cottonwood intesection49428Chevroletunknownunknownlight BQZ 7186
Fast food cup dumped on road.11/8/2010 4:57:36 PM11/8/2010
6:23:40 PM EST
United StatesKentuckyLouisvilleHWY 146, near Forest Springs40245ChevroletLight Tan/Beige806 DFA
Throwing a cigarette butt from a moving vehicle11/9/2010 3:01:15 PM11/9/2010
7:15 AM
United StatesscMount Pleasant Highway 17 North29466Chevrolet Late ModelSilverGPA424
driver tossed large wrapper/packaging out of car on overpass11/10/2010 3:03:12 PM11/10/2010
3:56:22 PM
United StatesWisconsinPewaukeeBluemound Road (HWY JJ)ChevroletCavalierForest Green488-NGH
Trash out the window11/12/2010 11:08:25 AM11/12/2010
12:15 PM
United StatesMichiganMonroeTelegraph RdChevrolet Cavalier WhiteBXE 2783
Trash out the window11/12/2010 11:08:37 AM11/12/2010
12:15 PM
United StatesMichiganMonroeTelegraph RdChevrolet Cavalier WhiteBXE 2783
threw out cigarette12/9/2010 6:56:04 PM12/7/2010
4:45:01 PM
United StatesTexasTylerHwy 11075789ChevroletSilveradodark color42VVB6
cigarette butt and soda can with straw12/30/2010 8:20:59 AM12/29/2010
3:00 PM
United StatesOhioColumbusSchrock43229ChevroletWhiteEUV5276
Lit cig out the window1/4/2011 3:04:59 PM1/4/2011
6:15:05 AM
United StatesilMacombE Jackson/Hwy 13661455ChevroletSilverado P/U2006gray
paper waste out drivers side window1/16/2011 10:09:42 AM1/15/2011
United StatesTennesseeSeviervilleDolly Parton Parkway37862ChevroletCobaltsilver567-QCG
Cup and trash1/27/2011 4:29:48 PM1/27/2011
3:09:42 PM
United StatesORPortland SE Division exit off 205 SouthboundChevroletImpalaunsure, 200?RedZCK163
Cigarette Butt littering1/30/2011 6:50:32 PM1/27/10
United StatesNorth CarolinaWilmingtonMarket Street28403ChevroletRedZPJ-4742
throwing litter out truck window2/8/2011 2:03:32 PM2/8/2011
7:15:53 AM
United StatesALCullman3416 County Road 111435057Chevrolettruck2000snavy blue67A95P7
Lady threw out green plastic bottle3/4/2011 1:16:38 PM3/4/2011
1:07:19 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahHwy 95 north--Airport exit rampCHEVROLETSILVERADO2004?WHITEBRP9408
car stopped in traffic opened her door and dumped fast food bag, wrappers,and cup, then drove off eastbound.3/4/2011 3:21:54 PM3/4/2011
4:11 pm
United StatesIowades moines2nd and university50310chevroletcavaliergreen13T XGK
throwing trash out window3/7/2011 3:20:02 PM3/5/2011
1:24:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaStocktonKirk & Alpine95204CHEVROLETSSRNEWdark blue6LEK590
Threw sonic bag out of drivers side window3/25/2011 1:57:04 PM3/25/2011
1:54:07 PM
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesPrien Lake rd.70607ChevroletHHRBluish purpleSTJ 170
Dumping Napkin/Food out door3/30/2011 5:06:23 PM3/30/2011
5:04:11 PM
United StatesWashingtonBellinghamIowa Street98229ChevroletCavalier1996?Grey650 YJN
dropping mcdonalds garbage4/12/2011 12:19:19 PM4/12/2011
12:12:11 PM
United StatesMarylandodenton32 eastboundchevroletlarge pickupgreen95s911
Littering Three Times4/18/2011 2:49:04 PM4/18/2011
4:20:24 PM
United StatesArkansasBentonvilleWalton Blvd72712Chevrolet Cavalier Black352 PKI
Throwing red and white balled item from drivers window4/19/2011 5:44:25 AM4/19/2011
8:25 AM
United StatesMichiganGrand RapidsUS 131 @ Pearl Street Exit49503ChevroletSilverBMC1300
Garbage thrown out of car onto street4/21/2011 8:53:13 AM4/21/2011
8:50:04 AM
United StatesMassachusettsCambridgecorner of Broadway and Clark Street02139ChevroletZ-712006White52V K39
Bud Light Lime 24oz and Plastic Bag Tossed4/25/2011 2:58:55 PM4/25/2011
4:30:11 PM
United StatesOhioSevilleBlake Rd.44273ChevroletSilverado2005-2007BlackHGN-5587
Trash of all kinds blowing out of the bed of the pickup5/2/2011 2:59:57 PM5/2/2011
4:00 PM
United StatesoklahomaOklahoma cityMustang road73099ChevroletPickupOlderDark blue496EQT
Trash of all kinds blowing out of the bed of the pickup5/2/2011 3:00:10 PM5/2/2011
4:00 PM
United StatesoklahomaOklahoma cityMustang road73099ChevroletPickupOlderDark blue496EQT
threw garbage from the window5/5/2011 5:02:03 PM5/4/2011
9:45:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLa JollaTorrey Pines Road (downhill from La Jolla Village Dr.)92037ChevroletHHRwhite6DRU100
Littered 5 consecutive times out the window5/18/2011 9:42:28 PM5/18/2011
2:25 PM
United StatesMinnesotaBloomingtonHWY 62 & HWY 7755425Chevrolet Trail Blazer Dark Green/ Navy Green689 GJR
THREW OUT CIGRETTE PACK OUT THE WINDOW.5/23/2011 6:26:04 AM5/23/2011
6:40:08 AM
Paper cup full of soft drink5/25/2011 5:04:19 PM5/25/2011
4:54:44 PM
United StatesKentuckyJensonHighway 22140977ChevroletImpalaN/AWhite434 DVY
threw paper out of drivers side window5/28/2011 4:00:49 PM5/28/2011
5:57:37 PM
United StatesLouisianalake charleslake st70605chevroletsuburban1990 bluelek 114
Mtn Dew or similar green soda bottle thrown from window6/2/2011 12:13:20 PM6/2/2011
9:50 AM
United StatesAlabamaVestavia HillsOverland Drive35216ChevroletSilveradoEarly 90sRed14A44A4
Cigarette Butt out Driver Window6/13/2011 7:13:12 PM6/13/2011
7:07:48 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan DiegoMira Mesa Boulevard92131ChevroletCobalt 1.5unknownSilverZ95 SFD
soda can thrown from car6/25/2011 9:59:42 PM6/25/2011
7:40 PM
United StatesMichiganSterling HeightsVan Dyke48307CHEVROLET CAPRICE1994 ?BURGUNDYCHA 491
Insulation pieces flying out of truck6/28/2011 6:37:24 PM6/28/2011
5:35 PM
United StatesCAPalo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale280 Freeway - SouthboundChevroletsmall pickupred8Z26037
trash thrown from drivers side window.6/30/2011 4:10:50 PM6/30/2011
5:25:14 PM
United StatesTexasKennedaleUS 287 southbound before onramp from Little Road76017ChevroletTrailblazerunknown-2007Light grey/silver16R-VD8
through a lit cigarette outside of driver window7/1/2011 12:51:27 PM7/1/2011
12:44:02 PM
United Statestexasnorth richland hills loop 820 76137chevrolet suburban 2009 maroon CP1 G570
Litter of Cigarette Butt7/2/2011 11:47:01 AM7/2/2011
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesGerstner Memorial Hwy & Prien Lake Rd ChevroletBlazerGrayPQB 324
Passenger threw foam cup out of window.7/3/2011 12:33:11 PM7/3/2011
2:29:45 PM
United StatesLouisianaRaceland Hwy 308 exit off of hwy. 9070394ChevroletLuminaBlack307066
trash (popcorn packing material and plasrtic bags) debris from back of truck7/7/2011 4:51:53 PM7/7/2011
4:41:46 PM
United Statesnevadalas vegasdecaturchevroletsilverado2009?whitePUMPING
Used diaper thrown from vehicle7/8/2011 1:26:08 PM7/3/2011
6:00:00 PM
United StatesMDSeat PleasantCentral Ave20743ChevroletSuburbanDrk BlueDT 8385
throwing multiple cups out of the window of a vehicle.7/10/2011 7:51:05 AM7/10/2011
11 am
United Statesmichigantawas cityus23 southbound48730chevroletsuburbansilvereq32p
The driver tossed out beer bottles from his Trailblazer7/18/2011 3:38:27 PM7/16/2011
7 PM
United StatesTexasFort WorthBoat Club Road76179ChevroletTrailblazer2009BlueSPN 619
three blue beer cans thrown out on road and then a 4th into the intercoastal7/23/2011 3:15:09 PM7/23/2011
3:07:34 PM
United Statesscfolly beachfolly road 1 to 2 miles from beachchevroletcavalierold 1990sredfla170
Threw trash from drivers window7/27/2011 10:27:58 AM7/27/2011
8:45:04 AM
United StatesLouisianaWest MonroeHighway 8071291ChevroletPick up truckblue-greenA701601
Candy wrapper thrown out of window by passenger7/27/2011 3:22:21 PM7/27/2011
3:18:13 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaYorkE. Market St. and Northern Way17402ChevroletMalibu2006?MaroonHRF 3450
Multiple occupants throwing chicken bones out window while driving7/30/2011 4:03:08 PM7/30/2011
2:30 PM
United StatesWashingtonSpokaneHwy 39599003ChevroletTrailblazer2009 ApproxSilverOR/268CKX
Threw ice cream wrapper out of car window8/3/2011 5:31:49 AM8/2/2011
5:00 PM
United StatesmichiganUticaM53 near M59 exit48317ChevroletHHR LS2010 approxWhiteOKC C25
Blatant Littering - Threw bottle in Paper bag out window and over roof of truck8/3/2011 1:11:46 PM8/3/2011
12:46 PM
United StatesTXDallasW Redbird Lane between N Main St and Duncanville Rd75236ChevroletPickup1970s-late 1980sRed and White AY59035
Swerving woman and her hefty passenger, him being the littering culprit8/4/2011 2:22:27 PM8/4/2011
5:09:53 PM
United StatesFloridaJacksonvilleBlanding blvd, just past Collins32244ChevroletS10 (I think)Older?Blue336wwi
Driver threw some sort of container out of vehicle8/6/2011 1:51:29 PM8/6/2011
1:55:00 PM
United StatesSouth Carolinamyrtle beachHighway 17 Business29572ChevroletSilveradoSilverGJP-458
beer bottle thrown from vehicle8/6/2011 5:38:20 PM8/6/2011
5:33:08 PM
United Statesminnesotaminneapolis36th ave n and xerxes ave n565412chevrolettrailblazer2004dark blue408 gmm
Passenger threw garbage out of window8/6/2011 8:39:45 PM8/6/2011
10:29:35 PM
United StatesLouisianaLake charlesWest McNeese70605ChevroletBlazerWhiteOAX704
Threw a large drink cup out of the window while driving at 70 mph8/9/2011 4:13:26 PM8/9/2011
4:03:18 PM
United StatesAlabamaTaladegaChevroletPick up truckWhite59A56T9
thrown sundae cup8/17/2011 2:23:32 PM8/17/2011
2:20:32 PM
United Statesnevadalas vegasSouth decaturchevroletimpala2010red744 WMB
thrown sundae cup8/17/2011 2:25:11 PM8/17/2011
2:20:32 PM
United Statesnevadalas vegasSouth decaturchevroletimpala2010red744 WMB
Threw soda cups out the right side window8/26/2011 5:00:20 PM8/26/2011
6:35 PM
United StatesWisconsinBrookfieldNorth Avenue - immediately North of Barker Road53045Chevrolet510late modelRedWI 120746
Threw cigarette out window8/29/2011 10:05:43 AM8/29/2011
9:20 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseColeman95123ChevroletGray5FEY952
Driver Throwing Trash Out of Vehicle8/31/2011 12:57:56 PM6/28/2011
7:35:37 AM
United StatesVirginiaSpringfieldInterstate 39522153ChevroletTransverseGray/BlackJRG-7247
fast food trash9/6/2011 11:27:24 AM9/6/2011
11:21:07 AM
United StatesCaliforniafairfieldair base parkwaychevroletcamero z28apx 2002white6dwl637 california
Littering from moving car9/12/2011 3:09:27 PM9/12/2011
1:00 pm
United StatesIowaDes Moines2nd SveChevroletTahoe 558YBD
Nick Koontz littered torn pieces of his personal mail from a car window in a public area.9/17/2011 10:45:55 PM9/17/2011
1:30:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaHaywardShopping Center parking lot at Mission Blvd. & Rousseau94544Chevrolet3ENK 780
dropped plastic bottle9/20/2011 9:37:38 PM9/19/2011
United StatesCaliforniapleasantonhwy 580Chevrolet15005B31358
Driver pushed full garbage bag out window9/21/2011 5:00:19 AM9/21/2011
7:45:00 AM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaBufornd Highway Connector Southbound just past Sidney Marcus BoulevardChevroletImpalaBlackBTU 1783
Threw trash from window9/21/2011 5:51:58 AM9/21/2011
8:40 AM
United StatesOhioColumbusGeorgesville overtop I-27043228ChevroletImpalaGreyDHM 2888
driver discarded cigarrette9/22/2011 6:19:18 PM9/22/2011
United StatesiowaJohnston86th50131ChevroletCavalier LSBlack799 MIF
Driver threw kleenex out the window at stop sign10/5/2011 1:22:45 PM10/5/2011
United StatesPAPlumRt 380 & Logans Ferry RdChevroletExpress WhiteYML-6112
Cigarette butt out the window10/12/2011 2:02:44 PMSummer 2011
United StatesOklahomaBixby/TulsaMemorial Dr.74133ChevroletSUVBlack13974Y
THREW TRASH OUT OF THE DRIVERS WINDOW10/13/2011 7:25:11 AM10/13/2011
7:21:05 AM
Fash food trash dumping at a red light10/13/2011 6:49:29 PM10/13/2011
12:35 PM
United StatesTXPasadenaW. Southmore @ Richey77506Chevrolet Impala 2005ishdark blueCT3J040
Man discarded white envelope from window10/20/2011 1:02:21 PM10/14/2011
6:00 PM
United StatesLouisianametairieW Esplanade at Causeway70005ChevroletSilveradoWhiteB848465
Older man in truck threw beer bottle out window.10/22/2011 11:11:09 AM10/22/2011
1:00:38 PM
United StatesFloridaDavisvilleHWY 9732568chevroletsilverado80s modelBluish-Grey5a99b27
Lit cigareete out car window10/27/2011 8:48:00 AM10/26/2011
5:30 pm
United StatesCaliforniaSanteeRt 52 @ Mast Blvd92071ChevroletS10??Beige8J40124
Thru Cigarete butt on the street11/7/2011 9:29:31 AM11/7/2011
7:33:29 AM
United StatesTexasAustinS Lamar or 290/71 Service road78735ChevroletSurburbanChamp363XXK
Littering at red light11/16/2011 2:21:26 PM11/16/2011
4:05:25 PM
United StatesNYRochestercorner of Elmwood and Mt Hope14620Chevrolet ImpalaFLG5993
Dumping paper11/19/2011 4:13:07 PM11/19/2011
4:08:06 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSoledadFront st exitChevroletTruckNewerOrange/red7t49696
Threw cigarette box out of window11/30/2011 1:07:52 PM11/30/2011
1:05:32 PM
United StatesFloridaOrlando1200 s kuhl32806ChevroletPickup truckk? 2000187WZL
Threw trash out Window that hit my car12/2/2011 1:47:27 PM12/2/2011
2:30:07 PM
United StatesAlabamaAthensHWY 251ChevroletSUVwhite44C88W3
McDonalds cup and Chip bag12/8/2011 7:11:00 AM12/8/2011
United StatesMiDearbornFord Rd.48124ChevroletCavalier2000BlackCGY-7052
Threw trash out of car window12/15/2011 6:57:11 PM12/15/2011
1:55 PM
United StatesMICHIGANFlintMiller Road48473ChevroletImpalaBrownCCW 6782
Threw trash from moving vehicle.12/15/2011 7:00:56 PM12/15/2011
8:10:00 PM
United StatesMichiganWaterfordWilliams Lake RdChevroletEquinox LT (awd) maroon4KCB03
Man threw paper garbage out of drivers side window1/2/2012 9:19:42 AM1/2/2012
United StatesNew JerseyNorth HaledonLinda Vista Avenue07508ChevroletSuburbanBlackYME83Z
Paper trash1/10/2012 2:37:30 PM1/10/2012
12:30 pm
United StatesMichiganTroyI-75 on Crooks Road exit48084ChevroletCavalier LSWhiteBFG 7789
Cup dropped out door1/24/2012 10:34:00 AM1/16/2012
12:54:45 PM
United StatesOhioFairbornWest Dayton - Yellow Springs Road45324ChevroletCavaliercirca 2005dark (black?)FKF 1855
Motor oil bottle1/27/2012 12:01:57 PM1/27/2012
12:40 pm
United StatesILSchaumburgHiggins Rd near 29060007ChevroletSilverado 1500Green72 664 Y
Cigarette Butt1/31/2012 6:05:29 AM1/30/2012
about 3 pm
United StatesTennesseeDicksonHwy 70 E37055ChevroletCavalierred403 SKY
2 Cigarette butts thrown from vehicle2/2/2012 3:58:53 PM2/2/2012
3:50:11 PM
United StatesMichiganFarmington HillsI-696 EastboundChevroletAveo2010WhiteCBY 8497
Silver Chev Malibu with Forrest ranger sticker2/9/2012 12:04:10 PM2/9/2012
United StatesMassachusettsYarmouthWillow St02675ChevroletMalibu2006Silver45L V19
soda can thrown from driver side window2/12/2012 1:50:45 PM2/12/2012
1:41:16 PM
United Statesiowamontourhwy 30chevroletsilveradogray/silver234 PSK
Littering2/17/2012 3:36:58 PM2/17/2012
3:34:32 PM
United StatesLouisianaHammondSouth Morrison70403ChevroletCamaro90sMaroonVOA482
Paper receipt2/19/2012 1:27:35 PM2/19/2012
2:24:59 PM
United StatesOklahomaTulsaSheridan between 61st and 51stChevroletCruzeWhite028HSH
Red Chevy Cobalt AZ lic# ABD2270, one male driver2/27/2012 3:36:00 PM2/27/2012
2:50 PM
United StatesArizonaTucsonEastbound 22nd and Kolb, waiting at traffic signal85710ChevroletCobaltnewer modelbright redABD2270
Tossed fast food containers out of window3/13/2012 8:55:24 AM3/11/2012
4:48:32 PM
United StatesLouisianaDenham SpringsBurgess Rd.70726ChevroletCavalier2003SilverLKT 595
Threw bottle3/18/2012 2:04:05 PM3/18/2012
1:59:26 PM
United StatesMarylandWhite Plains301 SouthboundChevrolet BlackWZN8009
Threw paper from car3/21/2012 1:02:15 PM3/21/2012
United StatesMichiganClarkstonM-15/Ortonville Road48346ChevroletBlazerSilverCKC5601
Through Cigarette Butt out Window4/4/2012 6:17:12 AM4/4/2012
6:08:04 AM
United StatesWashingtonIssaquahwashington 900 and NW Gilman Blvd98027ChevroletSilveradoWhiteB92446P
Man threw coffee cup out of his moving car4/5/2012 5:04:35 AM4/5/2012
6:42 AM
United StatesNew JerseyGallowayGarden state parkway mile marker 39ChevroletPick up truckDark BlueUDL 47G
dumped trash bag4/5/2012 7:01:28 PM4/5/2012
6:53:20 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlanta corner of R.Abernathy and Whitehall30310Chevrolet Suburban grey/silver BKI 4012
throwing beer bottle our of car windown4/14/2012 3:02:40 PM4/14/2012
4:45:08 PM
United StatesTNLakeland9045 Highway 64, Ste. 11138002chevroletblack700zyq
Witnessed throwing litter out of passenger window4/17/2012 6:27:51 AM4/16/2012
4:00 PM
United StatesIllinoisHawthorn WoodsGilmer Rd60047ChevroletPrismBlackK44 2758
Littering out of bed of truck.4/17/2012 3:51:20 PM4/16/2012
4:30:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaMenifee215 N FreewayChevroletSilveradoWhite8J27181
some wheel ring4/18/2012 3:01:59 PM4/18/2012
2:59:15 PM
United StatesMichiganFarmington Hills21164 Randall48336ChevroletTahoe1995WhiteBJX 7168
Threw a Pack of Newports out of Car Window4/24/2012 8:23:46 AM4/23/2012
6:30:19 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburghAllegheny River Boulevard15206ChevroletCavalier~1998RedHPX 5571
threw can out window4/26/2012 8:22:28 PM4/24/2012
6:45 am
United StatesAlabamaGrantSwearengin Rd35747ChevroletMonte Carlo2010 ?redDHW I
Passenger in red chevorlet sierra club cab truck threw cigarette from passenger window.4/27/2012 11:15:11 AM4/27/2012
United StatesLouisianaLayafatteInterstate 1070583ChevroletSierra2010redB68571
6:30 AM
United StatesAlabamaGrantSwearengin Rd35747ChevroletMonte Carlo2010 ?redDHW I
Dark Blue Surburban throws trash repeatively5/2/2012 7:54:39 PM5/2/2012
9:39:21 PM
United StatesTexasDallas2316 Globe Avenue75228ChevroletSurburban1998Dark Blue95PTX5
United StatesAlabamaGrantSwearengin Rd35747ChevroletMonte Carlo2010 redDHW I
Black Chevy Avalanche5/7/2012 2:04:28 PM5/7/2012
13:30 PM
United StatesLouisianaLafayetteAmbassador Caffery and K saloon intersectionChevroletAvalancheBlackX784592
Trash out window5/9/2012 1:55:52 PM5/6/2012
1:49:17 PM
United StatesIowaWest Des Moines22nd Street50266ChevroletImpalaDark blue377 ZGN
Dumped several items from drivers side window5/11/2012 2:54:31 PM5/11/2012
4:30:00 PM
United StatesIllinoisChicago210 N Halsted Street60607ChevroletMonte Carlo2000-2005BlackN53 8921
Threw trash out of vehicle5/12/2012 4:02:52 PM5/12/2012
United StatesMichiganMadison HeightsDequindre48071ChevroletEquinox LT2011?WhiteCFR 6313
Throwing trash out of the window5/14/2012 1:22:06 PM5/14/2012
4:10:41 PM
United StatesFloridaTampaS Dale MabryChevroletSilveradoDark nrown or black395KUR
Male driver threw trash out of truck window5/14/2012 4:20:35 PM5/14/2012
5:40 PM
United StatesOklahomaTulsaRiverside drive at 41stChevroletSingle cab truckWhite613BNE
Threw large soda cup out on the street.5/15/2012 11:06:32 AM5/15/2012
around noon
United StatesKentuckyLouisvilleDixie Highway40216Chevrolettrailblazerdark green29678
Lg blonde woman in white/lt colored Tracker5/16/2012 3:51:19 AM5/15/2012, 5/16/12
5:20:54 AM
United StatesIndianaLogansport611 W. Market Street46947ChevroletTrackerlate modelwhiteYT5730
Cigarette thrown out of car by driver5/16/2012 9:26:14 AM5/15/2012
5:25 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOceansideOceanside Blvd95054ChevroletSilveradodark grey93439C1
Dumping in alley5/17/2012 7:10:16 PM5/17/2012
8:35:18 PM
United StatesMichiganGrand Rapids944 Merritt SE49507ChevroletMalibu Maxx2005SilverCKL 3079
cigarette butt thrown from drivers side window5/18/2012 6:13:19 AM5/17/2012
United StatesAZTucsonintersection 22nd & Kolbchevroletpickup S10red349-YBC
Woman threw garbage out window5/18/2012 4:16:55 PM5/18/2012
4:14:08 PM
United StatesIowaCedar RapidsEdgewood Rd52404ChevroletBlazerRed363 yrm
Paper out the window.5/25/2012 6:48:54 AM5/25/2012
8:35 AM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeI110ChevroletAvalancheDark RedX607697
Driver Dumping5/25/2012 11:38:01 AM5/24/2012
04:25:27 PM
United StatesCaliforniaElk GroveHarbor Point Dr and Elk Grove Blvd95758ChevroletMalibuSilver6TMK036
Old Woman throws paper out windows5/31/2012 5:51:14 AM5/31/2012
8:35 AM
United StatesMichiganClioVienna and Peterson Drive48420ChevroletImpalaGrey1609E3
Threw garbage from McDonalds from the car6/3/2012 4:25:06 PM6/3/2012
4:22:21 PM
United StatesMichiganNoviInterchange from m14 E to i275 NChevroletTahoeBlackBEA 8916
5:02:13 PM
Trash thrown out of window6/7/2012 1:53:28 PM6/7/2012
3:14 PM
United StatesLouisianaLafayetteKaliste Saloom70508Chevrolet SilveradoTanX434280
Dumped wrappers and napkins out divers side window6/10/2012 1:02:45 PM6/10/2012
United Statesoklahoma cityMidwest CityIntersection of 15th and Post73130ChevroletRed448EPY
littering from car6/11/2012 6:47:17 AM6/10/2012
United StatesIowaDonahueY52 (115th Ave)52746ChevroletWhite291 YST
Threw trash out window into someones yard6/11/2012 7:52:42 AM6/11/2012
7:50:44 AM
United StatesgeorgiaAlpharettaHamby Road30004ChevroletPick upolderblackBXK6028
thew trash out window6/11/2012 7:57:08 AM6/11/2012
7:55:21 AM
United StatesGeorgiaAlpharettaHamby Road30004chevroletpick up olderblackbxk6029
Threw out 22 oz beer can6/13/2012 3:24:25 PM6/13/2012
5:21:12 PM
United StatesArkansasLittle Rockuniversity and 12thChevroletImpalagold752 ODL
threw lit cigarette out car window6/15/2012 11:24:29 AM6/15/2012
11:20:59 AM
United StatesMinnesotaBloomingtonMorgan Circle SChevroletImpalaSilverTYL 166
Throwing garbage out window6/15/2012 12:26:33 PM6/15/2012
12:23:16 PM
United StatesCaliforniaBakersfieldI-5Chevrolet ColoradoSilver31521b1
White ice cream cup and plastic spoon6/17/2012 1:39:17 PM6/17/2012
3:00:11 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaEast StroudsburgRt 447 at Three Point Garden Rd.18301Chevrolet2011 or 2013White2AWS70
Food take-out litter6/21/2012 6:04:23 AM6/20/2012
4:45 PM
United StatesMDBethesda495 (Beltway)ChevroletTahoeBlack03695ce
woman threw trash out of car6/22/2012 12:57:18 PM6/22/2012
11:25 AM
United StatesCAnear Big Sur, CAHighway 1 NorthChevroletCruze2011burgundy6PEF863
Cigarette butt thrown from window6/23/2012 5:05:02 PM6/23/2012
4:45:52 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSacramentoMarysville Blvd off-ramp at Eastbound I-8095838ChevroletImpalaGold5KBD587
burning cigarette butt6/24/2012 8:35:56 AM6/23/2012
3:30 p.m.
United StatesColoradoGoldenHwy 93 (just north of Hwy 6 intersection)ChevroletImpalaBlue343-WND
diaper and wipes6/24/2012 5:15:29 PM6/24/2012
5:11:52 PM
United StatesTexassan angelo@ texas road house76904chevrolettahoe2007-2012sliverdd7d808
Threw trash out window6/26/2012 7:58:48 AM6/26/2012
9:51:01 AM
United StatesARJacksonville West Maddox rd72076Chevrolet Corvette1980 somethingWhiteF8453
Driver threw a butt out of the window6/27/2012 1:06:37 PM6/26/2012
United StatesFLLakeland areaI-70Chevroletdark tanJ86 2RU
Cups thrown from passenger window6/29/2012 11:35:48 AM6/29/2012
02:30:52 pm
United StatesMichiganKalamazooWestnedgeChevroletMalibu2011Red
truck with horse trailor attached dumped 3 times today.6/30/2012 4:27:13 PM6/30/2012
4:17:51 PM
United StatesArkansasnorth little rock powerline72117Chevrolet silverado1990red
Cigarette butt thrown out the window7/2/2012 6:58:39 AM7/1/2012
1:30:00 PM
United StatesTexasDallasSouth on 75 near Royal Lane exitChevroletHHRBlueBL8V672
Passenger - cigarette butt.7/3/2012 1:48:48 PM7/3/2012
4:20 PM local
United StatesindianaOaklandonPendleton PikeChevroletTrailblazerdark blueDB8129
Tossed Coffee Cup out Passenger Window7/6/2012 11:35:56 AM7/6/2012
06:45:00 AM
United StatesAlabamaSweet WaterHighway 1036782CHEVROLETAVALANCHEREDBPOPPA
Plastic cup filled with pop thrown at car7/9/2012 9:14:04 PM7/9/2012
11:30:10 PM
United StatesOhioWestervilleVancouver dr43081ChevroletMalibuGold/tan#FJM9874
cigarette7/10/2012 8:44:07 AM7/6/2012
1:00 p.m.
United StatesTennesseeDicksoncorner of College & Mathis37055ChevroletBlazerRed021 XPS
Throwing out 3 pieces of trash/paper7/11/2012 9:47:52 AM7/11/2012
United StatesTennesseeChattanooga27 South thru downtown37402ChevroletSilveradounknown/oldWhiteCOO-79D
discarded smoking cigarette butt7/12/2012 5:11:42 AM7/11/2012
3:48 PM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma CitySW 59th & Penn73159ChevroletAveowhite592HZZ
unloading plastic sheeting into parking area7/13/2012 5:58:22 AM7/13/2012
United StatesIndianaIndianapolisN White River Parkway E Dr46202ChevroletVanBlackSDX127 In God we Trust
Vehicle - plastic bottle thrown out the window7/17/2012 1:44:32 PM7/17/2012
12:30 PM
United StatesNCWinston-SalemI-40 West27107ChevroletWhiteADX 4050
moron in a red Corvette colorado plate # 178 -szy7/20/2012 1:42:22 PM7/20/2012
7:50 AM
United Statescoloradocolorado springsPowers80922chevroletcorvette2004dark red178-szy
moron in a red Corvette colorado plate # 178 -szy7/20/2012 1:42:36 PM7/20/2012
7:50 AM
United Statescoloradocolorado springsPowers80922chevroletcorvette2004dark red178-szy
Red Truck traveling down highway, flying trash7/26/2012 6:57:06 AM7/26/2012
7:45 AM
United StatesAlabamaCreolaHwy 4336525Chevrolet4x4unknownRed2A66N60
Threw Cigarette butt out car window.8/6/2012 1:50:43 PM8/6/2012
2:47 PM
United StatesOklahomaEdmond2nd Street73034ChevroletCamaro1990-1997Silver605DPF
threw out trash8/9/2012 4:00:16 PM8/9/2012
3:53:07 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaFlorenceIrby StreetChevroletCorvetteblackGDL205
Threw out banana peel8/10/2012 5:50:57 AM8/10/2012
7:00 AM
United StatesAlabamaMadisonBalch and Mill Road35758ChevroletPickupBrownTennessee 658 WPF
Banana peel thrown from vehicle8/10/2012 5:59:01 AM8/10/2012
7:05 AM
United StatesAlabamaMadisonMill Road and Sullivan Street35758ChevroletPickupBrownTennessee 658 WPF
Threw trash from window8/10/2012 6:12:29 PM8/10/2012
5:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLa MesaSpring Street91941ChevroletWhite65(orS?)GU474
Driver trowing trash out of truck window along I-758/16/2012 7:28:44 AM8/16/2012
8:20:15 AM
United StatesMIFlintI-75 between Corunna and Pierson Rds.48532ChevroletPick-upolder, not sure yrTealBUD 6084
Cigarette butt8/23/2012 7:54:14 AM8/23/2012
9:10:02 AM
United StatesOhioColumbusWesterville RoadChevroletsilverFPV 2066
Driver tossing CDs out window of car8/24/2012 5:03:06 PM8/24/2012
1:41:00 PM
United StatesWashingtonSeattle99 North at light before 1st Ave Bridge on-rampChevroletBlazer?RedAHR 2336
Trash tossed out of passenger window along road while moving8/29/2012 4:00:02 PM8/29/2012
3:46:07 PM
United StatesIndianaEvansvilleWaterworks Rd47713ChevroletPick up truckMaroonKY573FWC
Fountain drink cup9/1/2012 11:41:29 AM9/1/2012
11:38:07 AM
United StatesMNBrainerdHwy. 37156401ChevroletAvalancheRed204 JBH
Passenger lowered window and threw trash on hwy.9/7/2012 5:42:18 PM9/7/2012
5:37:41 PM
United StatesarkansasJonesboroHwy 167 & Frog Pond Road72401ChevroletGrayYD9TOU
Littering from auto9/16/2012 9:16:07 AM9/16/2012
United StatesPennsylvaniaJim ThorpeRt 90318229ChevroletSilverZDH-4082
Female throws Trash out of door9/18/2012 6:00:21 AM9/18/2012
5:52:11 AM
United StatesFloridaTampacorner of Bruce B Downs & Fletcher Ave33613ChevroletCamaro2011Black900-LYA
Female throws Trash out of door stopped in traffic9/18/2012 6:02:53 AM9/18/2012
08:25 a.m.
United StatesFloridaTampacorner of Bruce B Downs & Fletcher Ave33613ChevroletCamaro2011Black900-LYA
cigarette butt9/18/2012 3:36:40 PM9/18/2012
3:30 PM
United StatesTennesseeDicksonintersection of Hwy 70E & Hummingbird Ln37055ChevroletMalibult tan or off-wht96508F
Littering from window9/20/2012 1:45:00 PM9/20/2012
4:30 PM
United StatesGeorgiaNewnan92 Werz Industrial Dr.30263Chevroletpossibly 2012RedBTJ...
Ciggarette out the window9/26/2012 5:58:49 PM9/26/2012
5:53:44 PM
United StatesFLFort Lauderdale10th st & US-133441ChevroletMonte CarloSilver583KVS
bag of trash tossed out window10/3/2012 7:46:00 AM10/3/2012
7:38:09 AM
United StatesVirginiaRadfordHazel Hallow Road24141ChevroletCavalierWhiteJAA-1780
tons of newspaper blowing out of truck on I2510/3/2012 6:10:16 PM10/3/2012
4:45 PM
United StatesCOThortonI25chevroletsilverado2007black819 PFN
Illegal Dumping of Tires in field10/9/2012 4:57:54 PM10/7/2012
11:15:00 AM
United StatescoloradoAuroraS. Flanders80017Chevrolet2500Blue
Chip bag10/10/2012 4:55:11 PM10/10/2012
3:45 pm
throwing trash out of car window into street10/16/2012 6:35:00 AM10/15/2012
11:15 AM
Dumping litter out driver window10/25/2012 5:39:36 AM10/25/2012
7:15:18 AM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma CityKilpatrick Turnpike (Yukon area)ChevroletSilverado2002-2005Charcoal188BRH
Trash thrown from passengar window10/26/2012 5:02:15 PM10/26/2012
6:57:59 PM
United StatesTexasSan AntonioBabcock / Hausman at Valero Station 78249ChevroletCobalt2009 + OrangeDD9-H695
Trash out window11/4/2012 2:28:34 PM11/4/2012
2:25:48 PM
United StatesPENNSYVANIAMonrovilleWilliam penn highway15146ChevroletMalibuDark blue L54 7712
Threw can out driver side window11/9/2012 3:27:04 PM11/9/2012
4:17:22 PM
United StatesAlabamaBirminghamDoug Baker Blvd3524ChevroletTahoeRed58J60M0
Tan Chevrolet Suburban Throws Fast Food Trash11/9/2012 11:22:50 PM11/8/2012
06:05:00 PM
United StatesTexasCypressSpring Cypress Road & 290 Hwy77429ChevroletSuburbanTanAZ98723
Multiple offences11/14/2012 9:39:50 AM11/13/2012
United StatesRIKingston riUri emporium02881Chevrolet Malibu1998Silver
Threw cigarette out of window11/15/2012 10:51:26 AM11/15/2012
08:14 AM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeJefferson Highway70809ChevroletCobaltVTU408
Cigarette flicked out window11/20/2012 3:53:49 PM11/20/2012
2:49 pm
United StatesWA StateBellevueNe 24th98008ChevroletAveoSilver 021-uqu
Threw lit Cigarette Butt out window11/21/2012 5:31:12 AM11/21/2012
5:25:59 AM
United StatesMichiganLansingGrand River exit off of I-96 EastChevroletSilveradoDark Blue or Black7KM W67
Threw lit Cigarette Butt out window11/21/2012 5:34:34 AM11/21/2012
6:50 AM
United StatesMichiganLansingGrand River exit off of I-96 EastChevroletSilveradoDark Blue or Black7KM W67
Person threw out a brown paper from passenger side window11/21/2012 6:01:32 PM11/21/2012
5:58:09 PM
United StatesIllinoisAurora Ogden and Frontenac Street60564ChevroletTan/Silver/Black TrimA894582
Cigarette butt thrower11/21/2012 8:30:12 PM11/21/2012
2:00 pm
United StatesAlabamaMobileCottage Hill RdChevroletCamaroRed2B43Y85
A black Suburban threw a container of some kink out the driver side window11/27/2012 12:13:42 PM11/27/2012
8:10 AM
United StatesCALIFORNIALOS ANGELES210 EASTChevroletSuburbanBlack4AGH936
Threw trash out of car window12/3/2012 8:20:26 AM12/2/2012
4:45 PM
United StatesMichiganWestlandLakeview Blvd48185ChevroletMonte CarloMid 2000sSilverCFZ 6288
Neighbors littering my yard12/3/2012 10:25:58 AM12/3/2012
10:15:36 AM
United StatesNew YorkAlbany92 southern boulevard12209chevroletmalibu2003tanfxt4832
Litter from white truck driving in front of me12/4/2012 2:35:27 PM12/4/2012
1:23:38 PM
United StatesNevadaLas VegasSunset Rd89119ChevroletWhite334 TXL
Person littered while leaving a gas station.12/7/2012 8:29:45 AM12/6/2012
6:00:00 PM
United StatesAlabamaMobileOld Military Rd and Dauphin Island Pkwy36605ChevroletMalibuTaupe/Brown2A28V34
Threw McDonalds trash out the window of moving car12/7/2012 3:10:17 PM12/7/2012
4:45:39 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSandy SpringsWinding River Drive30350ChevroletMalibu?2005+SilverCAF 4522
LITTERING FROM WINDOW12/17/2012 9:46:29 AM12/15/2012
around 12:00 PM
United StatesGANewnanBullsboro30263ChevroletHHR (looks like PT cruiser)Burnt Orange3QP8304
Threw out several pieces of paper12/23/2012 3:08:44 PM12/23/2012
3:50 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton Rouge area Mile marker 150 east boud around 350 pm 12/23/2012Chevrolet ImpalaBlackWQR561 La.
Opened window, threw out fast food trash1/4/2013 5:12:24 PM1/4/2013
6:20:00 pm
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaI-85 northbound near exit 86 (Ga-13)ChevroletSUV WhiteAgx8908
Threw fast food bag out window at parked car1/5/2013 11:46:02 PM1/5/2013
11:50 am
United StatesCaliforniaSan FranciscoScott Street @ Clay Street94115ChevroletBlazerlate 90s/early 2000sMaroon6XHU616
Throwing chicken bones out car window repeatedly1/6/2013 3:00:50 PM1/6/2013
2:44:56 PM
United StatescoDenverYosemite and 17thChevroletMalibuWhite784VOD
Threw soda can and other trash on the street.1/6/2013 5:02:04 PM1/5/2013
2:10 PM
United StatesnevadaLas VegasBuffalo and Farm89131ChevroletTrailBlazerDark Blue5BTJ844 California plate
throwing out cigarette butt1/7/2013 4:33:11 PM1/7/2013
4:31:05 PM
United StatesPApenn hillsUniversal rd.15235chevroletmalibuunknowngrayERV859
Threw lit cigarette out window1/9/2013 6:58:18 AM1/9/2013
7:30:00 AM
United StatesOklahomaBetween Norman & MooreI-35ChevroletTahoeBeige317ELT
Threw large white styrofoam cup out window1/10/2013 5:49:02 PM1/10/2013
5:00 PM
United StatesLouisianaChoudrantWestbound on Interstate 20 71227Chevrolet4-door pickupNot sure: about 2010BlackX642054
cigarette butt out of window1/11/2013 7:52:36 AM1/11/2013
7:10:08 AM
United StatesAlabamaMobile Clubhouse Rd at Dauphin Island Parkway36605chevroletHHR2008dark grey2B60J01
Driver threw lit cigarette out the window.1/11/2013 6:06:11 PM1/11/2013
4:45 pm
United StatesCaliforniaSan Francisco10194103ChevroletSilveradoGold6D14173
Driver threw lit cigarette out the window.1/11/2013 6:06:21 PM1/11/2013
4:45 pm
United StatesCaliforniaSan Francisco10194103ChevroletSilveradoGold6D14173
threw trash from car1/21/2013 11:39:34 PM1/19/2013
3:30: PM
United StatesPABechtelsvilleHill Church Road19505Chevroletredhvp 4418
Cigarette butt out window1/23/2013 5:40:57 AM1/23/2013
7:40 am
United StatesNCMatthewsMatthews-mint hill rd28105ChevroletS10RedXsy-5778
threw trash our window while driving1/26/2013 6:12:28 PM1/26/2013
8:03:35 PM
United StatesMichiganGrand Blanchill road48439ChevroletMonte Carlo2004-2008Grey3KR B43
Dog Feces2/9/2013 3:55:18 PM2/2/2013
3:44:32 PM
United StatesUtahMorgan945 Mahogany Ridge Road84050ChevroletSilverado2012WhiteC14 3EF
littering while driving2/14/2013 4:44:36 PM2/14/2013
5:33:14 PM
United StatesTennesseeBrentwood I-65N37027ChevroletS-10faded red163 VPM
Threw Drink Cup Out Window2/16/2013 3:09:01 PM2/16/2013
3:06:26 PM
United StatesILBloomingtonVeterans Parkway61701ChevroletBlazerWhiteP59 8115
Driver discarded cigarette butt2/19/2013 7:18:00 AM2/19/2013
8:30 am
United StatesDCWashingtonWhitehurst Freeway at entrance to K StreetChevroletTahoe2010?BlackTexas STB-111
Threw their fast food wrapping out the window2/22/2013 5:38:18 PM2/22/2013
5:30:18 PM
United StatesCASanta MonicaCloverfield90404ChevroletBurgoundy4ZXH106
Thrown Lit cigarette from moving car2/27/2013 11:53:37 PM2/27/2013
11:49:28 PM
United StatesCalifoniaJamulHighway 9491935CHEVROLETGREY8HO8874
Paper Coffee Cup (full) thrown from truck3/5/2013 8:59:57 PM3/5/2013
5:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSalinasLaureles Grade Road93908Chevrolet Suburban or Yukon2010?White5JKR094
Lit cigarette thrown from truck3/7/2013 5:26:06 PM3/7/2013
5:12:57 PM
United StatesOregonPortlandNW burnsideChevrolet Cheyenne 2500Lt blue835 GBH
Threw cigarette out window3/15/2013 2:59:12 PM3/15/2013
2:53:05 PM
United StatesNCCorneliusI-7728031ChevroletSuburbanBlackRpb-6778
cigarette3/15/2013 7:15:35 PM3/15/2013
United StatesWashingtonTacomaCenter & Pine98405ChevroletDark Green685YBA
16oz soda bottle (sprite or Mountain Dew) thrown from the window of a black Chevrolet Silverado3/22/2013 1:03:29 PM3/22/2013
3:45 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlanta2460 N Druid Hills Rd Ne Atlanta, GA 30329 30329ChevroletSilveradoBlackpnt9989
Guy in a truck throwing garbage out his window3/29/2013 3:52:29 PM3/29/2013
2:00:37 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRosevilleHarding Blvd95678ChevroletBlazerBlack6FRV064
Threw a receipt out of driver side window3/30/2013 1:48:20 PM3/30/2013
1:45:21 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaInternsection of Druid Hills Road and Mistletoe RoadChevrolet Impala LSNavy bluePCX6695
Driver of blue hatch-back threw multiple hand fulls of litter out of window3/30/2013 4:33:38 PM3/29/2013
10:27:00 AM
United StatesNew JerseyGallowayEast Jimmie Leeds Road08204ChevroletSonic?2012?BlueM48BHH
Dumped old carpet and padding on residential street4/2/2013 4:38:35 PM4/2/2013
8:30:0 AM
United StatesTNNashvilleCliff Drive37218ChevroletWhiteTN 731 QZP
Driver threw out a cigarette butt4/2/2013 5:18:01 PM0/401/2013
0:408:00 PM
United StatesTexasTylerFifth and Beckham75701ChevroletCorsicaVFW759
Threw trash out window4/3/2013 8:07:21 AM4/3/2013
8:03:24 AM
United StatesTexasGalveston Seawolf parkway77554Chevrolet Avalanche 2007White73Z VG9
Trash out of car window4/3/2013 4:37:53 PM4/3/2013
12:23:18 PM
United StatesKansasOverland Park9600 Quivira Rd.66204ChevroletCavalier lsBlack with silver racing stripes987 ELQ
Cigarette Butt Litter4/5/2013 6:02:04 AM4/4/2013
10:25 AM
United StatesColoradoDenverSanta Fe on rampChevroletCameroRed870 YCK
Threw object out drivers window4/5/2013 1:09:02 PM4/5/2013
4:04:33 PM
United StatesMassachusettsCummingtonRoute 9 west 01026ChevroletAveoLess then 5 yrs old Maroon/ Red39PL65
Threw McDonalds trash out of moving car4/12/2013 8:52:26 AM4/05/2013
2:43 PM
United StatesTexasChina SpringYankee Road76633ChevroletBlazer1998Maroon93LESL Oklahoma plates
Littering out drivers side car window4/15/2013 6:09:32 PM4/15/2013
United StatesOhioColumbusroute 33 and west case rd43017ChevroletCavalier1996Dark BlueFLP 1271
Trash thrown from passenger window.4/16/2013 7:06:55 PM4/16/2013
6:10:09 PM
United StatesMichiganAnn ArborWebster Church Rd48103ChevroletSilveradoSilverBSJ 4780
Dumped paper plate and food out sunroof on car4/17/2013 3:14:45 PM4/17/2013
3:09:13 PM
United StatesTexasLindaleHwy 69 near Walmart75771ChevroletCavalier??Red753 PZT from Arkansaw
Throwing ciggaretts out the car window4/17/2013 7:41:13 PM4/17/2013
4:30:54 PM
United StatesHIEwaFort weaver rd96706Chevrolet Suburban Gold/ TanJJP O32
Black Chevy Truck4/18/2013 1:28:06 PM4/18/2013
3:45 PM
United StatesMichiganBay City Wilder Road48706Chevrolet1/2 ton pick up truck BlackCGV3449
threw bud light beer can out window4/21/2013 4:53:31 PM4/20/2013
12:30 PM
United StatesMichiganhubbard lakehubbard lake trail49747chevroletpickup2011forest greenBVF 8521
Tossed an icee cup out the window4/22/2013 10:57:11 AM4/20/2013
2:30 pm
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeSwire Ave70803ChevroletAvalancheBlackB702426
Threw trash into the street4/22/2013 6:20:47 PM4/22/2013
4:56:22 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeGoodwood Boulevard at Airline Highway 70815ChevroletCorvetteBlackXGA 809
Double Cab White Chevrolet Pick-Up Truck4/26/2013 10:21:49 AM4/25/2013
3:48 p.m.
United StatesTXEvadaleHwy 96 N77615Chevrolet Pick-up truckWhite1578AY
Threw a glass bottle that shattered outside passenger window!4/30/2013 12:59:05 PM4/23/2013
05:30:04 PM
United StatesNew JerseyNorth BrunswickRoute 1 NorthChevroletSilverT68 CPD
Dumped trash from van on highway5/3/2013 12:09:42 PM5/3/2013
United StatesMichiganLansing 496 westbound 48917ChevroletAstro VanBurgundyCHS 5875
Cigarette Pack Cellophane Wrapper5/7/2013 12:56:10 PM5/7/2013
3:20:07 PM
United StatesINCarmelW 116th46032ChevroletDark brown587YIC
Littered pack of cigarettes5/7/2013 3:24:07 PM5/7/2013
12:145:37 PM
United StatesCASan BrunoInterstate 380 East94066ChevroletGrey1KQU712
leaving his house with a truck full of garbage5/8/2013 7:01:49 PM5/6/2013
United StatesKentuckyCalvert City748 Patterson Ferry Road42029ChevroletAvalancheNot availableBlackKY 5310 BA
trash empty food can5/10/2013 3:08:40 PM5/10/2013
3:32 pm
United StatesTennesseeMEMPHISwinchester rd and ross rd38115chevroletmalibu 771xhp
trash empty food can5/10/2013 3:09:32 PM5/10/2013
3:32 pm
United StatesTennesseeMEMPHISwinchester rd and ross rd38115chevroletmalibu ltblue771xhp
Threw burning cigarette butt out the window5/11/2013 4:26:12 AM5/11/2013
4:21:08 AM
United StatesNCCharlotteJohnston Rd & I 485 inner 28277chevroletmalibu xt201?brownzxj5257
Threw burning cigarette butt out the window5/11/2013 4:31:49 AM5/7/13
7:50 am
United StatesNCCharlotteJohnston Rd & I 485 inner 28277chevroletmalibu xt201?brownzxj5257
throwing napkins out the window5/12/2013 10:16:09 AM5/12/2013
10:13:50 AM
United Statesohioanderson twpmt. carmel-tabasco rd45255chevrolettrail blazerdark blueebd 1019
Stopped at a stop sign and dumped out 2 McDonalds bags, drinks out window5/14/2013 2:11:16 PM5/12/2013
7:00 pm
United StatesKentuckyLexingtonWinthrop40514Chevrolet1995Silver/Gray445HHA
Styrofoam cup with can drink5/15/2013 4:16:29 PM5/15/2013
6:00 PM
United StatesAlabamaMadisonCorner of Wall Triana and Capshaw35757ChevroletTruckBlack44C23D7
Driver or passenger threw a plastic bottle onto the roadway5/16/2013 5:50:48 AM5/16/2013
6:45am Central Time
United StatesTXHoustonIntersection of North MacGregor Way and Scott StreetChevroletMalibuWhiteDT9 X119 (Texas plate)
Threw fast food trash out the window5/16/2013 10:54:32 AM5/16/2013
10:49:35 AM
United StatesMichiganWest BloomfieldMiddlebelt48322chevroletmalibu2013creamCKC 465
Cigarette butt thrown5/16/2013 4:30:29 PM5/13/2013
6:10:10 PM?
United StatesCAPalmdaleE Avenue S93550ChevroletSuburbanUnsure;not newGreen3RJK928
Threw chip bag out of car window5/19/2013 10:01:12 AM5/19/2013
United StatesMichiganRosevilleLittle mack48066ChevroletImpalaUnsureSilverBza 9924
LITTERING5/21/2013 6:21:01 AM5/21/2013
7:55 AM
Yellow Cab Driver throwing trash on ground5/24/2013 9:06:57 AM5/24/2013
8:02:54 AM
United StatesTEXASHouston5702 Westheimer Rd77057ChevroletCapriceYellow
lit cigarette butt throw out the window5/24/2013 10:19:21 AM5/16/2013
9:29 PM
United StatesTexasColleyvilleJackson76034CHEVROLETPICKUP1980REDISH BROWN72J-HP6
Driver through bag with garbage out window.5/26/2013 7:58:50 PM5/26/2013
7:52:52 PM
United StatesIDSt. Anthonyhwy 20Chevrolet Trailblazer White2F33813
Fast Food Bag5/28/2013 10:28:01 AM5/28/2013
United StatesMichiganZeelandByron Road49464ChevroletSuburban1999BlueCPQ 6189
passenger in car littered5/30/2013 7:33:04 AM5/29/2013
6:03 pm
United StatesPENNSYVANIAGlenmooreRoute 10019343ChevroletCruzeLight BlueHSC6871
4 times in 1 mile5/31/2013 4:49:38 PM5/31/2013
5:46:17 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahAbercorn St.31419ChevroletTahoeBlack PGJ6998
Threw plastic cup out of the car6/1/2013 9:56:58 AM6/1/2013
12.48 pm
United StatesFloridaNorth miamiDixie highway and 147th str33181ChevroletGreen486 lfx
Fast Food Bag6/7/2013 3:40:58 PM6/7/2013
United StatesTEXASHoustonRankin77090ChevroletImpalaBlueBD2M704
Beer bottles tossed out sun roof6/8/2013 4:58:36 PM6/8/2013
4:30:00 PM
United StatesWA StateAberdeenOlympic Highway 12 by the bluff98520ChevroletCamaroSilverAHM8808
plate with food thrown out fron passenger window6/10/2013 8:50:02 AM6/09/2013
about 7 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaEastonChevroletEquinox?silverHXL6012
Bottle6/11/2013 10:22:01 AM6/11/2013
United StatesOhioLoudonvilleW Main St, after the large curve right outside of town44842ChevroletSilveradoWhitePGR 1995
Threw plastic wrappers out the window6/12/2013 10:25:41 AM6/12/2013
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma CityIntersection of Classen and NW ExpresswayChevroletBlazerOlder model- probably 80sNavy or Black w/ silver stripe538ATB
Occupants threw trash from window of truck6/12/2013 4:53:18 PM6/12/2013
7:40 pm
United StatesSCLexingtonShagbarktrail29073ChevroletPickup199?White283 OCB
chevrolet cavalier littered a cigarette butt6/14/2013 11:52:38 AM6/14/2013
1:00 pm CST
United StatesArkansastyler, TX6880 broadway ave75603chevroletcavalierpurpleishossrst
soda can thrown from window6/16/2013 6:55:57 PM6/16/2013
11:49 a.m.
United StatesTexasHoustonWeslayan77005ChevroletCavalierunknownmaroonBTZ 7671
Throwing trash out window6/19/2013 11:51:30 AM6/19/2013
11:48:27 AM
United StatestexasLongviewMarshall Ave75604Chevrolet TrailblazerBlueBSX 4307
3 soda Cans flying out of truck bed6/22/2013 9:50:11 AM6/22/2013
9:45:13 AM
United StatesTexasBudaIH 3578640Chevrolet Silver ado Dark greyAb2 3078
throwing trash from moving vehicle6/24/2013 9:57:35 AM06/17/2013
United StatesPennsylvaniabetween Troy and TowandaRoute 6 Eastbound between mile markers 255.5 and 256ChevroletSuburbanwhiteGPE-6168
threw rubble out the window6/25/2013 6:17:36 AM6/22/2013
United StatesNCRaleighWestern Blvd.27606Chevrolet TahoegoldenYYY 3219
a white unmarked van is abandoned on the street6/26/2013 5:14:17 PM6/26/2013
5:08:34 PM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEl Rio Ct22193ChevroletExpress2012WhiteTX:16-003
Garbage 3x out window6/27/2013 11:17:01 AM6/27/2013
11:12:15 AM
United StatesNew YorkNew YorkDyckman Street10034ChevroletBlazer??white140 TNM
Trashed vehicle dumped on the side of home of Evergreen Dr.7/3/2013 9:26:52 AM7/3/2013
9:18:21 AM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEvergreen Dr.22193ChevroletImpala1965whiteWZF-1772
throw a dasani bottle from the car7/3/2013 5:41:28 PM7/3/2013
6:15:11 PM
United StatesMissourimaplewoodhanleychevrolettrailblazerblackpk8 mow
A trashy car was left on the side of street leaking oil7/6/2013 7:55:13 AM7/6/2013
10:46:28 AM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEl Rio Ct.22193ChevroletImpala1965whiteWZF-1772
Throwing beer cans out of their moving vehicle7/6/2013 12:25:34 PM7/6/2013
2:15:00 PM
United StatesTexasThe WoodlandsI-45 @ Woodlands Parkway exit77380ChevroletCruzeBlueCJ2 T434
Threw trash out window7/7/2013 11:29:10 AM7/7/2013
2:15 pm
United StatesGeorgiaRinconChevroletMalibu LSTealDP2XYP
Trash thrown from guest side window7/9/2013 11:00:57 AM7/9/2013
1:10: PM
United StatesOhioColumbusSudbury Road43230Chevrolet Pickup?BlackFMZ 8927
threw cigarette litter out of window7/10/2013 5:52:12 PM7/10/2013
7:00 PM
United StatesTexasdallasFerguson Rd75228Chevroletbrownbm56031
Throwing cigarette out7/13/2013 1:07:37 PM7/13/2013
2:50:39 PM
United StatesTexasArgyleI-35 N @ Exit 82 to 2449ChevroletMonte CarloBlack519CFY
Throwing cigarette out7/13/2013 1:08:21 PM7/13/2013
2:50:39 PM
United StatesTexasArgyleI-35 N @ Exit 82 to 2449ChevroletMonte CarloBlack519CFY
Water bottle filled w urine and tissues7/14/2013 1:36:50 PM7/14/2013
3:45 pm
United StatesVaCharlottesville10th st nw22902ChevroletSilverWvc-1847
Threw a soda can out the truck window and drove off.7/16/2013 8:03:21 AM7/16/2013
7:59:51 AM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEl Rio Ct22193Chevrolet WhiteTX:16-003
Bag full of trash thrown from car7/20/2013 2:11:54 PM7/20/2013
5:00 pm
United StatesDelawareWilmingtonIntersection Shipley Rd and Silverside Rd19810ChevroletImpalaBlackDE 926139
An trashed car left on side of the street7/20/2013 2:35:49 PM7/20/2013
2:30:15 PM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEl Rio Ct.22193ChevroletImpala1965whiteWZF-1772
Plastic grocery bag7/22/2013 7:29:45 AM7/22/2013
7:30:06 AM
United StatesTexasBryanBoonville and Copperfield77808ChevroletSilveradoBlue/gray1EU948
trashed car on side of road.7/25/2013 4:41:47 PM7/25/2013
4:37:54 PM
United StatesVirginiaWoodbridgeEl Rio Ct22193ChevroletImpala1965whiteWZF-1772
CiCis parking lot7/26/2013 2:24:37 PM7/26/2013
2:20:43 PM
United StatesTexasLufkinJohn redditt drive75901ChevroletSilverado2010BlackCA5 1553
Blue bottle8/4/2013 1:20:55 PM8/4/2013
3:16:51 PM
United StatesMONewburgI44ChevroletImpalaSilverBNP-4656
Plastic cup8/4/2013 3:35:05 PM8/4/2013
3:27:27 PM
United StatesMichiganKalkaskaHighway 7249646ChevroletMonte Carlo2000Black
littering hamburger wrappers out passenger and driver side window8/4/2013 4:35:08 PM8/4/2013
6:2421 PM
United Statesmissourifestushighway 6763128Chevroletsuburban1990 ishmarron brownyg3s3p
male threw paper out of driver side window8/4/2013 6:54:51 PM8/4/2013
6:52:42 PM
United Statescasan franciscoPine and Davischevroletcamarored6YM877
Threw drink cups out the window8/4/2013 11:46:32 PM8/4/2013
7:05 PM
United StatesWashingtonEverett40th Ave W, Just N of SR 526ChevroletSmall Pickup TruckunknownRedB68057R
Littered8/6/2013 4:45:51 AM8/4/2013
11:00:21 AM
United StatesOhioColumbusOhio43085ChevroletCavalierWhiteFTY 5105
Driver throwing trash out window8/7/2013 4:51:14 PM8/7/2013
4:47:58 PM
United StatesOregonTualitanI-5 exit 292AChevroletMalibuGreen981 BQQ
Aluminum can8/9/2013 1:21:05 PM8/9/2013
1:17:40 PM
United StateswaOlympiaCooper point rd98502Chevrolet SUV GreyAmn3138
bag of trash8/11/2013 4:59:19 PM8/11/2013
4:20 p.m.
United Statescahaywardsan mateo bridgechevroletsonicnewerwhiteAVS2107
Grocery bag of trash, drink cup8/13/2013 3:06:54 PM8/13/2013
12: 45 pm
United StatesWaGraham176th & gem hits rd98338ChevroletMalibuWhiteADP9229
Lit cigarette8/14/2013 12:53:48 PM8/14/2013
12:20:00 PM
United StatesWashington StatePasco2525 N 20th Ave99301ChevroletEquinoxGreyAGC1097
Throwing trash from car onto highway8/18/2013 3:21:49 PM8/18/2013
2:5:58 PM
United StatesMassachusettsStoughtonRt. 24 S around exit 20BChevroletBlack4048 VI
cigarette8/19/2013 5:36:55 AM8/19/2013
8:02 AM
United StatesKentuckyLexingtonKY40517ChevroletTahoeMaroon6378DA
Driver threw lit cigarette out of the car while at light.8/19/2013 9:03:33 AM8/19/2013
10:45 AM
United StatestxSan AntonioVoight & 1604ChevroletCavalierCB3 T136
Littering8/20/2013 2:07:22 PM8/20/2013
2:00:42 PM
United StatesOhioFindlayFox Run Road45840ChevroletVentureDark green or blue282YKH
littering8/21/2013 4:03:42 PM8/21/2013
5:01:24 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado SpringsFountain Blvd80900ChevroletTahoe 2005gold677 ZOG
2 trucks throwing trash at each other8/23/2013 11:48:56 AM8/23/2013
1:10pm CDT
United StatesTexasLa PorteSpencer Highway, Fleetwood Dr.77571ChevroletCK1998 (?)Teal50KWK5
White car seen dumping garbage outside passenger window8/25/2013 5:44:07 PM8/25/2013
9:50:00 AM
United StatesDCWashingtonNew York Ave NE and Kendall St NE20002ChevroletImpala LT2010?WhiteGBB6642
White car seen dumping garbage outside passenger window8/25/2013 5:49:33 PM8/25/2013
9:50:00 AM
United StatesDCWashingtonNew York Ave NE and Kendall St NE20002ChevroletImpala LT2010?WhiteGBB6642
a blonde lady threw garbage thougth the window that landed on my windsheld8/27/2013 4:11:12 PM8/26/2013
1:49 PM
United StatesWisconsinmilwaukeelayton bld & fotesthome53215chevrolettaho2005dark greendark green
Threw a paper/tissue out the passenger window8/30/2013 12:33:15 PM8/30/2013
3:30:05 PM
United StatesGaStockbridgeJodeco road30281ChevroletCorollaGoldPnr4138
Threw a can out the window8/30/2013 1:41:47 PM8/30/2013
1:34:45 PM
United StatesConnecticutMansfieldRoute 4406269 ‎ ChevroletTruckSilver6C7260
Dropped trash out the window two times.8/30/2013 2:50:41 PM8/30/2013
2:47:43 PM
United StatesFLPensacolaBayfront32562Chevrolet Impala LSTan360NIL
Carpet Dumping8/31/2013 10:18:03 AM8/31/2013
12:00 pm
United StatesTexasHouston6622 Hermann Rd77050ChevroletSilveradoBNL1257
Driver threw trash off the window9/3/2013 10:28:49 AM9/3/2013
12:15:00 PM
United StatesLouisianaSulphurHighway 9070663ChevroletAveoSilverLVN-260
Driver flicking lit cigarettes out window9/5/2013 5:04:26 AM9/5/2013
745 am
United StatesMichiganMidlandUS 1048642ChevroletCamero2000GreenBgr4568
Threw cigarette butt out9/5/2013 5:25:58 AM9/5/2013
6:45 AM
United StatesIowaDurantI-80 West52747ChevroletCavalierBlue329ZFQ
Threw Food Wrapper Out Of Window9/5/2013 9:11:12 AM9/4/2013
7:22:00 PM
United StatesALHuntsvilleSouth Memorial Parkway35802ChevroletTahoe2000-2006Tan47y13f4
throwing trash out window9/6/2013 10:48:01 AM9/6/2013
10:35:18 AM
United StatesMissouripinevillehwy 7164856chevrolettraverse5PD 714
Threw paper plates of food out of car window9/7/2013 3:21:08 PM9/7/2013
6:14:28 PM
United StatesNew JerseyBurlingtonHighChevroletImpalaUnkWhiteNJ
Threw a pizza box out of window9/16/2013 1:28:58 PM9/16/2013
1:25:06 PM
United StatesRhode IslandProvidenceManton StreetChevrolet Venture BlueRi- 564657
Soda can thrown on highway and hit my car9/22/2013 7:32:22 PM9/22/2013
9:15: PM CT
United StatesAlabamaDaphne/Spanish fortI-10 W36526Chevrolet SilveradoSilver5a22p55
threw cigarette butt out window9/23/2013 8:50:52 AM9/23/2013
8:48:07 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)San Franciscobay bridge toll plazaChevroletimpalawhiteCMW 6837
threw cigarette butt out window9/23/2013 9:04:47 AM9/23/2013
8:48:07 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)San Franciscobay bridge toll plazaChevroletimpalawhiteCMW 6837
tossed out a cigarette bud9/25/2013 11:45:14 AM9/13/2013
2:00 PM
United StatesWashington Statemukilteo10200 mukilteo speedway, mukilteo wa98275chevroletsilveradoblackMCTRUCK
Lic # FPP 1787 on gray suburban9/25/2013 2:03:30 PM9/25/2013
2:30 PM
United StatesOhioColumbusStelzer Rd and Agler RdChevroletSuburbangrayFPP 1787
Passenger throwing litter out window.9/29/2013 3:14:05 PM9/27/2013
2:05 PM
United StatesIowaDes MoinesNW 6th Drive50313ChevroletunsureDark greenBEN 303
throwing trash out sun roof10/4/2013 1:59:36 PM10/4/2013
1:55:13 PM
United StatesWashington StateredmondSR202 around 244thchevroletAIB2582
Throwing trash from drivers side window10/4/2013 3:46:29 PM10/4/2013
4:15:43 PM
United StatesIowaDes MoinesMartin Luther King, Jr.50309ChevroletTrailblazerBurgundyBQA 043
Driver throwing trash from window10/4/2013 3:51:47 PM10/4/2013
3:48:14 PM
United StatesIowaDes MoinesMartin Luther King, Jr. PkwyChevroletTrailblazerBurgundy BQA 043
Blue Chevrolet silverado10/11/2013 8:15:09 PM10/11/2013
8:12:12 PM
United StatesCALIFRamonaCa92065Chevrolet SilveradoBlue6e60079
passenger threw out a plastic bottle out of the window, even in heavy traffic10/14/2013 3:23:19 PM10/14/2013
United StatesTennesseeNolensville Nolensville & Holt rd37135Chevrolet BlackDL-2328
Everything from paper cups to candy wrappers>10/21/2013 11:59:57 AM10/21/2013
11:52:31 AM
United StatesWashingtonSpokane528 E. Queen Avenue99207CHEVROLETMALIBUAROUND 2008BLUEAFP4750
High School kids10/22/2013 5:52:04 AM10/22/2013
6:55:00 AM
United StatesLouisianaGeismarLA Hwy 7370737ChevroletTahoeTan or gold4BIDN
Beer cans10/22/2013 7:43:40 AM10/21/2013
5:15 PM
United StatesKentuckyLexingtonKentucky40511ChevroletSilverado2005?Red693 MYR
Driver threw plastic pieces out driver window while driving10/28/2013 9:06:58 AM10/27/2013
2:45 PM
United StatesWA StatePuyallup176th street 98374ChevroletSonicBlueAKN0668
Littering10/30/2013 3:18:31 PM10/30/2013
United StatesmississippiJacksonI 20 near I 220ChevroletTahoe1998GrayHY1 066
throwing paper out the window of car on carmen and reed canal10/30/2013 4:16:39 PM10/30/2013
1:40:44 PM
United StatesFLSouth DaytonaCarmen and Reed Canal32119ChevroletEquinox2010?Silver
Driver threw cigarette butt out the window11/4/2013 6:36:31 AM11/4/2013
6:30 AM
United StatesTNFranklin840 as it merges into 65 NorthChevrolet1500Black 186ZBQ
dumping ashtray out the window11/4/2013 4:03:16 PM11/4/2013
2:40:45 PM
United StatesWashingtonRockportState Route 2098283ChevroletCorvetteRedANP9227
Delinquent Behavior11/12/2013 4:50:26 PM11/11/2013
6:41 PM
United StatesAlaskaAnchorageTudor westbound at Old Seward99503ChevroletHHR LS2008GreyGLW162
guy throws a burger wrapper out his window11/17/2013 11:20:45 AM11/17/2013
United StatesgeorgiaSnellvillehwy 12430078chevrolettrailblazernewer redPPY9690
Litter thrown out of drivers window11/18/2013 11:37:20 AM11/17/2013
2:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaPalm DesertPortola92260ChevroletImpalaBlack6YCK553
man threw a muffin and wrapper at my car11/18/2013 12:30:17 PM10/26/2013
12:45 am
United StatesKentuckyLouisville gene snyder40245chevrolet green
Bag of Trash Thrown from Car Windo11/20/2013 7:01:51 AM11/20/2013
United StatesOhioToledoUS23/I475ChevroletMalibuGrey1JXC89
Large Drink Cup12/3/2013 12:45:14 PM12/3/2013
12:45:23 PM
United StatesLADenham SpringsMagnolia Beach Road70726ChevroletSuburbanBlackSHF 913
Liquid and carpet cleaning residue in street and construction materials, litter and carpet cleaning residual in corner lot12/4/2013 6:27:24 AM12/3/13
United StatesNew York, Nassau CountyBellmore4 Bay St11710ChevroletExplorerGold and whiteBKN9826
Dumped fast food out window12/8/2013 4:52:39 PM12/8/2013
3:45:02 PM
United StatesCaliforniaNear BakersfieldI-5ChevroletCruzeYellow5VCU588
Threw paper wrapper out of window at stop light12/12/2013 10:14:42 AM11/27/2013
2:30:35 pm (aprox)
United StatesPABlandon222 S and Tamarak Blvd. (Intersection)19510ChevroletSUVSilverHWN 0433 (PA)
Throwing paper from their car12/16/2013 6:06:09 PM12/16/2013
6:02:28 PM
United StatesFLMiami Gardens199 nw 27th Avene33056chevroletmalibubluebcv 574
Lit Cigarette Out Window of Red Silverado12/19/2013 8:12:01 AM12/19/2013
6:26:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaPetalumaSB Hwy 10194952ChevroletSilveradoDark Red7W57571
Threw cigar or cigarette butt out window12/23/2013 10:57:19 PM12/23/2013
8:51:21 PM
United StatesNMPortalesHighway 46788130Chevrolet4 door pickupTan or GrayLL1 034 Mississippi
White, Chevy Tahoe12/27/2013 10:45:11 PM12/27/2013
11:10:04 PM
United StatesIndianaEvansvilleW. Maryland St.47712-2840ChevroletTahoeN/AWhite529LTC
passenger threw two plastic cups out car window while in drive thru line12/28/2013 4:50:05 PM12/28/2013
4:44:33 PM
United StatesOhiocincinnaticorner of north bend red and cholera in ave in taco bell parking lot45239chevrolettahoegrayflw7610
Cigarette butt spit out of car by female who fights with her boyfriend anytime , anyday on our streets here in Kahi Kani1/2/2014 8:15:39 PM1/2/2014
3:35 P.M.
United StatesHawaiiWhitmore VillageAcross 662 Kulia Street96786Chevrolet MalibuGreenish-blueGSS 647
Throwing trash out car window1/5/2014 1:48:11 PM1/5/2014
1:44:41 PM
United StatesCaliforniaEl SobranteHwy 80 WChevrolet Blazer2001Pewter6VIL642
Cigarette1/9/2014 3:39:54 PM1/9/2014
5:38:12 PM
United StatesNCCharlotte I-77 near exit 9ChevroletImpalaCBE7536
Littering on 279 to 79 N.1/10/2014 6:40:35 AM1/10/2014
8:00 AM
United StatesPennsPittsburgh79 North to 279 North to Wexford exit15086ChevroletDump TruckGreenYJK-2617
Lit cigarette thrown out of window1/17/2014 11:27:45 AM1/17/2014
06:35 AM
United StatesCAValley CenterOld Castle Road92082ChevroletSilverado LT Charcoal Gray06604J1
Idiot threw trash out his window1/18/2014 8:48:36 PM1/18/2014
12:45 PM
United StatesTexasFort Worth18th Street76164ChevroletMalibuGreyDC4 S515
bedding debris1/19/2014 1:33:07 PM1/19/2014
United StatesOregonPortlandse holgate / n of se 130th97236ChevroletTahoeblue090 FJZ
Driver seen throwing Pepsi can out of vehilce window1/19/2014 2:45:37 PM1/19/2014
2:28:00 PM
United StatesFLNavarreSherwood Dr32566ChevroletMonet Carlo2011WhiteFL 726 PUV
Flicked garbage out From the car1/25/2014 9:17:42 AM1/25/2014
United StatesWA StateMonroeHwy2/Roosevelt RD98272ChevroletTrail blazer2005ishWhite786-ZJH
foam cup & bag tossed out window1/27/2014 2:27:33 PM1/27/2014
1:50:00 PM
United StatesUtahMillcreek3300 S between 900 and 700 East84106 ‎ ChevroletTrailblazerBlue093PGL
Snack wrappers2/8/2014 4:41:14 PM2/8/2014
1:56 PM
United StatesCaliforniaPasadena900 West Colorado Blvd91105ChevroletImpalaFairly recentBlack6WJB721
Cigarette butt thrown from window2/13/2014 10:41:42 AM2/13/2014
8:55:19 AM
United StatesWashington StateKenmore, WA405-SouthChevroletSilveradoBlackB28150D
tenants left trash in public alley and in rented home.2/15/2014 10:14:21 AM2/15/2014
10:05:24 AM
United 26495319Chevroletsilverado2000red6c94903
I witnessed individual dump fast food baggage while still driving vehicle2/26/2014 6:29:26 AM2/24/2014
United StatesMIFlintW. Court St. 48532ChevroletImpalanewergrayDCQ4437
Black Chevrolet Impala2/28/2014 12:55:51 PM2/28/2014
12:52:17 PM
United StatesNorth Carolinacharlotte2008 LaSalle Street28216ChevroletImpala2012BlackCCE-5657
Threw trash out truck window3/1/2014 10:16:52 AM3/1/2014
10:13:24 AM
United StatesWashington StateKent132nd ave se98042ChevroletSilveradoSilver/grayB27406V
Fast food bag full of garbage3/1/2014 1:47:38 PM3/1/2014
United StatesMichiganGrandville US 19649418ChevroletImpala2009WhiteDCP 6218
Littering3/5/2014 2:33:03 PM3/5/2014
2:28:40 PM
United StatesLouisianaMonroeHwy 1571202ChevroletMalibuSilverXCK 565
Driver of black Impala MI BFH 8741 blatantly litters3/6/2014 11:51:37 AM3/16/2014
01:20:46 PM
United StatesMichiganMadison HeightsSB I-75 entry ramp from 12 Mile48071ChevroletModelLateDark/BlackBFH 8741
trash blowing out of back of truck3/7/2014 7:37:15 AM3/6/2014
5:35 pm
United StatesArkansasSherwoodKiehl Ave72120ChevroletPickupBlack519 RWY
Cigerette butt littering3/9/2014 10:27:27 AM3/9/2014
12:15 lunch time
United StatesMississippiGulfportInterstate 10Chevrolet Monte Carlo Black 235603
fast food bags, candy rappers, cups3/10/2014 7:10:22 AM3/10/2014
9:30 am
United StatesSouth CarolinaMullinsHwy 41ChevroletTahoe 2002WhiteISM 441
Throwing trash from a moving car3/10/2014 9:55:16 PM3/10/2014
9:46:55 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRedwood CityBlomquist Street94063ChevroletMonte CarloWhite6TKZ601
Cigarette butt out the window3/11/2014 12:50:39 PM3/11/2014
3:45 pm
United StatesOhioAkronBrittain44305ChevroletBlackFzw7841
Liter placed under car3/12/2014 4:12:05 PM3/12/2014
6:09:12 PM
United StatesMississippiWoodvilleMain Street39669ChevroletSilverWkb 899
Threw cigarette still burning in grass3/15/2014 10:36:33 AM3/15/2014
10:24:23 AM
United StatesKentuckyVersaillesSoccer Fields40383ChevroletCavalierSilver288 RBC
Tossed lit cigarette from vehicle3/18/2014 4:28:03 PM3/18/2014
United StatesOklahomaNorman24th Ave SE & Alameda73071ChevroletNavy Blue503OKO
Plastic object thrown from window3/24/2014 5:18:50 AM3/24/2014
7:12:28 AM
United StatesLABreaux Bridge Bridge st70517Chevrolet Silverodo 1999Maroon353828
Cigarette Butt4/2/2014 4:26:57 PM4/2/2014
4:25:25 PM
United StatesNEOmahaI80 and 42nd Street ExitChevroletTraversenewer 2012-2013Dark Charcoal/BlackTLP 633
full bag of garbage and several other items4/3/2014 5:33:06 AM4/3/2014
8:15 AM
United StatesMIvassarm46 1mile west of Sheridan rdChevroletSilverado2004?redCKQ2776
Chevy suburban license 2KF R13 Michigan plate4/6/2014 6:33:01 PM4/6/2014
9:31 pm
United StatesIndianaAustinI-65 near mile marker 39.5ChevroletSuburban Burgundy 2KF R13 Michigan plate
Dumped root vegetables under car while parked4/7/2014 11:37:28 AM4/7/2014
11:17:51 AM
United StatesIowaWaterloo500 block of Sucsmore50704Chevrolet impala2000maroon???-523
Dumped grocery bag of garbage4/8/2014 1:55:30 PM4/5/2014
United StatesFlMiami Gardens Miami Gardens and 441 33169Chevrolet Camaro203BlackAUV U20
Wendys parking lot littering4/14/2014 9:36:17 AM4/13/2014
3:20:00 PM
Cigarette Butt thrown from window.4/14/2014 10:15:08 AM4/14/2014
United StatesPennslyvaniaHamburgOld Route 22, Edenburg, PA... east of Hamburg19526ChevroletPick-Up2000 ???WhiteYRN 2835
Littering on the interstate4/16/2014 3:28:41 PM4/16/2014
3:24:11 PM
United StatesTexasel pasoI-10 West at Schuster79902ChevroletSilveradoWhite/Silverbs3 3484
Blue grocery bag blowing off back of truck along with lots of trash4/17/2014 8:31:39 AM4/17/2014
United StatesSouth CarolinaCamdenHwy 1Chevrolet TruckBurgundyHnp 685
Male passenger threw cigarette out window4/21/2014 5:27:19 AM4/18/2014
5:23:44 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaRock HillMeeting Blvd29730ChevroletAveo LSSilverCSQ804
Driver throwng trash out window4/21/2014 1:43:31 PM4/21/2014
4:10:54 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaInmanAsheville Hwy29349Chevrolet2500 truckgoldHEY 406
Wrappers thrown from Corvette4/24/2014 9:42:28 AM4/24/2014
8:59:07 AM
United StatesMichiganAnn ArborI-94 Eastbound (west of Baker Road exit)48103ChevroletCorvetteNewerBurnt orangeREINDL
Driver threw cigarette butt out the window4/25/2014 5:03:53 AM4/24/2014
United StatesTennesseeFranklinCool Springs Blvd. and Mack Hatcher37067ChevroletSuburban or TahoeSilverC9736H
driver thew lit cigarette out window of moving car4/28/2014 8:28:47 AM4/28/2014
7:50 AM
United StatesdenverWheat RidgeWadsworth80033ChevroletPrizmRed353 OQM
Threw shredded paper out driver side window5/7/2014 5:44:51 PM5/7/2014
5:37:38 PM
United StatesArkansasBrinkleyI-40ChevroletCruze2013 or 2014BrownPCP9030
trash thrown from window5/8/2014 7:01:39 AM5/8/2014
8:32:24 AM
United StatesMississippiPetalsunrise road39465Chevrolettrailblazerwhitefrm365
Less than 50 Feet From Garbage Cans5/8/2014 1:39:39 PM5/8/2014
2:24:36 PM
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukee3903 N. Richards Street53212ChevroletMalibu2001Silver798-UKW
Throwing trash out the window of car5/10/2014 9:19:57 AM5/10/2014
12:15 PM
United StatesMarylandLandoverI-495Chevrolet Malibu LTBlack4MD8517
mcdonals cup and bag5/16/2014 6:41:46 PM5/16/2014
1:15:05 PM
United Statesmississippileland7th street.38756Chevrolet Malibu2008Gold4 U SUE
trash out window5/18/2014 11:15:29 AM5/18/2014
2:15 PM
United StatesOhioHuber heightsbrandt pike45424chevroletluminabluegdm1838
Littering on Highway 175/26/2014 6:05:20 PM5/25/2014
6:00:00 PM
Trash thrown from car window5/30/2014 12:27:06 PM5/30/2014
8:30 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaDurhamintersection of University and Martin Luther King27707ChevroletCamaro2013dark grayCEC-7330
Threw a full bag of garbage, lotsa papers out passenger window6/3/2014 1:55:31 PM6/3/2014
Approx 2:45 pm
United StatesMichiganRomeoRomeo plank48094ChevroletMaybe trailblazerApprox 2010Light greenBNT 1137
Back seat passenger side threw beverage out of window.6/3/2014 3:23:11 PM6/3/2014
6:10 PM
United StatesMichiganHarrison TownshipLAnse Creuse48045ChevroletAvalancheBlackDAB 9769
Threw cigarette out of drivers side.6/9/2014 7:32:04 PM6/9/2014
8:55 AM
United StatesNCMonroeWesley Chapel28110ChevroletTruckBlackBKE5177
Threw cigarette out of drivers side.6/9/2014 7:32:04 PM6/9/2014
8:55 AM
United StatesNCMonroeWesley Chapel28110ChevroletTruckBlackBKE5177
Fast Food bag and Drink Container6/10/2014 10:24:04 AM6/10/2014
1:14 PM
CanadaOntarioSchomberg16th Side RdL0G 1T0ChevroletTruck2009BlackMARK TPS
Passenger threw out a cup6/15/2014 3:01:02 PM6/15/2014
2:57:14 PM
United StatesWVDeep waterDeep water mountain 25139ChevroletSuburbanBlackGBG 3206
Family at the beach6/17/2014 3:37:51 PM6/17/2014
3:29:30 PM
United StatesTexasCorpus ChristiBeach shoreChevroletTahoe2013WhiteBBG3217
cigarette tossed from window6/17/2014 5:24:15 PM6/17/2014
4:46:55 PM
United StatesWashingtonEverettI5 South, just before 527 West exit.98208chevroletcruze2012?light blueAEC8939
Person threw out cup from passenger window.6/21/2014 12:19:57 PM6/20/2014
17:12:19 PM
United StatesWV Bolt MtnRoute 8524854ChevroletUplanderMaroon5TF864
Two plastic bottles6/25/2014 2:36:38 PM6/25/2014
5:30 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaSummervilleBerlin G Meyers Pkwy29483chevroletDark blue
Man threw mcdonalds cup out of the window6/26/2014 3:25:43 PM6/26/2014
3:23:58 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaFort millHensley road29715ChevroletHhrBlackKGK319
Through cup out window6/27/2014 3:06:28 PM6/27/2014
3:02:02 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeHwy 61Chevrolet Silverado1998ishWhiteW518590
Litterbug6/28/2014 10:42:07 AM6/28/2014
1:40 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaConwayHwy 50129526ChevroletturquoiseERG192
Dropped it out the window.7/2/2014 11:20:00 AM7/2/2014
United StatesTexasAustinI-35 and Hwy 29078731ChevroletImpala? newishCampagneCWZ-6265
Threw a wrapper out window twice7/2/2014 6:59:02 PM7/2/2014
6:54:43 PM
United StatesOklahomaYukonGarth brooks blvd73099ChevroletSuburbanChampagne750FFC
Threw a water bottle out the window7/3/2014 4:19:45 PM7/3/2014
7:04:51 PM
United StatesMichiganDetroitI-375 service drive north of Lafayette48207ChevroletEquinoxWhiteOhio FGQ 2808
Threw trash out window, almost hit multiple other cars while speeding away7/4/2014 4:44:41 PM7/4/2014
5:37:34 PM
United StatesFloridaTallahasseeCapital Circle SE32311ChevroletSparkSilverPE1 55F
Litter thrown out of vehicle7/11/2014 7:53:14 AM7/11/2014
10:08 AM
United StatesKentuckyLouisville Bardstown Rd40218ChevroletPickup truck 2doorRed334-NVH
Tahoe Passenger7/11/2014 11:26:15 AM7/11/2014
11:22:46 AM
United StatesNew JerseyDennisRt 347ChevroletTahoeMaroonM10bzb
stupid litterbug7/12/2014 2:42:03 PM7/11/2014
10::34 PM
United StatesOhioReynoldsburgBrice an 70 east exit43068chevroletMonte Carlo2007blueGEZ-2933
threw styrofoam cup out of drivers side window7/13/2014 11:13:32 AM7/13/2014
United StatesNCJacksonvilleHWY 24 E28540ChevroletTrail BlazerBlackZWL 6944
white chevrolet blazer7/15/2014 11:39:07 AM7/15/2014
11:28:55 AM
United StatesNevadalas vegasrainbow blvd charlestonnear 89117chevroletblazer trailblazer2000white984yxr
Tossing lit cigarette7/16/2014 6:17:08 PM7/16/2014
4:30 PM
United Statessnohomish countyMonroeBollenbaugh Hill Road98272ChevroletCorvetteBlack07688
Threw bottle from window7/17/2014 3:23:05 PM7/17/2014
3:17:01 PM
United StatesMissouriPerryville63775ChevroletSilver adoSilver3sk846
Cigarette butt thrown out window7/17/2014 5:26:39 PM7/17/2014
5:21:34 PM
United StatesMichiganBurtonCourt Street48509ChevroletTahoeUnknownDark BlueAFR 147
Trash out the window7/21/2014 11:11:57 AM7/21/2014
1:30 PM
United StatesNYRochesterJefferson Rd.14623ChevroletSilveradoBlack15444-MB
Threw three cylindrical objects out window along I-817/21/2014 5:12:34 PM7/21/2014
7:40 pm approx
United StatesVirginiaBetween Chilhowie and MarionInterstate 81ChevroletTahoeWhiteWV dealer DUC 4 776
40-oz Beer can thrown out of window7/21/2014 5:56:46 PM7/21/2014
7:30:00 pm
United StatesArkansasLittle RockPeckerwood Rd72223ChevroletSilverado2004Black518PIX
Throwing Fast food packages and napkins out the sun roof.7/25/2014 6:22:31 AM7/25/2014
9:05 AM
United StatesFloridaMiamiDon shula express wayChevroletSilveradoCharcol GrayCESP04
I witnessed a woman open her car door and throw out a Kerbys soft drink cup7/25/2014 7:50:04 AM7/25/2014
10:45 am
United StatesMIAllen parkFairlane drive48101ChevroletBlazer WhiteCPK 3354
Cigarette throwing7/25/2014 12:02:43 PM7/24/2014
United StatesPENNSYVANIAMonroevilleHaymaker15146ChevroletCamero1996Blue96Z28
littering7/25/2014 2:08:36 PM7/25/2014
3:15 PM
United StatesMichiganGrand Rapids36th street49508ChevroletPickupTealDBU 5160
dumbed a bagain of some kind filled with other trash7/29/2014 12:45:47 PM7/29/2014
12:41:47 PM
United StatesWashingtonspokaneupriver drive99207Chevroletimpalawhite454-ZTL
what burger bag and cap8/2/2014 11:38:06 AM8/2/2014
1:00:01 pm
United StatesTXmckinneytrolley trl75070chevroletcamaro2014black
Threw styrofoam cup and lid out of drivers side window8/2/2014 1:22:38 PM8/2/2014
1:17:05 PM
United StatesMissouriColumbiaCollege Ave.65201ChevroletSuburbanBlackWH6-V8P
Cigarette Butt8/4/2014 5:00:03 AM8/4/2014
6:51:45 AM
United StatesOHColumbusCounty Line Road43240ChevroletRedESE 1121
Plastic Water bottle out the window and over the Bridge8/4/2014 10:46:21 AM8/3/2014
United StatesVirginiaFredericksburgSouth on Hwy 9522407ChevroletSubrbanBlueVirginia VBU 1865
Light gray Chevrolet pickup truck AR Licenses 224 POL8/5/2014 12:30:53 PM8/5/2014
1:45 PM
United StatesArkansasNorth Little RockNorth Little Rock Chevrolet Pickup trucklight GrayAR 224 POL
Driver of parked vehicle threw out of window a wadded up piece of white paper (possibly a sandwich wrapper)8/5/2014 12:40:12 PM8/6/2014
1:40 PM
United StatesArkansasNorth Little Rock Arkansas River TrailChevroletpickup trucklight gray224 POL
Appeared to be fast food trash8/6/2014 3:33:40 PM8/6/2014
United StatesTexasDallasS. Walton Walker Blvd between Illinois and DuncanvilleChevroletSurburbanapprox 2006BurgandyCPS-4980
car throwing cigarettes out of window8/7/2014 5:11:36 PM8/7/2014
4:50:01 PM
United StatesWashington StateSpokane Valleydishman mica rd99206Chevroletcavalier??redA0X4265
PA HPT 8218 tossed food trash onto East 376, mile marker 45.8/8/2014 4:58:43 AM8/8/2014
United StatesPENNSYVANIAAliquippaEast 37615001ChevroletImpalaWhiteHPT 8218
Littered Twice While Driving8/9/2014 3:00:28 PM8/9/2014
2:35 PM
United StatesCaSanta PaulaCA 126 and S Hallock Drive93060ChevroletS10 PickupSilver6F53418
Throwing garbage out the window of his car8/12/2014 5:51:21 AM8/12/2014
7:16:34 AM
CanadaOntarioWindsorHighway 3Chevrolet ColoradoBlackAb81659
Middle-aged white woman threw cigarette out of window8/13/2014 8:37:32 AM8/13/2014
8:30:22 AM
United StatesDelawareWilmingtonRt. 141ChevroletCruzewhite351445
trash and McDonalds out the window8/14/2014 1:27:54 PM8/14/2014
1:21:24 PM
United StatesMichigangreenvillem9148838chevroletc15001992?reddcp5967
Trash thrown from car8/14/2014 2:50:01 PM8/14/2014
4:30 pm
United StatesTexasPearlandFm 521 almeda77584ChevroletCamaro2012-2014BlackDkk2480
Tossed cigarette8/14/2014 3:36:26 PM8/14/2014
5:12:57 PM
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesPrien Lake Rd. near Holly Hill70605ChevroletMalibu XUF 627
threw out energy drink can8/15/2014 1:22:44 PM8/15/2014
1:21:12 PM
United StatesFLpensacolafairfield32506chevroletmalibu2011whiteLZK 120
Trash flying out of pick up truck8/15/2014 1:32:14 PM8/15/2014
1:29:27 PM
United StatesMississippiWiggins Hwy 49Chevrolet2500 z71Light blue 7w13
threw trash out of vehicle8/15/2014 8:22:55 PM8/15/2014
8:20:56 PM
United StatesMichigangrand rapidsleonard 49504chevroletnavy blueddh9152
Littering from car8/16/2014 11:11:09 AM8/16/2014
11:07:14 AM
United StatesMichiganHollandQuincy near 120th49424ChevroletCobaltRedDDU 9731
disposable plastic cups8/18/2014 7:29:31 PM8/18/2014
7:24:43 PM
United Statescaliforniacomptonoris st90222chevroletblazerwhite6fnv048
tossed lit cigarette butt out of moving car.8/19/2014 9:35:59 AM8/19/2014
United StatesKentuckyElizabethtownRing Road42701ChevroletImpala2003white575-CCZ
The driver toss cigarette butt out of window and to the street8/23/2014 9:09:23 AM8/21/2014
05:41 PM CST
United StatesTennesseeMemphisWinchester38125ChevroletSUVoldGreenJ7976W
Major Littering from Driver Window8/27/2014 2:26:00 PM8/27/2014
2:12:44 PM
United StatesIowaCedar RapidsI 380 Southbound @ Wilson Ave52404ChevroletCavalierBrown014 WOK
Cup8/28/2014 9:26:03 AM8/28/2014
11:22:11 AM
United StatesAlabamaDaphneI-10ChevroletRedL018JP
Tosses McDonald Bag and drink out Passenger Window.8/28/2014 8:50:39 PM8/28/2014
7:24:59 PM
United StatesWA - WashingtonBothellOff ramp Canyon Park exit I-40598021ChevroletTahoe2005 - 2009BlackA0S9088
Throwing out cigarette drivers window8/30/2014 3:07:29 PM8/30/2014
United StatesWA - WashingtonEastonWaChevroletCadillac CTSNewer 2012?SilverAPC4407
Threw trash from car into road9/2/2014 1:49:03 PM9/2/2014
3:15 PM
United StatesMissouriColumbiaE. Smiley Lane65202ChevroletImpalaSilverDK6N7L
throws littter and cigarette butts in parking lot9/4/2014 7:33:07 PM9/4/2014
7:29:33 PM
United StatesIllinoiswashington1926 canterbury dr61571chevroletsilveradoolderblack1321620
Male Litterbug9/4/2014 9:38:44 PM9/4/2014
1:20:45 PM
United StatesTexasTexas CityEmmet F Lowery Expressway77591ChevroletS10whiteBXY-1873
Threw lathe pllastic bottle out window into grass9/6/2014 10:40:47 AM9/6/2014
United StatesNew JerseyGarden State Parkway near exit 74ChevroletSuburbanBlackNY plate: GPP 4259
Bag of trash was thrown out of a driver side door off Hay road.9/6/2014 3:25:17 PM9/6/2014
12:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVacavilleHay Road95687ChevroletSuburban 2000/ishLitter silver5NKJ261
Throwing Litter from truck9/9/2014 10:44:55 AM9/9/2014
8:30 am
United StatesCaliforniaSanta ClaraEl Camino95051ChevroletSilveradoWhite6H43284
Trash thrown out window9/9/2014 1:06:09 PM9/9/2014
11:30:34 AM
United StatesCaliforniaRedwood CityBroadway94063ChevroletCamero1996Red7FQY799
coffee cup littering9/14/2014 3:20:46 PMlate june through now
any time of day
United StatesRhode Islandriversideeast st02915chevroletcavalierblackri 477-824
Cigarette butt9/16/2014 1:33:30 PM9/16/2014
4:29:58 PM
United StatesNCFletcherMills Gap/cane creek28732ChevroletSilveradoWhiteTnl5323
Throwing trash out of a car9/16/2014 3:08:14 PM9/15/2014
United StatesMissouriCreve CouerOlive Blvd and Fee Fee Rd63141Chevrolet Malibu2010BlackPJ7-V1W
tossed trash out car window9/17/2014 8:19:49 PM9/16/2014
7:45:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSan Lorenzoramp from hwy 238 west to 880 south94580ChevroletSilveradoBlue7G83624
car disposing fast food bag during on-ramp merge.9/19/2014 6:22:50 AM9/18/2014
United StatesNorth CarolinaRaleighCapital to 440 On-rampchevrolet Something LSdark bluishZWJ 7165
Truck with open bed full of garbage, trash flying out onto the road9/19/2014 2:13:38 PM9/19/2014
12:35:44 PM
United StatesAlaskaJuneauBack loop road, Montana Creek, Trappers Lane99801ChevroletPickup2000RedFTP123
Cigarette butt9/24/2014 3:44:32 PM9/24/2014
5:15 PM Central
United StatesTennesseeJasperHwy 72E37347ChevroletCorsicaWhiteK88-56K
person opened door threw napkins on the street at a train crossing while stopped9/25/2014 5:10:19 AM9/25/2014
8:00:38 AM
United StatesOhiomorainemain st45439chevroletimpala2010redghb6863
Napkins thrown out the window!9/26/2014 2:33:48 PM9/26/2014
525:37 PM
United StatesMichiganSaginawI-75 northbound ChevroletTraverseNewerSilver DDF 1602
Cigarette butt out the window9/26/2014 3:31:25 PM9/26/2014
3:26:40 PM
United StatesTNClarksvilleWilma rudolphChevrolet SilveradoBlack923 JTH
Cigarette ashing.9/29/2014 2:30:30 PM9/29/2014
5:25:05 PM
United StatesNCCharlotte77 SChevroletSuburban2007WhiteCDV-3231
Cigarette ashing.9/29/2014 2:30:34 PM9/29/2014
5:25:05 PM
United StatesNCCharlotte77 SChevroletSuburban2007WhiteCDV-3231
Threw cup of coffe out of the10/1/2014 5:43:22 PM10/1/2014
5:32:07 PM
United StatesCALIFORNIAOrangeWalnut Ave92866ChevroletWhite4P91277
burning cigarette butt in school zone10/2/2014 3:21:20 PM10/2/2014
3:05:00 PM
United StatesArizonaMiamiCAB School zone85539ChevroletBlazergold946FVB
Littered10/2/2014 4:00:00 PM10/2/2014
3:51:49 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougePerkins70808Chevrolet?Ygn227
multiple trash out on the highway10/3/2014 10:02:05 AM10/3/2014
12:58:12 pm
United StatesFloridaPinellas ParkU.S. 19 @ Bryan Dairychevroletastro vanmaroon
multiple trash out on the highway10/3/2014 10:02:15 AM10/3/2014
12:58:12 pm
United StatesFloridaPinellas ParkU.S. 19 @ Bryan Dairychevroletastro vanmaroon
threw trash out of window10/3/2014 2:04:18 PM10/3/2014
1:58:53 PM
United Statesalabamamobile6274 lausanne dr n36608Chevrolet impala white2A51319
Throwing seeds/ cigarette bud10/5/2014 4:04:35 PM09/15/2014
2:00 PM
United StatesWashington StateEverettI-5 Northbound98208Chevrolet TruckBlackB64251N
Man Littered out his drivers side window.10/6/2014 4:06:20 PM10/6/2014
6:55:24 PM
United StatesVirginiaNorfolkChesapeake Blvd23518ChevroletGreenJGN 5864
litter everyday a variety of cigarettes cand and food wrappers and drink bottles10/8/2014 7:08:00 AM10/8/2014
6:53:09 AM
United StatesVirginapoquoson poquoson ave 23662chevrolet silver ado ?bluejre -4293
A passenger opened door and blatantly littered.10/10/2014 8:48:42 AM10/10/2014
11:38 AM
United StatesohioColumbuss james road43209Chevroletastrovan1995whitegep2936
Yellow wrapper crumbled10/13/2014 3:17:57 PM10/13/2014
6:13 pm
United StatesMichiganYpsilantiLeForge road 48198ChevroletCorvette 2014?WhiteFRX 2777
Throwing out lit cigarette butt10/13/2014 6:16:07 PM10/14/2014
6:13:42 PM
United StatesCaliforniaStanfordEast Campus Drive/Junipero Serra94305ChevroletEquinoxWhite6XXJ042
Threw our bag of styrofoam plates10/15/2014 4:51:36 PM10/15/2014
4:31:09 PM
United StatesFLMiami ShoresNW 6th Ave at on Ramp for I-95 N33150ChevroletTahoeBlackL9KD
River Dumping10/15/2014 6:30:11 PMSummer 2014
9:00 PM
United StatesOhioFort LoramieLoy Road45845Chevrolet25002009?GoldEIZ-2115
literally threw it out the window!10/17/2014 1:44:35 PM10/17/2014
4:27:42 PM
United StatesMichiganMadison HeightsLincoln ave48071Chevroletunsure80s?Reddcf 7300
Threw trash out window.10/22/2014 7:55:59 AM10/22/2014
United StatesGAColumbus Veterans parkway31909Chevrolet Silverado Fairy new modelGold4wz17
woman dropped something out of her hand onto the street10/22/2014 11:59:14 AM10/22/2014
1:00 p.m.
United StatesKentuckyElizabethtownW. Dixie Ave (around town square area.)42701ChevroletSuburban1996-1999dark green043-FME
Unknown10/24/2014 6:49:17 PM10/24/2014
6:45:23 PM
United StatesNebraskaBellevue25th and near Capehart68123ChevroletTrailblazer2005-ishTanSuz 013
grocery bag out the window of vehicle10/28/2014 7:17:32 AM10/28/2014
8:00:56 AM
United StatesLANew OrleansN Broad St70119ChevroletSuburbanBlackN341169
Dumped a bag of trash10/30/2014 6:23:25 AM10/30/2014
7:30:00 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaConshohockenRidge Pike19428ChevroletEquinoxTanHSS7013
Had a truck bed of trash that was blowing out onto highway and in yards.11/2/2014 12:02:53 PM11/2/2014
12:00:28 PM
United StatesArkansasSearcyHwy.1672143ChevroletSilveradoBlack926IMJ
In a metallic gray Surburban trash dropped from window.11/2/2014 8:32:16 PM11/2/2014
12 noon
United StatesCaliforniaCrestlineCrest Forest92335Chevrolet SuburbanGray
threw lot cigarette but outta window11/4/2014 4:35:14 PM11/4/2014
5:22 PM
United StatesTexasHouston3300 greenhouse77449Chevrolettruckbeige or greyckj8534
threw lot cigarette but outta window11/4/2014 4:36:59 PM11/4/2014
5:22 PM
United StatesTexasHouston3300 greenhouse77449Chevrolettruckbeige or greyckj8534
Guy throws can out window at offramp11/6/2014 3:59:38 PM11/6/2014
2:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseOfframp SB 880 to The Alameda95126ChevroletCorvetten/aDark Green6RSF175
Guy throws can out window at offramp11/6/2014 3:59:49 PM11/6/2014
2:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseOfframp SB 880 to The Alameda95126ChevroletCorvetten/aDark Green6RSF175
Trash flying out of pickup bed11/10/2014 8:52:03 AM11/10/2014
8:46:10 AM
United StatesMichiganFentonUS 2348430Chevrolet SilveradoDark blue or blackPD RITE
Driver threw open full can of liquid out window11/10/2014 6:34:23 PM11/10/2014
6:50:00 PM
United StatesMissouriKansas CityNW 64th Street and N Chatham Ave.64151Chevrolet4-door sedanlate modelWhiteSJ7 V2M
threw cigarette out of car11/12/2014 1:58:44 PM10/27/2014
United StatesCaliforniaMartinezAlhanbra Avenue94553ChevroletTahoewhiteIndical
Littering the road11/15/2014 1:07:22 PM11/15/2014
1:02:40 PM
United StatesMarylandColumbiaDobbin and 17521044ChevroletsilveradoWhite1BE3151
Littering the road11/15/2014 1:08:07 PM11/15/2014
1:02:40 PM
United StatesMarylandColumbiaDobbin and 17521044ChevroletsilveradoWhite1BE3151
Littering the road11/15/2014 1:09:05 PM11/15/2014
1:02:40 PM
United StatesMarylandColumbiaDobbin and 17521044ChevroletsilveradoWhite1BE3151
throw a to go box full of food thru the window11/28/2014 9:18:55 PM11/26/2014
3.49 PM
United StatesNCCharlotte Carowinds Blvd28273Chevrolet Silverado ?Black CN2528
Threw out trash into the median12/5/2014 7:32:58 AM12/4/2014
United StatesFloridaMiamiPark Blvd33172ChevroletTrailblazer??GrayBHAN56
Throwing miscellaneous garbage out of the window12/8/2014 6:44:33 AM12/8/2014
6:30 AM
United StatesMarylandBeltsville495 On RampChevroletHHRNavy5AM3403
Threw Trash Out The Windows12/8/2014 8:09:31 PM12/8/2014
8:07:16 PM
United StatesSCMurrells InletHwy 707 at Betts Road29576ChevroletMalibuLateDarkSC FLB 248
Threw his cigarette butt out per usual12/9/2014 8:30:55 AM12/9/2014
9:52:02 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh3201 Shady Avenue Ext15217ChevroletColoradosilverishYZW0911
Grey Chevy HHR12/12/2014 10:02:47 AM12/12/2014
9:57:45 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSanta AnaChevroletHHRGrey6WOW440
Ice cream cone half eaten then napkins12/12/2014 7:03:35 PM12/12/2014
3:30 PM
United StatesCaSacramento80 at watt westboundChevroletMalibu2010+Silver6zht252
Large drink to the street12/13/2014 9:36:48 AM12/13/2014
United StatesVirginiaNorfolkVirginia Beach BlvdChevroletTahoebeigeSEXYKIA
Driver threw Micalobe Light beer bottle cap onto the roadway when stopped at a stop sign.12/18/2014 6:31:57 AM12/17/2014
9:22:39 AM
United StatesLouisianaLafayetteEraste Landry near Bertrand70508ChevroletSilveradolate modelchampagneTexas FCP 4555
Driver threw cigarette butt out the drivers window12/18/2014 2:45:15 PM12/09/2014
7:40 am
United StatesohiocolumbusPolaris Parkway43240ChevroletMalibuDark, maybe blueGFF2029
Using my recycling bin to dump garbage in, littering the street12/23/2014 12:30:59 PM12/23/2014
12:16:58 PM
United StatesOregonPortland5819 SE 84th AvenueChevroletdont knowdont knowwhite6LVU027
Passenger litters along Hwy 1312/23/2014 6:36:07 PM12/23/2014
United StatesCaliforniaOaklandN on Hwy 13 betw Moraga Ave & Broadway Terr94611ChevroletTrail BlazerDk blue/navy6XHJ152
littering12/24/2014 5:58:36 PM12/24/2014
5:47:51 PM
United StatesKentuckyElizabethtown Freeman park42701Chevroletaveo ltunknownyellow126 NXJ
Threw trash from vehicle12/30/2014 12:56:49 PM12/30/2014
2:42:12 PM
United StatesMichiganCharlotteLansing St48813ChevroletEquinoxred7617E6
Dumping trash from pickup1/1/2015 3:52:44 PM1/1/2015
3:48:30 PM
United StatesTexasRockwallSouthlake dr75032ChevroletWhite
tossing out lit cigarette1/2/2015 3:12:21 PM12/9/2014
3:51 PM
United StatesKYLexingtonNew Circle Road40505ChevroletSilveradolight silver051 PVN
Trash flying out back of truck1/7/2015 7:45:10 AM1/7/2015
7:20:41 AM
United StatesArkansasLittle RockI 30 North in front of Vimy Ridge RoadChevroletSilveradoBlack087TBZ
Threw out a Green Soda Can And White Sun Glasses1/12/2015 2:17:28 PM1/10/2015
United StatesNCtroutmanS Main Steet28166ChevroletImpala2006WhiteDBR-2205
A large foam cup1/13/2015 3:36:20 PM1/13/2015
4:25:14 PM
United StatesTexasVictoria East Mockingbird lane 77904Chevrolet Camaro 2003 Tan DVF 2088
Red pickup truck threw out fast food trash1/19/2015 11:04:36 AM1/19/2015
11:48:48 AM
United StatesAlabamaHarvestOld Railroad Bed Road35749ChevroletSilverado2008, maybeRed44AT895
Plastic bag and paper cup1/25/2015 3:08:44 PM1/25/2015
4:01:56 PM
United StatesMississippiTunica Highway 61 south Chevrolet Tahoe BlackDnn 825
threw lit cigarette out window on highway 761/26/2015 8:40:31 PM1/26/2015
7:20:52 PM
United StatesCaOceanside / FallbrookHwy 76 EastboundChevrolet Pickup black6U29486
Through piece of paper out window at red light1/28/2015 10:05:15 AM1/28/2015
12:01:29 AM
United StatesFLLake maryInternational parkway32795ChevroletSuburban White636 5go
empty cigarette box1/28/2015 4:23:03 PM1/25/2015
12:45: PM
United StatesMichiganRochester HillsRochester Road48307ChevroletTrail Blazer LSblueDBZ 0886
Trash out the window1/29/2015 7:24:22 AM1/29/2015
7:20:16 AM
United StatesNMAlbuquerqueRio bravo87121ChevroletCamaroRecentSilver382sss
Driver threw out water bottle2/1/2015 11:24:03 AM1-31-2015
1:07 PM
United StatesCASan MarcosSan Elijo Road92078ChevroletSuburban2011White6DZS635
Driver threw out water bottle2/1/2015 11:24:13 AM1-31-2015
1:07 PM
United StatesCASan MarcosSan Elijo Road92078ChevroletSuburban2011White6DZS635
Freeway Littering2/4/2015 8:49:56 AM2/3/2015
5:01 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCerritos91 Fwy EChevroletFull Size TruckSilver7G65453
trash blowing out of pickup bed2/9/2015 9:54:15 AM2/9/2015
9:15 AM
United StatesSouth CarolinaRock Hill77 North / between Sutton Rd & 160 exits29732ChevroletpickupblackCJX 119
Blue Chevy Aveo LS2/9/2015 5:21:41 PM2/9/2015
5:20:11 PM
United StatesDelawareWilmingtonShipley19809ChevroletAveoBlue947484
Black Chevy Suburban threw fast food wrappers out of sunroof2/13/2015 9:41:48 AM2/12/2015
6:10 PM
United StatesFloridaaltamonte springsE Altamonte Drive 43632701ChevroletSuburbanBlackSBX87
Paper thrown from vehicle2/14/2015 6:30:52 AM2/12/2015
5:05 PM
United StatesGeorgiaWaynesboroHWY 56 N 30830ChevroletCruize2008-2015GrayPMN9954
2 plastic bottles2/18/2015 10:12:12 AM2/18/2015
10:06:44 AM
United StatesNew YorkNew York 42nd street10036Chevrolet Black GSS 6131
2 plastic bottles2/18/2015 10:36:26 AM2/18/2015
10:06:44 AM
United StatesNew YorkNew York 42nd street10036Chevrolet Black GSS 6131
soda can thrown from window2/20/2015 3:20:14 PM2/20/2015
2:10 PM
United StatesWAeverettI5ChevroletSuburbanunknownblackABR5524
Littered a cigarette butt2/24/2015 3:51:27 AM2/24/2015
5:28:19 AM
United StatesSouth CarolinaCharleston Highway 1729403ChevroletVan2000ishWhiteP459703
Cigarette butt out of driver window3/2/2015 11:32:32 AM3/2/2015
1:00 PM
United StatesFloridaOrlando408 westChevrolet Suburban BlackCYU W99
Blatantly littered while in a stopped vehicle,twice.3/7/2015 2:20:39 PM3/7/2015
2:14:42 PM
United StatesMarylandBennsvilleBerry road20603ChevroletTraverse2012?Dark blue9bk0285
Driver threw litter out of their window3/11/2015 7:08:27 AM3/11/2015
United StatesMNGolden ValleyRamp from 394 to 16955426ChevroletMalibu2004-7Silver978 KVD
Driver of car throw out trash while driving3/11/2015 12:29:55 PM3/11/2015
United StatesOhioToledoSouth ave.Chevrolet Sonic LTN/aBlackK327uf
Box of trash in parking lot3/11/2015 4:42:17 PM3/11/2015
6:39:09 PM
United StatesTexasSan Marcos I-35 and Centerpoint Rd78666ChevroletCruzNewer 2011-14Gold/TanKGN735
Woman threw a box of trash in a parking lot3/11/2015 4:51:20 PM3/11/2015
4:47:54 PM
United StatesNorth DakotaSMInterstate Chevrolet CruzNewer 2011-14Gold/TanKGN735
Throwing cigarette butts out of the window. Landed on the hood of car.3/16/2015 4:58:19 AM3/16/2015
6:35 a.m.
United StatesMississippiGreenvilleRaceway Rd. 38701Chevrolet SilveradoGreyWS3 500
Throwing a Cigarette out the window3/16/2015 8:39:00 AM3/15/2015
aroung 10:00 AM
United StatesOregonTigardSW Dartmouth St97223CHEVROLET MALUBUDark BlueEPXS
Cigarette butt hit my car3/24/2015 5:25:28 PM3/24/2015
5:23:01 PM
United StatesConnecticutBRISTOLWolcott St06010ChevroletEquinox~2010Silver1AH-PU4
Throwing trash in ditch3/24/2015 8:02:57 PM3/24/2015
10:45:14 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaClemsonTiger Blvd29631ChevroletCruzeRedJCJ802
throwing trash from car3/27/2015 3:30:33 PM3/27/2015
3:28:38 PM
United StatesFloridaTampaHoward Franklin BridgeChevroletcobaltred0523HV
Threw Trash Out of Car3/28/2015 9:23:57 AM3/27/2015
5:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLos AngelesTopanga CanyonChevroletCavalierWhite7HVD931
Chevrolet Camaro the out about 3 paper towels out the window3/30/2015 7:56:57 AM3/30/2015
7:52:55 AM
United StatesLALake CharlesI-10 West70605chevroletcamaro2014blackXTW550
Littering on highway while driving, commuter traffic time3/31/2015 10:22:13 AM3/27/2015
6:58:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOrindaSt. Stephens Drive exit (off the 24-East highway)94563ChevroletAvalancheBlack01680N1
Trash, garbage3/31/2015 3:37:14 PM3/31/2015
2:45:39 PM
United StatesCABonsall West bound Highway 7692003ChevroletCamper Van2014 -2015Silver6UHZ796
dropped a coke can out the window before getting on 75 South4/2/2015 9:24:16 AM4/2/2015
12:17:36 PM
United StatesGeorgiaMcdonoughJonesboro Rd exit 22130253Chevrolet Tahoe unsure purplePWW1792
Police Officer discarded a cigarette out of his driver side window4/3/2015 1:07:18 PM3/30/2015
United StatesncFayettevilleGrove St/Hwy 24 and Hwy 301 intersection28301ChevroletImpalaSilverYYA-3003
Threw can out of moving vehicle4/6/2015 1:00:36 PM4/5/2015
7:40:48 PM
United StatesFloridaMiamiS Dixie Hwy33146ChevroletWhite
cigarette4/7/2015 1:34:18 PM4/7/2015
4:05 p.m.
United StatesN,C.Wilmington7018 Market Street28411ChevroletTrailblazerBlackzyk-2260
Paper/Plastic cup thrown from car4/7/2015 5:12:19 PM4/7/2015
3:30:56 PM
United StatesWashington StateCovingtonCovington Way SE98042ChevroletBlueB26284P
Tossed cigarette butt out window.4/9/2015 4:08:52 AM4/9/2015
6:39:00 AM
United StatesPAJeannetteHarrison City Export Road15644ChevroletMalibuLight BlueJFC 9305
Flicking cigarettes out window4/12/2015 9:16:12 AM4/11/15
10:25:13 PM
United StatesSC BeaufortFording island road29910ChevroletTahoeBurgundyGeorgia BIG5605
Littering4/15/2015 7:13:54 PM4/15/2015
7:00:44 PM
United StatesCaliforniaEscondidoAsh St & Valley Pkwy92025ChevroletGray4RAK490
Young white male threw 2 plastic milk bottles out his window4/17/2015 3:40:12 PM4/17/2015
6:15 pm
United StatesMassachusettsDeerfield91 southChevrolet SuburbanSilver430usr (CT)
grugs and littering , trash and urinate in the street4/19/2015 12:20:30 PM4/19/2015
11:51:25 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles1744 w 69th st90047chevroletnot shure93968lagv
Threw aluminum can out sunroof4/21/2015 9:35:29 AM4/19/2015
7:56 AM
United StatesIllinoisJustice82nd St- Toll Road I-29460458ChevroletImpalaGen IX SeriesSilverIL Plate E797680
Trash flying out of Chevrolet Silverado driving down road.4/21/2015 12:09:30 PM4/21/2015
12:01:29 PM
United StatesCaliforniaMariposaHwy 14095338Chevrolet SilveradoSilver6J69543
Threw bag of chips4/24/2015 1:55:20 PM4/24/2015
3:53 pm
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukeeS 25st53215ChevroletTahoe2001Green446-jdh
Passenger tossed trash out of the window on the spit.4/30/2015 5:52:48 PM4/30/2015
5:48:24 PM
United StatesAlaskaHomer Homer spit road99603Chevrolet Express MaroonGUIDES
bag from a fast food. restaurant5/1/2015 2:14:31 PM5/1/2015
2:04:21 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles 1281490059chevrolet sedan silver 6sgt674
Throwing cans out of window on george bush overpass over 355/3/2015 12:33:27 PM5/3/2015
12:03:53 PM
United StatesTexasFarmers BranchPresident George Bush Turnpike75234Chevrolet AvalancheSilverFkk 8184
threw cigarette butt out window5/5/2015 1:00:50 PM5/5/2015
United StatesMinnesotaEagan494 West at Dodd RoadChevroletLuminaGold444LAR
Passenger opened door & threw out a red bull can.5/7/2015 2:46:47 PM5/7/2015
5:30 PM
United StatesFloridaClearwaterHwy. 60 westbound about 3miles from US 19Chevrolet Impala SSNewRed ECH J87
Threw out cigarette5/12/2015 5:31:13 AM5/12/2015
7:40 am approximately
United StatesSouth CarolinaGreevilleHighway 81 between Powdersville and Carolina High SchoolChevroletCavalierWhite113 5F2
Plastic water bottle tossed out car window5/13/2015 12:26:01 PM5/13/2015
3:00 PM
United StatesMarylandBaltimoreFalls Road21209ChevroletGreen8BG0475
Threw paper out of window5/13/2015 3:06:26 PM5/13/2015
4:45:37 PM
United StatesLouisianaLake charlesEast prien lake road70615Chevrolet Impala2005Champagne RVZ 945
saw people in vehicle throw trash in the street out of their car window. CA License plate 5KZU924 silver/grey chevy sedan. 4 door5/13/2015 5:18:02 PM5/12/2015
5:30: PM
United StatesCaliforniaOakland2nd Ave and Foothill Blvd. in front of Rockin Crawfish94606Chevroletgrey/silver5KZU924
Female discarding cigarette out window5/15/2015 1:19:36 PM5/15/2015
10:50:47 AM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma CityI-35, Dallas Junction, South boundChevrolet cobaltsilver365HIN
Trashcan 2 feet away, but threw cigarette wrapper on ground5/18/2015 2:12:12 PM5/18/2015
4:02:39 PM
United StatesLALafayette3418 ambassador caffery pkwy70506Chevrolet SilveradoSilverCo72600
Sitting at stop light, tossed lit cigarette bud out driver window5/21/2015 6:07:31 AM5/2o/2015
United StatesArizonaTucsonPrince Rd EB turning N on CampbellChevroletTrailBlazer2012GreenBLZ4074
Two drink cups thrown from window5/24/2015 2:41:16 PM5/24/2015
United StatesOhioMarionU.S. 2343302Chevroletunknown (SUV)unknowndark blue/blackFJL 7185
Silver Chevy Malibu Plate 250 VCG Three trash out window in front of small condo complex5/25/2015 1:05:21 PM5/25/2015
2:55 PM
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukee Kane Place53202ChevroletMalibuSilver250 VCG
Male threw eaten apple core out of his window5/26/2015 7:57:02 AM5/26/2015
8:50 AM
United StatesMichiganDetroitM-10 N ChevroletSonicBlue/PurpleDBL 2637
Fast food bags and trash5/28/2015 6:59:36 PM5/28/2015
6:30:47 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLivermoreVasco Road94550ChevroletAveoWhite5TAZ756
Fast food bags and trash5/28/2015 6:59:49 PM5/28/2015
6:30:47 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLivermoreVasco Road94550ChevroletAveoWhite5TAZ756
Fast food bags and trash5/28/2015 7:01:55 PM5/28/2015
6:30:47 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLivermoreVasco Road94550ChevroletAveoWhite5TAZ756
Littering while driving5/30/2015 12:06:31 PM5/30/2015
13:50:26 PM
United StatesTexasDallasLoop 12ChevroletVenture2004Grey blueZ1m961
Threw cup out on road towards following car in Forsyth county, right before browns bridge6/2/2015 5:12:54 PM6/2/2015
5:09:42 PM
United StatesGeorgiaGainesvilleBrowns Bridge rd30041ChevroletSilveradoWhiteAYC 9700
Threw cup out on road towards following car in Forsyth county, right before browns bridge6/2/2015 5:12:59 PM6/2/2015
5:09:42 PM
United StatesGeorgiaGainesvilleBrowns Bridge rd30041ChevroletSilveradoWhiteAYC 9700
Person threw out a banana skin from moving car/vehicle6/3/2015 8:42:35 AM6/2/2015
6:54:09 AM
United StatesILAurora748-870 S Farnsworth Ave, Aurora, IL 6050560505ChevroletImpalaBlackK53 9155
People dumping trash outside their car continuously6/5/2015 1:03:00 PM6/5/2015
12:56:42 PM
United StatesAlabamaepesi-5935460Chevrolet Impala 2002white64cb244
Throwing trash out of car window6/5/2015 4:16:30 PM6/5/2015
5:10:50 PM
United StatesVirginiaVirginia BeachProvidence Rd23464ChevroletMalibu~ 2008Black
Throwing trash out of car window6/5/2015 4:19:37 PM6/5/2015
5:10:50 PM
United StatesVirginiaVirginia BeachProvidence Rd23464ChevroletMalibu~ 2008Black
parked at the Cow eatery6/5/2015 6:33:11 PM6/5/2015
6:24:06 PM
United StatesColoradoMorrison 316 bear creek ave80465Chevrolet trailblazer green351 kjp
a white female with short blond hair was changing a babies diaper in the driver side seat and threw the diaper under the truck.6/6/2015 2:31:58 PM6/6/2015
3:25 pm
United StatesLouisianaLake Charles496 W Prien70601ChevroletSilveradoRedB928101
Two television and metal frame6/6/2015 8:04:29 PM6/6/2015
United StatesArizonaGlendale8934 W Ocotillo Rd, Glendale, AZ85305ChevroletSUV mid size2013GreyBKD9939
a white female with short blond hair was changing a babies diaper in the driver side seat and threw the diaper under the truck.6/6/2015 8:37:30 PM6/6/2015
3:25 pm
United StatesLouisianaLake Charles496 W Prien70601ChevroletSilveradoRedB928101
Threw wrappers out door6/7/2015 9:44:31 AM6/7/2015
12:25 pm
United StatesMichiganEvartUs 1048631ChevroletCruz2012SilverDgl 7779
soda cup thrown out window6/8/2015 10:44:14 AM6/8/2015
9:55:00 AM
United StatesOregonPortlandNE Lombard St , NE 27th Ave97211ChevroletAstroSilverYTK665
threw bottle out of moving vehicle while over bridge6/9/2015 6:05:15 PM6/9/2015
2:00:04 PM
United StatesWashingtonspokane valleytrent avechevrolets10 truckbluec9++++b
throwing napkins out of window6/10/2015 10:21:18 AM6/9/2015
1:10 pm
United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerque isleta blvd87121ChevroletSUV small2009WhiteLTP-953
Threw out piece of garbage on passenger side6/11/2015 6:15:28 AM6/10/2015
6:20:44 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaMediaN. Providence Road/25219063ChevroletTrackerWhiteDFF-0798
Threw a McDonalds bag out the window6/13/2015 3:00:34 PM6/13/2015
4:45 pm
United StatesmississippiStarkville Sessums 39759Chevrolet Impala WhiteLUL 437
Chevy car littering 3-4 times within 20 min6/14/2015 12:40:48 PM6/14/2015
12:30:16 PM
United StatesCADixon Freeway95620ChevroletN/ADark blue or black7BIS085
threw trash out6/14/2015 1:42:38 PM6/14/2015
United StatesNorth CarolinaWinston Salemuniversity parkway27106ChevroletsuburbanblackDbw9797
Tossed trash out of the window6/15/2015 7:11:12 PM6/15/2015
United StatesINCedar LakeUs 4146356ChevroletSilverado 150007-11Beige1479390 illinois plate
Throwing tree limbs into vacant lot6/17/2015 12:01:34 PM6/17/2015
1:50 pm
United StatesTexasSan AntonioTech Com & Crosswinds Way78233ChevroletSuburbanBZW-4876
Dumping trash from car into sewer drain6/17/2015 2:00:25 PM6/17/2015
3:40 PM
United StatesVABristowWalgreens @ 9150 Devlin Rd Bristow, VA 2013620136ChevroletAveoGreyKCL-7379
LITTERING AND SPEEDING6/19/2015 6:04:57 AM6/19/2015
845 AM
United StatesMarylandBaltimorenorthern parkway21215Chevroletmaroon4BW1408
threw trash (looked like large drink cup) from moving vehicle6/19/2015 12:31:55 PM6/18/2015
approimatley 7:00 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeOld Perkins between Highland and Baringer Foreman70817ChevroletSilverado truckunknownlight brown or taupeC063122
White vehicle threw full soda cup and trash out window6/20/2015 6:35:46 AM6/19/2015
2:35:00 PM
United StatesDelawareMagnoliaAnderson RD19962ChevroletPrismWhite513843
Throwing dirty zip lock bags out the window6/20/2015 11:30:12 AM6/20/2015
United StatesVirginiaFront royalMain street22630ChevroletTahoe Navy blueVGV-7395
fried chicken out the car window6/21/2015 10:21:16 AM6/21/2015
10:18:20 AM
United StatesMarylandhanoverarundel mills blvd21144chevroletcruzDKH-4574
Stopped at Light, Man Threw Garbage Out Window6/25/2015 5:39:54 AM6/25/2015
5:33:32 AM
United StatesFloridaFort Myers BeachSan Carlos Boulevard33931ChevroletVanN/AWhiteDQQ6E
Litter thrown out window6/25/2015 3:15:35 PM6/25/2015
United StatesIllinoisOdgen Interstate 74 ChevroletBlackDLL 9144
Dont care for life6/25/2015 4:15:23 PM6/25/2015
4:11:37 PM
United StatesILWestmontChevroletImpala Light brownE71 4171
Threw it out the6/29/2015 12:59:29 PM6/29/2015
12:54:58 PM
United StatesWashington StateEverett128th st98208ChevroletCobalt ltRedAUUO764
Threw it out the window6/29/2015 1:00:17 PM6/29/2015
12:54:58 PM
United StatesWashington StateEverett128th st98208ChevroletCobalt ltRedAUUO764
Person threw litter out their car window twice while I was driving behind them.6/29/2015 5:59:07 PM6/29/2015
5:56:16 PM
United StatesVANickelsvilleHwy 71ChevroletTrackerRedVBJ914
It was a sonic bag7/2/2015 6:14:34 AM7/2/2015
6:10:08 AM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleHey 431ChevroletMaynes
In slow traffic car in front of me threw multiple articles out of the window.7/2/2015 1:34:39 PM7/2/2015
United StatesVirginiaStaffordI-95 South22556ChevroletCamaro SS2013-2015?BlackVFC3785
Can thrown high out the window7/3/2015 4:41:44 PM7/3/2015
United StatesKansasWichitaWest Central67212Chevrolet691AYT
Water bottle and pop cans7/4/2015 7:25:10 AM7/4/2015
7:22:08 AM
United StatesMinnesotaRochester55th Ave NW55901Chevrolet SuburbanLate ModelWhite w/ blue stripes978MLN
Golden Chevy suburban7/5/2015 11:11:42 AM7/5/2015
11:06:24 AM
United StatesOregonMonmouth Highway 9997361Chevrolet Suburban Silver/goldYnx 291
littering7/7/2015 7:24:43 AM7/3/2015
1:15 pm
United StatesN,C.BahamaQuail Roost Road27503ChevroletSilveradoUnknownWhiteDDF-1035
Threw empty mini bottle of liquor out window7/9/2015 2:55:34 PM7/9/2015
5:45 pm
United StatesFloridaWest Palm Beach45th St33407ChevroletTahoesilverM20WW
throwing trash out window7/12/2015 8:31:25 AM7/11/2015
8:24:41 AM
United StatestexasFredericksburgHwy 87ChevroletTrail BlazerBlackFDD 2527
Observed throwing bottles outbid wibdow7/13/2015 10:14:54 AM7/13/2015
10:11:01 AM
United StatesMichiganLansingI-96 Eastbound48906ChevroletSilverado2000BlackCmm 1693
Trash out car window7/13/2015 11:05:59 AM7/13/2015
2:00 pm
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburghRoute 28 at 31st street bridgeChevroletSomicBlackJBP5116
Chevy dumps a ton of trash out of car window near pch7/14/2015 7:49:13 AM7/14/2015
7:43:10 AM
United StatesCaliforniaNewport beachSuperiorChevrolet 5sju098
Dump food & drink out of window7/15/2015 6:35:56 AM7/15/2015
9:11:33 AM
United StatesMIClinton Township1085 S. Gratiot Ave48036ChevroletTrailblazerblackCNM 3747
Tossing tissues and napkins out the window driving down the road7/18/2015 11:22:09 AM7/18/2015
United StatesMIHollyN. Saginaw between E. Maple and Grange Hall Rd.48442ChevroletTrailblazerWhiteDGM 9838
Threw out leftover burger, burger wrapper and full box of fries7/18/2015 12:32:47 PM7/18/2015
12:28:02 PM
United StatesGADouglasvilleI20ChevroletTrackerMaroonGA PWJ1199
Threw trash out door7/19/2015 8:53:46 AM7/19/2015
11:26:53 AM
United StatesFloridaTallahasseeCall st. at bronoughChevroletCobalt lsBlack599 pxt
threw aluminum beer can out of car7/19/2015 2:56:36 PM7/19/2015
2:49:47 PM
United StatesArizonaGlendaleGlendale and 75th aveChevrolet MalibumaroonBLC8359
Person threw a bag outside of their car while stopped at a red light7/23/2015 7:52:31 AM7/23/2015
7:50:42 AM
United StatesGeorgiasandy springs2001 Summit Springs Dr30350Chevrolet Camero 2010?RedPAA3488
Throwing trash out of car window7/23/2015 11:05:13 AM7/23/2015
1:30:26 pm
United StatesKentucky (KY)LouisvilleBuechel Bank Road40225ChevroletMonteCarlo2000Brigh Yellow569TPW
Threw trash out while driving7/25/2015 8:36:23 AM7/25/2015
United StatesFLTampa S Dale Mabry33621ChevroletTrailblazerGray 402 LCR
old english beer can7/26/2015 8:44:13 AM7/25/2015
8:37:59 AM
United StatesCAEl CerritoSan Pablo94530ChevroletSonicwhite7AQT429
Throwing litter out window7/30/2015 8:58:20 AM7/30/2015
11:30 AM
United StatesNew YorkCarltonRt 98 & 10414411Chevroletold pickupWhite4544JS
Threw about six cans out of the car window on Highway 22 and had garbage flying out of the bed of the truck.7/30/2015 4:48:38 PM7/30/2015
4:41:11 PM
United StatesIdahoTeton Valley73 Depot Way83422ChevroletSilveradoSilver1T 30191
Patient threw 20oz cup of cola out the widow7/31/2015 3:04:46 PM7/31/2015
3:00:03 PM
United StatesOhioCincinnatiRosslyn drChevrolet Navy blueDGC 5997
Throwing wrappers out of car8/1/2015 10:54:56 AM8/1/2015
1:52 PM
United StatesIndianaMatthewsI 69 SouthChevroletMalibu2013BlackUQ0398
Littering8/1/2015 7:31:01 PM8/1/2015
9:15 pm
United StatesNebraskaLincolnO street68512Chevrolet Red with white stripe TMJ 627
Driver threw garbage onto the highway while stopped at the stop light8/3/2015 7:50:39 PM8/1/2015
9:22 AM
United StatesPAMt. PleasantRoute 3115666ChevroletLuminaRedGNA 2827
littering from car8/5/2015 8:28:17 PM8/5/2015
United StatesWashingtonLakewood 74th st & South Tacoma Way98499Chevrolet Impala2000sSilver ANE2832
Littering through passenger window8/6/2015 10:25:35 PM8/7/2015
12:05:58 AM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma City2520 S May Ave73108ChevroletSilverado2002-2004Dark grey424AMN
Black Cheverolet Suburban dumps on highway8/8/2015 11:54:38 AM8/8/2015
11:50:17 AM
United StatesTexasSan AntonioIH 35chevroletsuburbanBlackBB7 J547
Threw Papers out onto the ground8/8/2015 6:36:20 PM8/8/2015
United StatesWashingtonGig Harbor106th Street98329ChevroletVAN2000WHITE B95067P
Throwing trash out of vehicle8/9/2015 3:17:07 PM8/9/2015
3:09:34 PM
United StatesColoradoLarkspurI-25Chevrolet ColoradoChampagne 751 WYZ
left dirty diaper and cleaning cloths under the car8/10/2015 10:05:27 AM8/9/2015
United StatesCaliforniaMonterey170 Irving Ave93940ChevroletCruz2014Dark gray7HDP831
McDonalds bag thrown out window8/10/2015 3:14:53 PM8/10/2015
4:45 PM
United StatesVirginiaElktonRt 340ChevroletCruzeLate modelBlueVEN6359
Persons in red truck littered two water bottles8/10/2015 4:46:17 PM8/10/2015
7:35:45 PM
United StatesGeorgiaCornelia180 cannon bridge road30531Chevrolet SilveradoUnknownRedPHR9241
Persons in red truck littered two water bottles8/11/2015 5:57:46 AM8/10/2015
7:35:45 PM
United StatesGeorgiaCornelia180 cannon bridge road30531Chevrolet SilveradoUnknownRedPHR9241
Throwing garbage out passenger window8/13/2015 5:04:19 PM8/13/2015
6:01:05 PM
United StatesColoradoLakewoodCo-47080228ChevroletCobaltYellow101cgt
Cups Thrown From Truck Window8/14/2015 11:42:01 AM8/14/2015
2:33 PM
United StatesMichiganCarp LakeI-7549718ChevroletSilveradoBlue7KZ V25
Paper bag out of the vehicle window8/17/2015 12:54:03 PM8/17/2015
09:45 AM
United StatesWASammamishEast Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE98074ChevroletImpala (I think) 2002-2005WhiteANC8212
Threw paper cup out of car window8/17/2015 1:06:20 PM8/17/2015
12::42:00 PM
United StatesMarylandGaithersburgAir Park road20855ChevroletTrail BlazerBlack8BX4224
Threw trash out window8/18/2015 9:07:38 PM8/18/2015
7:25 p.m.
United StatesAZPhoenixDunlap/I-17 exit 85020ChevroletSilveradoBlueAZV1003
Cigarette Butts8/19/2015 9:13:55 AM8/19/2015
10:34:55 AM
United StatesOklahomaTulsa7th and Elgin74103ChevroletTahoBlack373KGG
Threw large bag of fast food out of window8/21/2015 2:35:53 PM8/21/2015
5:15 PM
United StatesFloridaClearwaterHwy. 19 N. Just before exit to 150th ave.33764ChevroletCamaro2014/2015Black287 LHI
Threw trash out passenger side window of car.8/23/2015 7:32:32 PM8/23/2015
United StatesCaSouth Lake TahoeTahoe keys blv96150Chevrolet SUV of some kindBlack76a-871 Nevada
handful of trash8/24/2015 6:11:29 AM8/24/2015
6:50 am
United StatesColoradoDenver3rd st between Santa Fe & Kalamath St80204ChevroletCorvettenewer Black 504-QIE
Litering8/24/2015 4:11:13 PM8/24/2015
4:09:00 PM
United StatesTexasArlington2400 E Pioneer Pkwy76010ChevroletAveoOrangeFTC0436
threw out of truck, cigarette butt8/24/2015 4:56:11 PM8/24/2015
6:32:30 PM
United StatesLafayettelafayetteuniversity ave at pont des mouton70506ChevroletWhiteY019938
Lady driving a tan Chevrolet Tahoe, Plate # TX - FGD-08818/25/2015 6:27:23 AM8/25/2015
8:00:00 AM
United StatesTXArgyle Country Club 76226ChevroletTahoeTanFGD-0881
Two cups thrown out vehicle window8/25/2015 3:16:17 PM8/25/2015
4:50:09 PM
United StatesMissouriSpringfieldFort65807ChevroletSuburban White9MR 191
threw snack wrapper out of car window8/26/2015 6:14:00 AM8/26/2015
United StatesPAPittsburgh1500 East Carson Street15203ChevroletBlazerwhiteJXB-1864
Threw out a plastic drink container from vehicle.8/27/2015 9:05:08 AM8/27/2015
9:30 AM
United StatesSouth CarolinaHanahanRobert E. Brown Highway29410Chevrolet TruckBeige
Threw trash out the window8/27/2015 10:42:13 AM8/27/2015
1:20:00 PM
United StatesNYhenriettaJohn street14623ChevroletCavaliersilverGLA1426
Saw a hand throw cheese and wrapper container out the passenger window8/31/2015 3:19:04 PM8/30/2015
1:50 PM
United StatesOhioWarren East Market Street44483Chevrolet equinox? MaroonGBN 4202
Threw MacDonalds dipping sauce container out of windiw9/2/2015 9:41:58 AM9/2/2015
United StatesLouisianaBroussardAlbertson Pkwy70518ChevroletUplanderOldSilverYMW329
Gold Chevrolet 4 door tosses trash out the window multiple times.9/2/2015 12:28:56 PM9/2/2015
12:10:20 PM
United StatesVirginiaHnericoMayland and Stillman23294ChevroletGoldJMS-1065
throwing plastic bottles out the window9/4/2015 10:37:50 AM9/4/2015
1 : 30 pm
United StatesSouth CarolinaColumbia halbrook29209Chevrolet pickupblueJWD233
Littering on hwy9/4/2015 12:45:21 PM9/4/2015
3:05 pm
United StatesIndianaJeffersonvilleHolmans lane47130ChevroletBlackWLP803
Littering on hwy9/4/2015 11:13:57 PM9/4/2015
3:05 pm
United StatesIndianaJeffersonvilleHolmans lane47130ChevroletBlackWLP803
Throw out two pop cans and a bag of trash while driving9/6/2015 3:15:01 PM9/6/2015
United Statesmichiganbaldwin37th street Chevrolet truckBrownAVB614
Throwing trash out driver side window9/8/2015 4:46:36 PM9/8/2015
6:35:00 AM
United StatesOregonPortlandHighway 26 WestboundChevroletCavelierSilverZYL-641
gold chevrolet Tahoe9/8/2015 5:01:30 PM9/8/2015
United StatesmississippiComoHwy 31038619ChevroletTahoe2012 ?Gold / ChampagnePCH 986
Alley behind 2758 Figueroa off Magnolia9/10/2015 1:41:52 PM9/10/2015
1:37:37 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan Diego2758 Figuera Blvd92109ChevroletSilveradoWhite8Y30864
Passenger of car jumped a styrofoam cup out the window and onto the street when we were parked at a traffic light in South Blvd...close to Uptown Charlotte9/10/2015 6:14:58 PM9/10/2015
5:29:29 PM
United StatesNCCharlotteSouth Blvd28203Chevrolet ImpalaNewSilverOJL4261
Threw trash out the window.9/12/2015 12:37:48 PM9/12/2015
3:35 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaI 75- NChevrolet Trail blazer2002?BlackPAB9210
Littering while driving9/12/2015 2:43:22 PM9/12/2015
2:40:29 PM
United StatesMarylandRockvilleRt 355ChevroletPT CruiserBlue5FLG47
Trash out drivers window9/14/2015 10:01:52 AM9/14/2015
9:45:09 AM
United StatesTNMemphisStoplight at Poplar & Riverdale - west on Poplar38138ChevroletCobalt LENo ideaWhiteU49-04P. TN
coffee cup thrown out of car9/16/2015 7:48:05 AM9/16/2015
United StatesLAnew orleansbroadway and fountainbleu70118chevroletsuburban?champagne/tannishYZH433 lousiana
A piece of trash.9/16/2015 1:23:49 PM9/16/2015
3:55 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaGastonia Hwy 74/East Franklin Blvd28054Chevrolet Cavalier 80s or 90sAqua blueDCB 8724
bottle out of the window9/16/2015 2:19:45 PM9/16/2015
5:10:36 PM
United Statesmarylandsmithsburgsmithsburg pike21783chevrolet2005tan2br0150
Threw a can out the vehicle9/16/2015 6:16:09 PM9/15/2015
3:40:03 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaFayettevilleWire RoadChevrolet TrailblazerTanAHY 8753
Chevy Tahoe driver is a pig9/19/2015 10:28:48 AM9/19/2015
1:05:04 PM
United StatesPittsburghPittsburgh6200 block of Butler Street15201ChevroletTahoeCharcoalJRD 5373
Cigarette Butt9/21/2015 6:41:00 AM9/21/2015
8:35:06 AM
United StatesscGreenvillecorner of W McBee Ave and River St29601ChevroletCamaroRedAZ1629
threw what seemed to be a bud light can out of car window9/23/2015 3:59:57 PM09/20/15
1645 PM
United StatesTennesseeMemphiswinchester exit off 385 going east at the lightChevroletCorvetteredL3212V
Trashy Woman9/23/2015 9:19:18 PM9/23/2015
United StatesCaliforniaLos AngelesFlorence and CrenshawChevroletSuburban gold?7ELY522
Junk load9/24/2015 8:30:19 AM9/24/2015
9:52:30 AM
United StatesIowaPeostaSundown RoadChevroletPickupWhite184 XZX
Passenger thru trash out passenger window9/24/2015 9:37:24 AM9/24/2015
12:28 pm
United StatesMichiganLansingCedar St.48910Chevrolet CorsicaWhiteAus 972
Set 3 drinks outside of vehicle9/27/2015 12:22:48 PM9/27/2015
12:17:13 PM
United Statestexasodessa7900 E Highway 19179765Chevrolet15002010Whitefkz1733
Illegal dumping9/27/2015 9:28:07 PMReoccurring
United StatesMississippiCanton273 Stumpbridge road 39046Chevrolet 1990Faded blue
Through papers out the window at red light9/30/2015 10:13:14 AM9/30/2015
10:06:46 AM
United StatesMichiganSterling HeightsSchonherr 48313ChevroletMalibu?Dark grayBeh-0844
Threw cigarette pack out passenger window in residential street10/3/2015 12:37:24 PM10/3/2015
12:31:14 PM
United StatesOregonPortlandSE Knapp and 14 th ave97202ChevroletImpalaRed420hdk
Littering10/5/2015 7:35:58 AM10/5/2015
8:40:00 AM
United StatesTexasArlington1225 West Bardin Rd.76017ChevroletCruzeSilverFJW 8340
Driver threw wrappers out windoe10/6/2015 1:47:18 PM10/6/2015
4:16:10 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSuwaneeLawrenceville-Suwanee RoadChevroletMalibuWhitePTQ5055
Threw cup from passenger side truck window10/7/2015 3:14:56 PM10/7/2015
3:53:28 PM
United StatesFloridaCantonment, FLBeulah Rd32533Chevrolet GreenN562km
Dropping trash on road10/8/2015 3:02:37 PM10/8/2015
2:50:35 PM
United StatesMississippiOxfordJackson Ave.38655Chevrolet ImpalaWhite3A58WY
Littering on Highway10/9/2015 3:24:39 PM10/9/2015
12:32 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaI-75 N30312ChevroletSilverQAF 9204
Cigarette butt thrown out the window10/10/2015 11:39:28 AM10/10/2015
11:36:22 AM
United StatesCaliforniaHalf Moon BaySan Mateo Road94019Chevrolet Tahoe2013White6FVU219
Drew paper out of driver side window.10/10/2015 12:40:11 PM10/09/2015
07:38 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaCharlotte 485 south near exit 9 28217Chevrolet Silverado2010-2015BlackDEX 3604
Litter cigarette10/10/2015 6:48:13 PM10/10/2015
United StatesMiEastpointeGratiotChevroletImpala RedDV021F
Opened door at red light and threw paper trash on road10/12/2015 11:03:06 AM10/12/2015
1:16 PM
United StatesSouth Carolina (SC)North CharlestonIntersection of Michaux Parkway and International Blvd29418ChevroletMalibuapprox 2015burgandyWest Virginia 9YL 373
Threw a styrofoam cup with lid and straw in parking lot.10/13/2015 4:25:19 PM10/13/2015
6:19:19 PM
United StatesMissouriSpringfield 1320 S Glenstone St65807Chevrolet Grayish HF4-LIM
Cigarette butt out car window10/13/2015 7:48:20 PM10/13/2015
5:15:58 PM
United StatesCaliforniaNewport BeachPacific Coast HwyChevroletHHR2009Maroon6AWY295
Cigarette butt littering - tossed outside of moving vehicle10/14/2015 5:13:08 AM10/14/2015
5:09:53 AM
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesHwy 171 - Moss Bluff70611ChevroletCamaro2012-2015BlackXNX710
three cup out window10/16/2015 7:28:47 AM10/16/2015
United StatesMichiganelbaI69 eastboundchevroletsuburban2008+?white575D21
Threw cigarette package & banana peel out of front passenger window10/16/2015 11:26:20 AM10/16/2015
10:10 AM
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles 110-south fwy near Academy Road exit90012ChevroletImpalaNewerBlack6VDZ881
Dumping Clothes,coffee cup 2 times10/16/2015 4:38:57 PM10/16/2015
4:31:26 PM
United StatesPalm beachWest palm beachForesthill blvd ChevroletImpala2007Silver813mdc
Beer can thrown out of window10/17/2015 3:39:56 PM10/17/2015
6:28 pm
United StatesVaSurryRolfe hwyChevrolet Malibu LeadVDJ-9088
Small silver car10/17/2015 6:03:10 PM10/17/2015
5:59:56 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan franciscoNorth point and Taylor stChevroletSonicSilver7ALU143
Green Tahoe littering10/18/2015 1:36:50 PM10/18/2015
1:28:21 PM
United StatesMinnesotaNew praugue260th st & Langford aveChevroletTahoe2002Green796-CXZ
5-6 soda cans and beer cans; large sack (fast food sack)10/19/2015 2:11:25 PM10/19/2015
2:01:08 PM
United StatesFLPanama city513 w 23rd Street32405ChevroletSuburban2014BlackDdq t33
5-6 soda cans and beer cans; large sack (fast food sack)10/19/2015 2:11:26 PM10/19/2015
2:01:08 PM
United StatesFLPanama city513 w 23rd Street32405ChevroletSuburban2014BlackDdq t33
Women throws garbage out passenger window10/27/2015 7:07:10 AM10/27/2015
8:45:06 AM
United StatesILOakbrook, ILMeyers Rd60181ChevroletSilverE38 6812
Cup was throw out of window10/28/2015 5:01:52 PM10/28/2015
6:42:13 PM
United StatesIndianaEvansville47715ChevroletWhite178TKY
Car threw several cups out window10/30/2015 9:03:48 PM10/30/2015
11:30 PM
United StatesOhioColumbusNorth Broadway43224ChevroletImpalaNavy blueGNK 7119
Litter10/31/2015 11:03:04 AM10/31/2015
11:00:04 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaCharlottePlaza Rd28221Chevrolet Malibu2012Slate/Dark GreyDAF5947
Threw can out passenger window11/1/2015 1:55:50 PM11/1/2015
7:51:18 AM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma CityI 4073115ChevroletPickupWhite & Maroon767AVS
AT&T Service Van driver throwing refuse continuously out of vehicle11/2/2015 9:36:18 AM11/2/2015
8:05:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaGlendale134 Freeway WestboundChevroletExpressWhite59829A1
Threw fast food wrappers and food out drivers window11/2/2015 1:50:03 PM11/2/2015
12:40:45 PM
United StatesLos angelesEcho ParkBeverly Blvd90026ChevroletMalibu LTSilver7BKW100
Threw out bag from Wendys11/6/2015 12:56:23 PM11/6/2015
11:53:24 aM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleHwy 72 35806ChevroletRed8007AJ7
threw cup out of window11/7/2015 10:02:58 AM11/7/2015
United StatesILchampaignneil61821chevrolet tahoe?red266GLA
threw cup out of window11/7/2015 10:04:26 AM11/7/2015
United StatesILchampaignneil61821chevrolet tahoe?red266GLA
Cigarette butts!11/7/2015 12:46:28 PM11/7/2015
10:56 am
United StatesCAcosta mesaharbor boulevard92627ChevroletTruckWhite7B37529
Aluminum can & tissues11/7/2015 1:30:50 PM11/7/2015
1:15 pm
United StatesColoradoLarkspurChevrolet SuburbanBlackMT 4-17257B
threw cup out of window11/7/2015 2:10:37 PM11/7/2015
United StatesILchampaignneil61821chevrolet tahoe?red266GLA
Bags of Garbage thrown from window11/10/2015 6:07:19 AM11/10/2015
6:01:18 AM
United StatesGAStone Mountain Bermuda 30087Chevrolet MalibuLight Silver PTY5658
Disposing of food wrapper from drivers window onto road11/11/2015 1:47:34 PM11/11/2015
3:35 pm
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburghPerry highway15237Chevrolet ImpalaGoldJVF9725
Cup11/12/2015 11:08:01 AM11/12/2015
10:15 AM
United StatesOhioColumbusI-670 eastbound just west of Leonard Ave exit43203ChevroletTahoeBlackGFS 8011
Cigarette11/13/2015 7:13:57 PM11/13/2015
6:06:52 PM
United StatesWashington StateSeattleChevroletTraverseSilverAIC9826
Throwing trash out the car window11/17/2015 3:30:10 PM11/16/2015
4:15:26 PM
United StatesGADECATURPanthersville Rd at River Rd30034ChevroletImpala2012GoldPRD3875
Threw out what looked like a gum wrapper or piece of paper11/19/2015 9:02:12 AM11/19/2015
8:10 AM
United StatesMissouriSt. LouisChevroletBlack or Dark Blue843 4868
Paper, napkins, etc.11/24/2015 8:18:22 AM11/20/2015
United StatesFloridaHaines City36205 US Highway 2733844ChevroletSonic LTSilver DWK W21
Threw plastic bottle out window of moving car11/27/2015 9:50:52 AM11/27/2015
9:47:33 AM
United StatesMassachusetsBlandfordRt. 90, Mass PikeChevrolet4-dr sedanDarkDXB-3352
Cigarette butts11/27/2015 10:07:27 PM11/27/2015
8:43 pm
United StatesGeorgiaBrunswickAltama Connector31525ChevroletSilveradoBlack?Georgia - AJE 4910
Throwing trash out window11/28/2015 5:21:58 PM11/28/2015
5:18:46 PM
United StatesScColumbiaClemson29229Chevrolet Z71Light blue28437fm
House clean up scrap ,etc12/7/2015 9:57:39 AM12/05/2015
3:00 pm and later
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles 1671 Firestone Blvd 90001Chevrolet Silverado 35001999White
Man threw trash out the window12/8/2015 9:39:05 PM12/8/2015
6:40 PM
United StatesFlMiramarHiatus Rd33025ChevroletSilveradosilver U191VK
cigarette butt litter bug12/10/2015 4:59:58 PM12/10/2015
4:54:40 PM
United StatesNevadaLas VegasDesert InnChevrolet malibugreen7MEU688
Asshole passenger.12/11/2015 3:13:06 PM12/11/2015
3:06:37 PM
United StatesMissouriRollaChevroletSilverado2005ishRed1119616
Driver tossed out large plastic bag of trash12/16/2015 7:27:12 PM12/16/2015
4:10:10 PM
United StatesTexasHoustonBraeswood South @ Hillcroft77096ChevroletImpala2009 - 2012blackGBZ 4931
Cigarette butt12/17/2015 3:49:20 PM12/17/2015
3:44:51 PM
United StatesNCWilmingtonS College Rd28412ChevroletCarson FirkinsBlackWZB529
Threw fast food trash out drivers window12/18/2015 5:51:35 AM12/18/2015
7:00 am
United StatesNew JerseyTurnersvilleCambridge Rd08012ChevroletCruzeWhiteE52 CPJ
Car threw full Wendys bag out window12/21/2015 3:19:45 PM12/21/2015
3:10 PM
United StatesMABraintree02184ChevroletEquinoxBlack3SW 377
Red cup12/23/2015 9:05:26 AM12/23/2015
7:45 AM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyChevroletGold53006V1
Littered beer bottles on LSD12/24/2015 2:11:58 PM12/24/2015
2:05:38 PM
United StatesILChicagoLake Shore Drive60606ChevroletCobalt BlueZ31 6813
Cigarette butt out the window12/31/2015 5:27:40 PM12/31/2015
7:24:41 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaYorkHighway 16129745Chevrolet ImpallaBurgundy LIY 650
Food packaging1/1/2016 4:02:00 PM1/1/2016
United StatesMichiganTroyoutside Somerset Mall48084ChevroletSuburban2014WhiteDHX 0789
Food wrappers littering by passenger1/6/2016 8:01:57 PM1/6/2016
7:54:02 PM
United StatesWashingtonDes moinesKent/des moines exit 142BChevroletTahoe2009WhiteARH1464
Food wrappers littering by passenger1/6/2016 8:02:12 PM1/6/2016
7:54:02 PM
United StatesWashingtonDes moinesKent/des moines exit 142BChevroletTahoe2009WhiteARH1464
litted cigarette1/9/2016 4:45:40 PM1/9/2016
3:04 pm
United StatesWashington StateBellevue 148th ave ne & ne 24th stChevrolet tahoeblack4dcc 20
fast food trash1/10/2016 11:10:24 AM1/10/2016
11:06:17 AM
United StatesTxMissouri city airportChevroletRusty redFtp 0641
Dumping wrappers and other car trash on ground before leaving parking spot1/15/2016 4:12:57 PM1/15/2016
1:30:42 PM
United StatesNew YorkBuffaloFranklinChevroletCobalt LTBlueHBT 2682
The hole in their back yard is being used as a dumping ground for some time.1/16/2016 6:06:19 PM1/16/2016
5:55:20 PM
United StatesAlabamaGardendale2252 mountain drive35071ChevroletTraverse 2015Silver
The hole in their back yard is being used as a dumping ground for some time.1/16/2016 6:07:25 PM1/16/2016
5:55:20 PM
United StatesAlabamaGardendale2252 mountain drive35071ChevroletTraverse 2015Silver
Threw a lit cigarette butt out the window while driving.1/16/2016 7:40:13 PM1/15/2016
5:30:45 PM
United StatesNew YorkGrand IslandI-190 NorthChevroletSparkRedDRN2759
threw cigarette out of moving vehicle1/20/2016 11:11:55 AM01/19/2016
10:58:52 AM
United Statesoklahoma cityOklahoma CityN. Western and Grand Blvd73118Chevroletunsureunsurewhite256ENB
Throwing trash1/20/2016 5:31:50 PM1/20/2016
5:08:55 PM
United StatesCaliforniaAlhambra Chevrolet Equinox 07 ish Black 7hpn977
SUV littered twice in less than a block1/24/2016 11:13:48 AM1/22/2016
5:20 pm
United StatesFloridaOrmond BeachRt. 1 & Rt. 9532174ChevroletTahoeapprox. 2009whiteGGX7D
grocery bags flying out of truck bed2/1/2016 5:28:31 AM2/1/2016
6:30:18 AM
United StatesOhioDublinU.S. 33 WB43017ChevroletSilveradoOrangePGU 4294
Threw wrapper from drivers window2/1/2016 2:24:56 PM1/31/2016
9:20 AM
United StatesMissouriRichmond HeightsOff ramp from Hwy 40 onto McKnight Rd63117ChevroletPick up truckwhite141374
Garbage thrown from car2/1/2016 5:42:59 PM2/1/2016
2:11:28 PM
United StatesFloridaClearwaterFL-60 EChevrolet Dark BlueBUQ L14
Cigarette2/7/2016 1:38:34 AM2/6/2015
5:00 pm
United StatesTexasAustinStassney lane and congress78746ChevroletImpala LTWhiteBNZ5221
Cup full of red drink thrown out of car while in motion by Oak Court mall2/10/2016 3:29:22 PM2/10/2016
3:20:58 PM
United StatestennesseeMemphisOak Court Dr38111Chevrolet Brownish goldW4249d
A mail opened door of car and put trash bag on the road2/12/2016 2:14:15 PM2/12/2016
3:35:00 PM
United StatesOhioClevelandStokes Blvd and Carnegie ave.44106-2254ChevroletImpalaBlackFRL 3816
A mail opened door of car and put trash bag on the road2/12/2016 2:14:40 PM2/12/2016
3:35:00 PM
United StatesOhioClevelandStokes Blvd and Carnegie ave.44106-2254ChevroletImpalaBlackFRL 3816
A male opened door of car and put trash bag on the road2/12/2016 2:16:14 PM2/12/2016
3:35:00 PM
United StatesOhioClevelandStokes Blvd and Carnegie ave.44106-2254ChevroletImpalaBlackFRL 3816
Female disposing of coke can onto public street2/15/2016 11:02:26 AM2/15/2016
10:55:45 AM
United StatesVirginiaAbingdon Valley Street NE24210Chevrolet STBlack004 RCS Kentucky Plates
UNKNOWN OBJECT2/17/2016 4:07:07 PM2/17/2016
1:51:32 PM
Car License Plate # X549AK Chips Bag came out of Car2/18/2016 10:38:49 AM2/17/2016
8:15:00 AM
United StatesUtahProvoI 15 FreewayChevroletCruzeX549AK
Threw out plastic lid and straw2/20/2016 10:13:15 AM2/20/2016
United StatesSouth Carolina (SC)DARLINGTON North springville road 29540Chevrolet White BVA 615
Red Silverado throwing trash bag into fiedl2/21/2016 3:29:42 PM2/21/2016
4:00 PM
United StatesiowaDunbarHighway 14650158ChevroletSilveradoRedAWW 190
Several plastic bottles flying out of truck3/3/2016 5:22:59 PM3/3/2016
4:1512:57 PM
United StatesCaOjaiHey 15093023Chevrolet SilveradoGrey94027T1
Three something out the window while driving3/5/2016 10:48:42 AM3/5/2016
10:41:11 AM
United StatesgeorgiaHiramHighway 27830141Chevrolet Equinox LTBlack PLP6606
cigarette3/5/2016 2:44:09 PM3/5/2016
2:39:25 PM
United Statestxsan antoniorittiman78244chevroletle sabrenot suregoldfyt 9069
Threw plastic cigarette wraps out window3/7/2016 11:54:15 AM3/7/2016
11:49:10 AM
United StatesillinoisLombardNorth aveChevroletEquinoxBlue-greyN632916
Vehicle occupant threw empty gallon plastic jug out of passenger window3/12/2016 7:51:48 AM3/12/2016
9:35:46 AM
United StatesFloridaMacclenny Maxwell Macclenny Highway 32234Chevrolet Silverado LT~2009Dark Blue/Navy BYD-X85
trash coming from the flatbed3/14/2016 7:08:33 AM3/14/2016
9:46 a.m.
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINAbluffton27829910chevroletSilverado 2013-14whiteCAI 969
trash coming from the flatbed3/14/2016 7:08:52 AM3/14/2016
9:46 a.m.
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINAbluffton27829910chevroletSilverado 2013-14whiteCAI 969
Littering3/14/2016 4:16:29 PM3/14/2016
4:13:41 PM
United StatesGeorgiaMaconZebulon Rd31220ChevroletTahoeWhiteQFR1455
Soda out Window3/15/2016 6:48:08 PM3/15/2016
6:42:27 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacola Pensacola Beach Rd32561Chevrolet BlazerWhiteJ109K0
Fast food cup3/19/2016 10:45:13 AM3/19/2016
10:43:19 AM
United StatesoklahomaEdmondBryantChevroletSilveradoWhiteI74625
Silver SUV 7a0 859 plastic bag full of garbage3/20/2016 2:35:00 PM3/20/2016
2:30:08 PM
United StatesSouth DakotaIreneHwy 46ChevroletSuburban2004Silver7a0 859
Persons litered Lake Rd, Thetford Twp., between Lewis and Bray Rds.3/21/2016 11:05:55 AM3/21/2016
1:40 PM
United StatesmichiganClio2167 E Lake Rd48420ChevroletLight greenEBEG08
Dropped empty cigarette package3/25/2016 1:44:36 PM3/25/2016
2:33 PM
United StatesNCWinston salemPeace haven Rd 27106ChevroletPickup truckGreyBDR-1873
Beer cans thrown from window3/27/2016 4:32:22 PM3/27/2016
5:24:18 PM
United StatesMISSOURIOzarkHighway NN65721Chevrolet 1999-2003Red4DS036
Throwing Juice Bottle out of window4/1/2016 6:55:14 AM4/1/2016
6:51:02 AM
United StatesMassachusetslowellDutton street01851Chevrolet S10310 4056
Plastic wrapper litter out of driver window4/5/2016 12:57:02 PM4/5/2016
2:40 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleGovernors drive and SE California st. 35801Chevrolet MalibuGold47JF538
Plastic wrapper litter out of driver window4/5/2016 12:57:10 PM4/5/2016
2:40 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleGovernors drive and SE California st. 35801Chevrolet MalibuGold47JF538
Littering from Car4/8/2016 1:56:28 PM4/8/2016
8:14 AM
United StatesCALIFORNIAVernonAtlanticChevroletCorvetteBlack4SER585
Trash thrown from vehicle4/9/2016 10:53:30 AM4/9/2016
United StatesoklahomaOwasso 116th and Garnett74055Chevrolet C150088-91Red and grey713AQS
Trash4/9/2016 11:35:46 AM4/8/2016
4:55 p.m.
United StatesTennesseeDicksonCollege Street & 70 Hwy Bypass37055ChevroletEquinoxV5079F
Throwing a banana out the window in to the side of the stree from their car4/13/2016 2:50:17 AM4/13/2016
5:42 pm ET
United StatesFLTampaBayshore boulevard 33611ChevroletPickuptruckBlack487 TWT
Paper trash4/13/2016 1:27:51 PM4/13/2016
4:23:41 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaConcordI 85 North bound 28083Chevrolet Camaro2015BurgundyEAP 3678
Fast Food Garbage4/13/2016 3:58:57 PM4/13/2016
5:46 PM
United StatesTennesseeNashvilleMcGavock Pike37216ChevroletCavalierMaroonKYP 952
Thrown milkshake from car4/16/2016 7:24:15 AM4/15/16
United StatesMichiganPlymouth TwpI-275 N @ Ann Arbor rd48170Chevrolet ImpalaSilverDJQ7420
Extreme littering from car to roadway4/19/2016 7:23:14 AM4/18/16
2:00 PM
United StatesGeorgiaMaconEisenhower parkway just east of I-475, close to McDonalds31206ChevroletBronco ?WhiteQFL3370
Threw a plastic wrapper out of truck4/23/2016 11:48:12 AM4/23/2016
12:30 PM
United Statesnew mexicoAnthony, La Union or Dona Ana countyN. Vinton Rd88021ChevroletPickup truckGreenMLN494
The person threw out what looked like 4 wrapers out the window4/23/2016 5:39:22 PM4/7/16
United Statesmichiganann arborFuller roadchevroletequinoxBlackdhd2165
Threw trash out of car window.4/23/2016 11:19:08 PM4/23/2016
11:00 am
United StatesArizonaPhoenix4000 block of E Ludlow Dr.85032ChevroletSuburbanWhite
littering apple4/24/2016 12:04:43 PM4/24/2016
9:50 AM
United StatesWashington StateLakwoodBridgeport Way W & Custer Rd W98499ChevroletSilverAVG1886
Some people who live at 2643 southeastern ave4/26/2016 6:01:19 AM4/26/2016
5:41:07 AM
United StatesIndianaindianapolis2632 southeastern ave46201ChevroletImpalaGreen
Tossing sale paper ad into street4/26/2016 9:07:06 PM4/26/2016
3:46:11 PM
United StatesTexasEl Paso4728 Beacham Street79938Chevrolet Pickup TruckUnknownSilver / RedTX 360 0AN
Tearing sign off mailbox4/26/2016 9:13:32 PM1/16/2016
2:51:40 PM
United StatesTexasEl Paso4728 Beacham Street79938Chevrolet Pickup TruckUnknownSilver / RedTX 360 0AN
A bag of trash was thrown out of the car window.4/27/2016 2:21:19 PM4/27/2016
3:30:27 PM
United StatesNew JerseyAlloway TownshipWelchville Road08001Chevrolet Cruze2015RedW91CHW
Dumped plastic cup, straw and lid out driver side window4/27/2016 3:09:54 PM4/27/2016
4:48:27 PM
United StatesOklahomaMidwest city10th73110CHEVROLETMONTE CARLOTAN/GOLDUD7765-000595
Cig butt out window4/28/2016 3:02:45 PM4/28/2016
3:00:47 PM
United StatesWashingtonKentI-405ChevroletImpala2003BlackAHN5963
Dropped a cup from window4/28/2016 6:23:45 PM4/28/2016
7;16:13 PM
United StatesNew JerseyFanwood Chevrolet Impala2008GreenC41 FGD
Passenger threw a coke bottle out the window5/1/2016 1:39:08 PM5/1/2016
1:36:21 PM
United StatesFloridaMiami Beach 17th street north of west ave33139Chevrolet S1019??Navy blue ENLX36
Cigarette litter5/2/2016 6:07:19 PM5/2/2016
6:04:01 PM
United StatesCaliforiniaManhattan Beach Rosecrans90266ChevroletCamarro 2015Black
Opend window threw out handful of papers then closed window5/3/2016 4:11:31 PM5/3/2016
6:50 pm
United StatesmiSterling heightsRyan south of hall48314ChevroletSuburban or TahoeTanBYG6802
Opend window threw out handful of papers then closed window5/3/2016 4:11:48 PM5/3/2016
6:50 pm
United StatesmiSterling heightsRyan south of hall48314ChevroletSuburban or TahoeTanBYG6802
Threw fast food bag full of garbage5/6/2016 9:40:42 AM5/5/2016
5:50 PM
United StatesMISSOURIKansas City/Liberty Northbound on I-35 in construction zone64157ChevroletHHRlight grey/silverDK6P6N
Threw trash out the window5/7/2016 12:50:06 PM5/7/2016
3:10:17 PM
United StatesGeorgiaMableton Floyd Road SW30126ChevroletSuburban1995-1999SilverRZZ7018
Threw a cup out5/7/2016 6:59:33 PM5/7/2016
6:56:36 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaWilkesboroHighway 421 North28697ChevroletSilverado2008 or newerWhiteDMC 7182
Driver threw fast food trash out car window5/8/2016 4:29:51 PM5/8/2016
5:45 pm
United StatesNC - North CarolinaAshevilleLyman Street28801ChevroletImpalaBlackPCA-9979
Pickup truck on the interstate with unsecured debris flying out of the truck bed5/9/2016 8:28:53 AM5/9/2016
7:57:00 AM
United StatesVermontMontpelierInterstate highwayChevroletSilverado?appeared newREDVT 240A871
Threw cigarette butts out window5/10/2016 4:29:57 AM5/10/2016
7:10:55 AM
United StatesNew YorkGrand island190 southChevrolet Malibu BlackCFN7128
Threw styrofoam drinking cup, hard plastic lid, and straw out of window onto side of highway5/10/2016 12:25:56 PM5/10/2016
3:19 PM EST
United StatesGeorgiaCartersville Highway 41 (near Rome exit)30121Chevrolet RedPXW9966
Can of chewing tobacco5/10/2016 5:48:29 PM5/10/2016
4:25 pm
United StatesNorth CarolinaGarnerHwy 40 eastChevroletS10TanCKT7320
Threw something out drivers window5/11/2016 4:55:31 AM5/11/2016
7:34 am
United StatesSouth CarolinaWest ColumbiaSunset Blvd. (Highway 378)29169ChevroletEquinoxBlackMGX429
Threw banana peel5/12/2016 5:35:27 AM5/12/2016
7.12 AM
United StatesTexasIrvingLoop 12 about 200 feet before SingletonChevroletSilverado2012?dark greyFZD0526
Garbage thrown from pickup truck5/12/2016 1:43:52 PM5/12/2016
1:39:09 PM
United StatesTexasTylerLoop 32375701Chevrolet Colorado Grey blueDHX 5113
Threw 2 fast food cups and one bag out passenger window5/17/2016 2:17:22 PM5/17/2016
5:05 PM
United StatesGAAtlantaBoulevard Dr near Englewood30316ChevroletSonic LTSilverQAR4606
Guy tossed a chip bag out of his window at a red light.5/19/2016 10:10:20 AM5/19/2016
2:20:25 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh Boulevard of the Allies 15222Chevrolet Light goldK22-512K
Guy tossed a chip bag out of his window at a red light.5/19/2016 10:10:39 AM5/19/2016
2:20:25 AM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh Boulevard of the Allies 15222Chevrolet Light goldK22-512K
Both driver and passenger were throwing out trash5/25/2016 9:39:51 AM5/25/2016
11:13:02 AM
United StatesMississippiSouthaven getwell and stateliness and again just north of goodman 38632Chevrolet Malibu 2012blackTN U13-21P
Man threw lighters onto the highway5/28/2016 1:37:22 PM5/28/2016
3:10 PM
United StatesAlabamaTuscaloosa15th street35401ChevroletSilverado LSRed2AW5306
Beer cans and whiskey bottles5/28/2016 5:29:13 PM5/28/2016
5:21:19 PM
United StatesOklahomaMoore19th73160Chevrolet White
Beer cans and whiskey bottles5/28/2016 5:29:54 PM5/28/2016
5:21:19 PM
United StatesOklahomaMoore19th73160Chevrolet White
Beer cans and whiskey bottles5/28/2016 5:30:47 PM5/28/2016
5:21:19 PM
United StatesOklahomaMoore19th73160Chevrolet White
threw a plastic cup into the parking lot6/1/2016 3:59:25 PM5/29/2016
4:00 PM
United Statescaliforniasan joseAlmaden Expressway95120Chevroletsilver8KUX919 or BKUX919
Threw drink can out car window6/6/2016 7:35:33 AM6/5/2016
12:30 pm
United StatesNorth CarolinaAshevilleJohnston Blvd28806ChevroletWhiteAAR7359
Mcdonalds bag6/10/2016 4:10:24 PM6/10/2016
7:03 pm
United StatesGeorgiaAthensOld hull road30606ChevroletS10GreenPhy5650
Empty water bottle throw out on highway.6/11/2016 11:56:07 AM6/11/2016
11:50:12 AM
United StatesindianaIndianapolisS East St/Highway 31, as it crosses interstate 46546227ChevroletTrail blazerRed679AZB
McDonalds Bag, Wrappers, and Water Bottle6/14/2016 5:26:13 AM6/14/2016
United StatesMichiganLivoniaI-9648150ChevroletSilverado2006Dark Green4LG M52
Plastic cup thrown out driver window6/14/2016 2:11:48 PM6/14/2016
5:00:13 PM
United StatesFLOsteenOsteen Maytown Rd. ChevroletSilveradoRedDMW P90
Trash blowing out the back of pick up6/16/2016 6:33:54 AM6/15/2016
5:31:07 PM
United StatesIowaSioux CityI-29 South 51106Chevrolet 1500 2008 or newertan/brownTexas FLY 6444
Throwing garbage out windows driving6/16/2016 7:05:08 AM6/15/2016
6:35 pm
United StatesmichiganWhitmore LakeChevroletTrailblazerBlueCEP 2402
Hamburg and wrapper6/16/2016 9:26:56 AM6/16/2016
United StatesPANew galileeI-376 west16141ChevroletImpala LTZ2014BlackMYRONAY
Cigarette out car window6/17/2016 2:31:37 PM6/17/2016
2:29:48 PM
United StatesMISSOURIKearneyI-35ChevroletMalibu AH3 V1Y
A tan Chevrolet Tahoe throw out a mcdonalds frappe cup and straw out the passage nervous side window. They were on Trotwood between the pinch porch and the country club golf course. Tag number v76-596. Nothing makes me madder.6/18/2016 10:37:55 AM6/18/2016
United StatesTennesseecolumbia2006 westwood dr38401Chevrolet Tahoe 2005Tan and blackV76596
A tan Chevrolet Tahoe throw out a mcdonalds frappe cup and straw out the passage nervous side window. They were on Trotwood between the pinch porch and the country club golf course. Tag number v76-596. Nothing makes me madder.6/18/2016 10:37:55 AM6/18/2016
United StatesTennesseecolumbia2006 westwood dr38401Chevrolet Tahoe 2005Tan and blackV76596
littering from truck6/18/2016 10:59:00 AM6/18/2016
10:40:46 AM
United StatesIdahoSugar CityHwy 2083448ChevroletSilverado Z712000?Black1J 54418
Blatant littering6/19/2016 11:12:13 AM6/19/2016
11:06:50 AM
United StatesCaLos Angeles 411 s Virgil Ave 90020Chevrolet Tahoe 2014Silver LBJH911
Dumps trash out of car6/20/2016 10:22:20 AM6/20/2016
10:18:40 AM
United StatesMichiganTroy3268 Rochester Rd.48083ChevroletImpala2014-15BlueBUA 6902
Threw drink out of window6/20/2016 10:30:41 AM6/20/2016
10:20:56 AM
United StatesLouisianaNew OrleansHolliday StChevrolet TahoeGold/BrownPXX695
throwing food from moving van6/21/2016 10:02:38 AM6/21/2016
9:30 AM
United StatesLos angeles, CAChatsworthMason91311ChevroletExpressWhite6N90639
Dirty two6/21/2016 12:41:26 PM6/21/2016
3:30 pm
United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburghCarson StreetChevrolet Blazer2000GoldJmh-0086
Driver dumped bag of chips on freeway.6/22/2016 7:05:00 PM6/22/2016
6:40 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOakland580-East bound at the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit off-ramp94610ChevroletSuburban?Metallic GrayL8RBABE
Gray Chevrolet truck passenger litters on the road6/25/2016 12:13:28 PM6/25/2016
11:50:00 AM
CanadaOntarioMississaugaCawthra Rd and Lakeshore Rd EL5G 1J7ChevroletLight GrayAM 34141
Trash6/25/2016 8:29:46 PM6/25/2016
United StatesKentuckyLouisville4901 Outerloop Ste 122,40219ChevroletPickupOlderBlack/Dark296 TRX
Litter thrown on road side6/28/2016 5:45:43 AM6/25/2016
6:14 PM
United StatesVIRGINIAFairfax County, Tysons Corner267 ramp onto I 495 NorthChevroletEquinoxBlackMD 9GK2891
Plastic Cup and Bottle6/28/2016 10:18:17 AM6/26/2016
12:30 pm
United StatesMassachusettsSpringfield areaI-90 WChevroletGreyFMB9214
Throwing McDonalds trash out window 2x within 5 minutes I was behind them6/28/2016 4:25:43 PM6/28/2016
7:00 PM
United StatesindianaIndianapolis SR 13646234ChevroletNot sure, but have pictures RedWXB985
cigarette butt6/29/2016 3:13:26 PM6/29/2016
5:55:02 PM
United StatesKentuckyLexingtonstoplight at new circle and russell cave roads40505chevroletsilerado181HFD
Car threw Mountain Dew can out of car6/30/2016 4:43:23 PM6/30/2016
4:37:32 PM
United StatesColoradoBoulderHighway 36 80203Chevrolet Grey 787VNI
Dumping Trash from Car7/2/2016 4:38:28 PM7/2/2016
4:15:02 PM
United StatesCaliforniaElk GroveSheldon Road95758ChevroletMalibu LS Sedan 4 Door2007Gold7JPL829
Threw trash out passenger side window7/3/2016 8:46:25 AM7/3/2016
11:40 AM
United StatesMassachusettsEasthamUS 602642ChevroletSilveradoDark BlueNH plate- 392 6459
Car dumped litter - MD plate 2BX28457/3/2016 12:43:41 PM7/3/2016
12:39:01 PM
United StatesMarylandAnnapolisHillsmere21403ChevroletCobalt LSWhite Maryland 2BX2855
male driver threw lit cigarette on road.7/5/2016 5:26:38 PM7/5/2016
5:23:04 PM
United StatesWAdes moinesdes moines memorial drive98198ChevroletCruisenewer modelGreyalm1425
Large bag thrown out of car7/6/2016 7:36:09 PM7/6/2016
7:00:15 PM
United StatesMNMinneapolisHwy 55 (Hiawatha) and 54th Street55417ChevroletTahoeDk Green473 KWJ
littering from pick-up truck7/7/2016 10:03:58 AM7/7/2016
1205 PM
United StatesWVFrench CreekSt. Rt. 2026218ChevroletSilverado white5WG-680
littering on highway7/7/2016 12:59:24 PM7/6/2016
12:00 noon PM
United StatesmississippiJacksonI-20 east @ I-55 interchangeChevroletEquinoxtanHSH 752
paper cup filled with ice and water thrown out of window by car with Ohio license plates EMD 56267/7/2016 4:28:41 PM7/7/2016
6:22:51 PM
United StatesWEST VIRGINIAX AshlandI-77Chevrolet Cruise2010WhiteEMD 5626
Littering trash out window7/8/2016 8:55:54 PM7/8/2016
United StatesIndianaNoblesville Bergen Blvd 46060Chevrolet Silverado Gray TK542MHT
Threw trash out of window while driving on 49N7/9/2016 1:53:14 PM7/9/2016
1:47:48 PM
United StatesLouisianaAlexandria 49 NChevrolet Camaro SilverZTX826
Driver of Chevrolet Tahoe Throughout Water bottle onto roadway.7/12/2016 12:54:47 PM7/12/2016
01:15:57 PM
United Statesrhode islandJohnstonHartford Ave02919ChevroletTahoeBurgundyJI-60
Littering7/13/2016 11:17:24 AM7/13/2016
11:13:05 AM
United StatesLos angelesHawthorneCrenshaw Blvd before turning west on El Segundo BlvdChevroletSedanBlack71BZ805
Littering I-5817/13/2016 2:30:24 PM7/13/2016
4:10 PM
United StatesPAHampden TownshipI581w17050ChevroletImpalawhiteKDJ 5956
Lady threw out cigarette7/15/2016 7:44:21 PM7/15/2016
05:35:00 PM
United StatesOklahomaSapulpaWalmart Parking Lot Sapulpa74066ChevroletSuburbanredCD7888
Driver purposely dropped smoothie out window7/18/2016 5:33:31 PM7/18/2016
5:00:00 PM
United StatesGeorgia (GA)MariettaIntersection of 120 loop and lower roswell30068ChevroletTruckBlackGA07BB
Dumping trash from car to the street7/19/2016 1:58:06 PM7/19/2016
1:47:55 PM
United StatesILSchaumburg Schaumburg rdChevrolet E274588
Driver tossed cigarette butt out the window7/19/2016 6:41:33 PM7/19/2016
6:10:09 PM
United StatesWashingtonKirkland Juanita Drive NE98034Chevrolet Malibu?Mid 2000sGoldACA3697
Aluminum can7/22/2016 5:17:28 AM7/22/2016
5:11:58 AM
United StatesCaliforniaFontana10 East Sierra Ave Off ramp ChevroletMalibu2005 or 2006WhiteJ664
License Plate 487-LVN7/22/2016 8:53:17 AM7/22/2016
10:40:58 AM
United StateswisconsinMilwaukee Sherman Blvd.Chevrolet CobaltOrange 487-LVN
Litter7/22/2016 10:16:51 AM7/22/2016
United StatesSouth CarolinaColumbia7523C Garners Ferry Rd Columbia SC 2920929209Chevrolet Lumina2012GrayLNC309
Litter7/22/2016 10:17:00 AM7/22/2016
United StatesSouth CarolinaColumbia7523C Garners Ferry Rd Columbia SC 2920929209Chevrolet Lumina2012GrayLNC309
Throwing trash out window7/23/2016 9:38:49 PM7/23/2016
9:36:40 PM
United StatesHAWAIIHanaleiKuhio HighwayChevrolet Impala LT2016White Kce 157
Driver threw cigarette butt out of window7/25/2016 6:50:02 PM7/25/2016
5:06:00 PM
United StatesTennesseeMemphisHighway 38538125ChevroletSuburban LTZBlack729 XHK
Threw cigarette butts out window7/27/2016 4:21:33 AM5/10/2016
7:10:55 AM
United StatesNew YorkGrand island190 southChevrolet Malibu BlackCFN7128
Driver threw paper receipt/ticket out drivers window7/27/2016 8:40:40 AM7/27/2016
8:55 am
United StatesTNNashvilleHolt Road, turning North onto Nolensville Road37211ChevroletCamaro SSDark orangeJ5985C
Driver threw paper receipt/ticket out drivers window7/27/2016 8:44:57 AM7/27/2016
8:55 am
United StatesTNNashvilleHolt Road, turning North onto Nolensville Road37211ChevroletCamaro SSDark orangeJ5985C
Cigarette7/27/2016 6:52:05 PM7/27/2016
6:48 am
United StatesSouth Carolina (SC)CharlestonSeptima P Clark Pkwy and Ashley Ave29401ChevroletCamaroBlackLSH805
Soda can thrown out of car window.7/27/2016 8:02:36 PM7/27/2016
7:58:38 PM
United StatesMNRochesterE Center St55904ChevroletBlue227-JWN
Cigarette thrown out of window7/29/2016 12:18:20 AM7/29/2016
10:30 PM
United StatesCALIFORNIATarzana101 fwy (east bound) 91356ChevroletSuburban Silver/GreyFYRJ794
Beer can thrown out of drivers side car window7/30/2016 11:54:29 AM7/30/2016
2:30 pm
United StatesncHendersonCheatham Mabry Rd27537chevroletImpala1979Blue w/black stripeDFL-2327
Threw plastic water bottle out the window8/2/2016 8:02:40 AM8/1/2016
6:37:00 PM
United StatescaliforniaGerberhighway 5ChevroletWhite517
11:15 aM
Empty Red Bull can8/2/2016 5:42:38 PM8/2/2016
5:20 PM
United StatesWashingtonKent42nd ave so & Reith rd going west on Reith rd98032ChevroletCaprice1985 to 1995 body styleWhiteABS 1182
Glass bottle out of the wind8/3/2016 8:26:36 PM8/3/2016
11:00:00 PM
United StatesOHClevelandIntersection of E55th and 49044127ChevroletImpalaWhiteGVY 1576
Pepsi can and chip bag out of window8/5/2016 7:30:18 AM8/5/2016
7:26:08 AM
United StatesIllinoisAuroraA Eola Rd60503Chevrolet Cruze2015Blacka716627
Litterbug8/5/2016 1:19:35 PM8/5/2016
1:13:39 PM
United StatesCALos AngelesHauser Blvd at Olympic all the way down past Smiley90036ChevroletEscaladeBlack7NPC984
Tossed Plastic Bottle8/5/2016 2:35:39 PM8/5/2016
3:45:15 PM
United StatesLouisianaBaton Rouge I-12 East exit 2A south to Airline Highway70809Chevrolet Malibu LBlackTexas HHB5590
Burgundy Chevy SUV8/5/2016 3:24:00 PM8/5/2016
6:15:17 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahKing George Blvd31519ChevroletSuburban2009BurgundyBYB9647
Man in van dumped tires, lawnmower, carriage8/7/2016 8:47:58 AM8/7/2016
11:45 am
United StatesDelawareNew castleFederal school lane 19720ChevroletExpress Black Pc427026
threw napkin out the window8/7/2016 1:55:58 PM8/7/2016
4:40:51 PM
United StatesRhode IslandCumberland Tendon Rd02864chevroletsilver842-814
tossed car trash on street8/9/2016 10:42:58 AM8/9/2016
United StatesKentuckyelizabethtownwest dixie avenue42701chevroletmalibu1998brown485LJF
Dump a 55 gallon black trash bag full of cables8/14/2016 10:32:47 PM8/14/2016
10:26:25 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCompton2301 E 126th st90222Chevrolet Astro2000 or soWhite20863M1
Throwing cigarette butts out of car window8/15/2016 3:05:36 PM8/15/2016
2:58:36 PM
United StatesTexasHoustonI-10 Westbound Feeder at Gessner77024ChevroletSuburbanWhiteCRH 5725
late model black chevrolet 4 door pu8/16/2016 1:18:49 PM8/16/2016
6:10 AM
United StatesarizonaGilbertin front of Williams Field High School, Higley Rd85295chevrolet4 door pu2006-2008blackAZN 5328
Throwing garbage out of their car while driving.8/17/2016 1:29:07 AM8/17/2016
1:22:54 AM
United StatesAlaskaAnchorageStrawberry Roadchevroletdark blueEFC575
Threw lit cigarette from window8/19/2016 6:18:47 AM8/19/2016
6:13:34 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSan DiegoHighway 5292124CHEVROLETPICKUP2005?WHITEMJC1959
Littered numerous times over 2 miles8/24/2016 10:19:51 AM8/24/2016
12:45 pm
United StatesgeorgiaMariettaNew Chastain RdChevroletEquinox GrayPYG7559
Threw straw and cup of ice out of window8/24/2016 3:29:55 PM8/24/2016
6:27 PM
United StatesFloridaTampaDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.33610ChevroletTahoeunknownDark greenCML-5741
Man opened car door and threw a coke can while we were stopped a red light, then threw several napkins out of the window.8/26/2016 2:48:48 PM8/26/2016
4:43:01 PM
United StatesmississippiFlowoodLakeland Drive39311ChevroletMalibu Grey HLQ888
Trash thrown out window8/27/2016 11:32:14 AM8/27/2016
11:27:07 AM
United StatesillinoisOak park Lake and oak Park Avenue 60302Chevrolet HRR LT Blue Z398102
Driver threw large brown fast food bag out window Exchange from Southbound US-23 to Eastbound I-94. Then exited off of Eastbound I-94 at Michigan Ave.8/28/2016 11:47:07 AM8/28/2016
2:14:00 PM
United StatesMichiganYpsilantiExchange from Southbound US-23 to Eastbound I-94. Then exited off of Eastbound I-94 at Michigan Ave.ChevroletUnknownUnknownWhite7KNY33
Trash thrown out window8/28/2016 12:07:09 PM8/27/2016
3:30 M
CanadaAlbertaMorleyTranscanada HwyChevroletSilveradoBlackAlberta BLS 5224
Cigarette button thrown from window8/29/2016 1:48:40 PM8/29/2016
4:10 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaAndersonHwy 28 bypass29624Chevrolet Green4724jf
Lit cigarette butt9/2/2016 2:19:13 PM9/2/2016
2:40 PM
United StatesColoradoLongmontI-258052ChevroletDark greyWY 199094
Burning cigarette thrown into mulch9/3/2016 6:42:22 AM9/3/2016
9:35:52 AM
United StatesTnSeviervilleParkway37862ChevrolettahoeWhite6A74MO
Empty beer cans flying off the truck on Interstate9/3/2016 11:31:58 AM9/3/2016
1:20 PM
United StatesLouisianaLake CharlesI-21070605ChevroletSylveradoBlueX767362
Littering tons of trash from car.9/4/2016 1:29:29 PM9/4/2016
1:24:18 PM
United StatesKentuckyPhilpot Jack Hinton Rd.42366ChevroletEquinox LTZ2013/2014White777 TXW
Unmarled white van littering9/4/2016 2:50:14 PM9/4/2016
2:46:00 PM
United StatesColoradoCastle rockMeadows Parkway and I-25 intersectionChevrolet WhiteQGY-022
Threw an empty pack of Newport cigarettes out the window.9/4/2016 4:54:26 PM9/1/2016
7:10 am
United StatesMarylandUpper Marlboro Route 420772ChevroletCrude LTBlackMD 47394
Threw can from vehicle.9/6/2016 12:12:07 PM9/6/2016
United StatesAlabamaMontgomeryI-85 36117ChevroletTahoeBlack6AM6162
Saw driver throw trash out the window in my rearview mirror9/8/2016 11:43:14 AM9/8/2016
2:40 pm
United StatesDelawareGreenwoodRt 16Chevrolet MalibuGrey501593
White women throwing trash on freeway9/9/2016 3:16:00 AM9/9/2016
3:12:53 AM
United StatesmichiganDetroitI-94 Freeway48225ChevroletMalibu2003SilverDMC 1334
Threw cigarette out window of vehicle9/10/2016 2:13:56 PM9/10/2016
2:09:24 PM
United StatesWashington stateFederal wayHwy 18 & I 598003Chevrolet NewerSilverAbj7513
Threw trash from vehicle9/12/2016 8:09:02 AM9/12/2016
9:47 AM
United StatesIllinoisOak LawnHalsted60453Chevrolet BlazerTeal Q47- 3685
big ball of paper9/13/2016 4:05:16 PM9/13/2016
United StatesjeffersonLAJEFFERSONPlanation and JeffersonchevroletblueZRB396
White paper from Subway9/15/2016 10:27:51 AM9/15/2016
1:05:32 PM
United StatesGeorgiaStatesboroVeterans Memorial Parkway30458ChevroletCamaro2011WhitePKK2011
Cigarette butt thrown out window by driver9/15/2016 11:34:45 AM9/15/2016
2:29 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaHope MillsChicken Foot RdChevroletBlazerGoldDDZ-8919
chips bag thrown out of car, handed it back to passenger, threw it out again repeatately9/16/2016 2:19:40 PM9/16/2016
3.56 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaCoulter St19144ChevroletImpala LS2002 grayJPS-5440
Always littering9/17/2016 11:53:42 AM9/17/2016
1:30 pm
United StatesMinnesotaMinneapolis5256 Fremont Ave North55430Chevrolet Tahoe 2005?Dark green
Throwing trash out the window9/17/2016 12:41:19 PM9/17/2016
2:33:51 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsville231 431 near Merionville35810ChevroletCamaro2013 or newerBlack47FF563
Tossed a bunch of trash out of window.9/17/2016 4:49:50 PM9/17/2016
4:44:38 PM
United StatesNorth carolinaChapel hillRaleigh rd.27517Chevrolet Malibu or impala.SilverDAB6694
Multiple trash bags.9/18/2016 7:43:14 AM9/18/2016
9:30 AM
United States AlabamaJasperWhittemore Road35503Chevrolet Silverado N/AWhite51AC773
Threw can out window9/19/2016 3:43:52 PM9/19/2016
3:37:11 PM
CanadaBritish ColumbiaQuesnelMarsh Rd V2j6h5ChevroletTruckWhiteJVO477
man threw paper out van window9/20/2016 3:13:03 PM9/20/2016
07:10 AM
United StatesindianaEvansvilleRay Becker Parkway at Claremont Ave47712ChevroletAstro???grayIN XNZ587
White man throughung trash soda mail on purpose being racist and I had to clean it up9/20/2016 3:56:10 PM9/20/2016
6:49 pm
United StatesSCGreerHampton RD.29651Chevrolet Truck2002BlackIvq703
Threw trash out the window9/22/2016 2:35:09 PM9/22/2016
5:30 PM
United StatesMISterling HeightsMound48314ChevroletMalibuSilverBCL 399
Fast food bag9/23/2016 12:48:29 PM9/23/2016
United StatesFlorlandoTaft Vineland RdChevroletTrailblazer2004Light bronze820 PYC
Cigarette packaging, newports9/23/2016 1:18:48 PM9/23/2016
4:15:16 PM
United StatesTennesseeSevierville210 Meadowlark Cove Rd, Sevierville, TN 3787637876ChevroletTrailblazerWhiteT4525e
Threw phone charger packaging out window, then off exit ramp threw a paper cup out9/24/2016 2:42:59 PM9/24/2016
2:36:10 PM
United StatesMichiganWyoming36th st and us 131 exit49509Chevrolet MalibuNot sureBlackCna 0349
DQ cup with contents thrown out driver window9/25/2016 4:40:36 PM9/25/2016
2:35:49 PM
United StatesOregonphilomathhwy 2097326ChevroletEquinox LT2014?grayish blue356HKW
Littering9/28/2016 6:41:20 AM9/24/2016
5:00:00 PM
United StatesArkansasFayettevilleSpring72701chevroletcamaroWhite871UTI
Threw out red bulbs & potato chip wrapper10/2/2016 2:20:07 PM10/2/2016
2:15:52 PM
United StatesLos angelesUniversal City100 Universa is City Dr91604Chevrolet Suburban ?? Black69954B2
Person threw empty plastic bottle out window10/4/2016 3:59:08 PM10/4/2016
12:55 PM
United StatesCaliforniaBakersfield Westside parkway93309Chevrolet SilveradoUnknownWhite1381750
Construction debris10/8/2016 8:51:31 AM10/8/2016
11:30 am
United StatesMichiganMacomb Regency Center Dr48042Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD pick up truckWhite
Threw can out truck window10/10/2016 10:59:07 PM10/10/2016
4:00 PM
United StatesLos angelesSherman Oaks101 Fwy North91403ChevroletSilveradoTan/Gold36621A1
Fast food bag10/13/2016 8:15:29 AM10/13/2016
10:45 AM
United StatesOhioYoungstownSouthern Blvd44512Chevrolet ImpalaNewer modelGrey or BlackGJH 4909
Fast food bag10/13/2016 8:15:42 AM10/13/2016
10:45 AM
United StatesOhioYoungstownSouthern Blvd44512Chevrolet ImpalaNewer modelGrey or BlackGJH 4909
Littering continuously10/15/2016 7:39:29 PM10/15/2016
7:21:23 PM
United StatesCaliforniaFremont Alvarado blvd, near deep creek intersection Chevrolet Suburban 4yew874
Threw empty Mountain Dew bottle out of truck window10/20/2016 4:17:42 PM10/20/2016
5:20 PM
United StatesMinnesotaPlymouthInterstate 494 West Chevrolet TruckNot sureRed 060DYJ
Littering out car window10/21/2016 10:14:46 AM10/21/2016
10:12:53 AM
United StatesAlabamaPrattvilleNorth of exit 186ChevroletSilverado Single CabBlue8505AL3
Threw out of car window10/21/2016 2:41:23 PM10/21/2016
United StatesNevadaLas VegasNellis/Boulder Hwy89122ChevroletBlazerWhiteE5878
Threw cans out window10/23/2016 1:59:28 PM10/23/2016
1:54:05 PM
United StatesGA - GeorgiaAtlanta Fulton industrial blvdChevrolet ImpalaHu55ey
Cigarette butt toss10/24/2016 7:49:58 AM10/24/2016
6:30 am
United StatesSouth DakotaBox ElderCommercial Gate Road57719ChevroletSilverado2G3497
Litter thrown from vehicle10/25/2016 10:06:51 AM10/25/2016
12:36 pm
United StatesNYYonkersCentral ave.10710ChevroletCobaltN/A New. Burgundy/redGRU 8114
Litter Dumped from Car in Parking Lot10/25/2016 3:13:22 PM10/25/2016
3:03:08 PM
United StatesCaSanta ClaritaCommerce Center Drive91355ChevroletSedan, 4 doorBlack5PWW373
Throwing garbage out of a car.11/1/2016 3:14:42 PM11/1/2016
3:00 PM
United StatesWashingtonBellinghamHannegan 98266ChevroletTahoeGrayAOU8084
Littered on hwy-I took a picture11/2/2016 9:06:54 AM11/2/2016
United StatesmississippiWalnutHwy 72 westChevrolet Mid size SUV 98-02WhiteTP2 150
Passenger Threw Plastic Trash Bag Out Window.11/10/2016 7:50:35 AM11/09/2016
3:50:25 PM
United StatesFLOrlando1706 4th Street32824ChevroletTrial BlazerWhiteY73MDY
Illegal dumping on side of road11/12/2016 2:38:29 PM11/12/2016
2:30:57 PM
United StatesAlabamaBirminghamPleasant Grove road35224ChevroletSilverado suburbaan2005-2010Burgandy1CA2260
aluminum cans11/15/2016 11:48:05 AM11/15/2016
11:45:08 AM
United StatesarkansasSpringdaleSunset72762ChevroletTahoeBlack747 OPS
Garbage and Junk pile on unowned property11/16/2016 1:14:23 PM01/01/2016 - 11/16/2016
12:54:00 PM
United StateskentuckyCombsBegley Crossing41729ChevroletCavalierSilver
Throwing alcohol cans out of car11/20/2016 2:13:50 PM11/20/2016
2:09:54 PM
United StatescoDenver ColfaxChevrolet Dark gray or blue 602VQZ
Opening door and dropping fast food cups on the ground11/22/2016 10:37:31 PM11/22/2016
8:30 PM
United StatesnevadaLas VegasBoulder Highway @ Russell Rd.89122ChevroletMalibuWhite49E455
Smirking man threw bag of trash out window11/23/2016 1:03:34 PM11/23/2016
12:59:42 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaTrafford Murrysville Road15085ChevroletDark blueJPE 1742
Threw cigarette11/25/2016 9:31:10 AM11/25/2016
9:28:39 AM
United StatesOklahomaOkc/edmondSH 74ChevroletSilverado 1500Red317jta
Littering from moving car11/29/2016 5:00:52 PM11/27/2016
9:10 am
United StatesPADANVILLERte 5417821ChevroletRedHMV3360
RAS373312/6/2016 6:01:41 AM12/6/2016
United StatesgeorgiaSavannahI1631405ChevroletTruck1980?GreyRAS3733
Cigarette butt out car window.12/7/2016 5:27:52 AM12/7/2016
6:45 am
United StatesGeorgiaMariettaChevroletSilveradoBQQ5979
Threw trash out of the car12/12/2016 10:00:42 AM12/12/2016
9:47:28 AM
United StatesTexasDallasI35 E75208ChevroletHHRBlack800-3255
Litter thrown out car window12/23/2016 2:28:28 PM12/23/2016
3:59 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAlpharettaBarnwell Road30022ChevroletSonic?Black Ga CDG8415
Passengerthrew a green plastic bottle out window.12/28/2016 11:02:33 AM12/28/2016
10:45 AM
United StatesAlabamaMeridianvilleHighway 231 / 431ChevroletTrail BlazerSilver47SR105
Throwing a bag of flour in front of house12/31/2016 7:59:02 AM12/30/016
08:13/2016 pm
United StatesScTimmonsville312 Warren29161ChevroletTrail blazerWhiteBnl 869
Throwing a bag of flour in front of house12/31/2016 11:51:24 AM12/30/2016
08:13 pm
United StatesScTimmonsville311 Warren29161ChevroletTrail blazerWhiteBnl 869
Threw her coffee cup in the parking lot after getting her hair did1/3/2017 1:16:50 PM1/3/2017
1:13:49 PM
United StatesMISSOURICrestwoodWatson rd63126ChevroletTraverse?Gold/whiteKdo d9d
Driver is throwing stuff from car1/4/2017 11:28:16 AM1/4/2017
United StatesFloridaHollywood No. 21 Avenue, Federal Highway 33020Chevrolet Equinox LS2010?Black EQX M77
Throwing trash from a car window1/4/2017 3:30:36 PM1/4/2017
3:07:08 PM
United StatesFloridaPonte Vedra beach A1AChevrolet Silverado Dark blue Gacg69
Man seen throwing trash out his truck window.1/6/2017 6:55:44 PM1/6/2017
5:24:48 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Santa Rosa3rd and highway 10195401ChevroletSilveradoBronze undertone50441W1
lit cigarette butt out of drivers window1/10/2017 8:25:34 AM1/10/2017
9:40:00 AM
United StatesFLORIDAFort LaunderdaleSouthbound FL TurnpikechevroletSUVwhiteM88-DAD
Throwing trash out car window1/10/2017 5:20:27 PM1/10/2017
5:15:20 PM
United StatescoloradoCentennialArapahoe roadChevrolet AstroWhiteJRQ-963
Throwing receipt paper out of window.1/11/2017 4:14:48 PM1/11/2017
4:12:46 PM
United StatesIndianaIndianapolis49th and College46208ChevroletImpala2002-2007SilverXEU524
Dumping1/14/2017 1:34:27 PM1/11/2017
9:38pm And 9:50pm
United StatesNevadaLas VegasOwens and Betty.89156ChevroletTahoe
Blatant littering1/15/2017 8:52:54 PM1/15/2017
12:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaEl SegundoEast imperial hwy90245ChevroletSilverado Black03585P1
Threw out Pizza Box along with paper plates out of the window into upcoming traffic1/16/2017 12:49:24 PM1/16/2017
12:41:50 PM
United StateswisconsinOak CreekHighway 94 East Mile Marker 31953154ChevroletSilver153 VBV
Threw bags of trash out of window1/19/2017 7:21:13 AM1/19/2017
8:10 AM
United StatesALHartselleMountainview Drive 35640ChevroletMalibu2015Blue5818AF9
Highway Littering1/25/2017 2:27:12 PM1/25/2017
8:30:00 AM
United StatesWashington stateLa CenterInterstate 5 North98629ChevroletTahoe2009dark blue-ish greenALH3684
Loser boy threw out a cigarette butt and hit my truck!1/26/2017 5:42:00 PM1/26/2017
United StatesillinoisPort Byron South High Street61275Chevrolet CavalierIllinois Z94 3621
Grocery bag from moving vehicle2/2/2017 4:56:31 PM2/2/2017
4:30:21 PM
United StatesKSOverland Park Nall Ave north of 43566212ChevroletBright green100Jed
Littering beer bottles and trash around condo complex2/4/2017 4:06:20 PM2/4/2017
3:59:27 PM
United StatesCaliforniaWest Covina 1330 brooktree cir 91792ChevroletImpalaBrown7tcz100
Threw tissue out of car2/9/2017 2:46:50 PM2/9/2017
4:16 pm
United StatesVirginiaNorfolk HelmickChevrolet Impala LTZSilverVFS 9920
Driver tossed aluminum can out of the window onto median2/10/2017 2:44:09 PM2/10/2017
2:39:38 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAugustaHighway I-20Chevrolet HHRWhite3738HQ
Throwing fast food bags2/12/2017 8:45:51 PM2/12/2017
8:39:05 PM
United StatesOREGONDundee99EChevrolet Malibu?2003?? Sand color570-CUD
Trash thrown from Chevy2/14/2017 4:38:55 AM2/13/2017
5:22 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaLatrobeDonahue Road15650ChevroletPrismGreyJWB 0276
Driver threw cigarette butt out window- female driver2/15/2017 4:09:34 PM2/15/2017
4:06:09 PM
United StatesALMobileHighway 90 in little Ceasars parking lot36619Chevrolet Equinox Silver2bc1472
Threw Glowing Cigarette Out Window2/17/2017 8:37:31 AM2/11/2017
4:28:02 PM
United StatesOklahomaNorman24th Street Avenue NW and Tecumseh Road73069ChevroletSilver491OQE
Male driver purposely dropped trash at burger king drive thru window2/17/2017 11:17:57 AM2/17/2017
12:12:54 PM
United StatesAlabamaFultondaleWalkers Chapel Road Burger KingE5068ChevroletImpala2016White6GHOST Barber Motorsports
Cigarette on the sidewalk, where people were passing by.2/18/2017 11:23:38 PM2/18/2017
10:10 PM
United StatesCaliforniaChula Vista565 Moss St91911ChevroletSilverHR51478
Throwing out handfuls of trash out his window multiple times.2/23/2017 6:42:00 PM2/23/2017
6:26:13 PM
United StatesCaliforniaElverta 28th street95626Chevrolet Blazer 2007?White6MWJ109
Throwing paper out passenger side window2/25/2017 9:34:59 AM2/25/2017
10:32:29 AM
United StatesMICHIGANMidlandGordonville Rd48640ChevroletSonicBlack96J R97
threw plastic wrappers out of window2/25/2017 3:22:29 PM2/24/2017
8:20 pm
United StatesTX - TexasWichita FallsKemp BLVD76308Chevrolet CruiseWhite7UFN470
Garbage thrown out of car3/3/2017 3:14:33 PM3/3/2017
5:02 PM
United StatesFloridaSt Petersburg 10th St N & 55 th Ave N33703Chevrolet Impala2016BlackBWM8892
Threw trash out window3/11/2017 11:39:12 AM3/11/2017
11:34:26 AM
United StatesLouisianaBaton RougeI-10 Eastbound before bridgeChevroletHHRDk GreyRRR264
Threw styrofoam cups out of truck3/11/2017 2:13:15 PM3/11/2017
United StatesLouisianaAmite Chevrolet Silverado 1500Dont know WhiteC165402
Empty PBR beer cans left on street next to the curb.3/12/2017 5:50:34 PM3/11/2017
United StatesWA StateVancouverNE 11TH AVE98665Chevrolet Blazer2001white WABCC6114
Vehicle driver dropped empty plastic bottle on road3/15/2017 2:32:43 PM3/15/2017
5:20 PM EST
United StatesVirginiaFredericksburgRoute 3 Westbound, far left lane, near intersection with Salem Church Road22401ChevroletTrailblazerDark blue3916PZ (Virginia)
cigarette littering3/16/2017 5:36:48 AM3/16/2017
7:00 AM
United StatesWisconsinMadison1709 Northfield Place53704ChevroletColoradoWhiteNA9829
cigarette littering3/16/2017 5:37:12 AM3/16/2017
7:00 AM
United StatesWisconsinMadison1709 Northfield Place53704ChevroletColoradoWhiteNA9829
Throwing cans out truck window3/22/2017 2:30:19 PM3/22/2017
2:00:07 PM
United StatesNDBismarckBroadway and 16th Street58501ChevroletLarge truckWhiteMoonshine
Multiple Cigarettes3/24/2017 8:19:34 PM3/24/2017
8:14:39 PM
United StatesIndianaLagrange US 20 Chevrolet Blue D288EJ
Trash Thrown from Vehicle3/25/2017 2:13:17 PM3/25/2017
5:09:52 PM
United StatesVIRGINIAOaktonFox Mill Rd22124ChevroletMalbu2013GreyWXH-1985
Littered over 10 items3/25/2017 4:52:03 PM3/25/2017
4:47:59 PM
United StatesOregonTualatin-Sherwood Pacific Hwy W ChevroletSilveradoRedBPT4307
They own apartment and they throw trash to somebody elses dumpster3/25/2017 10:51:08 PM3/25/2017
10:42:38 PM
United StatesWyomingRawlins602 N Higley Blvd82301Chevrolet
Car threw soda can out of window3/26/2017 8:29:33 AM3/26/2017
11:00 am
United StatesgeorgiaHamptonOld highway 330228ChevroletImpalaDark silverBYI 7684
Woman on front passanger side threw hamburger wrapper of some sort out the window on the highway3/27/2017 9:23:59 PM3/27/2017
12:15:00 PM
United StatesOREGONHillsboroHwy 2697124ChevroletTrailblazerDark Green394 JSU
Driver threw napkin out of car3/28/2017 5:05:27 AM3/28/2017
7:35 AM
United StatesPAPittsburghSteuben Street15220ChevroletCavalier2005WhiteGLZ8658
Lit cigarette butt3/29/2017 5:12:07 PM3/29/2017
United StatesArizonaTucson1st and Wetmore 85705ChevroletMalibu LTWhiteBWh9031
Trash out the drivers side window3/29/2017 7:14:57 PM3/22/2017
5:30 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaDavis HWY32514ChevroletC/K1998Bright Red
Trash out the drivers side window3/29/2017 7:15:05 PM3/22/2017
5:30 PM
United StatesFloridaPensacolaDavis HWY32514ChevroletC/K1998Bright Red
Threw cup4/3/2017 9:43:40 AM4/3/2017
11:38:06 AM
United StatesTexasTempleKegley76502ChevroletSuburbanTan85C7495
A bunch of smokers flick cigarette butts all over!4/4/2017 7:02:52 PM4/4/2017
8 am to 7 PM everyday!
United StatesVermontRutland142 Merchants Row (Bardwell House)05701Chevrolet
Threw trash out of car window4/10/2017 9:43:41 AM4/10/2017
12:41:05 PM
United StatesKentuckyLexington Walnut Hill Road 40509Chevrolet Tahoe Grey 330 TAA
roofing material, nails, plastic, clothing, yard debris4/12/2017 11:30:53 AM3/24/2017
4:00 PM
United StatesSnohomish countyEdmonds15114 63rd Ave W. 98026ChevroletExpress van2010+whiteB71965W
Cigarette butt thrown from car4/12/2017 11:48:04 AM4/12/2017
United StatesTennesseeNashville TNMedical Center Drive and Pierce Ave.37203ChevroletSparkWhiteRAW4425
Driver threw out burning cigarette butt4/14/2017 11:32:58 AM4/13/2017
08:10:00 AM
United StatesTNGermantownDogwood38139ChevroletSilverRadodoar gold3C5 8R6
Passenger tossed paper bag full of trash in someones yard.4/17/2017 2:17:20 PM4/17/2017
4:45 PM EST
United StatesMichiganGwinnAtlas49841Chevrolet Silverado 2010+BlackDLZ6392
Trash blew out from bed of pickup4/18/2017 8:42:22 AM4/18/2017
7:43 AM
United StatesTennesseeSomervilleHighway 6438068ChevroletPickup?Dark BlueN11-96N
Cigarette butt4/18/2017 5:09:49 PM4/18/2017
4:55:46 PM
United StatesMichiganMacombSchohnerr48315Chevrolet Equinox 2010Red
fireman in a City of Elizabethtown Emergency Vehicle put something small out of drivers side window on street.4/19/2017 3:30:16 PM4/17/2017
United StateskentuckyElizabethtownN. Mulberry Street and Ring Road42701ChevroletTahoe or Suburban2010-2013city offical use
Plastic littering4/20/2017 8:14:34 AM4/20/2017
United StatesNew hampshireDerryRt 28 ChevroletUplanderBrown404 9547
Kids threw out soda cups while getting out of their car4/22/2017 9:13:53 AM4/22/2017
11:00:26 AM
United StatesillinoisNorth Riverside25th and Harlem60546ChevroletTahoeBrownR72 6819
Driver behind me thru out two yellow wrappers out window4/23/2017 10:14:54 AM4/23/2017
11:40:34 AM
United StatesMinnesotaBlaineHWY 65 onto HWY 10 left turn Lane55434Chevrolet Equinox? SUV2010 or so?Black310-NHX
Littering out of vehicle window4/23/2017 5:03:59 PM4/23/2017
5:00:10 PM
United StatesTexasDripping SpringsFitzhugh Rd78620ChevroletTruckWhiteAB2 6084
Cigarette butt4/25/2017 10:50:13 AM4/25/2017
11:50 AM
United StatesOhioBeavercreekKemp Rd. 45431Chevrolet Impala2006-2016Silver GOE 5179
Dropped cigarette butt out window4/26/2017 4:09:53 PM4/26/2017
3:35:34 PM
UUnited StatesWashington StateShoreline8th Ave NW 98177Chevrolet Corvette SilverBAY9709
Tossed a lit cigarette out the window4/27/2017 5:54:21 PM4/27/2017
2:30:00 PM
United StatesSC: SOUTH CAROLINABurtonHwy. 170ChevroletSonic~2015White579 6HP
Plastic bag of trash set out of car.4/29/2017 9:04:23 AM4/29/2017
10:55:07 AM
United StatesLouisianaBaton Rouge Bluebonnet Blvd 70836Chevrolet Cobalt LSRoyal blueGHH 9911
Trash out window4/30/2017 6:47:20 PM4/30/2017
6:41:33 PM
CanadaAlbertaWhitecourtDahl DrChevrolet Cobalt??SilverBTG 0043
Lit Cigarette Butt thrown5/8/2017 8:05:54 PM5/8/2017
6:15 am
United StatesWashingtonPuyallup176th Ave. E at Canyon Crossing98375ChevroletImapala LTDark GrayAWD9841
Truck travelling on I-95 threw a can of Red Bull onto the highway hitting the tire of another car.5/10/2017 11:22:37 AM5/10/2017
11:16:19 AM
United StatesFLStuartOn I-9534953ChevroletSilveradoGrey tanAVHU77
Empty box of Cigarettes5/11/2017 2:16:05 PM5/11/2017
2:12:56 PM
United StatesIndianaIndianapolis Southport46217Chevrolet Trailblazer GreenWQF637
Witnessed person littering5/12/2017 5:46:40 AM5/12/2017
United StatesMichiganAnn ArborWashtenaw Ave.48108Chevrolet MalibuTanRHF II
littering out of the car window5/12/2017 2:12:31 PM5/12/2017
4:56:52 PM
United StatesVirginianorfolknorthampton blvd on ramp 64 east boundchevroletsuburban2002ishmaroonkld-5966
Littering5/13/2017 12:44:13 PM5/3/2017
11:10:00 AM
United StatesPAEast Norriton TwnshpW Germantown Pike19403ChevroletS-10ZJC-8017
Gum wrapper dropped out of car window5/15/2017 1:19:41 PM5/15/2017
4:10:00 PM
United StatesMichiganGarden CityVenoy and Cherry Hill48135Chevrolet SonicUnknownWhiteDMU 3103
Threw dirty diaper, wet wipes, napkins, and ice cream cone on parking lot5/16/2017 12:58:55 PM5/16/2017
United StatesDELAWARESelbyvilleRt 54 & Fenwick Shoals Blvd19975ChevroletNavy blueMD 3 BX 8412
threw large fast food drink out window5/18/2017 3:14:45 PM5/18/2017
United StatesTenneseeeMemphisgermantown pwky at I-4038133chevroletcamero2016-17black or dark blueX0936P
White foam food container throw out of window5/19/2017 5:53:30 PM5/19/2017
6:05:13 PM
United StatesMassachusettsDorchesterColumbia RdChevroletCruzeBlack3YL 641
Littering on the streets5/20/2017 9:02:47 AM5/20/2017
9:45:00 AM
United StatesALDaphneBetween Bayview drive and HWY 9036526ChevroletSilverado2000White937OAM5
Litter out if cr5/24/2017 7:38:33 PM5/24/2017
5:35 PM
United StatesMDLexington PatkN. Shangri-la Dr. At Great Mills Rd. 20653ChevroletMalibuUnknownGrey2CD6508
Some woman went on the back of her truck and threw a desk into the woods then she went on in the ShopRite on Landis Avenue in the desk and still in the woods5/26/2017 11:00:50 AM5/26/2017
1:30 pm
United StatesNew JerseyVineland Landis Avenue08360Chevrolet Pick up2007GrayY41GDJ
Driver threw burning cigarette from car window5/31/2017 7:04:17 AM5/30l2017
3:50 pm
United StatesWashington StateTacoma38th at McKinleyChevroletBlazerWhiteBOA4507
Threw fast food drink out passenger window onto curb6/3/2017 6:43:03 PM6/3/2017
6:34:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCitrus HeightsOld Auburn Blvd and Sylvan95621Chevrolet SilveradoSilver37093S1
Threw garbage out the car window while stopped at light before highway6/5/2017 4:08:43 PM6/5/2017
7:07 PM
United StatesNew JerseyJersey CityHighway 139ChevroletTahoeBlackHLB3297
Guy in mini van through garbage out of his car.6/7/2017 11:30:46 AM6/7/2017
United StatesMIOkemosBennett St.48864ChevroletUplander LSSilverDpj 9478
Threw a blizzard cup, spoon, and two lids out his window.6/10/2017 12:49:03 PM6/10/2017
12:41:55 PM
United StatesWashingtonPuyallup176th St. and Canyon98375ChevroletTahoe2002tanAQH5106
Threw trash out of car6/11/2017 4:17:09 AM6/10/2017
4:33 pm
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaStroudsburg Cranberry Road18360Chevrolet CruzeBlueKDP5821
Trash thrown out the window onto Kippling St.6/12/2017 11:46:10 AM6/12/2017
12:30 pm
United StatesColoradoArvadaKippling80004Chevrolet Blazer2000TanCQW 496
Trash thrown out the window onto Kippling St.6/12/2017 11:46:16 AM6/12/2017
12:30 pm
United StatesColoradoArvadaKippling80004Chevrolet Blazer2000TanCQW 496
Threw drink out window6/13/2017 12:02:05 PM6/13/2017
1:40 AM
United StatesALBirminghamHWY 28036243ChevroletAbalancjeGrey1CH2708
Threw drink out window6/13/2017 6:09:06 PM6/13/2017
1:40 AM
United StatesALBirminghamHWY 28036243ChevroletAbalancjeGrey1CH2708
Littering from a moving vehicle6/16/2017 8:32:32 AM6/16/2017
8:20:03 AM
United StatesMarylandPasadenaJumpers Hole Road21122chevroletred61L 237
threw cigarette butt out window6/20/2017 7:01:33 AM6/20/2017
8:45:50 AM
United Statesokmidwest cityi-40 westbound near hudiburg exitChevroletSuburbangreyCDX567
Small Plastic Bag Full of Trash6/21/2017 8:41:13 AM6/15/2017
3:00 PM
United StatesKentuckyMcKee40447ChevroletColoradoBlack591 LVA
Crumpled up piece of paper6/21/2017 2:44:42 PM6/16/2017
United StatesWashington StateEverett4th Ave WChevroletWhiteAXL3428
Littered out of car window6/22/2017 3:34:18 PM6/22/2017
3:30:32 PM
United StatesMichiganWaterford4983 Dixie Highway48329ChevroletCruzeGreyCNH3144
Red Camaro passnger dumped beer can at 1015am6/25/2017 7:29:10 AM6/25/2017
7:24:45 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaBurlingtonWestbound on Church Street just before University ave27377ChevroletCamaro2010RedEMA 4612
Dumping Beer Cans6/28/2017 6:40:48 PM6/28/2017
4:23:58 PM
United StatesTennesseeClarksville3250 Jarrell Ridge Road37043ChevroletSilveradoRedE0502A
Dumping Beer Cans6/28/2017 6:40:51 PM6/28/2017
4:23:58 PM
United StatesTennesseeClarksville3250 Jarrell Ridge Road37043ChevroletSilveradoRedE0502A
Dumping Beer Cans6/28/2017 6:41:32 PM6/28/2017
4:23:58 PM
United StatesTennesseeClarksville3250 Jarrell Ridge Road37043ChevroletSilveradoRedE0502A
Can thrown from vehicle window6/29/2017 8:27:29 PM6/29/2017
United StatesMississippiSouthaven I55 SouthChevroletSierraWhiteWholley1
Vehicle stopped on Anderson Rd and subject threw two full bags of trash alongside the roadway.7/4/2017 4:39:40 AM7/4/2017July 2, 2017
2:18 pm
United StatesDelawareMagnoliaAnderson Rd19962ChevroletS10UnkWhiteDe Pc375348
Cigarette thrown out of car window7/5/2017 7:12:57 AM7/30/2017
2:00 p.m.
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleSparkman Drive @ I-565 East35805ChevroletSUVlate modelWhite47TN587
Dumping soda drinks on the street7/5/2017 9:02:27 PM7/5/2017
8:20:40 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseCapitol Expressway95122ChevroletAvalanche2006Black7VHZ929
Threw drink and carrier out the window7/6/2017 12:08:10 PM7/5/2017
8:20:06 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseCapitol Expressway95122ChevroletAvalance2006Black7VHZ929
Littering7/6/2017 7:49:16 PM7/6/2017
4:29:20 PM
United StatesMassachusettsWestfordExit 32 on i495 northChevroletBlue117KR3
Threw lit cigarette out window7/7/2017 12:09:25 PM7/7/2017
12:03:03 PM
United StatesOklahomaNormanRobinson and 24th Ave NW73069ChevroletTahoe White BZM458
dropped fast food bag7/10/2017 2:32:15 PM7/08/2017
10:55 am
United StatesLouisianaGrammercyUS61ChevroletTahoe2014 (?)whiteVOX922
Man in white cap threw cigarette butt out window7/10/2017 8:32:17 PM7/10/2017
8:10 PM
United StatesCAAhwaneeHwy 49Chevrolet Maroon431UPU
TRASH FLYING FROM BACK OF TRUCK7/13/2017 5:32:07 AM7/13/2017
6:27 AM
Threw Trash Out of Car7/13/2017 3:39:30 PM7/13/2017
3:35:31 PM
United StatesAlabamaAnnistonHwy 936265Chevrolet SilveradoBlueTJA809
dumping tires on side of street7/13/2017 4:55:06 PM7/13/2017
7:30:48 PM
United StatesohioyoungstownWB service rd44504chevroletsilverado08?dark bluegrp5243
Banana Peel in Street7/16/2017 6:16:29 PM7/16/2017
8:00:36 PM
United StatestxSan AntonioNacogdoches78217ChevroletCruze LTSilverJFJ4470
Threw trash out the window7/17/2017 1:52:34 PM7/17/2017
1:49:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRiversideArlington ave92506ChevroletImpalaBlack6ZUR881
Driver littering7/17/2017 3:14:47 PM7/17/2017
4:10:33 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverI270 East80238Chevrolet Tahoe Z11Black557 XPR
2AZ 155 white Chevy Tahoe cigarette wrapper7/18/2017 1:37:03 PM7/18/2017
4:31:17 PM
United StatesMassachusettsCambridgeLand blvdChevroletTahoeWhite2AZ 155
Cigarette butts7/19/2017 5:27:37 AM7/19/2017
United StatesFloridaNaplesImmokalee Road34119Chevrolet Sir urbanLIMIT
Cigarette butts7/19/2017 5:28:20 AM7/19/2017
United StatesFloridaNaplesImmokalee Road34119Chevrolet SurburbanBlackLIMIT
banana peel thrown out of car7/20/2017 8:57:14 AM7/20/2017
7:05:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaCypressWalker Street90630ChevroletVoltblack7YPD440
Threw glass beer bottles out of car onto road7/21/2017 8:43:53 AM7/17/2017
10:20 AM
United StatesWest VirginiaMorgantownWV26506ChevroletCruzeredOhio GHS4841
Littering7/21/2017 1:45:37 PM7/21/2017
3:38:03 PM
United StateskyOak GroveHwy 91142232ChevroletTrail Blazer2005Green124 VJ6
Bag thrown out a window.7/21/2017 2:33:28 PM7/21/2017
5:10 PM
United StatesCTHamdenBenham 06514Chevrolet redAD60730
slow traffic saw driver throw bottle out of car7/25/2017 4:28:45 PM7/23/2017
12:58 PM
United StatesindianaFair OaksI6547943ChevroletTahoeearly 2000sBlack632 TXN
slow traffic saw driver throw bottle out of car7/25/2017 4:29:28 PM7/23/2017
12:58 PM
United StatesindianaFair OaksI6547943ChevroletTahoeearly 2000sBlack632 TXN
Passenger threw out trash7/27/2017 8:23:13 AM7/27/2017
8:05 AM
United StatesOregonSalemHwy 22 through west Salem headed NorthChevrolet Cavalier maybeWhite782 JAQ
passenger threw papers out window7/27/2017 1:44:24 PM7/27/2017
1:15:31 PM
United StatesNew MexicoalbuquerqueEllisonchevroletmercurysilverPGA-839
Soft drink cup thrown out window7/27/2017 5:38:25 PM7/27/2017
5:35:44 PM
United StatesMiAnn Arbor Pauline Blvd48103ChevroletConaltDark blue2156k8
Cigarette into Water7/29/2017 10:07:08 AM7/29/2017
10:03:02 AM
United StatesOregonPortlandI-5 North 97204Chevrolet Pickup Maybe 1985Black 264HKAP
Threw out paper onto Biscayne7/29/2017 12:09:54 PM7/29/2017
12:07:44 PM
United StatesFLNorth Miami Biscayne boulevard & 12533161Chevrolet MalibuWhite CFMP88
Littering7/31/2017 8:36:22 AM7/31/2017
7:20 am
CanadaBritish ColumbiaAdams Lake, BCHolding RoadChevroletSilveradoBeightHT 4138
Threw Cigarrette butt out of window8/3/2017 5:25:39 AM8/3/2017
United StatesgaForest ParkI-75 NorthChevroletTrailblazerNavyARE9339
sitting in traffic and the vehicle in front of me started throwing trash out of her window8/3/2017 7:59:13 PM8/3/2017
5:45 P.M.
United StatesKentucky (KY)Louisville 65 North at Gene SnyderChevroletUplander2008-2010silver064-XCV
White Chevrolet Malibu LT8/10/2017 2:16:46 PM8/10/2017
2:10:52 PM
United Stateswest virginiaMorgantownMonongahela blvd26505ChevroletMalibuWhiteO2J 556
White cups thrown from the window of car into the woods west of the Monongahela River8/10/2017 2:21:24 PM8/10/2017
2:19:05 PM
United Stateswest virginiaMorgantownMonongahela blvd26505ChevroletMalibuWhiteO2J 556
Pepsi can out the driver window in the Target parking lot8/11/2017 12:10:06 PM8/11/2017
11:34:48 AM
United StatesColoradoLittletonBowelsChevroletHHRsilver123-WQJ
Man pulled into taco bell parking lot and began tossing trash into the lot8/12/2017 6:27:56 PM8/12/2017
6:23:13 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia Franklin mills blvd19154Chevrolet WhiteKJC0831
Threw several things out the window. A bag and other trash.8/17/2017 9:51:18 AM8/15/2017
9:29:00 AM
United StatesMichiganBerrien SpringsDeans Hill Rd.49103ChevroletTruck?RedBHV 532
Trash on the curve street8/18/2017 8:25:08 PM8/18/2017
8:05:47 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseEdenvale Avenue95136ChevroletAstroNot sureBrown5RBK479
Owner of the vehicle parked the car and dumped hanger, cigarettes butts & box. Tissue paper and receipts8/18/2017 8:42:23 PM8/18/2017
8:27:19 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan JoseEdenvale Avenue95136ChevroletAstroNot sureBrown5RBK479
Throwing trash out the window of a vehicle8/20/2017 10:58:54 AM8/18/2017
6:00 pm
United StatesLouisianaSt. Amant10049 Sutton Lane70805Chevrolet15002008Red
Right rear passenger threw candy wrapper out of window8/21/2017 12:17:11 PM8/21/2017
12:08:47 PM
United StatesVirginiaNear Rocky gap77 northChevrolet Malibu WhiteHFC 5201 ohio
Reckless Driving and Littering on Zierdt Road (Aug. 20, 2017, approx. 7 PM)8/21/2017 12:28:52 PM8/20/2017
7:00:00 PM
United StatesAlabamaHuntsvilleZierdt Road35756ChevroletImpala2013SilverECM-5486
Cigarette butt8/21/2017 12:38:03 PM8/21/2017
12:34:46 PM
United StatesUnited StatesMiami24th33155Chevrolet TahoeGreenBBYX72
Cigarette butt8/21/2017 12:38:37 PM8/21/2017
12:34:46 PM
United StatesUnited StatesMiami24th33155Chevrolet Trail BlazerGreenBBYX72
Yellow Chevrolet (BDV4588) threw several pieces of trash out of window8/24/2017 2:06:30 PM8/24/2017
2:04:36 PM
United StatesWA StateEverett7th Ave and 112th StChevroletClamato?YellowBDV4588
Vehicle in left lane approaching Burnet Rd. Passenger rolled down window. Passenger threw brown McDonalds coffee cup out window. Passenger rolled window up.8/25/2017 2:16:42 PM8/25/2017
United StatesTexasAustinKoenig78756ChevroletSuburbanTan68L8730
Threw trash out window8/26/2017 9:46:17 PM8/26/2017
4:49 PM
United StatesMISSOURIWillardUS 16065781ChevroletTahoe1999Silver8HR 223
Person threw garbage out of their vehicle8/27/2017 8:30:26 AM8/27/2017
8:27:40 AM
United StatesMichiganClinton twpHall rdChevroletTraxBlackChr7116
Bottle, cup thrown out of window8/28/2017 12:42:23 PM8/28/2017
3:358:05 PM
United StatesOhioToledoUS23 north, just north of where 475 west joins near Sylvania Chevrolet ImpalaWhiteDRH8954
Littering while driving9/1/2017 7:05:07 AM9/1/2017
United StatesKentuckyLouisville Highway 65north Chevrolet Kentucky Silver 8901
Throwing paper and plastic out of car window9/1/2017 3:11:35 PM9/1/2017
3:02:59 PM
United StatesGeorgiaLavoniaAugusta Rd30553ChevroletLumina?90sRedRAL 7834
Can thrown out window in McDonalds Drive-Thru9/4/2017 4:04:08 PM9/4/2017
6:30 PM
United StatesMassachusettsNew Bedford1080 Kings Hwy02745ChevroletTahoeWhite5ZA-237
man tossing plastic trash out of driver side window9/9/2017 3:56:48 PM9/6/2017
1:00 - 3:00 PM
United StatesKentuckyElizabethtownSycamore and West Poplar Street42701ChevroletTahoe2009-2010black777-WCB
person in dark green mini van putting cigarette litter out driverside window.9/9/2017 4:08:11 PM9/8/2017
12:20 PM
United StatesKentuckyElizabethtownN. Mulberry Street42701ChevroletVenture2005dark grass green194-NBA
Threw cigarette butt out the window9/11/2017 4:24:36 AM9/11/2017
7:21:19 AM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaChester I95 NorthChevroletMalibuBrownDE 43881
Tossed banana peel out of the window9/11/2017 1:47:34 PM9/11/2017
9:15:15 AM
United StatesCASan DiegoMesa college drive exit92104ChevroletTahoeGrey7POYO38
Threw a an empty bag of chips out the window.9/11/2017 6:15:15 PM9/11/2017
6:13:15 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyChevroletBlazerWhite3VUP086
Threw a large fast food soda cup on I-95 close by exit 829/13/2017 11:55:30 AM9/13/2017
2:50 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaSt. GeorgeI-9529477ChevroletCruiseBlackQAM4546
cigarette ash9/13/2017 7:07:52 PM6/6/2017
7:05:01 PM
United Statescavistahwy 7892069chevroletsonic lt7rsw436
Pickup littering on 202 northbound this morning9/15/2017 5:07:42 AM9/15/2017
7:30:00 AM
United StatesPABerwynChevroletColoradoGreenZHY 5905
SB US 101 near SFO/San Bruno Ave. Bottle Tossed out Car Window9/16/2017 12:53:05 PM9/16/2017
12:25 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSan FranciscoUS 10194128Chevrolet EquinoxBlue7PAY520
Woman pulled over to dump a box off the top of her car9/21/2017 6:43:05 PM9/21/2017
3:47 PM
United StatesWashingtonSeattle65th Street off ramp I5 - left side98115ChevroletTrail BlazerSilver327-URB (might be UPB)
Trash bag out the window9/23/2017 9:59:27 AM9/23/2017
8:50:00 AM
United StatesCaliforiniaPasadenaOrange Grove 91105ChevroletGreen4FYZ570
Throwing a lot of watermelon pieces and napkins on the street9/25/2017 7:35:42 AM9/25/2017
7:29:40 AM
United StatesCABaldwin ParkBadilloChevrolet Suburban2014Navy blue 6tru479
Threw smoldering Cigarette Butt out of car9/26/2017 5:50:09 AM9/12/17
8:00 AM
United StatesKentuckyLEXINGTONNew Circle/Russell Cave40550ChevroletCobaltBlue759 VTP
Threw white cup out the window with straw and lid attached while driving on freeway9/26/2017 7:57:00 AM9/26/2017
8:13:48 AM
United StatesUTAHLehiI-15ChevroletSuburbanWhiteW340P
Throwing trash from vehicle9/30/2017 1:34:40 PM9/30/2017
4:20 PM
United StatesMichiganInksterInkster Road48141ChevroletTrail BlazerTanDQU4841
Throwing trash from vehicle9/30/2017 1:34:48 PM9/30/2017
4:20 PM
United StatesMichiganInksterInkster Road48141ChevroletTrail BlazerTanDQU4841
Littered out car window on highway10/6/2017 1:45:50 PM10/6/2017
4:39:50 PM
United StatesDelawareDoverRoute 1 Southbound19901ChevroletSuburban2002Black392410
Through cups and water bottles out door10/6/2017 3:31:43 PM10/6/2017
3:28:02 PM
United StatesnevadaLas vegasDurango89148Chevrolet Impala2008Charcoal greyP5g8
Passenger purposely dumped their rt 44 sonic drink10/8/2017 11:36:48 AM10/8/2017
11:30:52 AM
United StatesTexasWaxahachieI35 north bound 75165Chevrolet EquinoxGrey/blueOk
Littering10/15/2017 6:15:39 AM10/14/2017
3:30:00 PM
United StatesTennesseemurfreesboro323 E. Main St.37130ChevroletImpala200?Champagne/Gold4BO-2F6
Dropping 2 soda cans out of moving van10/16/2017 1:18:48 PM10/16/2017
1:12:32 PM
United StatesFLOviedoN CentralChevroletAstro1998 ?White768 9UX
Throwing out cigarette butts into grass10/17/2017 2:06:39 PM10/17/2017
United StatesNcWilmington17th28412ChevroletCamaro2017RedEKR-1563
littering out of car window10/20/2017 2:48:30 PM10/20/2017
5:10 pm
United Statessouth carolinaeasley pendleton st29642chevroletcobaltunknownredNTH 343
Cavalier Disposal of Plastic Bottle from Truck Window10/20/2017 3:45:39 PM10/20/2017
5:35 PM
United StatesWisconsinAppletonHwy 41 South between Wisconsin Ave. & College Ave exits54913Chevrolet SilveradoDark Red/MarronKV8662
Leaving plastic bags, plates and cups every single day!10/20/2017 11:58:01 PM10/20/2017
11:17:46 PM
United StatesnevadaLas Vegas Coral Falls Cir & Silver Shadow drive 89108ChevroletTracker2004Dark blue SN3472
Threw paper out of her window10/22/2017 5:59:53 PM10/22/2017
10:00 am
United StatesGeorgiaJohns CreekPeachtree Parkway30041Chevrolet Spark??2016 ??GreenRDQ4099
driver tossed paper then a Red Bull can out his window on the Walt Whitman Bridge eastbound10/23/2017 1:31:27 PM10/23/2017
1:26:47 PM
United StatesPAPhiladelphia I76 eastbound Chevrolet Malibu LTSilver H62 GXY
Lit cigarette thrown from car10/27/2017 9:48:49 AM10/27/2017
12:05:30 PM
United StatesGA - GeorgiaHiramWendy Bagwell Pkwy30141ChevroletEquinoxblackCFY3904
Dumping waste out of car door while driving.10/28/2017 2:53:56 PM10/28/2017
2:46:34 PM
United StatesLouisianaLafayetteWest Congress70506ChevroletSedanBrown847 BEC
2 aluminum cans11/8/2017 12:16:19 PM11/8/2017
12:08:57 PM
United StatesWashington StateWoodinville522 exit for 202ChevroletExpressWhiteAVT 3271
Threw wrapper out window11/11/2017 6:52:35 AM11/11/2017
United StatesFloridaLake Helen I4ChevroletSuburban ?Silver642 JRF
Driver threw trash out of car 3 times11/13/2017 10:03:27 PM11/13/2017
United StatesLos angeles, CALos AngelesColdwater can Blvd 90210ChevroletAvalanche 2015/2016Black RDGZ 3
Tossed something that sparked11/20/2017 11:03:25 PM11/20/2017
4:06:11 PM
United StatesCaSacramento I5 SB95757Chevrolet ChaseNewerSilvery 7yst076
Litter on highway11/20/2017 11:09:29 PM11/20/2017
4:06:44 PM
United StatesCASacramentoI5 SB95757Chevrolet CruzeNewer Silvery 7yst076
Dumped trash out of their window onto the highway11/23/2017 11:41:57 AM11/23/2017
11:37:42 AM
United StatesindianaGaryI80Chevrolet Corvette2015 ishBlackTennessee 9D01C2
Threw a bag of food out the window11/28/2017 2:11:42 PM11/28/2017
3:30:00 PM
United StatesOHSwantonOld State Line43558ChevroletImpala2004TanGQV 1460
Throwing trash from car on bridge11/28/2017 2:27:09 PM11/25/2017
12:30:35 PM
United StatesIndianaLebanonState Road 3246052ChevroletMalibu2014?Gray432CMH
Threw plastic bottle out of passenger window11/29/2017 7:56:07 PM11/29/2017
7:51:13 AM
United StatesmAlabamaCullmanCo Rd 41635057ChevroletTrailblazerWhite15315F
Litter Bugs12/4/2017 7:29:26 AM12/4/2017
7:06:00 AM
United StatesArkansasMayflower Highway 89. One block east of Muskeedime72106Chevrolet Z71OlderGrey440 VBQ
Over the past few months ciggarets throw. Out of car12/5/2017 1:37:38 PM12/5/2017
12:31:43 PM
United StatesWashington stateKentPacific Hwy98032ChevroletWhiteBDN6500
Throwing cups out of window12/6/2017 4:19:26 PM12/6/2017
6:07 PM
United StatesKentuckySouth CorbinI75 West Mile Marker 17 Heading Northwest bound40701Chevrolet Silverado 2003White554GWW
cigarette butt12/13/2017 8:14:03 AM12/13/2017
8:20 AM
United StatesOklahomanormanRobinson and 12th st73071Chevroletsuburban2007?tan/greyADU-422
Threw out a handful of cigarette butts12/13/2017 4:27:30 PM12/13/2017
3:10 PM
United StatesWashington StateRenton4th AVE98055ChevroletEquinox BlackBEN1512
Multiple Cans + Cigarette Out Window12/14/2017 1:19:56 PM12/13/2017
1:11:18 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSanta Ana (unincorporated)Cowan Heights Drive92705ChevroletSierra?2011?Black8L29385
Threw trash out driver seat window12/14/2017 2:59:34 PM12/14/2017
4:50:05 PM
United StatesGAAtlanta85 S near exit 4ChevroletSilveradoGrayKKD-891
Dirty diaper bags . 12/16/2017 11:05:42 AM12/15/17
United StatesCAWilmington203 West oppst. 90744Chevrolet Suburban199Black primer 5fdx008
Threw bag of trash out of vehicle 12/17/2017 10:43:39 AM12/17/2017
12:26 pm
United StatesDELAWARENewark JFK Memorial Hey19702Chevrolet Suburban Dr GreenKCA 3272
Driver littered12/17/2017 3:29:08 PM12/17/2017
2:10:00 PM
United StatesWashington StateRentonN 3rd and SR 90098057ChevroletCorvette 2015 or newerWhiteAPR9501
Cigarette butt12/22/2017 5:47:00 PM12/2/2017
11:45 am
United StatesmississippiNear MemphisInterstateChevroletSonic , LTRedLYY782
Cigarette butt12/22/2017 5:47:11 PM12/2/2017
11:45 am
United StatesmississippiNear MemphisInterstateChevroletSonic , LTRedLYY782
Cigarette butt thrown out window and landed on my windshield12/25/2017 4:00:21 PM12/25/2017
3:56:04 PM
United StatesMissouriKansas CityHighway 152ChevroletSilveradoMaroon2ea861
Dumped a soda pop can (aluminum) out the window12/26/2017 1:43:00 PM12/26/2017
1:36:16 PM
United StatesWashingtonSnoqualmie passNear summit-eastboundChevroletSuburban?Gray040-WQC
Threw trash from truck window into highway traffic12/28/2017 9:20:47 AM12/28/2017
9:16:21 AM
United StatesMarylandFrederickUS-15 Catoctin Mountain Highway21701ChevroletSilveradoMaroon5AC7842
person on passenger side putting trash on the road12/29/2017 4:20:36 PM12/29/2017
2:30 PM
United StatesKentucky (KY)ElizabethtownBardstown Road and Fowler Road42701ChevroletTrailblazer2004-2007white636-
driver threw litter out his window1/4/2018 4:16:29 PM1/4/2018
3:00 PM
United StatesWA StateCovingtonSE 272nd St98042ChevroletTrail blazerwhiteAAM4191
Throwing cigarette butts out of window1/4/2018 5:22:00 PM1/4/2018
United StatesLouisianaGonzalesHighway 4470737ChevroletComaroRecent modelBlackYRP167
Throwing cigarette butts out of his window1/4/2018 7:20:09 PM1/4/2018
7:18:02 PM
United StatesWashington StatePurdyhwy 302chevrolet15002010-2012 approxRedC45817L
Driver threw White napkin out window1/5/2018 1:40:13 PM1/5/2018
12:04 PM
United StatesCOColorado SpringsW Fillmore St.80907ChevroletTrailblazerBlueNXQ 296
Fast food drink up1/11/2018 7:31:23 AM1/11/2018
8:40:08 AM
United StatesFloridaTampaW Limbaugh ChevroletSuburbanBlackDHHJ19
Trash thrown out window of car 1/21/2018 10:48:36 AM1/21/2018
10:43:32 AM
United StatesMDJoppa Entrance Ramp I-95 SB @ Rt. 15221085ChevroletCruze Eco2012RedKSE072
Cigarette butt1/22/2018 4:54:16 AM1/22/2018
6:50:50 AM
United StatesPennsylvania EagleRoute 100Chevrolet SilveradoLight blue or greyZbh 2265
Threw McDonalds bag & trash out of window onto road1/25/2018 10:16:21 AM1/25/2018
United StatesOhioMilford Route 5045150ChevroletSilveradoapprox 2009Tan / GoldHBS 4062
Teens dumping cases of glass beer bottles on goldcamp1/26/2018 11:22:25 PM1/26/2018
11:15:01 PM
United StatesCoColorado SpringsGoldcamp roadChevroletTrailblazerWhiteOBS-797 colorado
Truck load dumping1/28/2018 2:18:15 PM1/28/2018
1:59:25 PM
United StatesNevadaNorth Las VegasEagle & La Madre89031ChevroletSilveradoRed975 B61
Male driver threw trash out window1/30/2018 10:24:49 AM1/30/2018
10:14:13 AM
United StatesfloridaPalmBeach GardensPGA blvdChevrolet Pick-up2006Gray488RUH
Dumped coffee and cup out of car 2/3/2018 11:00:14 AM2/3/2018
10:56:51 AM
United StatesWisconsinWauwatosaI41 southChevrolet Monte carlo1980?Black432-vae
Lady tossed out cigarette from the car2/6/2018 7:05:25 AM2/6/2018
6:59:47 AM
United StatesALABAMATannerHuntsville brownsferry road 35671Chevrolet Cavallar Gold/tan 44DK934
Plastic Soda bottles flying out from pickup2/13/2018 6:37:40 AM2/13/2018
7:31:08 AM
United StatesVermontHartlandInterstate 91 NorthChevroletSilveradoblue254A264
Dairy Queen cup thrown out of window2/13/2018 3:51:25 PM2/13/2018
4:38:39 PM
United StatesindianaJasperHighway 23147546Chevrolet1500 White can and red stripe around TK155LSH
Threw garbage out of window as driving2/14/2018 2:01:38 PM2/13/2018
3:03 PM
United StateswashingtonSeattleRainier Avenue S98144ChevroletExpressWhiteC46824J
Food container tossed from passenger side2/14/2018 7:09:10 PM2/14/2018
7:03:06 PM
United StatesOrange CountyDana PointCalle Naranja92624ChevroletGreen & white16612G
Fountain Drink Cup and lid2/15/2018 11:12:43 AM2/15/2018
1:10:50 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaMonroevilleCooper Rd15146ChevroletCobaltWhiteGTE-0023
Almost daily offender of constant illegal dumping2/17/2018 7:15:19 AM02/15/2018
7:03:53 AM
United Stateswest virginiaHuntington5th ave west25704ChevroletVanLate 90sGreyWV. 62F376
Dumped trash put of car in front of my store2/17/2018 11:48:27 AM2/17/2018
11:40:03 AM
United StatesVirginiaVirginia Beach2094 princess Anne road23456ChevroletMalibu2002Dark tealVtk 9577
Tossing Trash on the Shoulder of I-290 E2/19/2018 6:14:23 PM2/19/2018
6:10 PM
United StatesIllinoisNear Oak ParkI-290 E before exiting onto HarlemChevroletCruz or MalibuMaroonPL 5054
Trash out window2/24/2018 1:53:49 PM2/24/2018
1:49:49 PM
United StatesgeorgiaNewnanHighway 15430265ChevroletEquinoxBlackHBN 2260
Littering2/26/2018 2:14:22 PM2/26/2018
1:00 pm
United StatesWashington stateKennewickHwy 24099336ChevroletS-10GreenC03629h
Package out of the window2/27/2018 7:42:18 AM2/27/2018
8:39:39 AM
United StatesMISSOURIColumbiaNear Columbia mall65203Chevrolet Black
Driving behind vehicle throwing trash ! 2/27/2018 8:01:26 PM2/25/2018
4 PM
United StatesFLORIDAMiamiBiscayne Blvd 114th Street 33181Chevrolet Impala2014Deep Blue BNCY10
littering2/28/2018 7:47:51 AM2/28/2018
7:45:17 AM
United StatesNYSaranac Lake309 County Route 4712983ChevroletBlackHMY5095
Lit cigarette out the window3/1/2018 9:48:07 AM2/28/2018
5:36 pm
United StatesWashington stateSpokane N T J Meenach Dr99205ChevroletSilveradoC62148K
Plastic plate and Cup3/1/2018 1:52:55 PM3/1/2018
1:43:24 PM
United StatesFloridaDaytona beach130 N Ridgewood Ave. Daytona Beach, FL 32114Chevrolet MalibuSilverEWAF23
Throughout cigarette butt out of window 3/2/2018 5:49:50 AM3/2/2018
7:15 am
United StatesN,C.Greensboro 73/42127410Chevrolet Suburban Black EJP 1143
Throughout cigarette butt out of window 3/2/2018 5:50:00 AM3/2/2018
7:15 am
United StatesN,C.Greensboro 73/42127410Chevrolet Suburban Black EJP 1143
Cigarette 3/7/2018 3:30:51 PM3/7/2018
3:27:48 PM
United StatesWashington StateOrtingHighway 16298360Chevrolet CobaltSilverAFG5789
Threw trash out the driver side window3/10/2018 9:55:52 PM3/9/2018
9:45 AM
CanadaBritish ColumbiaVancouverHighway 99V6X 2V8ChevroletColoradoBlackKV8399
Litter thrown from passenger side window 3/12/2018 9:36:02 AM3/10/18
5:50 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaGreensburgNorth Main Street15601ChevroletRedKDE 2451
Cigarette butt thrown out car window3/12/2018 5:15:52 PM3/12/2018
5:40:24 PM
United StatesColoradoCentennialParker rd & orchard80015ChevroletMaroonCO 158-GFQ
Neighbor dumps cat feces and litter constantly on roadway3/14/2018 6:01:39 AM3/14/2018
5:57:45 AM
United StatesFLORIDAMiddleburg2846 Windemere Ct32068ChevroletSilverado 80’sRed
Passenger dropped styrofoam Togo food container out window3/15/2018 3:14:08 PM3/15/2018
06:11 PM
United StatesGeorgiaKennesawJiles rd30144Chevrolet MalibuBlack7WIB888
Dumping furniture and bags of garbage out of Truck3/15/2018 3:56:13 PM3/15/2018
3:30:29 PM
United StatesWashingtonTacoma4326 South Bell St98418Chevrolet1500GreyC32038G
diaper3/16/2018 7:44:56 PM3/16/2018
4:35 PM
United StatesCODenver720 S colorado blvd 80246chevrolet blazer 2006burgandyOTK 756
Black man in black chevy suv throws trash out in apartment parking lot.3/20/2018 5:51:10 AM3/20/2018
5:41:01 AM
United StatesTennesseeMurfreesboro805 Bradyville Pike37130ChevroletUnknownUnknownBlackW5364Y
Threw coffee cup out the window3/23/2018 12:18:54 PM3/23/2018
11:24:45 AM
United StatesmichiganTraverse city Crossing Circle 49684ChevroletTrailblazer LSBlack CNV 6990
Stopped on I5 south due to a traffic accident3/23/2018 10:55:10 PM3/23/2018
10:49:31 PM
United StatesOregonGalesvilleI5 south boundChevroletUnknownUnknownBlack177 TWF
Recliner Dumped on side of road3/26/2018 11:49:02 AM3/24/2018
6:20 PM
United StatesMississippiCrystal SpringsL T Circle39059ChevroletEquinox2006BlackCQB 834
Throwing wrappers and large objects from car traveling south on I-5 3/27/2018 9:27:21 AM3/27/2018
9:19:49 AM
United StatesWashington stateShorelineI-598155ChevroletCamero2015-17Black with red pinstripesBGH4376 or 4276
Throwing trash out of the window3/27/2018 1:52:00 PM3/27/2018
3:50:37 PM
United StatesTeneesseeeAntiochBell Road37013Chevrolet Trax LSBlackZ9081B
Threw what looked like a can out of the window, hit my bumper.3/29/2018 4:23:38 PM3/29/2018
5:00:00 PM
United StatesFloridaJacksonvilleKernan N.32225ChevroletImpala2016BlackBXWR56
Dumped a metal can out of window purposely, near the nature preserve 3/31/2018 8:53:54 PM3/31/2018
4:25:12 PM
United StatesCALIFORNIAWoodland34199 Co Rd 2095695Chevrolet Impala 2003-2004Tan/Brown 7ZTY707
Car throwing trash out4/2/2018 3:37:02 PM4/2/2018
3:34:27 PM
United StatesFLI10 east bound Mile 175Chevrolet Suburban GoldYry367
Fast food trash thrown from car4/3/2018 5:02:37 PM4/3/2018
4:53:46 PM
United StatesVirginiaHenrico CountyMeadowbridge Road at Laburnum AvenueChevroletMalibu LTMaroonUZM-2878
Cigarette thrown out of drivers window4/3/2018 5:41:15 PM4/3/2018
United StatesWashington StateLakewood Nyanza98499Chevrolet Trailblazer Gold/Champagne 815-YPF
Man threw out Cigarette4/4/2018 10:52:28 AM2/28/2018
11:49 AM
United StatesillinoisOak BrookS Meyers Rd & Butterfield Rd60523ChevroletCavalierBlueXOXOX55
Possible City Employee4/4/2018 1:42:37 PM4/4/2018
7:40 AM
United StatesFloridaFernandina BeachS 14th Street32034ChevroletSilveradoWhite200435
Passenger on left rear Driverr side threw ourt Burger King French fry sleeve & box t sandwich 4/5/2018 7:04:42 AM4/5/2018
10:00 AM
United StatesFloridaLakelandI4Chevrolet Equinox Silver 2709jy
Fast food trash thrown from car4/6/2018 5:08:01 PM4/3/2018
4:53:46 PM
United StatesVirginiaHenrico CountyMeadowbridge Road at Laburnum AvenueChevroletMalibu LTMaroonUZM-2878
Two lit cigarette butts thrown from vehicle into roadway. 4/8/2018 12:37:10 AM4/7/2018
United StatesWASeattle I-5 North98125ChevroletMalibu LT Dark blue7b43a9 - Tennessee
UNKOWN OBJECT4/10/2018 4:36:44 PM4/10/2018
4:11:13 PM
Threw cigarette butt out his window4/13/2018 10:45:22 AM4/12/2018
12:30 PM
United States californiaIrvineIntersection of Barranca and Pacifica92618ChevroletSedanGray/brown
Tossed cup with fluid out driver window 4/15/2018 7:00:53 PM4/15/2018
3:51 PM
United StatesMOSpringfieldS. Kansas Ave and w. Chestnut 65803Chevrolet FN1 V1D
Tossed cup with fluid out driver window 4/15/2018 7:01:00 PM4/15/2018
3:51 PM
United StatesMOSpringfieldS. Kansas Ave and w. Chestnut 65803Chevrolet FN1 V1D
Red Silverado pick up truck throws CD out of window4/17/2018 2:52:02 PM4/17/2018
5:15 pm
United StatesgeorgiaDallasAcademy Drive30157ChevroletSilveradoRedBLI 3682
Cigarette butt4/19/2018 2:56:11 PM4/19/2018
2:30:02 PM
United StatesOREGONTigardHWY 217ChevroletMalibu LTWhite667JUG
White suburban throws trash out window on 101 north4/21/2018 2:20:52 PM4/21/2018
2:14:44 PM
United StatesCaliforniaPetalumaUS-10194952ChevroletSuburbanWhite6WJF292
Bag of trash and cigarettes 4/22/2018 9:39:02 AM4/22/2018
9:34:01 AM
United StatesMissouri BransonI-65 North65616Chevrolet Cruze2015TanBNP-160
Dropped trash 4/23/2018 4:19:07 PM4/23/2018
4:16:58 PM
United StatesMichiganMidlandSouth saginaw48640Chevrolet Siverado2010WhiteHp95u
Woman threw mcdonalds paper drinking cup out of driver’s window4/25/2018 10:24:44 AM4/25/2018
1:10:38 PM
United StatesFLDelray BeachLinton Blvd bridge33483ChevroletTraverseDarkVXR-7463
Trash left in front yard of unoccupied domicile.4/25/2018 2:14:33 PM4/25/2018
1:31:10 PM
United StatesMarylandOwings Mills210 Uppergate Ct21117Chevrolet SuburbanBlackPA JKH 4397
Throwing cups out the window4/26/2018 6:50:29 PM4/26/2018
9:45 PM
United StatesOhioCincinnatiTaco Bell drive thru45240ChevroletCruzeRedHFZ 8884
cigarette butt out window in Vail4/26/2018 9:35:28 PM4/26/2018
2:50 PM
United StatesCOVailS Frontage Rd81657ChevroletCruze hatchback2017Gray6RG266
Coffee cup thrown out car window.4/27/2018 12:03:16 AM4/26/2018
4: 15 pm
United StatesMarylandSilver SpringPiney Branch Road20910ChevroletBlazerDark11748M7
littered while sitting at a traffic light4/27/2018 10:41:55 AM4/27/2018
United StatesMarylandHighlandtownKane21224ChevroletEquinox2010-2017Black30008HT
Trash on Highway4/28/2018 10:58:38 AM4/28/2018
10:55:28 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)BEtween Oakland and San Leandro Highway 580ChevroletAstroTeal8BUM254
Threw cup out window5/3/2018 4:06:50 PM5/3/2018
3:59:40 PM
United StatesUTAHSaratoga SpringsRedwood Road84045Chevrolet White7vc431
Theres a popeys cup out the window and a water bottle straw wrapper5/3/2018 7:04:25 PM5/3/2018
6:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVictorville 15122 Bear valley rd.92392ChevroletCruze lt2013White8AVN819
Littering5/5/2018 1:52:48 PM5/5/2018
3:40 pm
United StatesPACarlisleIntersection of Zion Road & Route 17417015ChevroletMaroonKMY8812
Witness littering of cigarette package5/7/2018 8:57:22 AM5/7/2018
11:25 am
United StatesSouth Carolina (SC)Rock hillHampton st29730ChevroletSilverMPK742
Throwing litter out of moving vehicle5/7/2018 3:20:32 PM5/7/2018
6:06:31 PM
United StatesMarylandGlen BurnieHwy 100 EBChevroletTraverseSilver1CR8982
Through trash out window5/9/2018 8:37:22 AM5/9/2018
11:00 AM
United StatesOhioCantonWalnut Ave. NE near 12th St. NEChevrolet tan/grayGWY 9216
Driver threw cigarette out window on I-655/12/2018 11:42:07 AM2/23/2018
5:10 PM
United StatesIndianaIndianaNorthbound I-65 mile marker 148.8ChevroletSilveradoBlueTK339MTD
Threw trash out driver side window5/12/2018 4:01:25 PM5/12/2018
6:54 PM
United StatesMarylandWaldorfRoute 301/5ChevroletGrey Teal7CK 7362
Passenger dumped trash5/13/2018 9:54:22 AM5/13/2018
12:51 PM
United StatesindianaFort Wayne6309 Lima Rd46818Chevrolet MalibuWhiteX2-482A
Threw foam cup out of driver side window5/13/2018 12:22:09 PM5/13/2018
12:18:07 PM
United StatesMARYLANDAnnapolisRoute 50 westboundChevroletSilveradoBlack87499
trash thrown out of car window while driving5/14/2018 3:48:25 PM5/14/2018
3:43:28 PM
United StatesMichiganBrightonOld US2349116chevrolet black051718
Littering 5/15/2018 10:44:38 AM5/15/2018
10:40:13 AM
United StatesTXPlanoMidway 75093ChevroletSilveradoBlackKRT-1971
Chevrolet car with SF 49ers sticker at the back window5/16/2018 7:19:36 PM5/16/2018
7:16:17 PM
United StatescaliforniaSanta ClaraHighway interstate 880ChevroletGold6CAB861
Chevrolet car with SF 49ers sticker at the back window5/16/2018 7:19:53 PM5/16/2018
7:16:17 PM
United StatescaliforniaSanta ClaraHighway interstate 880ChevroletGold6CAB861
Cigarette5/17/2018 9:16:46 AM5/17/2018
8:05 AM
United StatesORPortlandGermantown Road97231Chevrolet574 FVM Oregon license plate
Throwing plastic cups & garbage5/17/2018 2:52:11 PM5/17/2018
2:46:22 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverSpeerChevrolet TahoeMaroonLWQ-208
Van kept throwing pieces of trash out the window, onto the highway.5/19/2018 10:20:26 AM5/19/2018
12:50-1:05 PM
United StatesFLWildwood I-75 North34785ChevroletWhite RJU2605
Driver threw bag of garbage out of his car5/19/2018 4:10:50 PM5/19/2018
United StatesCaliforniaSan FranciscoBuena vista wayChevroletMalibu2015 ?Black lr dark blue8CQE419
Threw food wrapper out window5/23/2018 3:03:19 PM5/23/2018
2:58:43 PM
United StatesN,C.GarnerWhite Oak Road27529CHEVROLET AveoWhiteFDK 3161
Cigarette butt out window 5/24/2018 9:49:55 AM5/24/2018
11:00 AM
United StatesNEOmaha 120th and L Street 68144ChevroletTrax2010?Black 021AZ
Car littered a soda fountain cup, lid, and straw5/28/2018 5:02:05 PM5/28/2018
4:10:24 PM
United StatesWA StateVashonVashon HighwayChevroletTrailblazer2002Tan/brown AFX0897
Numerous trashbags dumped and burned along with tires5/29/2018 8:27:56 PM5/29/2018
8:18:19 PM
United StatesMissouriAthertonCourtney Atherton Road64058ChevroletSilverado 2002Brown/Gold67-244B
Threw plastic bottles out window.5/30/2018 12:04:43 PM5/30/2018
2:41 p.m.
United StatesMichiganClarkston/Lake Orion Clarkston Rd.48348Chevrolet SuburbanRed/Burgundy DLP9249
Chain Smoker threw his used cigarettes on th ground.5/30/2018 3:31:18 PM5/30/2018
3:17:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaWestlake Village CaliforniaE Avenida de Los Arboles91362ChevroletSilveradoSilver6G87757
Peggy green park group of people leaving a lot of trash from family get together5/30/2018 6:18:10 PM5/30/2018
6:15:27 PM
United StatesUTRivertonRedwood rd84065Chevrolet Avelanche2012White
Threw litter out car window6/1/2018 8:33:11 AM6/1/2018
10:00 AM
United StatesillinoisWoodstock S Eastwood dr. (Route 47 and 176)60098Chevrolet White 74859Z
Threw litter out car window6/1/2018 8:47:02 AM6/1/2018
10:00 AM
United StatesillinoisWoodstock S Eastwood dr. (Route 47 and 176)60098Chevrolet White 74859Z
Car ahead of us kept throwing out trash onto the road6/1/2018 8:14:40 PM6/1/2018
3:30 PM
United StatesCaReddingDeschutes Rd96073ChevroletSuburban?Black7KWV631
Threw litter out car window6/2/2018 5:49:39 AM6/1/2018
10:00 AM
United StatesillinoisWoodstock S Eastwood dr. (Route 47 and 176)60098Chevrolet White 74859Z
Burgundy Chevy tahoe liscense plat XOD 2686/4/2018 9:31:37 AM6/4/2018
10:28:36 AM
United StatescoDenverI70 East80238ChevroletTahoeXOD 268
Threw plastic bag out window6/4/2018 1:33:13 PM6/4/2018
4:15 pm
United StatesMichiganSchoolcraftOakland Dr.49087ChevroletHalf ton pickupUnknownRedDFE 0423
blonde female white chevy6/4/2018 2:06:12 PM6/4/2018
2:04:45 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado SpringsTroy Court80918Chevrolet4x4271CEQ
2000s Chevy Silverado AK tag CJS DJS6/8/2018 7:40:58 PM6/8/2018
6:37:28 PM
United StatesAlaskaAnchorageSouthbound on-ramp of AK Hwy 1 @ Rabbit Creek exit99508ChevroletSilverado2000sRedCJS DJS
Driver three trash out the window at a red light 6/10/2018 5:10:45 PM6/10/2018
5:07:41 PM
United StatesMissouriWinnabego 291 hwy south Chevrolet TahoeWhiteCm5j5s
Trash blowing out of Pickup6/11/2018 11:56:49 AM6/08/18
5:11 pm
United StatesOklahomaMariettaHwy 32Chevroletpickup?WhiteFBF-296
Littering 6/12/2018 12:38:47 PM6/12/2018
12:35:22 PM
United StatesTexasHouston I-1077029Chevrolet SilveradoWhite C565866
tossing a bunch of stuff into the street from car6/12/2018 3:37:48 PM6/12/2018
5:15:00 PM
United Statesminnesotaminneapolisuniversity ave55413chevroletImpala LTblueagn 510
Throwing cigarette butt out window6/13/2018 5:04:09 PM6/13/2018
United StatesOregonPortlandI5 South97005chevroletequinoxsilver915 GQX
Threw cigarette butt out car window6/14/2018 6:40:22 AM6/14/2018
9:15:13 AM
United StatesNCWilmingtonMurraysville Rd28411ChevroletRIL BLASER LZSilver/greyID-115435
Littering out back window 6/14/2018 10:48:49 AM6/14/2018
10:46:27 AM
United StatesillinoisChicagoI-55NChevrolet Malibu 2002Grey202u192
Black Car threw Deodorant out window6/15/2018 2:11:40 PM6/15/2018
5:00:12 PM
United StatesOhioReynoldsburg/PickeringtonTaylor Road43068ChevroletBlackHHT 2566
Black Car threw Deodorant out window6/15/2018 2:11:52 PM6/15/2018
5:00:12 PM
United StatesOhioReynoldsburg/PickeringtonTaylor Road43068ChevroletBlackHHT 2566
Public housing tenants littering 6/17/2018 9:35:22 AM6/17/2018
9:34:00 AM
United StatesillinoisChicago 2620 W Thomas 60622Chevrolet Impala 2008Silver
Trash blowing out of Pickup6/19/2018 8:34:46 AM6/19/2018
8:28:03 AM
United StatesOklahomaTishomingoHwy 377 NorthChevroletpickupWhiteEJF 565
Cigarette but out of car window on highway6/19/2018 11:03:00 AM6/19/2018
10:08:31 AM
United StatesIndianaGreenwood65 south 46163ChevroletEmpala Red782TUB
Threw fast food bag out passenger window6/20/2018 2:37:18 PM6/20/2018
2:00:56 PM
United StatesWashington stateSeattle50th and Meridian98103ChevroletTahoe or SuburbanNewerGray593-XVE
Cigarette butt6/20/2018 5:51:29 PM6/20/2018
5:49:31 PM
United StatesCaliforniaMoreno Valley215 SouthChevrolet CruzRed7BMC569
Driver tosses cigarette out window:6/20/2018 6:55:59 PM6/20/2018
6::45 AM
United StatesWashington statePuyallup110th Ave E & 43rd Ave SE98372ChevroletCorvette1995?Red221-ZZC
Trash thrown out of window6/23/2018 9:14:26 PM6/23/2018
9:12:05 PM
United StatesWashington stateDes Moines16th Avenue s 98198ChevroletCamaro BlackBby8363
Black chevy avalanche throw away 2 cans of Mountain Dew on the expressway6/26/2018 2:18:48 PM6/26/2018
500 pM
United StatesFLMiramarSouth bound express 175 rampChevrolet Avalanche pick up truckBlackISZ L66
Black chevy avalanche throw away 2 cans of Mountain Dew on the expressway6/26/2018 2:24:17 PM6/26/2018
500 pM
United StatesFLMiramarSouth bound express 175 rampChevrolet Avalanche pick up truckBlackISZ L66
Energy drink can thrown out window by passenger6/27/2018 7:11:46 PM6/27/2018
3:02 p.m.
United StatesMSBoonevilleHwy 4 West38829Chevrolet MalibuNewerSilver1R76M
Man and Woman repeatedly cleaning their car and leaving trash everywhere6/28/2018 4:30:17 PM6/28/2018
6:00:00 PM
United StatesillinoisChicagoTalman60659ChevroletSonic (4D Hatchback)2013BlueV475380
Man and Woman repeatedly cleaning their car and leaving trash everywhere6/28/2018 5:32:25 PM6/28/2018
6:00:00 PM
United StatesillinoisChicagoTalman60659ChevroletSonic (4D Hatchback)2013BlueV475380
Threw a glass bottle out of the window. 6/29/2018 12:52:43 AM6/28/2018
11:30 PM
United StatesMissouriSt. Louis10911 New Halls Ferry Road63136ChevroletDark green 03K9E3
The driver threw out a cigarette pack.6/29/2018 3:11:49 PM6/29/2018
5:25 PM
United StatesFloridaOrlandoWest Sand Lake Road32819ChevroletMalibuBurgundyDGC W40
Throwing cigarette trash out of her window like its her personal litter bin7/4/2018 4:13:36 PM7/3/2018
5:03:00 PM
United StatesIowaIowa CityS Riverside Dr52246ChevroletCruzeSilverCHF 716
Trash Flying Out of Truck Bed for Miles7/5/2018 6:11:04 AM7/5/2018
8:50:00 AM
United StatesKYMCKEEUS Highway 421 South40447ChevroletS10Black or Dark Blue523 MVP
Tossing our drink in Taco Bell parking lot. 7/7/2018 9:08:52 AM7/7/2018
United StatesWVTaco Bell, 4812 Gerrardstown Rd, Inwood25428Chevrolet Uplander Gold Uxy6985
Passenger Threw Napkins Out Window7/7/2018 2:11:56 PM7/7/2018
2:07:18 PM
United StatesUTSalt Lake CityBonneville Blvd & Capitol BlvdChevrolet Traverse2015Gold172 A34 (NY)
Deliberate tossing of plastic bottle from vehicle7/10/2018 1:31:37 PM7/10/2018
4:05:49 PM
United StatesFloridaSt AugustineUS1 South32086Chevrolettruckdirty whiteFL 59820G
Lit cigarette thrown out window by driver7/11/2018 4:21:02 PM7/11/2018
4:17:25 PM
United StatesIDIdaho FallsWoodruff83401-5119ChevroletImpalaBlack8B KK177
Threw paper bags out from the door (opened the door on the freeway while in traffic)7/14/2018 10:07:15 AM7/14/2018
9:57:08 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Berkeley I-80FreewayChevroletWhite
Throwing lit cigarette out window of car onto roadway in beautiful downtown Crystal River.7/15/2018 12:20:36 PM7/15/2018
1:12:11 PM
United StatesFlorida Crystal River Hwy 1934429Chevrolet SilverY35DCY
Water bottle7/16/2018 12:27:32 PM7/16/2018
7:58:14 AM
United StatesmichiganYpsilanti/Ann Arbor 94 West @ mile marker 180.2Chevrolet MalibuUnsureBlackDHZ 4554
Cigarette thrown from car7/16/2018 1:18:18 PM7/16/2018
11:50 am
United StatesWashington stateTacomaSprauge on ramp98402Chevrolet Traverse2016?BlackAAK6215
Thrown Trash7/17/2018 4:48:16 AM7/17/2018
7:35:55 AM
United StatesWest VirginiaTRIadelphiaMcCutchen Rd26059ChevroletCruze LS2013Dark Blue4Y 9251
Cigarette butt thrown out of window7/17/2018 1:20:45 PM7/17/2018
1:13:46 PM
United StatesTennesseeKnoxvilleKingston Pike37919ChevroletColoradoUnknownRed1A61P1
Trash thrown from vehicle7/19/2018 9:25:25 AM7/19/2018
9:19:36 AM
United StatesMissouriHollisterMO 26565672ChevroletCruzBlack 326 KKU
Throwing cup from window7/19/2018 3:15:35 PM7/19/2018
3:06:10 PM
United StatesnvLas Vegas2237 w charleston Blvd89102ChevroletTrailblazer 2009GrayEAT FAT
Cup from Passenger Side Window7/22/2018 8:45:34 PM7/22/2018
2:05 PM
United StatesMichiganEllsworthNear 6300 East Jordan Road49729ChevroletSilveradoTanCED 841
Threw styrofoam cup of liquids out window7/27/2018 10:38:28 PM7/27/2018
10:35:05 PM
United StatesOklahomaOklahoma City I 24074170ChevroletMalibu LsSilverFVE221
Threw trash out the window of the van7/28/2018 8:04:02 AM7/28/2018
7:59:37 AM
United StatesPABlue Bell202ChevroletWhiteXdmc55
Threw a plastic bag out the window of car 7/30/2018 3:26:02 PM7/30/2018
3:21:08 PM
United Statesnew mexicoSanta Ana pueblo (near here) 25 south from Santa Fe to Albuquerque Chevrolet Colorado Black 987TRZ
Threw debris and cans on the road 7/30/2018 5:59:32 PM7/30/2018
5:49:22 PM
United StatesCaliforniaAntiochnear Laurel road94531Chevrolet Silverado White33340X1
Cigar wrappings 7/31/2018 6:02:37 PM7/31/2018
8:04:28 PM
United StatesFloridaJacksonville Collins Rd32244Chevrolet Impala 2011WhiteALY T45
The family at 2217 Foothill blvd blows trash8/3/2018 9:15:38 PM8/3/2018
6:11:05 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOakland2217 Foothill BLVD94606Chevrolet SILVERADO 2015BLACK
Male passenger threw a plastic, lidded cup onto a curb that appeared to be private property8/4/2018 1:03:09 PM8/4/2018
3:55:13 PM
United StatesPAQuakertown West Broad Street(approximately 7th block of broad street)18951ChevroletTahoe Z71BlackKSS017
trash thrown from window of car8/4/2018 3:42:10 PM8/4/2018
2:30:27 PM
United StatesCASacramento8393 Folsom Blvd.95826ChevroletImpala2010black7WLM089
Seen throwing fast food bag of trash and water bottles out of passenger car window8/8/2018 9:16:34 AM8/8/2018
10:55 AM
United StatesAlabamaBirminghamValleydale Road35244ChevroletExpressWhite37538Y3
The driver reached his arm out the window and threw an empty airplane shot bottle in the air, which hit several cars on its way to the ground.8/8/2018 4:28:02 PM8/8/2018
6:20 PM
United StatesMissouriMurphy/FentonWest bound HWY 30 at new/old sugar creek63026Chevrolet Impala Navy BlueZV6-1318
Driver and passenger threw out fast food wrappers8/9/2018 1:43:43 PM8/9/2018
1:39:29 PM
United StatesIllinoisCarlockI74 WestChevroletPickupBlue and grey2334139
man threw out lit cigarette into road8/9/2018 2:04:56 PM8/9/2018
2:02:01 PM
United StatesOREGONcentral pointfreeman rd97502ChevroletSilverado003 BZU
Car threw flaming cigarette from vehicle window 8/9/2018 9:20:32 PM8/9/2018
9:15:59 PM
United StatesWA StateLongview Interstate 5 98632Chevrolet ImpalaWhite BCR6202
Car threw flaming cigarette from vehicle window 8/9/2018 9:21:29 PM8/9/2018
9:15:59 PM
United StatesWA StateLongview Interstate 5 98632Chevrolet ImpalaWhite BCR6202
Throwing trash8/10/2018 4:53:56 PM8/10/2018
4:50:40 PM
United StatesAlaskaAnchorage Glenn hwy99518Chevrolet Suburban 2007SilverNinyer
2 cigarettes were thrown out the window of passenger truck 8/13/2018 10:28:35 AM8/06/2018
11:56 AM
United StatesWashington stateSnoqualmie passI - 9098045ChevroletSilverado truck Grey A45675N
Threw paper bag of garbage our window8/15/2018 8:43:46 AM7/30/2018
United StatesCODENVER2300 block of Central Park Blvd.80238ChevroletSilverBIA 712
UNKNOWN OBJECT8/15/2018 10:13:14 AM8/14/2018
10:07:45 AM
Littered out window8/15/2018 10:35:17 AM8/15/2018
10:32:59 AM
United StatesOklahomaEdmondCovell Rd.Chevrolet Sonic LTBlue 495 CQT
Threw out cups and napkins 8/17/2018 3:24:05 PM8/17/2018
5:10 pm
United StatesMississippi Lamar County Burnt Bidge Road39402ChevroletMalibuBlackMNY 671
Yellowish food bag like from McDonalds8/17/2018 4:03:44 PM8/17/2018
3:54:36 PM
United StatesmiIronsHamilton 49644Chevrolet Pickup2006RedDVR 6788
Driver littered multiple times while driving, discarded burning cigarette.8/17/2018 6:31:02 PM8/17/2018
4:12 PM
United StatesCaliforniaSonoma CountyHighway 37, east-bound, between Lakeville Hwy and Hwy 121ChevroletS10maroon5R00686
Threw tin can and trash out driver window8/23/2018 9:32:11 AM8/20/2018
12:12 pm
United StatesWashingtonPuyallupCanyon Rd & Pioneer Way98371ChevroletSuburbanWhite59314 MS or 9314 ( hard to tell in picture)
Throwing items out window8/24/2018 11:01:19 AM8/24/2018
10:57:04 AM
United StatesVirginiaLadysmithI-95ChevroletMalibuSilverVZK2134 Virginia
Plastic bag and empty chemical bottle8/24/2018 12:33:54 PM8/24/2018
2:15:10 PM
United StatesFLORIDAFort Lauderdale1741 S State Road 733317ChevroletMalibu2015WhiteHBQQ82
Car threw bottle out of window8/30/2018 6:11:16 AM8/30/2018
8:23:13 AM
United StatesINIndianapolisI-65SChevroletgoldJ919794
Tossing trash out the window 8/30/2018 6:29:04 PM8/30/2018
6:25:27 PM
United StatesColorado AlmaCO 980420Chevrolet TealTUQ648
cigarette butt8/31/2018 6:04:01 AM8/30/2018
5:04:00 PM
United StatesmichiganGrand RapidsUS-131 North49505Chevrolet Traverse LSDark BlueDPX5286
Threw out entire bottle 9/3/2018 10:50:52 AM9/3/2018
1:45 pm
United StatesSouth Carolina WellfordNazerth church road29385Chevrolet Colorado BlackCnr 288
Driver threw lit butt out his window9/3/2018 3:03:45 PM9/3/2018
3:01:48 PM
United StatesUTAHNorth Ogden 400 N84414Chevrolet HHRWhiteW438av
Large brown bag with red writing9/5/2018 8:45:57 AM9/5/2018
10:30:59 AM
United StatesMississippiTupelo1500 Lawndale Dr38801ChevroletMalibusilverACL471
Fast food bags and boxes intentionally dumped in 9/11/2018 5:55:58 PM9/11/2018
5:45:52 PM
United StatesCABakersfieldCalloway Drive93312ChevroletSilverado UnsureSilver/Gold8M92819
Mcdonalds wrappers 9/13/2018 10:39:12 AM9/13/2018
1:30 pm
United StatesindianaMuncie N. Dr Martin Luther King Jr BlvdChevrolet Black TJ284LKK
Woman threw red cup with something in it, green cloth, and red bag out the window9/13/2018 5:17:26 PM9/13/2018
5:11:13 PM
United StatesSacramentoSacramentoRosin & NorthgateChevroletMalibuWhite8cgd317
Littering from the car9/16/2018 6:09:50 PM9/16/2018
United StatescoloradoAurora16342 E Quincy Ave80015CHEVROLETIMPALA2008blackCVS 234
dumping clothes near dumpster 9/18/2018 8:35:02 AM9/17/2018
6:49:00 PM
United StatesCAtustin1501 nisson rd92780Chevroletsilverado single cab2007Blue Granite
dumping clothes near dumpster 9/18/2018 9:23:47 AM9/17/2018
6:49:00 PM
United StatesCAtustin1501 nisson rd92780Chevroletsilverado single cab2007Blue Granite
threw lit cigarette out the window. 9/21/2018 11:48:06 AM9/21/2018
United StatesWashington StateSpanawayCanyon road and 176th ave. 98387ChevroletNova1980blackBKJ 7823
Out of a vehicle 9/26/2018 3:45:58 PM9/26/2018
United StatesFLTallahasseeJackson bluff and Gaines st32304chevroletTahoeDark Grey CHLM42
Passenger throwing food in a bag under car10/1/2018 6:14:44 PM10/1/2018
6:10:06 PM
United StatesCaliforniaGardena-TorranceOn Redondo Beach Blvd.,90247ChevroletMalibuunkgray8AVK285
Cigarette butt10/2/2018 11:59:27 AM10/2/2018
United StatesGeorgiaDawsonvilleLumpkin campgroundChevroletSUVGreyCB7522
Cigarette butt10/2/2018 7:36:03 PM10/2/2018
7:33:22 PM
United StatesAlTuscaloosa 20/59 interstate 35476Chevrolet MalibuWhite63 JP243
Plastic Bag10/3/2018 12:39:36 PM10/3/2018
12:34:11 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaCharlestonArlington drive29494CHEVROLETTahoeBlackMMX130
Plastic Bag10/3/2018 12:41:20 PM10/3/2018
12:34:11 PM
United StatesSouth CarolinaCharlestonArlington drive29494CHEVROLETTahoeBlackMMX130
Threw cigarette butt still burning from car10/4/2018 5:27:31 AM10/4/2018
6:50 AM
United StatesminnesotaGreenfieldHighway 55Chevrolet1500Green982HLG
Threw trash out of car10/6/2018 7:43:59 PM10/5/2018
3:50 PM
United StatesVirginiaDumfriesFincastle Dr. 22025ChevroletMalibuMix of Blue/slate colorUWY-7253
Littering while driving10/8/2018 1:31:29 PM10/5/2018
United StatesOREGONPortlandNE 162nd Ave at Glisan97233ChevroletColoradoDark blue088ECH
Tossed napkins from car window10/10/2018 12:25:38 PM10/10/2018
03:19 PM
United StatesGeorgiaChambleeI-285 ramp to Peachtree Industrial southChevrolet ImpalaRecentWhiteQAK1418
Saw man in red truck dumping garbage on the steeet 10/12/2018 4:09:46 PM10/12/2018
4:05:19 PM
United StatesSan FranciscoSan Francisco2 Hale Street94134Chevrolet Truck Unknown RedJ? B25410
Man dumped a personal pizza box and sauce container onto the road while stopped in traffic.10/12/2018 8:42:08 PM10/12/2018
6:10:23 PM
United StatesOhioReynoldsburgLancaster Avenue 43068ChevroletTrail BlazerUnsureGolden tan HNN 1503
Driver tossed cigarette butt out of window10/14/2018 5:56:47 PM10/13/2018
2:39:43 PM
United StatesTXSB interstate 35mile marker 322CHEVROLETCAMAROLBV8124
Cup thrown out of car window10/17/2018 9:23:15 AM10/17/2018
11:15 AM
United StatesoklahomaEnidWillow73701ChevroletSuburban MaroonBME025
Man threw trash out of window10/18/2018 2:52:07 PM10/18/2018
2:45:46 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado Springs Colorado Springs 80921Chevrolet TruckWhiteCBS 866
Cigarette out window 10/22/2018 5:56:48 AM10/22/2018
5:53:40 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Escondido15 southChevrolet TruckWhite52260a2
Threw garbage from his vehicle on freeway.10/25/2018 2:05:22 PM10/25/2018
8:00 am
United StatesCALos Angeles5 S FreewayChevroletTahoeN/ABlack8GLK964
Tossed trash by vehicle 10/27/2018 9:16:26 AM10/27/2018
9:11:53 AM
United States CaliforniaBonsallVia Urner92003ChevroletSilveradoWhite
TRASH PUT IN PUBLIC 10/29/2018 8:33:39 AM10/28/2018
1:30-2:00 P.M.
Litering at chic filet a drive thru10/31/2018 4:40:49 PM10/31/2018
4:37:41 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahMall Blvd 31406ChevroletCruze LTRedVNE1956
Litering at chic filet a drive thru10/31/2018 4:41:03 PM10/31/2018
4:37:41 PM
United StatesGeorgiaSavannahMall Blvd 31406ChevroletCruze LTRedVNE1956
Tossing litter from car window 11/3/2018 10:01:29 AM11/3/2018
8:55 AM
United StatesWashingtonShoreline175th street at Aurora Ave 98133Chevrolet Cruze 2017?SilverBLB1160
Driver discarded plastic wrappers11/7/2018 6:55:43 AM11/7/2018
8:28 AM
United StatesVAChesterfieldFox Club Parkway23832ChevroletTrailblazer2005-08SilverUVE4964
Food and drink containers 11/7/2018 8:39:49 AM11/7/2018
8:31:50 AM
United StatesWashington StateYakima 720 N 5th Ave98902Chevrolet Tahoe LSWhiteBEF1359
Throwing large object/waste onto street at a red light11/7/2018 1:26:44 PM10/30/2018
12:46 PM
United StatesnevadaLas vegasCharleston89110ChevroletMalibuN/ADark red88G889/886899
Threw garbage out of window, twice11/10/2018 7:32:37 PM11/10/2018
United StatesillinoisBerkeley 1904 Coolidge ave60163ChevroletWhiteZ12 6012
Through out cigarette on road.11/13/2018 2:34:38 PM11/13/2018
2:25:13 PM
United StatesminnesotaBloomingtonAmerican Blvd55425ChevroletEquinoxN/ABlack988MVA
Throwing trash out the window while sitting at a stoplight11/17/2018 9:33:38 AM11/14/2018
9:47:52 AM
United StatesFLJacksonvilleBeach and Hodges intersection 32224ChevroletR52010?blackJQX-S55
Litter11/26/2018 12:24:18 PM11/26/2018
12:12:17 PM
United StatesSouth DakotaPierre500 E. Capital. 57501ChevroletVanWhite19t 317
Sack blowing out of pickup bed11/29/2018 12:17:50 PM11/29/2018
10:50 AM
United StatesOKBroken BowCraig Rd74728ChevroletSilveradoWhiteGVF018
Lit Cigarette Thrown out Window11/30/2018 11:19:54 PM11/30/2018
11:03:00 PM
United StatesWABonney LakeWA 41098390ChevroletSonic LTwhiteBBU8466
Threw soda can put driver window 12/4/2018 5:31:56 AM12/4/2018
7:25 AM
United StatesFlorida Palm CoastExit 284 North exit 32137Chevrolet Tahoe 2008Burgundy Y05 JOK
Cigarette12/15/2018 4:55:47 PM12/15/2018
United StatesWashington stateAuburn15th street sw98001ChevroletS 102000WhiteB89136X
Mountain pass littering 12/16/2018 1:29:30 PM12/16/2018
1:09:59 PM
United StatesColoradoLovelandI-70Chevrolet SilveradoNavy blueCDW715
Throwing large amounts of trash out their window.. I could’ve got into an accident!!12/17/2018 4:06:36 PM12/17/2018
4:04:01 PM
United StatesPennsylvania Summit hill20918250ChevroletTrailblazerMaybe 2007Gold? It was darkKvw 3991
cigarette butt out the window12/18/2018 11:41:35 AM12/17/2018
2:00 pm
United StatesFloridaNorth VeniceLaurel Road34275ChevroletCorvetteWhiteKGN Q19
Littering While Driving12/27/2018 12:23:47 PM12/27/2018
12:22:03 PM
United StatesMissouriSpringfieldNational65807ChevroletSparkDark Blue03LQCB
Chronic Littering throwing from moving car daily12/27/2018 12:43:38 PM12/27/2018 and months before
9:00 am
United StatesAlabamaCropwellOak Tree St.35054ChevroletCruzeNADark Color59DB362
Dozens of full trash bags in Back Yard12/27/2018 12:59:15 PM12/27/2018
12:55:00 PM
United StatesAlabamaCropwellOak Tree St.35054ChevroletAstroNABlue
Fast Food Cup1/12/2019 10:21:24 PM1/12/2019
6:15:10 PM
United StatesMississippiCorinth1299-1201 S Cass St38834ChevroletTahoe2003-2006BlackACA 0016
Water bottle and Mountain Dew bottle thrown into street1/14/2019 9:01:36 AM1/8/2019
7:57 AM
United StatesminnesotaMinneapolis32nd St E55407ChevroletSuburban or Tahoe2000-2005Green659 JMW
Threw garbage from car window.2/4/2019 12:21:05 PM2/4/2019
12:17:32 PM
United StatesPennsylvaniaMunhall8th Ave15120ChevroletSilver/greyJYN3790
Dumping trash out of car window2/5/2019 3:37:59 PM2/5/2019
2:33 pm
United StatesCaliforniaSanta AnaS Grand92705ChevroletSilveradoBlack56959N1
Threw Starbucks cup and waterbottle2/8/2019 6:24:42 AM2/7/2019
730 am
United StatesWashington Auburn Auburn Way North98002Chevrolet Impala BlackBMH3939
Threw bag out of the window carry out food 2/12/2019 12:59:33 PM2/12/2019
2:20 PM
United StatesMiDetroit 96 and Schaefer hwyChevrolet Cruze2011-15BlueEEA 1008
Chucked styrofoam cup2/14/2019 10:34:30 AM2/14/2019
10:23:17 AM
United StatesMARYLANDBaltimore5901 Holabird Ave21224ChevroletSilverado Z711998Silver with blue lower trim796812
Littering while driving 2/15/2019 4:36:39 PM2/15/2019
5:33:59 PM
United StateswisconsinClear lake Hey 63Chevrolet MalibuBlackABH 6813
Littering cigarettes 2/19/2019 6:18:48 PM2/19/2019
6:11:51 PM
United StatesVIRGINIALynchburg2901 Candlers Mountain Road24502Chevrolet Blazer1995TanJCV- 6030
Throwing trash from car2/22/2019 9:32:18 PM2/22/2019
10:40 AM
United Statestexasdallasuniversity 75209Chevrolet CruzeDark Bluekgl 4059
Passenger threw cup at pedestrian 2/23/2019 11:00:46 AM2/23/2019
10:56:20 AM
United StatesFloridaKey westRooseveltChevroletPt cruiser2005Blue009 QDP
Threw trash out of car window2/24/2019 6:20:16 PM2/23/2019
6:17:47 PM
United StatesKYLouisvilleFern Valley Rd. 40219ChevroletImpalaEarly 2000sBlack399YMF
Local business littering2/26/2019 4:00:39 PM2/26/2019
3:39:24 PM
United StatesALHuntsvilleSharpsburg dr35803Chevrolet Silverado Z71 ext cab 4x42010-2012Beige
Local business littering2/26/2019 4:01:22 PM2/26/2019
3:39:24 PM
United StatesALHuntsvilleSharpsburg dr35803Chevrolet Silverado Z71 ext cab 4x42010-2012Beige
Cigarette butt2/27/2019 5:47:57 AM2/27/2019
7:45 AM
United StatesDCWashington395 on rampChevroletSuburban SilverUud8475
Dumping full soda can into street3/1/2019 10:02:54 PM3/1/2019
8:50 pm
United StatesOREGONPortland SW Orchid St97219Chevrolet Corvette2000sBlack777 ESF
Water bottle out of car door3/5/2019 2:05:43 PM3/5/2019
United StatesUTAHSalt Lake City900 E near 800 S84102ChevroletOlderGreenV926KN
Water bottle out of car door3/5/2019 2:08:03 PM3/5/2019
United StatesUTAHSalt Lake City900 E near 800 S84102ChevroletOlderGreenV926KN
Person rolled down passenger window and threw a can and a plastic cup in the street.3/7/2019 12:09:34 PM3/7/2019
12:05:59 PM
United StatesIllinoisChicago120 E. Cullerton St.60616Chevrolet HHR2008SilverIllinois BF18701
3156 dumping trash behind my home, 3/9/2019 12:55:26 PM3/9/2019
12:24:44 PM
United StatesAlabama BurminghanJefferson Ave 35221Chevrolet
Sat a styrofoam or paper cup on pavement in parking lot3/10/2019 5:37:28 PM3/10/2019
4:07:38 PM
United StatesAlabamaHoover4671 Highway 280 East35242ChevroletImpala5618AW1
Person tossed multiple items out of car while waiting in McDonald’s drive thru3/10/2019 7:52:14 PM3/10/2019
9:45:58 PM
United StatesillinoisHazel CrestMcDonaldsChevrolet Traverse White AV 28928
Dumped McDonald’s cup on highway3/14/2019 5:48:42 PM3/14/2019
5:37:38 PM
United StatesSan FranciscoSan Francisco Great Highway/Highway 1 94116ChevroletSilverado White10062B2
irresponsible 3/14/2019 6:07:09 PM3/14/2019
20:50 PM
United StatesFloridaClearwaterus19 and golf to bay33760chevroletimpalagrey734-8PG
Threw a plastic coke bottle and lid out window3/15/2019 7:08:46 AM3/14/19
10:55 am
United StatesGeorgia (GA)Fayetteville Hwy 54 West30214ChevroletSilverado?SilverC114324
Threw out thee empty cigarette cartons 3/15/2019 8:48:30 AM3/15/2019
8:45:06 AM
United StatesgeorgiaThomaston Ingles parking lot 30286Chevrolet SilveradoBlack QAT3264
Coke 12 pack box3/19/2019 1:50:31 PM3/19/2019
1:35:28 PM
United StatesSCCharlestonI-26 west29403Chevrolet Colorado WhiteVOC-275
Throwing trash out the car window3/22/2019 1:48:17 PM3/22/2019
United StatesFLLongwoodState Road 434 and Tarry Town32750Chevrolet Gray/silverLCAN49
Littering3/23/2019 2:10:18 PM3/23/2019
2:07:34 PM
United StatesgeorgiaMilledevilleHighway 49ChevroletCruzeBlackWjt602
Threw bottle out the window 3/25/2019 5:08:52 PM3/25/2019
5:02:27 PM
United StatesnevadaLas Vegas Las Vegas blvd 89102Chevrolet Silverado 2016White046779R2
Littered plastic out of car window 3/28/2019 4:00:08 PM3/28/2019
United StatesFLPaceUS 9032571ChevroletSilveradoWhiteVUL78
White male dumping debris from truck to side of the road.3/29/2019 4:50:43 AM3/28/2019
2:30 PM
United StatesMichigan Lansing496Chevrolet Silverado White or silverDFN5725
People littering in apartments 3/29/2019 10:05:30 AM3/29/2019
12:30 pm
United StatesMIJackson335 Oak Grove Ave apt M49203Chevrolet Impala2006-2009Gray
Several window toss outs3/31/2019 2:33:33 PM3/31/2019
2:29:17 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVenturaHwy 101ChevroletTahoeSilverish4zyy005 California
threw trash out of window4/2/2019 10:32:49 AM4/1/2019
6:25 PM
United StatesVirginiaRoanoke13th street SE24013ChevroletCruze? newer modelDark GrayUWG-6042
Paper littering- I have a photo of the incident4/2/2019 4:01:34 PM4/1/2019
2:11 PM
United States CaliforniaEscondidoI-15 Southbound and E Via Rancho PkwyChevroletPickup TruckWhite75168G2
Paper littering- I have a photo of the incident4/2/2019 4:02:59 PM4/1/2019
2:11 PM
United States CaliforniaEscondidoI-15 Southbound and E Via Rancho PkwyChevroletPickup TruckWhite75168G2
Plastic Bottle thrown by driver onto Expressway4/4/2019 5:35:47 AM4/2/2019
4:13 PM
United StatesFLORIDAOrlando408 Eastbound Toll Road and Dean-Rouse Toll Booth area32828ChevroletBrownish Burgundyy64tni
Lit cigarette tossing4/4/2019 10:22:03 AM4/4/2019
10:05:50 AM
United StatesWashington StateTacoma1969-1999 S 72nd St98409ChevroletExpressWhite
Threw trash out window 4/6/2019 12:52:54 PM4/6/2019
12:51:22 PM
United StatesGeorgia (GA)Statesboro Lake view rd30458Chevrolet Colorado SilverCjr2473
Man threw trash 3x out his window4/7/2019 8:48:51 AM4/7/2019
8:44:33 AM
United StatesfloridaTallahasseeI10 near exit 230ChevroletSilveradoBlackBMZU38
Man drops cigarette butt out window 4/10/2019 5:38:43 AM4/8/2019
United StatesVANewport NewsJ. Clyde Morris 23601Chevrolet BrownVTP - 6965
Thowing water bottles into oncoming traffic lane4/12/2019 6:01:09 AM4/12/2019
8:15 AM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaCentre Hall Route 4516828ChevroletTruckBlackZKR6339
Red truck in front of me threw plastic bag out of his window while driving in the parking lot4/12/2019 6:13:30 PM4/12/2019
8:00 PM
United StateswisconsinSuperiorWalmart Parking Lot54880Chevrolet SilveradoRed697 XTX
Open can of bud lite littered 4/13/2019 3:36:42 PM4/13/2019
6:20 PM
United StatesNCWinston Salem Healy Dr, Stratford rd intersection 27103ChevroletMalibu2010?WhiteFDC-5975
Lit cigarette butt tossed from vehicles window4/18/2019 2:59:45 PM4/18/2019
5:23 PM
United StatesMichiganHollandlincoln avenue & 40th street49423chevroletequinoxGoldish silver tope (picture available)EAD 4731
Throwing trash out window4/19/2019 12:26:42 PM4/19/2019
3:20 pm
United StatesFloridaPembroke PinesNw 129th ave33025Chevrolet CruzeGrayKVLD76
Passenger dumped Popeyes cup out the window4/21/2019 12:45:15 PM4/21/2019
12:41:17 PM
United StatesHawaiiWahiawaPaalaa uka pupukea rd96786Chevrolet Blackish-BlueTFC 478
Dumped fast food bags out car4/22/2019 1:58:54 PM4/22/2019
4:55:35 PM
United StatesMichigan Grand Rapids 28th street49506Chevrolet Equinox BlackDww4016
575 kGU Chevy Tahoe (Black)4/24/2019 2:37:49 PM4/24/2019
United StatesMinnesotaMinneapolis 9th street (near Portland) downtown Minneapolis heading westbound in far left laneChevroletTahoeBlack575 KGU
Throwing trash out of car windo4/24/2019 3:51:30 PM4/24/2019
3:48:54 PM
United StatesGeorgiaLovejoyMain StreetChevrolet Tahoe TanRLR3908
Black Chevy sedan threw plastic cup out window4/25/2019 1:10:40 PM4/25/2019
4:05:08 PM
United StatesGeorgiaAtlantaBishop St NW30318Chevrolet Black RIV9696
Man threw bottle filled with yellow liquid or his car window4/25/2019 5:41:40 PM4/25/2019
5:33:50 PM
United StateswashingtonSeattle4th ave south and Jackson 98104ChevroletWhiteC47483P
Pepsi can thrown out car4/27/2019 8:12:18 AM4/26/2019
5:32:00 PM
United StatestnMemphis I240 west38119Chevrolet TahoeMaybe 2005GreenKTA 7997
Threw out several cans of beer on 1134/27/2019 1:51:28 PM4/27/2019
1:48:48 PM
United StatesCaliforniaKnights LandingHighway 113ChevroletGrey7ELN603
House has loose trash all over the yard. 4/29/2019 4:11:17 PM2016-2019
All times
United StatesMichiganGrayling710 Madsen St49738Chevrolet ImpalaTan
White Chevrolet litter out window5/2/2019 5:49:17 AM5/2/2019
7:54:33 AM
United StatesNYQueens495 West BoundChevroletWhiteGTD3556
Threw McDonald’s cup out window 5/3/2019 7:28:00 AM5/2/2019
United StatesMaryland Hampstead Main Street Chevrolet SilveradoGreat 6199Z0
Threw food boxes and wrapping and leftover food out the car window in parking lot.5/4/2019 12:59:44 PM5/4/2019
2:45 PM
United StateskansasOlathe 12091 S Strang Line Rd66062Chevrolet Impala2016BlackC072055
Littering 5/5/2019 9:58:17 AM5/5/2019
9:49:20 AM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Canyon CountryShangri La Dr91351Chevrolet Tahoe2014White6zzk597
Threw butts and plastic wrap of cigarette pack5/7/2019 6:41:34 PM5/6/2019
4:33:05 PM
United StatesILPekinBuena Vista Ave61554ChevroletCruzeRedAC9 7968
Driver threw lit cigarette from moving vehicle5/8/2019 11:40:39 AM5/7/2019
09:15 PM
United States CaliforniaHuntington BeachN Bolsa Chica at Edinger92649ChevroletVolt2017Black7HCP438
White chevy impala5/9/2019 5:25:06 PM5/9/2019
5:20:30 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Los altosBayfront expy94025ChevroletImpalaWhite8hbx757
Threw cigarette pack out window onto street5/10/2019 1:07:49 PM5/10/2019
3:00 p.m.
United StatesMissouriSt. LouisI-44 and Hampton63139ChevroletEquinoxWhiteIowa CEY 838
White truck throwing lighters out the window5/10/2019 7:16:32 PM5/10/2019
7:12:19 PM
United StatesCALos Banos748 wood duck ct93635Chevrolet SilveradoNAWhite88235D2
Person threw out drinking cup from moving vehicle5/15/2019 4:32:42 PM5/15/2019
6:00:09 PM
United StatesMichiganDetroitInterstate 96 west ChevroletCavalier Dark blueEAR6910
White male with long gray hair5/20/2019 11:13:07 AM5/20/2019
5;30 am
United StateslouisianaPrairievilleJohn Broussard Road70769ChevroletTruck2018-2019BlackWM300
White male with long gray hair5/20/2019 11:13:43 AM5/20/2019
5;30 am
United StateslouisianaPrairievilleJohn Broussard Road70769ChevroletTruck2018-2019BlackWM300
Emptied car out into parking lot 5/20/2019 4:09:13 PM5/20/2019
4:02:09 PM
United StatesnevadaHendersonGreen Valley Parkway89052Chevrolet Malibu Fairly new dark grey641-C46
Young female driver throwing fast food garbage out her vehicle onto Blue Angel Parkway 5/23/2019 7:35:44 AM5/22/2019
5:30 pm
United StatesFlorida Pensacola Blue Angel Parkway 32526Chevrolet Malibu 2012-2017White LGC Y55
Littering from the car5/26/2019 4:36:49 PM5/26/2019
4:32:43 PM
United StatesFloridaFort LauderdaleNA33441Chevrolet ImpalaWhite W10BPR
trash throwing trash out their window5/26/2019 7:30:46 PM5/26/2019
6:00:30 PM
United StatesAlabamaMobileLeroy Stevens36695ChevroletTrailblazerwhite2CG1761
Car rolled down window to throw trash out the window while drivig5/27/2019 4:49:52 PM5/27/2019
4:45:50 PM
United StatesOklahomaGuthrieI-3573063ChevroletImpala LTGreyKansas 369-KYT
White Chevrolet NC PLZ-1405 tossing litter from moving car6/3/2019 1:13:02 PM6/3/2019
1:05:57 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaWinston Salem4220 Hollow Oak Ct27104ChevroletWhiteNC PLZ-1405
Cigarette butt6/4/2019 5:32:06 PM6/4/2019
5:50 PM
United States North CarolinaRaleighBeltline at Capital Blvd27604ChevroletMalibu2006GreenAN 37505
Throwing trash out window6/5/2019 2:26:21 PM6/5/2019
5:20 pm
United StatesGeorgiaGainesvilleGaines mill road30507ChevroletTahoeGoldPYC4119
dump of food container trash6/10/2019 8:22:15 AM6/09/2019
2 pm
CanadaBritish ColumbiaHixonHighwayChevroletpick updark blueWW0099
Tosses trash in bushes between McDonald’s and panda express6/11/2019 4:07:24 PM6/11/2019
3:56:13 PM
United StatesVirginiaLynchburg4030 wards road24502ChevroletUnsureUnsureWhiteVHL-1188
Dumping garbage from car6/12/2019 2:13:24 PM6/12/2019
2:10:27 PM
United StatesFloridaDaytona beachLpga blvd32117Chevrolet Malibu Dark greyBMAT27
Dumping garbage from car6/12/2019 2:13:34 PM6/12/2019
2:10:27 PM
United StatesFloridaDaytona beachLpga blvd32117Chevrolet Malibu Dark greyBMAT27
Threw a box out window in traffic 6/14/2019 3:39:12 PM6/14/2019
3:37:14 PM
United StatesDelawareMillsboroLongneck Road19966ChevroletSonicSilver345258
2 beverages cups thrown from moving truck6/14/2019 8:40:08 PM6/14/2019
1:30 PM
United StatesMinnesotaAlexandria Highway 2956319Chevrolet BlackCBC 020
Dumping out of car6/15/2019 3:46:18 AM6/14/2019
6:26 PM
United StatesNew JerseyJersey CityTonnelle Ave 07307Chevrolet Malibu ITBlackJKK 6870
Throw trash out of driving car 6/15/2019 7:38:56 PM6/15/2019
4:33:31 PM
United StatesMILivonia6mile ramp to 275 southbound48152ChevroletImpalaSilverDdx 2499
2 beverages cups thrown from moving truck6/17/2019 7:53:48 PM6/14/2019
1:30 PM
United StatesMinnesotaAlexandria Highway 2956319Chevrolet BlackCBC 020
plastic bags , bottles and paper6/18/2019 1:30:35 PM6/18/2019
United StatesTexasgalvestonHWY 4577568Chevroletpickup2006white1770679
Driver tossed out a plastic bottle & sandwich wrapper 6/19/2019 6:21:17 AM6/19/2019
United StatesFloridaSarasotaFruitville Road Eastbound on I 75N laneChevroletSilveradoDark GrayKQBG39
Throwing trash at peoples cars and driving recklessly6/19/2019 8:21:38 PM6/17/2019
5:45 PM
United StatesmassachusettsMiddleton11401949Chevroletwhite557INM
Dumping cigarrette 6/19/2019 10:16:16 PM6/19/2019
5:35 PM
United StatesOREGONPortlandSE Hawthorne & 20th97214ChevroletSilverado~1989Gray52403319
Teenagers throwing trash out windows of car6/21/2019 6:55:09 AM6/20/2019
6:52:23 PM
United StateswisconsinEphraimHwy 4254211ChevroletTahoe or suburban2000sGreyR77 8345
Dumping fast food jack in the box out the window6/21/2019 11:15:19 AM6/21/2019
11:13:06 AM
United StatesWA StateAlgonaHwy 167 northChevroletSilverado1995GreenB84814Y
Dumping diapers,fast food bags, soda cups etc.6/23/2019 11:23:14 PM6/23/2019
6:45 PM
United StatesCALong beach5955 Linden Ave.90805ChevroletImpala2015Black7VLX136
Trash was thrown from passenger side window 6/26/2019 1:39:34 PM6/26/2019
12:00:00 pm
United StatesgeorgiaDublinI-16 Eastbound 31021Chevrolet Camaro2008-2015BlackCIU5778
Silverstone Metallic 2008 Chevrolet Impala dumps napkins, paper bags, and other trash.6/28/2019 1:31:29 PM6/20/2019
5:15 PM
United StatesIllinoisChicagoAshland60607ChevroletImpala2008Silverstone MetallicIllinois
Threw out burger wrapper6/29/2019 5:54:04 PM6/29/2019
1:02 PM
United StatesFLORIDAGainesvilleNW 13th St32653ChevroletExplorerBlueKshd42
Threw trash out the window.7/1/2019 3:57:28 PM7/1/2019
3:47:51 PM
United StatesCaPico Rosemead blvd90606ChevroletCruzeN/ABlack7WWD951
cigarette but or white paper thrown out window7/5/2019 3:36:25 PM7/5/2019
5:27:00 PM
United StatesAlabamaAnnistonI20ChevroletSilverado grey 11JD999
Saw young male throw a green cup out of truck on Briarwood Road just south of Cedarwood Road. He was behind me and I slowed after he threw it and so he gunned the engine past me in the next lane. Continued gunning and racing to the 54 west.7/6/2019 3:13:49 PM7/6/2019
10:25 am
United StatesCaliforniaBonita Briarwood Road91902Chevrolet SilveradoBlack77334G2
Trash being thrown behind the building.7/6/2019 7:57:51 PM7/6/2019
7:42:45 PM
United StatesAlabamaBirmingham7749 2Nd Ave S35206ChevroletImpala2015 or 2016WhiteRIP JON
threw paper out at red light7/8/2019 4:08:18 PM7/8/2019
6:06:26 PM
United Statesamerica cantonment hw 2932534chevrolet black21ak162
Threw out cigarette pack trash7/8/2019 5:39:48 PM7/8/2019
5:20:17 PM
United StatesCAGlendaleSan Fernando 91502Chevrolet ColoradoBlack05151L2
Threw Gatorade bottle into ditch on 53rd St N7/8/2019 5:52:36 PM7/8/2019
5:49:36 PM
United StatesKansasWichita 53rd St NChevroletSilveradoSilver713 LNJ
Littering in broad daylight7/9/2019 4:58:15 AM7/8/2019
United StatesMichiganWarrenVan Dyke & 8 Mile Rd Chevrolet Malibu2009SilverEAS 4387
Throwing trash out of both sides! 7/9/2019 3:38:52 PM7/9/2019
6:15 pm
United StatesMaineAugustaRt 1704330ChevroletSuburban1990s ??Maroon7751WV or 7761WV
Trash thrown on ground from vehicle7/12/2019 10:16:50 PM7/12/2019
10:13:12 PM
United StatesTexasEuless304 Norman Drive76040ChevroletRedJrx 5056
Throwing trash out window7/18/2019 11:56:52 AM7/18/2019
United StatesFloridaMargate/Tamarac 3155 Riverside Drive33065Chevrolet Malibu Unknown BlackJUDW63
Throwing trash out window7/18/2019 11:57:03 AM7/18/2019
United StatesFloridaMargate/Tamarac 3155 Riverside Drive33065Chevrolet Malibu Unknown BlackJUDW63
Throwing trash out window7/18/2019 12:00:07 PM7/18/2019
United StatesFloridaMargate/Tamarac Southgate and Rock Island 33065Chevrolet Malibu Unknown BlackJUDW63
Threw pop can out window7/21/2019 3:25:34 PM7/21/2019
3:19:25 PM
United StatesMichiganRomulusGoddard Rd48174Chevrolet Malibu2017SilverDXC 1660
Hot cigarette thrown on I-5 exit 61 5:02 pm7/21/2019 5:33:15 PM7/21/2019
5:10:56 PM
United StatesWA StateI-5I-5 northboundChevrolet Highline truckBlack allB71318X
Discarded personal trash, then lost debris on back of truck7/23/2019 4:24:33 PM7/10/2019
12:03:04 PM
United StatesNJEgg Harbor TownshipWashington Avenue08232ChevroletSilveradoUnsureWhiteXBWV94
Cigarette7/24/2019 9:30:56 AM7/24/2019
12:10:22 PM
United StatesFloridaSouth Miami6350 S Dixie Hwy33143ChevroletImpala2016-2018Dark BlueJCQH39
threw bag of trash out of the car window7/24/2019 12:51:13 PM7/24/2019
1 30 pm
United StatesALABAMAChelseaHighway 4135242ChevroletTahoeBlackANR014
Fast food wrappers out window7/25/2019 8:31:14 AM7/25/2019
8:28:08 AM
United StatesMichiganMadison HeightsI-75/14 Mile Rd48071ChevroletCamaro2010GreyDKQ8660
Tossed cup out the window7/26/2019 6:02:46 PM7/26/2019
6:00:40 PM
United StateswisconsinWausau51Chevrolet25002016WhitePC2014
Throw papers on the street from the car 7/30/2019 4:59:30 AM7/25/2019
United StatesFLMiamiNW 22 Ave33147ChevroletCruzeBlackCME4507
Throw papers on the street from the car 7/30/2019 9:12:28 AM7/25/2019
United StatesFLMiamiNW 22 Ave33147ChevroletCruzeBlackCME4507
Litter being thrown from passenger window7/30/2019 7:37:48 PM7/30/2019
Approx 5:50 PM
United StatesncCatawbaHwy. 10 East28609ChevroletPickup 1990-1996WhiteNC TPL-2867
Littering8/2/2019 7:37:51 AM7/31/2019
11:03:00 AM
United StatesOHPerrysburg23/475 near Route 25 exit43551ChevroletMaroonJ413611
Dark Gray or black SUV8/3/2019 9:48:17 AM8/3/2019
9:15:58 AM
United StateskansasTopeka California Ave66605Chevrolet Not sure of the model Don’t know Dark Gray 099 KNA
Dropped Orange Crush Soda Can and Styrofoam Cup out of Window8/3/2019 3:52:57 PM8/3/2019
3:48:48 PM
United StatesVirginiaRichmondChamberlayne23220ChevroletMinivan???GreyishVLS2349
Woman threw trash out of her vehicle at intersection.8/6/2019 10:32:53 AM8/6/2019
01:00 PM
United StatesMichiganFlint2nd Street48504ChevroletMalibuTanEBS 3461
Candy wrappers8/6/2019 12:45:31 PM8/6/2019
12:38:05 PM
United StatesFLORIDAOrange ParkOn ramp to 295 South, Daytona Beach32073Chevrolet CruzBlackKAAT70
Large black woman with kids throwing trash into streets8/6/2019 3:53:14 PM8/6/2019
3:50:04 PM
United StatesMichiganYpsilantiPackard48108ChevroletMalibu LT2014ishWhiteHGD2574
Large black woman with kids throwing trash into streets8/6/2019 3:53:22 PM8/6/2019
3:50:04 PM
United StatesMichiganYpsilantiPackard48108ChevroletMalibu LT2014ishWhiteHGD2574
Driver dumped cups and wrappers out of window8/8/2019 11:55:10 AM8/8/2019
09:45:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaSan Jose280 Northbound (freeway)95110ChevroletSilver7LIX326
Threw out plastic wrapper8/9/2019 10:54:51 AM8/9/2019
12:50 PM
United StatesAlabamaSelmaBroad street36701ChevroletTahoeBlack252ant
Dumped plastic cups and fastfood containers onto the ground8/10/2019 3:54:45 PM8/10/2019
3:48:55 PM
United StatesWisconsin Fitchburg 3010 Cahill 53711Chevrolet WhiteADK 7712
Threw a can out window8/11/2019 8:28:59 AM8/11/2019
11:24:34 AM
United Statesnew jerseyBlackwood Atlantic City Expy08012ChevroletSilverado DuramaxWhiteG82FVT
Threw trash out his window8/14/2019 9:36:18 AM8/14/2019
7:32 AM
United StatesColoradoPlattevilleHwy 6680651ChevroletS10Red286-QVD
Throwing drinking cup with straw out of window 8/17/2019 7:09:16 PM8/17/2019
7:05 PM
United StatesIL - IllinoisGurneeDilleys Road60031ChevroletRedAER 4361
Vehicle throwing bottles & trash out window8/19/2019 4:17:28 AM8/12/2019
United StateswvGlen white Central avenue 25849Chevrolet Cruze2018SilverDuc477
Throwing garbage from driver window8/19/2019 2:21:43 PM8/19/2019
4:10 PM
United StatesMNNew Hartford5255935Chevrolet Tan788KYN
Threw empty cigarette box out driver window 8/21/2019 8:11:33 AM8/21/2019
8:05:58 AM
United StatesCalifornia Orange 55 South at Chapman Ave. Chevrolet Suburban Black SSBELL
a bag of bottles and cans fly out of the pickup trunk8/22/2019 5:45:46 PM8/11/2019
9:26:00 AM
United StatesCALIFORNIALudlow needles highway92338Chevroletsilverado2013white51100H2
Two plastic items thrown out of window8/23/2019 7:57:51 AM8/23/2019
10:55 am
United StatesOhioAustintownCanfield Niles Road44515Chevrolet CruzeRedGPW2114
Unsecured cans flying out of bed of truck8/24/2019 11:25:01 AM8/24/2019
11:23:24 AM
United StatesNYSaratoga SpringsI87 NorthChevroletSilveradoMaroonJCC 2977
TRASH TOSSED OUT OF VEHICLE8/24/2019 2:24:14 PM8/24/2019
1:10 PM
United StatesCALancasterAVENUE J INTERSECTION OF 20TH ST. WEST93534ChevroletSilverado1999 - 2011WhiteCA 7F76934
Threw a cigarette out the window 8/26/2019 7:16:57 AM8/26/2019
8:14:30 AM
United StatescoloradoBroomfieldVía varra 80020ChevroletEquinoxWhite175 TYU
Cigarette butts, contents if ashtray8/27/2019 3:03:58 PM8/27/2019
2:58:14 PM
United StatesOREugeneCoburg Road across from Armatage park97408Chevrolet As convertible sports car NewishCandy apple red438 FGP Oregon plates
trees branches, and other landscaping waste 8/31/2019 10:23:41 AM8/31/2019
12:15:24 PM
United StateskansasKansas City Huntchings 66104Chevrolet Silverado 2009Dark Red
Threw trash out their door while driving on highwsy9/6/2019 12:17:36 PM9/6/2019
12:09:41 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Sacramento Highway 80WChevroletImpalaBlue
Drive throwing trash outside of car on Route 78 West9/12/2019 1:48:06 PM9/12/2019
4:40:00 PM
United StatesNJ - New JerseyBernardsvilleRoute 78 WestChevroletImpalaGreyU82KST
Cigarette Butt thrown out of driver window at stop sign9/16/2019 3:30:01 PM9/16/2019
5:25:05 PM
United StatesMSUticaOld Mississippi 2739175ChevroletSUV2015SilverLIA8986
Several cigarettes out window..9/21/2019 11:01:44 AM9/21/2019
11:00:15 AM
United StatesWisconsinMilwaukeeN 76th Street53223ChevroletTraverse LT2011Red601-ZCS
Thrown a can on the road9/23/2019 1:39:32 PM9/23/2019
1:25:42 PM
United StatesCaliforniaHawthorneCrenshaw blvd90250ChevroletTrax2016White8GXT358
Cigarette Butt thrown out truck window 9/25/2019 4:51:34 PM9/25/2019
4:38:48 PM
United StatesAlabamaDothanRoss Clark Circle36301Chevrolet Step side pickupLate 80s. ?RedFlorida DHC M66
Threw paper bag and tin foil out of car9/29/2019 2:55:08 PM9/29/2019
2:25:27 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Oakland880 fwy94621ChevroletCruze~2010Red7XNL423
Bag of garbage 9/29/2019 3:29:54 PM9/29/2019
2:45 PM
United StatesMIDetroit MILodge Freeway48216Chevrolet black vanblackEDF 8009 OR B009
Threw energy can out window.10/1/2019 7:07:34 AM9-30-2019
3:56:00 PM
United StatesWashingtonKalamaVincent98625ChevroletCruzeBlackALJ1043
Threw plastic bag out window10/1/2019 2:22:01 PM10/1/2019
2:13:36 PM
United Statesnew mexicoBosque FarmsNM4787068ChevroletSilveradoSilver031RSH
Threw burger wrapper out the window 10/3/2019 6:07:07 AM10/3/2019
6:05:01 AM
United StatesGeorgia (GA)Atlanta I-7530334ChevroletImpala Black RSE5999
Male dumping water bottles in a private place10/8/2019 9:44:36 AM10/6/2019
4:30 PM
United StatesFLORIDAMiami20033 South Dixie Highway33157ChevroletCruze2014WhiteJLKA93
Witnessed trash thrown from window 10/10/2019 9:10:48 AM10/10/2019
10:43 AM
United StatesPaNorthumberlandOrange17857Chevrolet Mid siize SUV Grey/charcoal Kvs-2118
Threw trash out of their car window10/15/2019 2:11:48 PM10/15/2019
2:07:38 PM
United StatesAlabama MobileGovernment 36582Chevrolet White2CF1384
driver threw garbage out of the car 10/18/2019 9:15:31 AM10/17/2019
3:08 pm
United StatesNew YorkManhattanGeorge Washington Bridge - ramp for the upper level10033ChevroletgreyUXX5997
Bags thrown out driver window 10/18/2019 12:32:30 PM10/18/2019
2:23:57 PM
United StatesMarylandCollege ParkBaltimore ave20740Chevrolet White87S 743
Throwing litter from car10/19/2019 1:23:55 PM10/19/2019
4:21:27 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaCarlisle Newville rd / 64117013Chevrolet HhrMaroon discarding cigarette butt out the windowLby3270
Throwing litter from car10/19/2019 1:24:52 PM10/19/2019
4:21:27 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaCarlisle Newville rd / 64117013Chevrolet HhrMaroon discarding cigarette butt out the windowLby3270
Throwing litter from car10/19/2019 1:25:01 PM10/19/2019
4:21:27 PM
United StatesPA - PennsylvaniaCarlisle Newville rd / 64117013Chevrolet HhrMaroon discarding cigarette butt out the windowLby3270
Paper Litter10/20/2019 11:40:38 AM10/19/2019
07:27:57 PM
United StatesCODenverAlameda80226ChevroletSuburbanMaroon198-XVU
Threw trash out of window10/21/2019 2:12:35 PM10/21/2019
United StatesgeorgiaPeachtree CornersSpalding Dr30092ChevroletSonicRedRQR5487
Littering of pieces of paper from car10/22/2019 10:46:27 AM10/22/2019
9:15 a.m.
United StatesCASan DiegoOn the 163 freeway between Hillcrest and Mission Valley92108ChevroletChampagne7UOM332
Vinyl Gloves 10/25/2019 6:42:40 AMEveryday
5:35 Am
United StatesnjEdison 53 Brookville Rd 08817Chevrolet Tan K21 FLU
Followed a vehicle from Cheboygan to Alanson and watched them throw multiple cigarette butts out the window.10/30/2019 7:42:25 AM10/30/2019
7:40:51 AM
United StatesMichiganCheboyganRiggsville49721chevrolettahoe2009blackdtq 4242
Driver tossing ask and cigarettes out truck window11/2/2019 4:25:14 PM11/2/2019
4:17:34 PM
United StatesColorado LarkspurInterstate I-25Chevrolet Suburban UnknownGrayFlorida 34TCO or 34TCQ
Box and other debris 11/7/2019 6:30:28 AM11/7/2019
7:22:15 AM
United StatesVIRGINIALynchburgBusiness 29?ChevroletZR2-S10?BlueKGA-3653
Driver littered 11/9/2019 1:50:36 PM11/9/2019
2:40 PM
United StateswisconsinMilwaukee Greenfield Avenue at 43rd Street53214ChevroletEquinoxBlack Afc1269
Three trash out of moving vehicle11/10/2019 10:23:26 AM11/10/2019
12:15 PM
United StatesFLORIDA (FL)LauderhillNw 56th Avenue Chevrolet*not sure, sedan*WhiteKbm-m30
Boxes and papers flying out of the back11/14/2019 10:13:27 AM11/14/2019
10:08:15 AM
United StatescoloradoFrederickI25 north - mile 220-240Chevrolet1500Early 2000sWhiteCOG 447
Person dumped trash in road from car12/10/2019 2:33:43 PM12/10/2019
4:24:57 PM
United StatesIndianaIndianapolisE Fall Creek Parkway 46205ChevroletSilver blue786SA
Car threw Wendys bag out window12/20/2019 4:01:50 PM12/20/2019
5:40:09 PM
United StatesNYAmherstTransit Road and Main Street14221ChevroletTraverse2016?black?JGW 5104
Guy getting into his truck threw his receipt on the ground, threw his paper bag in the bag of the truck to just have it fly out. 12/21/2019 9:14:33 PM12/21/2019
United StatesWashington StateOlympia3215 Harrison Ave Nw98502ChevroletSilverado?Silver/tanB24477A
Smoker12/22/2019 7:01:10 PM12/22/2019
3:00:00 PM
United StatesColoradoColorado SpringsPowers (Northbound)ChevroletGreen?8136ML? Handicap plate
Black trash bag dropped at side of Airport Road 12/26/2019 8:18:36 AM12/26/2019
8:11:09 AM
United StatesWest VirginiaBeaverAirport RoadChevroletSedanWhiteDUY823
Watched someone in the passenger side throw a lit cigarette out of the window 1/8/2020 11:54:40 PM1/8/2020
4:30:28 PM
United StatesOregonCorvallis Highway 3497330Chevrolet EquinoxBlack885 JYW
Threw lit cigarette out window1/9/2020 7:02:15 PM1/9/2020
6:23:07 PM
United StatesColorado Commerce City104th ave &highway 280640ChevroletSilverado Blue718-ONI
Cigarette butt thrown out window1/23/2020 11:00:51 PM1/17/2020
6:56:58 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaWashington5th street by firedept27889ChevroletPossible Malibu or implyGrayHCA-8657
Cigarette butt thrown out window1/23/2020 11:01:23 PM1/17/2020
6:56:58 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaWashington5th street by firedept27889ChevroletPossible Malibu or impla2019?GrayHCA-8657
Cigarette butt thrown out window1/23/2020 11:02:16 PM1/17/2020
6:56:58 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaWashington5th street by firedept27889ChevroletPossible Malibu or impla2019?GrayHCA-8657
Threw trash out window of blue Chevy Astra van1/24/2020 12:59:15 PM1/24/2020
11:30 am
United StatesCALIFORNIAOjai10802 creek road93023Chevrolet AstraBlue5MBF531
Plastic water bottle1/26/2020 8:21:59 AM1/26/2020
United StatesMississippiBiloxiInterstate 1039532ChevroletSilverado BlueHA1 0485
throwing trash on 270 durin evening rush hour1/29/2020 6:29:37 AM1/28/2020
United StatesMD - MarylandRockvillI-27020850ChevroletColoradoWhite3DN1879
Tossed lit cigarette butt2/8/2020 3:35:42 PM2/8/2020
5:11:00 PM
United StatesMaryland(MD)Bel AirRt 54321015ChevroletSilveradonewer 2017White1DJ5208
Guy throws Marlboro pack out of truck window2/17/2020 10:10:11 AM2/15/2020
1:00 PM
United StatesOHHilliardCemetary Road43026ChevroletSilveradorecentgrey blueHTH 9849
Throwing Fast Food trash out of car window2/19/2020 1:23:57 PM2/19/2020
7:50:24 AM
United StatesAlabamaTheodoreInterstate 1036582ChevroletBlazer2015WhiteLEF 1402
Tossed lit cigarette butt2/23/2020 6:28:13 AM2/22/2020
1:30:00 PM
United StatesMaryland(MD)Bel AIrRt 121014ChevroletMalibu2018?BlackA229404 MD plate
Cigarette butt - still smoking2/24/2020 12:40:26 PM10/9/19
4:50 PM
United StatesWA - WashingtonSeattleComing off of West Seattle bridge entering W SeattleChevroletSuburbanGreyishAyn6951
Culver’s fast food bag 2/24/2020 1:37:16 PM2/24/2020
2:45:53 PM
United StatesMichiganCanton Lilley Rd 48188ChevroletImpalaRedDNU8128
Threw trash out the window in a parking lot3/3/2020 7:03:28 PM3/3/2020
6:58:20 PM
United StatesCalifornia Morgan Hill1061 Cochrane rd95037Chevrolet Tahoe 2018ishWhite 7VZA083
Lit cigarette thrown from driver’s side window3/11/2020 10:57:44 AM3/11/2020
6:07 AM
United StatesVAVirginia BeachIntersection of Princess Anne Road and Independence BlvdChevrolet TraxRedVPB-1299
Cigarette Butt thrown out SUV window 3/12/2020 4:16:34 PM3/12/2020
5:08:25 PM
United StatesAlabamaDothanRoss Clark Circle / Hodgesville Rd.36301Chevrolet Blazer1990s ?White1165AY2
SUV Throwing garbage at traffic light3/13/2020 10:55:24 AM3/13/2020
1:50 PM
United StatesFloridaPembroke Pines Sheridan/172nd ave 33028ChevroletTahoe2018Light grey/ silver JIPS98
Threw out trash3/24/2020 6:10:05 AM3/24/2020
United StatesKentuckyLondonHwy 25 prior to 909 turnoff40741ChevroletSilveradoWhite4164 GA
Threw paper cup out of car window3/26/2020 5:23:54 AM3/24/2020
2:30 PM
United StatesIllinoisWillowbrookI-55 interstate and Kingsley highwayChevrolet CruzeWhite204 v 722
Threw coffee cup out her window onto the grass4/14/2020 11:07:12 AM4/14/2020
2:05 PM
United StatesVIRGINIANorfolk Military HWYChevrolet ImpalaBlack UNE-4610
Threw out a cup and paper in the drive through at burger king4/16/2020 6:39:49 PM4/16/2020
8:15 PM
United StatesAlabamaMobile3004 airport blvd36606Chevrolet HHRBlack30BV136
threw there garbage out of there truck in the grass right beside the belt wear-house with no consideration at all on what it does to the animals who could get a hold to it and harm them or the planet 4/27/2020 12:15:58 PM4/27/2020
12:06:39 PM
United StatesmississippiJackson1631 W. Haven Blvd.39209 Chevrolet 2500 he 2014White 1ai8858
Dumped garbage 5/4/2020 2:43:33 PM5/3/2020
4:25:59 PM
CanadaAlbertaEdsonRange road 170Chevrolet Silvarado2014GreyCDN-4636
Dumping paint buckets and trash5/13/2020 11:11:47 AM5/13/2020
11:07:27 AM
United StatesTNMadison 1699 gallatin pike N37115Chevrolet Silverado 4 doorWhite3 85133C
Petty pieces of trash 5/17/2020 3:00:41 PM5/17/2020
2:56:40 PM
United StatesNYNorth Tonawanda Niagara Falls boulevard 14120ChevroletAved LT2006Beige/silverJMP2246
Petty pieces of trash 5/18/2020 9:48:05 AM5/17/2020
2:56:40 PM
United StatesNYNorth Tonawanda Niagara Falls boulevard 14120ChevroletAved LT2006Beige/silverJMP2246
Petty pieces of trash 5/18/2020 2:13:16 PM5/17/2020
2:56:40 PM
United StatesNYNorth Tonawanda Niagara Falls boulevard 14120ChevroletAved LT2006Beige/silverJMP2246
Petty pieces of trash 5/18/2020 6:17:51 PM5/17/2020
2:56:40 PM
United StatesNYNorth Tonawanda Niagara Falls boulevard 14120ChevroletAved LT2006Beige/silverJMP2246
White Van Throwing Trash Out Window5/21/2020 6:50:58 AM5/20/2020
Approx. 5:00 PM
United StatesMaineE. WinthropHwy 20204364ChevroletExpress VanWhite4325 WP
Threw Pepsi can out the passenger window 5/23/2020 7:14:55 PM5/23/2020
7:10:10 PM
United StatesColoradoDenverQuebec and 32nd 80238Chevrolet4 door Silverado Black109 EKQ
Litter5/27/2020 1:48:22 PM5/22/2020
1:40:35 PM
United StatesgeorgiaDuluth Club drive ChevroletCamaro 2015BlackRNN1732
Irresponsible Trash Disposal5/30/2020 3:09:41 PM5/30/2020
3:05:00 PM
United StatesHAWAIIHonoluluFarrington HighwayChevrolet S10RedRDV 941
Threw from moving car6/2/2020 1:01:15 PM6/2/2020
12:59:24 PM
United StatesNew JerseyMt HollyRoute 295 south?ChevroletF63 HPF
Threw from moving car6/2/2020 1:02:44 PM5/31/2020
12:59:24 PM
United StatesNew JerseyMt HollyRoute 295 south?ChevroletF63 HPF
Irresponsible Trash Disposal6/5/2020 11:19:05 PM5/30/2020
3:05:00 PM
United StatesHAWAIIHonoluluFarrington HighwayChevrolet S10RedRDV 941
Several food containers6/9/2020 9:38:45 AM5/31/2020
United StatesMichiganGrand RapidsHall & Eastern49506ChevroletpickuptanDUJ9762
Threw several pieces of trash out of window6/11/2020 10:07:42 AM6/11/2020
10:01:24 AM
United StatesFLDunedinKeene Rd34698ChevroletMalibu LTSilverBWJC47
Threw food delivery trash to side of road6/13/2020 2:18:45 PM6/13/2020
2:15:44 PM
United StatesSan FranciscoSan Francisco Bowley Street94129ChevroletTrailblazer Black8NXF394
Trash thrown from vehicle onto private property6/18/2020 12:44:22 PM6/14/2020
United StatesAlabamaWilmer4270 Alma Circle E36587ChevroletBlazer2000Blue7913AY1
Cut me off and thru cigarette butt out the car6/22/2020 6:03:03 AM6/22/2020
6:30:54 AM
United StatesColoradoColorado SpringsHighway 24/Marksheffel80831ChevroletCorvette2008BlackJLO180
Throwing cigarette butt out6/25/2020 8:53:43 PM6/25/2020
8:57:32 PM
United StatesColorado (CO)RullisonI-70 81635ChevroletYukon2000sDarker color Coy-1997
Cigarette butt discard6/27/2020 10:18:27 AM6/27/2020
10:15:00 AM
United StatesWVPrinceton US Rt 46024740Chevrolet Avalanche GoldTCE-9153
I-95 N near exit 906/28/2020 12:07:58 PM6/28/2020
2:30 PM
United StatesVirginiaRichmondI-95 NChevroletblue/gray4EE8421
Trash throwing out of car7/9/2020 8:14:07 PM7/9/2020
8:08:09 PM
United StatesCaliforniaRiponEast Main Street 95366Chevrolet Cruz LT201(SilverCA: 7ZKM383
throwing trash on the highway7/12/2020 2:59:24 PM7/12/2020
2:50:07 PM
United Statesmississippiocean springshwy 5739564CHEVROLETAvalanche2004whitejgj7190
Gold Chevy Silverado with camper shell7/16/2020 4:13:45 PM7/16/2020
United StatesFloridaCrestview Hwy 8532539Chevrolet Silverado LS2000sGoldPDK U12
White Fast Food Cup Large Size7/16/2020 5:10:40 PM7/16/2020
6:55 p.m.
United StatesGeorgiaBufordSouth Bogan Rd and Thompson Mill Rd30518ChevroletSilverado 2002WhiteRMR1614
He litteraly threw all kinds of trash out his window 7/18/2020 5:15:55 AM7/18/2020
United StatesOHWarrenElm Rd 44484Chevrolet ??SliverHTE 7255
Throwing trash out windows7/18/2020 9:32:45 AM7/18/2020
United StatesmississippiHoustonHwy 8eChevrolet S102000?GoldCH1 1600
Littering on Wanamaker7/21/2020 6:14:51 AM7-20-2020
4:46 pm
United StatesKansasTopekaKS 66614ChevroletEquinoxCharcol316 MYJ
Dropped fast food bag from window 7/23/2020 2:33:52 PM7/23/2020
5:10 pm
United StatesNYGreeceElmridge Center Drive14626ChevroletSilveradoPre-2010’sMaroonJJP 4346
Threw water bottle and a paper cup out of window.7/23/2020 8:03:15 PM7/23/2020
4:30 PM
United StatesNew JerseyEdison287 North Entrance Ramp08837ChevroletSilverJ54JMA
Saw red car toss pop can out the window - OR License WWV 0768/4/2020 8:40:39 PM8/4/2020
8:05:03 PM
United StatesOregonNewberg Highway 21997132Chevrolet Camaro1999/2000RedWWV 076
Throwing copious amounts of trash out of car window.8/11/2020 2:19:40 PM8/11/2020
2:15:36 PM
United StatesFLTallahasseePullen Rd.32303ChevroletImpala or Malibu (hard to read)SilverCEKW64
Female throwing trash8/13/2020 2:03:03 PM8/13/2020
1:26 PM
United StatesVirginiaRoanokeDeyerle Road24018ChevroletEquinoxDark BlueULY-9498 (VA)
Threw a bunch of napkins and cardboard out their window 8/13/2020 6:23:34 PM8/13/2020
6:20:28 PM
United StatesWashingtonEverett132nd St SE98208ChevroletImpala LTSilver BUR7192
Nasty people 8/14/2020 5:16:01 PM8/14/2020
4:34:27 PM
United States ColoradoDenver 4698 Peoria st80239Chevrolet Tahoe GoldYRO 638
Throws trash out window 8/19/2020 12:39:37 PM8/19/2020
3:22:02 PM
United StatesgeorgiaSavannahMontgomery crossroads31406ChevroletSuburban 2007TanRJI4739
Black Chevy sedan8/22/2020 9:27:06 AM8/22/2020
11:50 AM
United StatesMI.Carleton I-275 approximately mile 648111Chevrolet Impala or Cruz2016 ? BlackJFN 5039
Throwing trash out of the car 7KZR2018/24/2020 2:11:48 PM8/24/2020
2:06:14 PM
United StatesSan Mateo CountyDaly CityJunipero Serra Blvd94015Chevrolet White7KZR201
Bottles thrown from car8/27/2020 6:31:14 PM8/27/2020
6:27:38 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Los banos Interstate 5ChevroletSilveradoWhite 8j66156
Bottles thrown from car8/27/2020 7:12:19 PM8/27/2020
6:27:38 PM
United StatesCalifornia (CA)Los banos Interstate 5ChevroletSilveradoWhite 8j66156
Threw plastic cup out window (also texting while driving) 8/28/2020 3:27:07 PM8/28/2020
3:23:06 PM
United StatesCaliforniaOakland 880 Freeway South94606ChevroletGreenish Grey6MEN231
Maryland plates8/29/2020 5:23:32 PM8/28/2020
5:29:00 PM
United StatesDelawareFenwick IslandCoastal Highway19944ChevroletGray3DZ5498
Threw can out the window into the creek9/3/2020 2:32:01 PM9/3/2020
3:55 PM
United StatesNew York Bemus PointNY-43014712ChevroletSilverado2003RedJLZ 1445
Driver threw a green bottle out their window. 9/3/2020 2:49:08 PM9/3/2020
2:45:40 PM
United StatesNew JerseyPiscatawayExit 5 from 287 to Stelton rd08854ChevroletMalibu ?Black5507
Driver threw a green bottle out their window. 9/3/2020 2:49:20 PM9/3/2020
2:45:40 PM
United StatesNew JerseyPiscatawayExit 5 from 287 to Stelton rd08854ChevroletMalibu ?Black5507
Fast food litter thrown out of the car 9/4/2020 11:41:00 AM9/4/2020
02:37:33 PM
United StatesminnesotaRothsayI-9456579Chevrolet Silverado Navy blue CAF912
Threw trash out the driver window while almost bumping into me because she reversed the car because she was too close to the street.9/5/2020 8:00:19 AM9/4/2020
11:45:57 AM
United StatesVirginiaHenrico 7035 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23294ChevroletTahoe2002Tan/Beige/Light Brown71734Y
Styrofoam cup9/5/2020 11:30:44 AM9/5/2020
2:00 pm
United StatesFloridaSarasota Fruitville Road34232ChevroletS102000SilverPEWN65
Chevy avalanche littering in parking lot9/8/2020 4:24:56 PM9/8/2020
4:19:46 PM
United StatesCaliforniaAnaheim2219 w ball rd 92804ChevroletAvalanche2000’sTan and black27014R1
Black Chevy Cruze driving fast and throwing cans out the window of the car.9/9/2020 1:41:42 PM9/9/2020
3:20:00 PM
United StatesIllinoisNapervilleNorth Aurora Rd60563ChevroletCruzeBlackAS 45376
street littering9/21/2020 10:19:53 AM9/21/2020
08:47:00 AM
United StatesCaliforniaNorth Hollywood170 freeway and Sherman way91605ChevroletSilveradowhite66666M2 CA
Threw food trash out of the car driving down cotaco florrette road9/25/2020 3:22:06 PM9/25/2020
3:19:41 PM
United StatesALABAMASomervilleCotaco florrette road35670Chevrolet SilverTss470
Threw food trash out of the car driving down cotaco florrette road9/26/2020 8:53:29 AM9/25/2020
3:19:41 PM
United StatesALABAMASomervilleCotaco florrette road35670Chevrolet SilverTss470
Threw trash from window10/4/2020 6:38:11 PM10/4/2020
7:35:00 PM
United StatescoloradoLakewoodWadsworth 80226ChevroletBlackQBW 693
Person driving throwing out cigarette butts10/5/2020 2:27:49 PM10/5/2020
2:20:57 PM
United StatesColoradoDenver22nd street80205Chevrolet Equinox2014Silver568GKN
Threw a Culver’s bad and drink onto the highway10/10/2020 5:24:28 PM10/10/2020
5:21:51 PM
United StatesminnesotaNorthfieldState Hwy 355057ChevroletMERKNS 2
Threw a Culver’s bad and drink onto the highway10/11/2020 7:43:07 AM10/10/2020
5:21:51 PM
United StatesminnesotaNorthfieldState Hwy 355057ChevroletMERKNS 2
Threw a balled up napkin and what appeared to be a cigarette out of the driver’s side window.10/11/2020 2:13:33 PM10/11/2020
5:00 PM
United StatesGeorgia (GA)AtlantaLenox RdChevroletWhiteCIK1084
Passenger in car threw out large drink to include cup10/12/2020 3:50:54 PM06/26/2020
3:09 PM
United StatesAlabamaGulf ShoresWest Beach Road36542ChevroletTahoeBlack58G6985
Trash out window10/22/2020 9:07:07 AM10/22/2020
11:17:00 AM
United StatesMI - MichiganSt Clair ShoresI-94 westbound near 9 mile Road48080ChevroletTraverseWhiteDYD 1710
Woman driver threw a lot cigarette out the window 10/30/2020 12:53:54 PM10/30/2020
12:47:47 PM
United StatesOREGONPortland Johnson creek Blvd 97266Chevrolet Tahoe2005Tan995-HQU
Threw a bottle out of the window 10/31/2020 11:48:39 AM10/31/2020
2:00 pm
United StatesMichiganPontiac Auburn street and s paddock48341Chevrolet Tracker 2017BlackEGJ-8627
White Chevrolet Malibu littering11/3/2020 11:53:06 AM11/3/2020
11:51:34 AM
United StatesDelawareWilmingtonPennsylvania AvenueChevroletMalibuWhiteDE958311
White Chevrolet Malibu littering11/3/2020 3:33:12 PM11/3/2020
11:51:34 AM
United StatesDelawareWilmingtonPennsylvania AvenueChevroletMalibuWhiteDE958311
Littering11/7/2020 11:41:46 AM11/7/2020
1:30 p m
United StatesDELAWAREGeorgetown Rt. 11319947Chevrolet SilveradoSilver89134
Littering11/7/2020 12:31:20 PM11/7/2020
1:30 p m
United StatesDELAWAREGeorgetown Rt. 11319947Chevrolet SilveradoSilver89134
Driver & passenger littering11/8/2020 9:59:40 AM10/26/20
3:30 pm
United StatesGeorgiaAcworthCheatham Rd NW30101ChevroletWhiteRTX7469